CENSUS OF INDIA 1971 SERIES-7 HIMACHAL PRADESH PART II-A GENERAL POPULATION TABLES- ATTAR SINGH oj the Indian Administrative Service D£reGtor of Oensus Operat£ons Himachal Pradesh HIMACHAL PRADESH ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS 197J o J*'_\$,. •..... '-;;'- .. .(' C KILAR . '\., .... , • .-I.. (P~NGI) • ~ ,.,. l1 \ ~ H M o 33 " ~. '<. ( ""'. 5 /1.. .~. '- /,' \ tl,U ) i'''''. ,..._,' ~ \,1 .. ') teH~IIR.AH) \ r'-' "'. .J \. ~ \ .... ~ \ r ..."" $"''1. .. 'YElANG '.. ._,-.r-'{' ~ (.",\~Ci·~~li"' r""'"",t ..,.) • \r-.. _· ....l .! ~ '\ CHU~~~-II.t1"$ ••/ -? (LAHUL & SPITI) ~ I ,(_ • (eHATTIYAT~ \ 0 ,/ "'. • ... ." ..... 0 ...... ( BRAttMAUR / _._ ....... ..-"'r. '''_ ') /NURtUR' ( \.\ t' .r· ". ". l'v ..,' 0 ",.. f." D···· . (' I .\) • >-...... j N) i. ...... > 1 A Lo) ) .; ...' DHARMSALA .... · ! """.,ro.,., O(~:~;I) ~~. .......... ./.__ ... (KANG~A) oPALAMPUR .I ""'.( .~ - " ' "0'" ( ~. 320 .",/ \ KANG~.~ .............. _.. '. • . I \ .(._._. ...;'~,,'l: o "". \ .......... { )JOG~NOAR NAGAR , 32 , PERA GOPI;'.UR! '- @KULU i '\ o . f"'~ -/.. \ ......., .-,_"'"" LEO (" (........... ....... ... ,.\. .......... .( ........... \ ............. "'_'". '-." ...... .... ( .-,S (~AN%RAN~) :_ .' I: . ...... .i_ / ., ... ~... '. AMI' \, M~. Ql ." ...... )~ ~."'. .J .......... ..•.,:.. ........ '··~p··o···o.... , 0 ,i/o. .!\. 0 . 0 ,fIll..~. /" " \~..... >,: .. ,... ~~:;-~:~;~»::.~.r.~:':~{~6CHOT L~.B.A~~~~ ..../ .. {_ \ k~4.:.. .. ~:L~· ...... ··.. :~ z • "(UR R) I \ 0 \ \ '. I \ 0 (.. (' c:. II.. 0 ':. 1'~",' .SUNOA~ ':'AI;,"'" ............"\., • .~ACHAR ~IIIINAlJR): • .,. ~ UNA.. ...J 0, '. ....... , 'ANI, NIR"'Alilo • ,. Y \...<iHAUARWt,N-f'-., ...... KtRSOG ) 0 ~ 0 . 0 , ....... .......... C. .r·, ......, \•. "':...... /_."':.",,';.,1 RA .... PU~ ....... ,,··."~· ..... \SA~GLA \......... 1 1- ..... ..,. • ':.:BII,..ASPUR-. \ -f 0./ . ._ .•.. ":'\.,-- "\,._,...... : I .:....... _···.j(U ... HAR;SAIN ... ·· • "\. \ r '.,._._._\' \.... c;--/ _.. I·..... ,.,./.... .f ROHRU _ • ...t" ~ '.' ··. .5EONI·· .. 0 ",' "" \ SIMLA \ARO~kl.:,._.~\. ........ ! Tl6EO:~ KO~/~'4'OEOR~~ •. :."..._. (l. A D ~-~....... ;-...\ '\ ., IHAcl'AGARH ." '., IMLA(@)KA~UMPTI CJ~~BAL) .I 9 , ........ JCANfl4GhAT (M~ASU) . 20 31 . I C '" ) S i _'\. ",' 0\ , . • MILES If' 9 I? __. .. "\ _. /' 'vS,O''''N 1/ rot''' cr • S ,0' CHAUPA1 ,_ 10 0 ICt 32 K'LOM£TAES ~; ~ / •..• RAJGAR~.. ~ ,.J "' .r· " 0 ........ \ <C Boundary International _._._ \1 S ..R .. HA·t'I.. r ......,..-.". Boundary Slale _._.- ''''''~~CHHAO)\ ., SHILL ..1. ... Boundary District - _.- ~"\ ,./ DADAHU t 0 l.... Boundary Tahs!l/Sub-Tohsfl + I ·· .. ··· ... (!'AIN ...)/.,...........) State Capital * "I \..NA~~~~.~.~) '. ~. ::l District Headquart"rs@ ..p ......~ ;PAONTA SAHIB.,) Tahsil/Sub Tahsil H"odquarters 0 J- -._ 0 ~ 'I .... ~."\ r' Iv 04 .~ NOTE'-WHE-AE TItE OISTAfeT OR TAHSIL NAME DIFFERS FROM t T~ rlEAC('OMITERS TOWN NAME TH€ FORMER HAS BEEN wRITTEN IN BRACKEr K POCKET FOA. I(ASUMPTI S » SOLAN 760 EAST OF GREENWICH 78' IASID UPON SUlivEY 0' INOI ......p WIT" 1HI p~fPotISSIQ" Of '"' $\lRv.VQR 'a"'A"'~ Q, '''Dill CENSUS OF INDIA 1971 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS Central GJvernment Publications-Census of India 1 ~71-Series 7 -Himachal Pradesh is being published in the ft,llowing parts : Part Subject oovered Number I-A General Report. I-B Detailed AnalYdis of the De-n')graphic, Social, Cultural and Migration Patterns. I-C