AZƏRBAYCAN RESPUBLİKASI ODLAR YURDU UNİVERSİTETİ HEYDƏR ƏLİYEVİN 90 İLLİYİNƏ HƏSR OLUNMUŞ “AZƏRBAYCAN 2020: GƏLƏCƏYƏ BAXIŞ” BEYNƏLXALQ ELMİ-PRAKTİKİ KONFRANSININ MATERİALLARI ----------------------------------------------------------- PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE “AZERBAIJAN 2020: VIEWS OF THE FUTURE” DEDICATED TO THE 90TH ANNIVERSARY OF HEYDAR ALIYEV ---------------------------------------------- ТРУДЫ МЕЖДУНАРОДНОЙ НАУЧНОЙ КОНФЕРЕНЦИИ “АЗЕРБАЙДЖАН 2020: ВЗГЛЯД В БУДУЩЕЕ”, ПОСВЯЩЁННОЙ 90-ЛЕТИЮ СО ДНЯ РОЖДЕНИЯ ГЕЙДАРА АЛИЕВА ------------------------------------------------------------- Bakı 2013 Baku Baş redaktor: prof.Ə.A.VƏLİYEV Humanitar elmlər üzrə baş redaktor müavini: h.e.d.S.Ə.Vəliyev Dəqiq elmlər üzrə baş redaktor müavini: f.r.e.d.V.Ə.Sadıqzadə Məsul katib: f.-r.e.n.F.K.Xudaverdiyev Redaksiya heyətinin üzvləri: akad.A.M.Paşayev, akad.T.Ə.Bünyadov, akad.M.İ.Əliyev, akad. A.C.Hacıyev, AMEA müxbir üzvü R.S.Qurbanov, i.e.d.Ə.Q.Əlirzayev, f.r.e.d.K.İ.Xudaverdiyev, f.r.e.d.C.Məmmədxanov, f.r.e.d.Q.K.Namazov, f.r.e.d.Ə.X.Şamilov, tibb e.d.Z.Ö.Qarayev, i.e.d. M.M.Bağırov, fil.e.d.N.Q.Cəfərov, tex.e.d.M.İ.Əliyev, t.e.d.N.H.Cavadov, tex.e.d.T.S.Abdullayev, f.r.e.d.R.S.Sədirxanov, i.e.n.M.Ə.Vəliyev, prof.A.Avey (Türkiyə), prof.M.Cəmşidi (ABŞ), prof.K.V.Bonfiq (Almaniya), prof.F.T.Əliyev (Türkiyə), prof.D.Q.Qordeziani (Gürcüstan), prof.H.B.Meladze (Gürcüstan), prof.A.Çxeidze (Gürcüstan), prof.K.Kordzaiya (Gürcüstan), prof.Y.M.Morozov (Rusiya), h.e.n.H.D.Qənbərov, i.e.n.Ə.H.Ələkbərov, sos.e.n.F.Ş.Həsənov, fil.e.n.S.S.Nuriyev, p.e.n.S.V.Vəliyeva, f.r.e.n.M.S.Xəlilov. Журнал рецензируется и реферируется в ВИНИТИ (№10211-5335/54-34) Editor-in-chief: prof. A.A.VALIYEV Deputy Editors-in-chief: prof.S.A.Valiyev (Humanities), prof.V.E.Sadigzadeh (Exact Sciences) Executive Secretary: F.K.Hudaverdiyev Editorial Board: acad.A.M.Pashayev, acad.T.A.Bunyadov, acad.M.I.Aliyev, acad.A.J.Hajiyev, correspondent member of the National Academy of Science of Azerbaijan R.S.Gurbanov, prof. A.G.Alirzayev, prof.K.I.Khudaverdiyev, prof.J.Mamedhanov, prof.G.K.Namazov, prof.A.H.Sha- milov, prof.Z.O.Garayev, prof.M.M.Baghirov, prof.N.G.Jafarov, prof.M.I.Aliyev, prof.N.H.Java- dov, prof.T.S.Abdullayev, prof.R.S.Sadirkhanov, prof.A.Avey (Turkey), prof.M.Jamshidi (USA), prof.K.V.Bonfig (Germany), prof.F.T.Aliyev (Turkey), prof.D.G.Gordeziani (Georgia), prof.H.B.Meladze (Georgia), prof.A.Chheidze (Georgia), prof.K.Kordzaia (Georgia), prof.Y.M.Morozov (Russia), M.A.Valiyev, H.D.Ganbarov, A.H.Alekperov, F.Sh.Hasanov, S.S.Nuriyev, S.V.Valiyeva, M.S.Halilov. All the articles in this journal are peer-reviewed and include summaries. The address of editorial office: Room 384, Odlar Yurdu University, 13 Koroglu Rahimov St., Baku AZ1072, Azerbaijan Tel.: (994 50) 645 13 58 e-mail: [email protected] http://www.oyu.edu.az/index.php?newsid=39 OYU-2013 Az.073 «Odlar Yurdu» nəşriyyatı, 2013-cü il Redaksiyanın ünvanı: Bakı