Volume XXVII Number 9 September 2011 In This Issue Rescue on El Diente -- Contributed by Jean Aschenbrenner handful of easy 14ers. His goal this time Rescue on El Diente ..................1 was El Diente. He left Mesa after work Chair’s Report ...........................2 On Sunday, July 17, Ken Nolan and I were on Friday and drove straight through to Volunteer Opportunities .............2 on the Kilpacker Basin trail to climb Mt. the Kilpacker trailhead where he slept for September Trips & Activities .....3 Wilson when we encountered a seriously a couple of hours. At 9:30am on Satur- On the Leadership Front ...........6 injured climber at 12,300’. This is the day, he left the trailhead. The trail hits tree line after about 4 miles, then crosses Access Fund Summit .................7 story of his misfortune and then his a long, long talus slope on the south side Annual Dinner Planned .............7 incredibly lucky rescue. of El Diente. This trail through Kilpacker Radical Reels Films ...................7 Joe’s story: Joe lives in Mesa, Arizona. Basin is used for both Mt. Wilson and El BlancaFest .................................7 He had been working lots of overtime and Diente. Space Available in Hiking Class 7 needed a mountain fix. He had previously continued on page 4 Arestua/Brainard Work Parties .8 run a couple of marathons and climbed a ACE Celebration .......................8 Subscribe to Boulder GPS .........8 Call for Fall Trips/Leaders ........8 Kingston Peak Restoration ........8 Boulder Instructors Complete Peaks ..........................................8 Death Valley Hiking Trip ...........9 Instructor Appreciation Party ....9 Editor’s Note Jean Aschenbrenner, a longtime Boulder group member, shares her story of a recent rescue that happened just a few months ago while on her way to a climb on Mt. Wilson. Thanks to Jean and her partner’s vigilance and skills, they were instrumental in helping rescue an injured hiker. A date has been announced for the Annual Dinner, and although we have a Dinner Coordinator, we still need lots of help plan- ning the event. For this and other volunteer opportunities, check out page 2. — Donna Marino Compass Editor Arrow marking rescue location page 1 Chair’s Report Okay I guess that makes it more of a fall Annual Dinner Call for school, but not officially. The Autumnal Volunteers Seems impossible that August is nearly Equinox is not until September 23 so until then long live summer! to a close! Hopefully summer’s been Volunteers are needed to help organize filled with many safe and memorable and staff the Boulder Group Annual Din- Respectfully submitted, CMC and personal trips and backcountry ner on Saturday, November 5, from 5- – Janine Fugere, Boulder Chair outings for our members. While I’m not 9:30 pm. Huge thanks to Monica DeWitt ready to admit it, I’m already starting to for stepping up as the Annual Dinner get what I refer to as “fall feelings” and Cordinator. Contact Monica at I’ve even begun to see leaves falling. [email protected] if you can help. Guess this shouldn’t surprise me since Volunteer Opportunities we’ve had our end-of-summer Instruc- tor, Trip Leader and Volunteer parties YEP Volunteers Needed and we’ve also already begun the BMS Clubroom Hosts Urgently Volunteers are needed for the following Fall Schools for the season. Through all Needed these activities, it’s always wonderful to dates/times to help with belaying youth The clubroom is hosted by volunteers see how many people turn out and I’m groups. Contact Ryan Johns at three evenings per week from 5 to 7 pm. reminded what a valuable organization [email protected]. CMC is. We need two new hosts to complete our roster. This involves one evening every - September 13th and 14th (at REI, Not only has the fall crept up on us, but four weeks. This is a great and easy way downtown Denver) from 9am-3pm we’re already working on planning the to help support the Group. - Tuesday, September 20th from 9:15- Annual Meeting and Dinner which is 1:15. Six volunteers needed. To find out more contact Sheila at 303- - October 4th , 5th, 6th, and 7th: six vol- Saturday, November 5. I’m very excited 447-2780. and grateful that Monica DeWitt will be unteers needed at the climbing wall from serving as our Annual Dinner Coordina- 9am – 2pm (times are approximate and tor this year. Please be sure to read the Looking for a Hiking will be firmed up later) - October 17th: one volunteer needed “Annual Dinner Call for Volunteers” School Director notice in this issue and join in the plan- from 3:30-5:00 pm. ning if you’re able. The Annual Dinner A new Hiking School Director is needed is one of my favorite events of the year for the Boulder Mountaineering Schools. compass in