Subsidiary Tables. II-A General Population Tables ('A' Series). U-B Economic Tables ('B' Series). II-C (i) Di3'j"ibl'ji)~1 of Populaii)Tl, Religion, Scheduled CJ.s~es and Soheduled Tribe~. II-C (ii) o her S)cialand Cul~ural Tables including Mother tongue and Bilingualism Fertility Tables, Tables on Hmseh)ld CJmp)sition, Single Year Age, M'lorital Status, Educational Levels, II-D Migration. Tables ('D' series) III E.,tablishments Report and Tables ('E' Series). IV H'Jusing Rep)r~ and H'Jusing Subsidiary Tables. "i-A Special Table3 on Sch'ld lIed Caste3 and Scheduled Tribes. (SC-Series and ST-Series) V-B Ethnographic Notes on Scheduled Castes an.d Scheduled Tribes, VI-A Town Directory. VI-B Spe:)ial S-lrvey Rep)rts on Selected Towns. VI-C Survey Reports on Selected Villages. VII Sp9cial Repnt on Graduate and Technical Personnel. VIII-A Administration Report-Enumeration.l ~ For official use only. VIII-B Adminis~ration Rep1rt-Tabulation. J IX Census Atlas. IX-A Administrative MIas, GOVERNMENT OF HIMACHAL PRADESH PUBLICATIONS­ DISTRICT CENSUS HAND BOOKS: X-A Town and Village Directory. X-B Village and Townwise Primary Census Abstract. X-C Analytical Report, Departmental S'atistics and District Census Tables. (District Census Handbooks in respect of 10 districti of Himachal Pradesh are being published in 20 volumes i.e, two volumes for each district. Parts X-A. and X-B are being combined and parts X-C are being brought out independently). li)-lii) OONTENTS PAGES PREFACE ...; lIoOJ -, -, "'., '.oj joe) .... :ioiIi (v) & (Vl FIGURES AT A GLANCE I .. _J '000) N .. (vii) & (vii CHARTS DIAGRAMS ANp MAPS .,., "'" ." bi; .• (ix)-(xviii I~TRODUCTION '. ~. - ... ..0) :- 2-6 TABLE A-I AREA, HOUS~ AND POPULATION Fly-leaf .=-) .-j .oj ... 9-20 Union Table A-I ::a; ..oJ .,.. 21 State Table A-I ..., 000) 22-25 ApPENDIX I TO TABLE A.I.-Statement showing the 1961 Territorial Units constituting the present set-up of the State I 27-29 SUB-ApPENDIX TO ApPENDIX I:\-Area for 1961 and 1971 for those towns whi~h ha ve undergone changes in area since 1961 30 \ Census f , ApPENDIX II TO TABLE A-I N u~ber of)"illages with a popula tion of 5,000 and over add towns with a popula tion under 5,000.. 31-33 ApPENDiX III TO TABLE A-I:--iHouse'less and institutional ropulation 34-38 TABLE A-II DECADAL VARIATION fN PDPULATION SINCE 1901 Fly-leaf 41--43 Ta.ble A-II 44--45 ApPENDIX TO TABLE A-II:-State add Districts showing 1961 population according to their territorial jurisdiction in 1961, changes in area and the population of 1961 adjusted to jurisdiction of1971 46--48 TABLE A-III VILLAGES CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION Fly-leaf 51-53 Union Table A-III 54-55 State Table A-III 56-59 ApPENDIX TO TABLE A-III:-Village's classified into four broad size groups of population 61-63 TABLE A-IV TOWNS ANb URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS CLASSIFED BY POPULATION IN 1971 WITH VARIATION SINCE 1901. Fly leaf 67-71 Table A-IV 72-77 ApPENDIX I TO TABLE IV :- New towns added in 1971 and towns in 1961 declassified in 1971 .. 78-79 Al'l'ENDIX I TO TABLE A-IV :- List 'A' List of places with a population under 5,000 treated as Towns for the first time in 1971 80 List 'B' List of places with a population under 5,000 in 1961 whichweretreatedas towns in 1961 but have omitted from the list of Towns in 1971 80 Al'l'ENDIX II TO TA.BLE A:IV :- Cha.nges in a.rea. and population of towns between 1961 and 1971 and reasons for change in area 81-82 IV. rABLE A.V STANDARD URBAN AREAS P<lO}1!S Fly lea.f 85 Table A.V 86-93 Appendix: to Table A· V 95-112 PRIMARY CENSUS AEBTRAOT .