JANUARY 2012 VOL. 19, NO. 1 ISSN: 1074 1879 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: NINOSLAV D. STOJADINOVIC tablE of ContEntS 2012 IEEE IntErnatIonal Spotlight On: EDS’s Inaugural Webinar with Chenming Hu . 1 mEmorY WorkShoP (ImW) Upcoming Technical Meetings . 3 Society News . 9 Regional and Chapter News . 25 EDS Meetings Calendar . 33 EDS’S Inaugural WEbInar WIth ChEnmIng hu Milan cathedral (Duomo di Milano) The Electron Devices Soci- ety has always had a strong commitment to providing out- The fourth IEEE International Memory Workshop will be held at standing educational oppor- the Melia Hotel in Milan, Italy, May 20–23, 2012. tunities to both our members In response to the growing global interest in memory technolo- and the profession at large. In gies, in 2008 the NVSMW – Non Volatile Semiconductor Memory addition to our robust confer- Workshop – and ICMTD – International Conference on Memory ence portfolio, we offer over Technology and Design – were merged together to incorporate Chenming Hu 100 lectures annually through the volatile and non-volatile memory aspects in one forum while IEEE Fellow our Distinguished Lecturer maintaining the workshop experience started in 1976 with the first and Mini-Colloquia programs. edition of the NVSMW. The workshop is sponsored by the IEEE Overseeing EDS’s education outreach is an exciting Electron Devices Society and meets annually in May. While in 2008 and enriching part of my job as VP of Education. the combined 23rd NVSMW & 3rd ICMTD conference was held in As part of our commitment to continually expand Europe, the previous three IMW editions were located in California our educational offerings, it was decided, at our mid- and in Korea. In 2012, IMW plans to go back to Europe and it will year ExCom Meeting in Taipei, that EDS should im- be held in Milan, Italy. mediately begin offering webinars for our members The convergence of consumer, computer and communication around the globe. We saw this as the next logical electronic systems is leading to an exponential growth in need, step in our ongoing commitment to keep members mainly for code, computing and data storage. While in the past on the leading edge of technology innovation and to enhance the value of membership in EDS. (continued on page 3) (continued on page 8) Your CommEntS SolICItED Your comments are most welcome. Please write directly to the Editor-in-Chief of the Newsletter at [email protected] ELECTRON DEVICES NEWSLETTER SOCIETY EDITORIAL STAFF President Vice‑President of Conferences Editor‑In‑Chief Renuka P. Jindal Bin Zhao Ninoslav D. Stojadinovic University of Louisiana at Lafayette Freescale Semiconductor University of Nis E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] President‑Elect Vice‑President of Membership Paul K.L. Yu Albert Z.H. Wang REGIONS 1-6, 7 & 9 Scandinavia & Central Europe Univ. of California at San Diego University of California, Riverside Eastern, Northeastern & South‑ Zygmunt Ciota E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] eastern USA (Regions 1, 2 & 3) Technical University of Lodz Fernando Guarin E-mail: [email protected] Treasurer Vice‑President of Publications IBM Microelectronics Stephen A. Parke Samar K. Saha E-mail: [email protected] UK, Middle East & Africa Northwest Nazarene University Univ. of Colorado at Colorado Springs Zhirun Hu E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Central USA & Canada University of Manchester (Regions 4 & 7) E-mail: [email protected] Secretary Vice‑President Peyman Servati James L. Merz of Regions/Chapters University of British Columbia Western Europe University of Notre Dame Juin J. Liou E-mail: [email protected] Jan Vobecky E-mail: [email protected] University of Central Florida Abb Switzerland Ltd. E-mail: [email protected] Southwestern & Western USA E-mail: [email protected] Jr. Past President (Regions 5 & 6) Cor L. Claeys Vice‑President Adam M. Conway IMEC of Technical Activities REGION 10 Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab. E-mail: [email protected] Joachim N. Burghartz Australia, New Zealand E-mail: [email protected] IMS Chips & South Asia Sr. Past President E-mail: [email protected] M.K. Radhakrishnan Latin America (Region 9) Ilesanmi Adesida NanoRel Francisco J. Garcia Sanchez University of Illinois IEEE Newsletters E-mail: [email protected] University Simon Bolivar E-mail: [email protected] Theresa Smith E-mail: [email protected] IEEE Operations Center Northeast Asia Vice‑President of Awards E-mail: [email protected] Kazuo Tsutsui Marvin H. White REGION 8 Tokyo Institute of Technology Ohio State University Executive Director Eastern Europe & the former E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Christopher Jannuzzi Soviet Union IEEE Operations Center Tomislav Suligoj East Asia Vice‑President E-mail: [email protected] University of Zagreb Mansun J. Chan of Educational Activities E-mail: [email protected] Hong Kong Univ. of Sc. & Tech. Meyya Meyyappan Business Coordinator E-mail: [email