helping plan it is a great way to get to The Hiking School covers Hiking & know people. Survival Essentials, Hiking Navigation, Editor: Donna Marino Backpacking School, & GPS Naviga- Email: [email protected] Additionally, our Council’s Nominating tion. The Hiking School Director works Published: Monthly by Boulder Group, Committee is hard at work recruiting with the BMS Director to set dates for Colorado Mountain Club, 633 South nominees for Council positions which the schools, coordinates instructors & as- Broadway, Unit N, Boulder 80305 need to be filled for next year. I greatly sistants for the lectures, and coordinates Boulder Group Chair: Janine Fugere encourage anyone who is asked to be a Trip Leaders & assistants for the Field Email: [email protected] nominee to agree to join our Council. We Trips. An extensive support system of Subscribe to GPS e-newsletter: all know it’s a lot of work volunteering, volunteers for these positions is in place. cmcboulder.org → Publications → GPS → but it’s been one of the greatest learning The Fall 2011 schools have all been E-GPS experiences and rewarding experiences planned and scheduled and have just Clubroom hours: Mon. -Thurs., 5 to 7 pm of my life. Anyone who’s interested in begun. Ideally, now is the perfect time Clubroom Telephone: 303-554-7688 being part of the Council please don’t for a new Director to step into the role to CMC information: [email protected] hesitate to contact me and I’ll give your observe the Fall Schools, and then later Website: cmcboulder.org name to the Nominating Committee. receive guidance and training from past All Boulder members automatically receive Hiking School Directors and long-stand- the Compass via email. Meanwhile, as many know, the summer ing volunteers to plan the Spring/Sum- We welcome announcements, articles, letters, has held few and far between opportuni- mer 2012 Schools. If you, or anyone you artwork, and photos, especially from recent ties for outdoor adventure for me, due know is interested, please contact Janine CMC trips and events. to health issues with my parents. I’m Fugere at [email protected] or DISCLAIMER extremely grateful to everyone who has Brenda Leach at [email protected]. Events published in the Compass are for informational purposes only. They are not been there for me, both to provide emo- endorsed by the Boulder Group of the CMC tional support, and also help with CMC except for the events that are explicitly led, duties that needed to be filled. With a taught or instructed by the Boulder Group. sigh of relief I report that both my par- The Boulder Group of the CMC makes no ents seem to be doing much better and assessment as to their merits. Participants are I am eagerly looking forward to the re- advised to make their own assessment as to whether to participate in these events. scheduled Backpacking School field trip the weekend of September 16th-18th. page 2 September 2011 Trips & Activities Editor’s note: The following is a list of on this loop around and up to the summit BCMC trips and events for the month. Sunday, September 11 of Lookout Mountain in RMNP. Views It is possible that trips may change James Peak 13,294’ , Moderate C-LIT of Mt. Meeker, Twin Sisters, Wild Basin or be posted after this issue goes to press. Please check online for current Pace: Moderate, Difficulty: Off Trail and several aspen groves. Optional after trip status, to see club trip policies, or “James Peak offers stunning alpine scen- hike dinner in Lyons. Leader: Steven to learn about becoming a trip leader: ery and glacial goodness.” - J.Dziezynski Haymes. Register BY PHONE between cmcboulder.org/Trips. Start from St. Mary’s trailhead and hike 9 AM and 9 PM only. 303-444-4765 To view trips online and register: around St. Mary’s Lake and Glacier and follow east ridge to summit. Contact Wednesday, September 21 ►Browse to www.cmc.org ►Login with your CMC member num- leader via email to sign up. After Work Social Hike ber and password. For first time users, Leader: Clare E Reda, Meet at Boulder clubroom 5:45-6:00pm, the default password is your ZIP code. [email protected] departing in carpools by 6:15pm for a ►Click on ‘Trip Signup’ in left margin social hike along one of the local Boul- ►Enter trip selection parameters (CMC Monday, September 12 der foothills trails. This outing is meant group, date range, etc) & click Search ►To register, click Register Diamond Lake 10,920’ and above for casual hikers who enjoy each others’ ►For Boulder trips, you must contact Moderate B, Casual, On Trail company, talking along the trail, and the leader by phone (preferred) or From 4th July Trailhead NW of Eldora, sharing snacks along the way.
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