Publication of the National Service Committee of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal PPENTECOSTTo day July/August/September 2010 Prayer steps for transformed living by Fr. Bob Hogan p. 3 Newness in the Spirit among youth p. 4 Matteo Calisi on International Covenant Communities p. 6 The charism of teaching by Rudy Pruden & Sr. Mary Anne Schaenzer p. 8 Have I experienced new life in the Spirit? An examination by Al Mansfield p. 10 Diocesan Liaisons p. 12 Religious Communities p. 13 Photo: Purestock/Jupiter Images New life in Christ Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit. this reason, I remind you to stir into Chairman’s flame the gift of God that you have Corner Editor’s Desk ○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○ through the imposition of my hands. For by Fr. Richard Loch God did not give us a spirit of cowardice by Sr. Martha Jean but rather of power and love and self-con- McGarry trol” (2 Timothy 1:6–7). The favors of the Lord are not exhausted, hen we receive the Holy As we look at how we are living the life his mercies are not spent; they are re- Spirit we are on FIRE with in the Spirit let’s do so in all honesty newed each morning, so great is his the Holy Spirit. Every day W and humility. Let’s not be afraid to faithfulness (Lam 3:22-23). our eyes are opened more and more to admit that we need to stir into flame God’s love and presence in our lives. the gift of God that we received. We Over and over again we are reminded need to put fuel on the fire and remove that God continues to pour out his Like St. Paul we want to tell everybody from our hearts and lives anything that love and graciousness. We pray that - we don’t mind traveling to distant is dampening the fire of the Holy Spirit your hearts will experience new encour- places, we don’t care if the message is within us. agement and new joy as you witness received or not, we have to proclaim God’s faithfulness exhibited in the ar- the message. We’re disappointed when I write these words to both challenge ticles of this issue. a Sunday Mass goes less than an hour and encourage. The baptism in the Holy and a half. We don’t care what trials, Spirit was a life-changing experience for A question often asked is ‘where are distress, persecutions we suffer, because me back in May of 1972 and contin- the youth’? Seeing God’s grace accom- if we suffer these while doing the Lord’s ues to touch me in ways that surprise plishing new life in our youth and work it is worth it. Like Paul we never and delight me. This is my last column young adults, three of those involved grow tired – even while in prison wait- as Chairman of the NSC. A few weeks with youth ministry share their sto- ing to be put to death we are writing ago I received word that I was given ries. (See page 4 and 5.) letters, evangelizing the guards and re- permission to join the Benedictine Com- joicing in the Lord’s love. munity at St. Vincent’s Archabbey, Two articles on our life in the Spirit Latrobe, PA. There is a long story around are given for our personal examina- Let’s be honest. We’re all not like Paul. this, too long for this column. But I see tion and reflection. One is by Fr. Bob Sometimes we get discouraged. There this as the fruit of years and years of Hogan on the fruits of the Spirit and are times when we just want to leave prayer and discernment and in a more the other by Al Mansfield who en- well enough alone and we don’t want recent period of actively pursuing this courages us to refresh our ‘Catholic to rock the boat. There are times we call. As I respond to this call and begin Charismatic conscience.’ are tired and figure that we’ve done my formation I must let go of many enough, let someone else teach and activities and committees that I have What do you know about The proclaim. It’s too far to travel to a re- been involved in over the years, includ- Catholic Fraternity of Charismatic gional or national conference. ing the NSC. I thank all of you for your Covenant Communities and Fellow- faithfulness to the Renewal and your ships? Read Matteo Calisi’s article for Sometimes we seem to be suffering support to the ministries of the NSC. I a glimpse at this blessing to the Re- from what Timothy had that prompted thank the members of the NSC for their newal and to the Church. Paul to write