ALIBORNIA H 1 g h V11~~/ S and Pubi is Works Looking west along fhe complefed section of the Ventura Freeway in fhe San Fernando Valley. The view is from Hazeltine Avenue. (See article "District VII" beginning on page 3) r California, ig hwa, Y sand Public Works Official Journal of the Division of Highways, Department of Public Works, State of California Vol. 40 March-April Nos. 3-4 CONTENTS Page S.F. Vista - -- — ---------- ---------- — -------------------------------- 2 District VII ___----_---- -_- By E. T. Telford, Assistant State Highway Engineer Sco#ia Bridge ----- -------------------------- -------------- -- 24 By George W. Thomson, Resident Engineer AukumRoad --------------- — ------ --------------------- — ------- ---- ----- 27 By Robert C. Downer, Road Commissioner, EI Dorado County RuralFringe -------- -------------- — ----- ------ ------------ -- -------------- --30 By Bamford Frankland, Headquarters Right-of-Way Agent U.S. 466 ________ 35 By M. F. Silva, Resident Engineer I.T.T.E. ----- ---- — ----------------------------------------------------- ------—-— --------- 39 California Roadsides-2 _ ----------------------------------------___________ 40 Paver Control --_-------__---_-------_------------------------------------------------- -------_---__- 48 By W. H. Crawford, District Construction Engineer Salinas Valley -- -- ------- ---- ------ — — — ---- -- — — ----- ------- 52 By A. M. Nash, District Engineer FloodProblems ----- — — ------------------ --------------------------------------------------- 56 By T. E. Ferneau, Assistant District Engineer and H. C. Suenderman, District Hydraulics Engineer 4-Level Interchange --_______________ 61 FRONT COVER—Looking south on the San Diego Freeway --------------------------- By D. S. Shepard, Senior Highway Engineer through the City of San Clemente, Orange County. The photo shows the modern type of freeway sig~~ing used Driver Trainsng ---------_-___-------------_____- 64 in California, including the Inferstafe Rouse and US By B. A. Switzer, Safety Engineer Roufe signs. This section of the San Diego Freeway was J.N.D. No. 9 -------- — ------ — ------------- — — ---------------------------------- 67 opened to ~raffrc last November (See "Dis;ric4 VII" Los Laureles Grade — ------------- ------------------------------------------- 69 bnginninr~ on page 3). ------ By Bruce W. McClain, Road Commissioner, Monterey County Photo by John F. Meyerpeter Lab Photo Wins Prize at Philadelphia Exhibit ____________________________ 72 Bridge Costs -------------------------------- 73 By H. K. Mauzy, Senior Bridge Engineer and W. J. Yusavage, Associate Research Technician Highways Employee Wins Engineering Doctorate _ _________ _______ _____________ _ __ 75 'Tempus Fugit' Corner __--- _-___ -------- -- ------ ------------ ---_- 77 Circu{ar Letters ----------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------— 78 By AI~`red S. Roxburgh, Senior Administrative Analyst and George F. Anderson, Associate Administrative Analyst Driver Reaction Tesfed By Simulator Device _____ ________ _______ _____________ ___ 79 ~, t: ° 25-Year Awards Given 18 Employees ____ _________ _______ ________ _______ 79 Retirements ~~~: __~~ E. M. MacDonald -- ---------------------------------- — 23 Recent Retirements _____ ____________________________ __ 75 R. F. Reynolds — — ----- -------------------------------------- 77 Obituaries f~alph W. Zook ------------- - ---------------------------- 64 inMemoriam ---- ---------------------------------------- ---- — -------- ---------- — - 77 LESTER S. KORITZ, Editor STEWART MITCHELL, Associate Editor JOHN C. ROBINSON, Associate Editor HELEN HALSTED, Assistant Editor WILLIAM R. CHANEY, Chief Photographer E~#itors are invited to use information contained herein and to request prints of any black and ,. ~ . white phol~ographs. BACK COVER--An architectural study of the ventilation building portal of the Hazelview Summit funnel on Address communications to: EDITOR, US 199 now under construction, the view is southwest toward Gasquei, Del Norte County. The completed tun- CALIFORNIA HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC WORKS nef will be more than 1,800 feet long with a 26-foof- wide roadway. P. O. Box 1499 Drawing by W. H. Ludlow, Bridge Department SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA • S ~ Temporary Sightseeing Area Installed On Section of E►nbarcadero Freeway THE DOUBLE-DECK DISTRICT Embarcadero Free- I~ 7 way in San Fran- ~ Cisco was designed and built to carry four lanes of traffic on either deck, but u n t i l connecting sections are built it is operating far be- low capacity. In August, 1960, Governor Edmund G. Brown approved a plan for tempo- rarily converting part of the upper deck into a vista area for sightseers. A contract for the installation of pro- tective fencing and timber curbs