Type specimens at Botanical Survey of India, Northern Regional Centre, Dehra Dun (BSD) Field Name of the Date of Name of the No. / Type Herbarium Family Place of collection Taxon Collection collector Coll. details acronym No. Neesiella intermedia Acanthaceae Mahoba, Hamirpur, 25.09.1961 U.C. 17790 Paratype BSD Sreem. UP Bhattacharyya Oreocome Apiaceae On way to Ramani 27.08.1982 P.K. Hajra 73376 Paratype BSD stelliphore Cauwet from Deodi, & Farille Nandadevi NP (3400 m) Peucedanum Apiaceae Bindal ravines, 24.03.1965 C.R. Babu 35058 Isotype BSD dehradunense C.R. Dehradun (650 m) Babu Peucedanum Apiaceae Bindal ravines, 24.03.1965 C.R. Babu 35058 Isotypes BSD dehradunense C.R. Dehradun (650 m) Babu Peucedanum Apiaceae Agastyamala, 06.10.1973 J. Joseph 44583 Holotype BSD josephianum Trivandrum, Kerala Wadhwa & H.J. (1800 m) Chowdhery Pimpinella Apiaceae Gangi, Tehri 10.08.1978 A.K. Goel 64313 Holotype BSD diversifolia var. (3000 m) A sarmentifera Goel & Bhattacharyya Pimpinella Apiaceae Gangi, Tehri 10.08.1978 A.K. Goel 64313 Isotype BSD diversifolia var. (3000 m) B, C sarmentifera Goel & U.C. Bhattach. Pimpinella Apiaceae Surkanda, Tehri 15.10.1980 A.K. Goel 72605 Paratype BSD diversifolia var. (2800 m) sarmentifera Goel & U.C. Bhattach. Pimpinella Apiaceae Surkanda, Tehri 15.10.1980 A.K. Goel 72605 Paratype BSD diversifolia var. (2800 m) sarmentifera Goel & U.C. Bhattach. Pimpinella Apiaceae Nalhan, Tehri 22.09.1978 A.K. Goe l 67971 Paratype BSD diversifolia var. (3000 m) sarmentifera Goel & Bhattacharyya Pimpinella Apiaceae Gangi, Tehri 22.09.1978 A.K. Goel 67959 Paratype BSD diversifolia var. (3000 m) sarmentifera Goel & U.C. Bhattach. Aralia devendrae Araliaceae Jammu & Kashmir, 27.09.1986 B.M. Wadhwa 84106 Holo type BSD Pusalkar Kodara Isotype Polystichum Aspidiaceae Bhuna, Garhwal 04.10.1963 U.C. 31031 Holotype BSD garhwalicum N.C. (3300 m) Bhattacharyya Isotype Nair & K. Nag Anaphalis Asteraceae Pir pass , Banihal 14.09.1958 T.A. Rao 7716 A Holotype BSD kashmiriana P.C. ridge, JK (3330- Pant, R.R. Rao & 3835 m) Arti Garg Anaphalis Asteraceae Pir pass, Banihal 14.09.1958 T.A. Rao 7716 B Isotype BSD kashmiriana P.C. ridge, JK (3330- Pant, R.R. Rao & 3835 m) Arti Garg Lactuca kashmiriana Asteraceae Degwan, JK 13.09.1979 B.M. Wadhwa 67012 B Isotype BSD Mamgain & R.R. Rao Lactuca lahulensis Asteraceae Kydang, Kardang, 12.08.1970 U.C. 40772 Isotype BSD Mamgain & R.R. Lahul (3300 m) Bhattacharyya Rao Lactuca lahulensis Asteraceae Kydang, Kardang, 08.08.1971 U.C. 45173 Paratype BSD Mamgain & R.R. Lahul (3300 m) Bhattacharyya Rao Saussurea Asteraceae Dhanansi, Nandadevi 31.08.1981 P.K. Hajra 73466 B Isotype BSD sudhanshui Hajra NP (4800 m) Saussurea Asteraceae Dhanansi, Nandadevi 31.08.1981 P.K. Hajra 73466 Isotype BSD sudhanshui Hajra NP (4800 m) C, D Saussurea Asteraceae Sarsupa Tal, 05.07.1982 P.K. Hajra 73386 Paratype BSD sudhanshui Hajra Nandadevi NP A Senecio ladakhensis Asteraceae Dras, Ladakh 27.07.1988 H.J. Chowdhery 85802 Isotype BSD H.J. Chowdhery, & B.P. Uniyal Uniyal, R. Mathur & R.R. Rao Tricholepis Asteraceae Palampur, Holta, HP 07.05.2001 A. Saklani 281 Isotype BSD raghavendrae (1310 m) Saklani & L.B. Chaudhary Impatiens Balsaminaceae Uttarakhand, Upper 11.08.2008 Pusalkar 111306 Holotype BSD badrinathii Pusalkar Alkananda valley, Isotype & D.K. Singh Mana–Vasudhara Impatiens Balsaminaceae Ghagaria, 3000 m 16.08.1963 U.C. 29426 