> Fly lea.f " 115-125 Union Pr'imary C~dsus Abktract " .v. .... 126-12!J .. : : State Primary Ce"rlsus AMfract " 130-159 ANNEXURE :- fnstruetibhs to Eh~meraMJ.'fiI for fiHhlg up the Individual slip \, 161-178 List of Agents .. 179--1\0 PREFACE Tho present yolume contains basic demographic features of the State population. Break­ up of the population down to District, Tahsil/Su~-Tahsil and Town/Urban area levels and deJa­ dal variation in population since 1901 have also bElen given in this volumo. Village-wise popu­ lation figures and other connected data have beon published separately in each District Census Handbook Part A&B~whorcas in this volume villages in the State classified by population and growth of: tho towns in the State hav~ been given. An attempt has' also been made to depict the picture On the projected growth areas of the only standard urban area in the State i.e., Simla the State capital. This volume contains data regarding the population of the State as classified into S. C./S. T., literate and educated, non-workers and workers engaged in various economic activities. Each tabllV given in the volume is supported by a fly leaf to acquaint the reader with the importance of ~ata given in the table. All these tables were generated thrOlfgh manual sorting of t.he individu41 slip ,Schedules in the Tabulation Office set up for the purp03e. I am grateful to my Assistant Directors, Sarvshri C. D. Bhatt, S. L. Bahl and late 8hri S. P. Shabi, Investi­ gator for their assistance to me in bringiI}-g out this volume. I am also grateful to 8hri A. Chandra Sekhar, former Registrar General, India, Shri R. B Chari, Registrar Gensral & Census Commissioner, India and Shri K. K. Chakravorty, A.R. G India for the guidance and help in the pUblication ofthis volume. ATTAR SINGH Simla : April 20, 1977 (v-vi) FIGURES AT A GLANCE H[MAOHAL PRADESH Total Rural Urban Population Persons 3,460,434 3,218,544; 241,890 Males 1,766,957 1,628,623 138,334 Females 1,693,477 1,589,921 103,556 Decennia.l Population Growth Rate 1961-71 +23·04 +22'18 +35·68 Area in Sq. Kms. 55,673'0 55,517'3 155·7 Density of Population per Sq. Km. 62 58 1,554 Sex Ratio (No. of Females per 1,000 Males) , 958 976 749 Literacy Rate Per~ons 31·96 29·81 60·54 Males 43·19 41·19 66'76 Females 20·23 18·15 52·24 6·99 Proportion of Urban Pop)llation to total Population Percentage of Workers to Total Persons .\. 36·95 37·16 34·20 , Population (Main. Activ').ty Only) Males 52·43 52·26 54·53 Females 20·79 21·69 7·06 BREAK-UP OF WORKERS: ;percentage to Total Workers, : (i) Cultivators Persons 70·64 75·19 4·89 Males 63·63 68·90 4'24 Females 89·09 90·74 11·59 (ii) Agricultural Labourers Persons 4·17 4·38 1·13 Males 4·20 4·48 1·08 Females 4·09 4·14 1·62 (iii) Other Workers Persons 25·19 20·43 93·98 Males 32·17 26·62 94·68 Females 6·82 5·12 86·79 Percentage of Scheduled Caste Population to Total Population Persons 22·24 22·81 14·67 Males 22·34 23·01 14·36 Females 22·14 22·60 15'09 Percentage of Scheduled Tribe Population to Total Population Persons 4·09 4·38 0·23 Males 4·01 4·33 0'24 Females 4·18 4·44 0·21 Number of Occupied Residential Houses 625,512 573,677 51,835 Number of Households 654,157 594,206 59,951 Number of Villages Total 18,929 18,929 Inhabited .
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