protected] NASA Ames Research Center Joyce Lombardini E-mail: [email protected] IEEE Operations Center E-mail: [email protected] IEEE prohibits discrimination, harassment, and bullying. For more information, visit http://www.ieee.org/ web/aboutus/whatis/policies/p9-26.html. ContrIbutIonS WElComE Readers are encouraged to submit news items concerning the Society and its members. Please send your ideas/articles directly to either the Editor- in-Chief or appropriate Editor. The e-mail addresses of these individuals EDS AdCom are listed on this page. Whenever possible, e-mail is the preferred form of Elected Members‑at‑Large submission. Elected for a three-year term (maximum two terms) with ‘full’ voting privileges NEWSLETTER DEADLINES 2011 TERM 2012 TERM 2013 TERM ISSUE DUE DATE G. Baccarani (2) R. Huang (2) Arturo Escobosa (1) January October 1st M.J. Deen (2) S.S. Iyer (1) Juin Liou (1) April January 1st S. Deleonibus (1) M. Meyyappan (1) Mikael Ostling (1) July April 1st F. Guarin (1) H.S. Momose (2) M.K. Radhakrishnan (1) October July 1st S. Saha (1) A. Nathan (1) Ravi Todi (2) H. Shang (2) M. Shur (1) Albert Wang (1) The EDS Newsletter archive can be found on the Society web site at J.W. Swart (2) B. Zhao (1) Xing Zhou (1) https://www.ieee.org/portal/pages/society/eds/pubs/newsletters/ P.K.L. Yu (1) newsletter.html. The archive contains issues from July 1994 to the present. IEEE Electron Devices Society Newsletter (ISSN 1074 1879) is published quarterly by the Electron Devices Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. Headquarters: 3 Park Avenue, 17th Floor, New York, NY 10016-5997. Printed in the U.S.A. One dollar ($1.00) per member per year is included in the Society fee for each member of the Electron Devices Society. Periodicals postage paid at New York, NY and at additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to IEEE Electron Devices Society Newsletter, IEEE, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854. Copyright © 2012 by IEEE: Information contained in this Newsletter may be copied without permission provided that copies are not used or distributed for direct commercial advantage, and the title of the publication and its date appear on each photocopy. 2 IEEE Electron Devices Society Newsletter m January 2012 u PComIng t EChnICal m EEtIngS 2012 IEEE IntErnatIonal mEmorY WorkShoP (ImW) (continued from page 1) we could associate a memory There will be morning and technology to a specific market afternoon technical sessions, segment (e.g., RAM to com- along with a lively evening puter, NOR Flash to mobile panel discussion on a hot communication, NAND Flash topic in memory field. Techni- to consumer SSD), today the cal interaction among present- new electronic systems stack ers and attendees is encour- different memory technologies aged through question and and use a Controller to facili- answer sessions and allotting tate interfacing and managing ample time after formal pa- the overall memory. Moreover, per presentations for further Phase-Change memory tech- in-depth discussions. Organ- nology is entering in the mar- Lobby of Melià hotel in Milan ized breaks, including snacks ket, providing opportunities and the conference dinner and for novel applications and challeng- Asia. Attendees include industry lunch are provided as opportunities es for the technology development. leaders, researchers in academia to meet and exchange ideas with The characteristics of these complex and industry as well as end users of colleagues. The morning and after- memory systems in terms of density, memory products. The number of noon technical sessions are organ- performance, power consumption, attendees typically exceeded 250 in ized in a manner of providing time packaging and interfacing become recent years, reflecting the growing for the informal exchange and to of greater interest. The capabilities interest in the workshop. Each year enjoy the beauty of the Milan area. provided by the new memory tech- we receive over 80 paper submis- The hotel is conveniently situated nologies, new concepts and material sions and accept about 35 for oral in downtown Milan and it is easily proposed today will drive the defi- presentation, which corresponds to accessible from three international nition of these memory systems in about 40% acceptance rate. Princi- airports situated in the surround- the future. The IMW aims to answer pal topics for discussion are: device ing area. Milan has a rich cultural this need, extending the scope from physics, silicon processing, product background with evidences in all non-volatile memory, which had testing, new technologies including fields of art. It has also lots of nice been successfully discussed in more new structures and novel approach- restaurants offering traditional and than 30 years of NVSMW’s history, es, programmable logic, memory international cuisine in all town dis- to large memory technologies and cell design, integrated circuits, sol- tricts.
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