was completed on January 26, 1961, at a construction cost of $28,000. There are 60 parking places pro- vided, along with strolling areas. Mo- torists reach the area on the north side via the on-ramp from Broadway and Sansome Streets, and leave at the south end, using the ramps which con- nect to the Bay Bridge and the James Lick (Bayshore) Freeway. Experience during the first few weeks indicated that weather and special events will be major factors in the amount of use the area receives. The arrival and departure of a new luxury liner was viewed by quite a few motorists from the upper deck A view of the Embarcadero Freeway from the Ferry Building, showing the fenced-off vista area on the vantage point. upper deck; Telegraph Hill and Coit Tower in fhe background. LOWER LEFT—Four officials inspect the vista area on its opening day: left fo right, Assistant State Highway Engineer J. P. Sinclair, San Francisco Chief Administrative Officer Sherman P. Duckel, San Francisco Mayor George Christopher, and State Director of Public Works Robert B. Bradford. LOWER RIGHT—View of the entrance to the vista area from the Broadway on-ramp, looking toward the Ferry Building and the S.F.-Oakland Bay Bridge. s I(~ r I ~ Freeway Completions, Current Construction J I Add Up To Encouraging Progress Picfure By E. T. TELFORD, Assistant State Highway Engineer DisTxicT VII, a motor vehicle registration of 3,840,- In the total plan of the metropolis, comprising of Los 000 and a population of 6,942,000. By planning for transportation must con- Angeles, Orange 1980 it is anticipated motor vehicles sider the size and general scale of to- and Ventura coun- and population will again double their morrow's metropolitan area and dis- ties, is largely a numbers. tribution of the population needs. As metropolitan com- The metropolitan area can continue a part of the transportation field, we munity. Since 1940, to grow only if it serves its proper are concerned with the metropolitan when it had 1,314,- purpose as a center of activity. To highway plan and primarily with the 000 motor vehicles serve that purpose it must have facil- "freeway system." and a population of ity of communication and transporta- The freeway system, a basic unit 2,986,000, the District has grown to tion. in an integrated system for motor ve- Long Beazh Freeway Terminus. Connections to Long Beach City Street System south of Anaheim Street, bottom. March-April 1961 3 Juan Capistrano. r z- In addition the Riv- -t- erside Freeway Bou- rv.- between Harbor ~ ~------- ----------- - -- ------- - -~ levard (formerly Spadra Road) and Placentia Avenue in Fullerton and Anaheim, was completed in January, 1960. ~ \~,~~~o~ ~ ~S ~ In addition, it is expected that 12.5 miles of freeway will be opened in 1961 and 62.9 miles in 1962. ~ nnTn ci.,~a~ xnex t fo \O r~S A 'N G E L E S The District now has the beginnings r:,,~ ~ ,, ,:~, of a usable freeway system. The sep- arate units of the system and the status of ~ development on each unit or freeway follows: ~';:::.:.AO~ o, . y... ~. .~ C ~• ~ ~/ ,L 0Se oL~{%! W l E 5 Antelope Valley Freeway The entire 54.5-mile length of the ..._.e ,..,...._. Antelope Valley Freeway (U.S. b) ~.._. .. .~ ~~ ... A... STATE OF CALIFORNIA ~e~~' ~s~'•• ~. „Q~vere°sioe~:~....,."~ ~" was adopted by the California High- DEPA0.TMENT OF PUBLIC WO0.K5 """ '~ ~-~' ~~~~ ........._.. ~\ DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS e~~ way Commission in the years 1955-56- DISTRICT VII '"~ `''y~~= ~:~s '~ 57. Right of way expenditures at the E close of 1960 amounted to $697,000. FREEWAYS ,~_.~pa~~ ~ o~y.a~~~~„~ N G ~ ,,6~....... '~ The Antelope Valley Freeway is ;in s~y.~,.w -. ° A COMPLETED OR r~~~~ FxaR[SSwnYS G ~~~ — w important highway in the northern UNDER CONSTRUCTION lO ULL FREEWAYS ~"~ •~...e.... ~ `••~ Fx~`di / part of Los Angeles County. This BUDGETED 4 FNEEWAV FIX1TE CDOPlED ................ .r T . w 1 freeway will serve the High Sierra MARCEi 1, 1961 """"-` l ,. ~ ~ .,~ recreational areas as well as the gov- <,.:0 ernmental facilities of the U.S. Naval Ordnance Test Station at China Lake, Freeway Progress. the above map shows the current status of freeway construction in the District VII area. Compare this with the map on fhe following page. Flight Test Center at Edwards Air Force Base and Air Force Plant 42 at hide transportation, offers no direct tract on state highways and freeways Palmdale. It has also been designated land-use service. It is through the ma- covering a gross mileage of 163.4. as an escape route in case of atomic jor arterials, collectors and local land- During the 1960 calendar year the attack on metropolitan Los Angeles. service roads that the road network public received the use of another In March, 1956 the California High- becomes a complete system.
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