Paratype BSD badrinathii Pusalkar Bhattacharyya & D.K. Singh Impatiens Balsaminaceae Cha krata, Deoban, 26.07.1970 O.P. Misra 38142 Paratype BSD badrinathii Pusalkar 2000 m & D.K. Singh Impatiens Balsaminaceae Chamoli, Jumma 14.08.1974 B.D. Naithani 53882 Paratype BSD badrinathii Pusalkar area, 2800 m & D.K. Singh Impatiens Balsaminaceae Chamoli, on way to Sept. 1989 P.K. Hajra 87446 Paratype BSD badrinathii Pusalkar Lata kharak & D.K. Singh Impatiens Balsaminaceae on way to Dunagiri, 18.08.1974 B.D. Naithani 53928 Paratype BSD badrinathii Pusalkar above Kaga, 3000 & D.K. Singh m Impatiens Balsaminaceae Tehri, Gangi, 3000 m 10.08.1978 A.K. Goel 64324 Paratype BSD badrinathii Pusalkar & D.K. Singh Impatiens Balsaminaceae Chamoli, Nanda 29.08.1981 P.K. Hajra 73414 Paratype BSD badrinathii Pusalkar Devi–Dibrugheta & D.K. Singh Impatiens Balsaminaceae Uttarkashi, above 05.10.1993 S.C. Majumdar 88043 Paratype BSD badrinathii Pusalkar Yamnotri, & S. Singh & D.K. Singh Impatiens Balsaminaceae Gangotri, 3200 m 28.07.2003 Pusalkar 104595 Paratype BSD badrinathii Pusalkar & D.K. Singh Impatiens Balsaminaceae Pithoragarh, Dugtu, 08.08.1998 B.P. Uniyal & B. 93946 Paratype BSD badrinathii Pusalkar Balodi & D.K. Singh Impatiens Balsaminaceae Pithoragarh, Baling, 17.08.1998 B.P. Uniyal & 94237 Paratype BSD badrinathii Pusalkar Bipin Balodi & D.K. Singh Impatiens Balsaminaceae Uttarakhand, 06.08.2008 Pusalkar 111017 Holotype BSD devendrae Pusalkar Chamoli district, Isotypes Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve, Alkananda valley, on way to Ghangria, 1 km behind Ghangaria towards Govindghat, 2900– 3100 m, Impatiens Ba lsaminaceae Govindghat – Aug. 1963 U.C. 29425 Paratype BSD devendrae Pusalkar Ghangaria, 2900– Bhattacharyya 3100 m, Impatiens Balsaminaceae Alkananda valley, 06.08 .2008 Pusalkar 111125 Paratype BSD devendrae Pusalkar Ghangaria- Govindghat, 1.5–2 km behind Upper Bhyundar village towards Ghangaria, 2600–2800 m, Impatiens leggei Balsaminaceae Uttarakhand, 08.08.2008 Pusalkar 111142 Holotype BSD Pusalkar & D.K. Chamoli district, Singh Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve, Ghangaria, near Valley of Flowers National Park entrance, + 3100 m Impatiens leggei Balsaminaceae Himachal Pradesh, 31.08.1961 N.C. Nair 16418 Paratype BSD Pusalkar & D.K. Kothi, 2700 m Singh Impatiens leggei Balsaminaceae Uttarakhand, 16. 08.1963 U.C. 29427 Paratype BSD Pusalkar & D.K. Chamoli, Nanda Devi Bhattacharyya Singh Biosphere Reserve, Ghagaria, 3000 m Impatiens leggei Balsaminaceae Uttarakhand, Nanda 29.08.1981 P.K. Hajra 73414 Paratype BSD Pusalkar & D.K. Devi Biosphere Singh Reserve, on way to Dibrugheta Impatiens leggei Balsamina ceae Uttarakhand, 09.09.1989 P.K. Hajra 87914 Paratype BSD Pusalkar & D.K. Chamoli, Sutol- Singh Talkapa Impatiens leggei Balsaminaceae Uttarakhand, Sept. 2000 Bipin Balodi 96405 Paratype BSD Pusalkar & D.K. Uttarkashi, on way to Singh Hadala Impatiens leggei Balsaminaceae Uttarakhand, 08.10.1975 C.M. Arora 56768 Paratype BSD Pusalkar & D.K. Pithoragarh, Rungling Singh Forests, 2800–3800 m Pegaeophyton Brassicaceae On way to Vasuki 12.08.1968 M.A. Rau 38 676 Holotype BSD garhwalense H.J. Tal, Garhwal (3800 Isotypes Chowdhery & S. m) Singh Rorippa Brassicaceae Bela Tal, Hamirpur, 03.04.1962 U.C. 21046 Holotype BSD pseudoislandica H.J. UP Bhattacharyya Isotype Chowdhery & R.R. Rao Minuartia Caryollophyllaceae