that second letter to him. strong commitment to serve the Re- The good news is that Paul saw that newal. In particular I thank Walter For new life to prayer meetings you Timothy was running out of gas, was Matthews for the prayerful and pro- might want to read Rudy Pruden’s discouraged and maybe about to give phetic way in which he heads the of- and Sr. Mary Anne Schaenzer’s in- up. Paul didn’t give up on Timothy. fice as Executive Director. He is a man sights on teachings with the mani- He knew that Timothy was filled with of holiness and prayer who truly is festations of the Holy Spirit. (See the Holy Spirit and that the Holy Spirit filled with the Holy Spirit. I ask that page 8-9.) would not let Timothy down. Paul you keep me in your prayers as I begin knew that Timothy had allowed things this new chapter in my life. ◆ Our columnists, too, give voice to to weigh him down and was losing God’s favors and mercy as always sight of the power of the Holy Spirit. new, always present in our life and Paul writes to Timothy and near the Fr. Richard Loch is Chairman of the mission. ◆ beginning of the letter he writes: “For National Service Committee. 2 PENTECOSTToday July/August/September 2010 www.nsc-chariscenter.org The Fruit of the Spirit FRUIT Prayer steps for lasting freedom 8) “I thirst… It is finished (accomplished/ and fruitful living fulfilled)… Jesus handed over the Spirit” (Jn 19:28-30). Long and thirst for God’s full victory in your life. Proclaim by Fr. Bob Hogan, BBD that Jesus has won the victory through his cross and resurrection. It is accom- or deep and lasting transforma- The Power of the Cross: (Steps 4-8) plished/finished. Now receive the gift tion begin each of the 18 prayer Jesus’ words on the cross have power to “cru- of the Spirit that Jesus hands over to Fsessions with 5-10 minutes of praise cify the flesh with its passions and desires” us from the cross. and worship. Then talk and reflect with (v. 24). Pray one session with each quote. Jesus and the Holy Spirit about the topic The Power of the Spirit: of the session for a total of 30 minutes. Be 4) “My God, my God why have you for- 9) Accept the Holy Spirit as your Ad- open to the Holy Spirit’s inspiration and saken me?” (Mt 27:46; Mk 15:34). Pro- vocate/Partner. Make a commitment to transforming grace. cess your feelings, passions and desires have a prayer time every day where you with the Lord. Express and share with invite the Holy Spirit’s presence, power, 1) Desire: Read Galatians 5:13-26. Ask Jesus the areas where you struggle. love and self-control to be with you. the Holy Spirit for the desire to over- Read Psalm 22, which Jesus is quot- come the works of the flesh in your life. ing, to see how this psalm is a process- Nine Fruit of the Spirit Sessions This includes all compulsive behaviors ing of feelings that leads to transfor- (Gal 5:22-23). Over the next nine days (passions and desires) that are self-cen- mation and victory. pray with each of the fruits of the Spirit tered and self-protective reactions, not allowing the Holy Spirit to form these led by the Spirit. 5) “Father, forgive them, they know not qualities of Jesus in you. Ask the Holy what they do” (Lk 23:34). Truly repent Spirit to show you how each fruit is 2) Revelation: Ask the Holy Spirit to of sin. Accept God’s forgiveness for needed in your heart and in your prac- reveal to you what are the specific ar- you. Are there areas in your life where tical life situations (family, work, rela- eas of the works of the flesh where he you still do not forgive yourself or ac- tionships, recreation, ministry). Spend wants to give you freedom. Go through cept that God has forgiven you? Be- time welcoming the Holy Spirit’s pres- the list of the works of the flesh from come so overwhelmed by God’s forgive- ence in you, so that the Spirit can fill Galatians 5. ness of you, that you choose to forgive you with the presence of each fruit: those who have hurt you. Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, 3) Commitment to Jesus Christ: “Those Generosity, Faithfulness, Gentleness, who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified 6) “Father, into your hands I commend Self-control. ◆ the flesh with its passions and desires” my spirit” (Lk 23:46). Trust yourself and (v.24).
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