Batal, Lahul, HP 11.09.1961 N.C. Nair 16867 Isotype BSD ebracteolata (4000 m) Majumdar & G.S. Giri Silene gangotriana Caryophyllaceae Uttarakhand, 18.07.2003 Pusalkar 381019 Holotype BSD Pusalkar, D.K. Gangotri National Singh & Lakshmin. Park, Bhojbasa- Gomukh 3800-4000 m Silene gangotriana Caryophyllaceae Uttarkashi, 19.09.1967 B.D. Naithani 37353 Paratype BSD Pusalkar, D.K. Rudragaira Singh & Lakshmin. Silene gangotriana Caryophyllaceae Uttarkashi, Bhojbasa 04.09.1983 U.C. 74844 Paratype BSD Pusalkar, D.K. Bhattacharyya Singh & Lakshmin. Silene gango triana Caryophyllaceae Chamoli, Malari 02.09.1975 B.D. Naithani 56000 Paratype BSD Pusalkar, D.K. Singh & Lakshmin. Silene gangotriana Caryophyllaceae Himachal Pradesh, 17.08.1973 B. Nath 52781 Paratype BSD Pusalkar, D.K. Chitkul Singh & Lakshmin. Cori spermum Chenopodiaceae Khardung, Ladakh, 15.08.1976 B.M. Wadhwa 59931 Isotype BSD ladakhianum Grey- JK Wilson & Wadhwa Halogeton Chenopodiaceae Leh (towards river), 01.08.1976 B.M. Wadhwa 59345 Holotype BSD kashmirianus Grey- Ladakh (3505 m) Isotype Wilson & Wadhwa Ipomoea laxiflora Convolvulaceae BSI campus, 28.09.2008 H.J. Chowdhery 108601 Holotype BSD H.J. Chowdhery & Dehradun (750 m) Debta Ipomoea laxiflora Convolvulaceae BSI campus, 28.09.2008 H.J. Chowdher y 108601 Isotype BSD H.J. Chowdhery & Dehradun (750 m) Debta Coriaria duthiei Coriariaceae Jammu & Kashmir, 22.09.1996 B.P. Uniyal 92857 Holotype BSD D.K. Singh & Sunderbani-Akhnoor Isotype Pusalkar Coriaria duthiei Coriariaceae Jammu & Kashmir, on 24.05 .1986 S. Kumar 81331 Paratype BSD D.K. Singh & way to Basatgal Pusalkar Coriaria duthiei Coriariaceae Kashmir, Sauzea - 18.09.1986 B.D. Naithani 78382 Paratype BSD D.K. Singh & Gagria Pusalkar Rhodiola imbricata Crassulaceae Sach pass, Chamba, 23.07.1964 N.C. Nair 32763 Isotype BSD var. lobulata N.B. HP (4535 m) Singh & U.C. Bhattacharyya Sedum pedicellatum Crassulaceae On way to Bogdiyar, 05.09.1969 Pant & Naithani 39603 Holotype BSD N.B. Singh & U.C. Kumaon (2000 m) Bhattaccharyya Sedum pedicellatum Cras sulaceae Mondal area, 21.05.1971 B.D. Naithani 43932 Paratype BSD N.B. Singh & U.C. Garhwal (1650 m) Bhattaccharyya Sedum pedicellatum Crassulaceae Bakri -Mogar, 10.09.1971 C.M. Arora 45646 Paratype BSD N.B. Singh & U.C. Kumaon (3500 m) Bhattaccharyya Sinocrassula indica Crassulaceae Deolsari, Tehri - 26.07.1964 U.C. 33695 Holotype BSD var. paniculata N.B. Garhwal (1800 m) Bhattacharyya A Isotype Singh & U.C. Bhattacharyya Sinocrassula indica Crassulaceae Champawat, Kumaon 23.07.1 969 C.M. Arora 38889 Paratype BSD var. paniculata N.B. (1600 m) Singh & U.C. Bhattacharyya Carex Cyperaceae On way to Bhojgara 05.07.1982 P.K. Hajra 73974 Holotype BSD nandadeviensis from Ramni, Chamoli A Ghildiyal, U.C. Bhattacharyya & Hajra Carex Cyperac eae On way to Bhojgara 05.07.1982 P.K. Hajra 73974 B Isotype BSD nandadeviensis from Ramni, Chamoli Ghildiyal, U.C. Bhattacharyya & Hajra Elaeagnus Elaeagnaceae Nepal - V. Puri 183 Holotype BSD parvifolia var. pedunculata D. Basu Elaeagnus Elaeagnaceae Girgaon, Pithora garh 21.04.1965 N.C. Nair 35511 Paratype BSD parvifolia var. (2000 m) pedunculata D. Basu Elaeagnus kanaii Elaeagnaceae Girgaon, Pithoragarh 11.06.1958 T.A. Rao 6619 Paratype BSD var. osmastonii (14 - 1500 m) Malhotra & D. Basu Elaeagnus kanaii Elaeagna ceae On way to 11.08.1968 M.M.
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