AZ1072, Koroğlu Rəhimov küçəsi 13 Odlar Yurdu Universiteti, 384-cü otaq, tel.: (994 50) 645 13 58 2 TƏSİSÇİ: FOUNDED BY УЧРЕДИТЕЛЬ: Odlar Yurdu Universiteti Odlar Yurdu University Университет Одлар Юрду Jurnal 1998-ci ilin dekabr Published since December Издаётся с декабря 1998 го- ayından nəşr olunur 1998 да Dövriliyi ildə ən azı iki də- Issued at least twice a year Выходит не менее двух раз fədir в год Jurnal Azərbaycan Respubli- Registered by the Ministry Официально зарегистриро- kası Ədliyyə Nazirliyi tərə- of Justice of the Republic of ван Министерством Юсти- findən rəsmi qeydiyyata alın- Azerbaijan under reference ции Азербайджанской Рес- mışdır. Qeydiyyat nömrəsi: number №022011 (AB seri- публики. Регистрационный AB022011, 27.11.1998 es) on November 27, 1998 номер: АВ022011 от 27.11. 1998 Jurnal Azərbaycan Respub- Included into the list of sci- Включён в перечень изда- likası Prezidenti yanında entific periodicals recom- ний, рекомендованных для Ali Attestasiya Komissiya- mended by the Higher Cer- публикации основных ре- sı tərəfindən riyaziyyat, tifying Commission under зультатов кандидатских и mexanika, iqtisadiyyat, hü- the President of the Repub- докторских диссертаций в quq, tarix, siyasi, pedaqo- lic of Azerbaijan in the области математики, меха- gika və filologiya elmləri fields of Mathematics, Me- ники, экономики, права, ис- sahəsində tövsiyə edilən el- chanics, Economics, Law, тории, политологии, педаго- mi nəşrlər siyahısına daxil History, Political Science, гики и филологии ВАК при edilmişdir Pedagogy and Philology Президенте Азербайджан- ской Республики Redaksiyanın ünvanı: Bakı Editorial Address: Room Адрес редакции: Баку AZ1072, Koroğlu Rəhimov 384, Odlar Yurdu Universi- AZ1072, ул. Кёроглу Рахи- küçəsi 13, Odlar Yurdu ty, 13 Koroglu Rahimov St., мова 13, Университет Одлар Universiteti, otaq № 384 Baku AZ1072, Azerbaijan Юрду, комната № 384 Tel.: (050) 645 13 58 Tel.: (050) 645 13 58 Тел.: (050) 645 13 58 Faks: (012) 465 67 05 Fax: (012) 465 67 05 Факс: (012) 465 67 05 email:[email protected] email:[email protected] email: [email protected] www.oyu.edu.az/cat/400/ www.oyu.edu.az/cat/400/ www.oyu.edu.az/cat/400/ 3 ODLAR YURDU UNİVERSİTETİNİN ELMİ VƏ PEDAQOJİ XƏBƏRLƏRİ THE SCIENTIFIC AND PEDAGOGICAL NEWS OF ODLAR YURDU UNIVERSITY 2013 - № 37 İ Q T İ S A D İ Y Y A T B Ö L M Ə S İ UOT № 339.138 THE SALES PROMOTION Francisco Javier Maqueda Lafuente Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea Avda Lehendakari Agirre 83, 48015 Bilbao, España e-mail: [email protected] Açar sözlər: marketinq, reklam, reytinq, klassifikasiya Keywords: marketing, promotion, ratings, classification Ключевые слова: маркетинг, реклама, рейтинг, классификация 1. Introduction In recent years, sales promotion has become one of the most powerful weapons for marketing strategy for many companies in many markets. Among the evidence that confirms its power and, as a result, its increased utilization, we can highlight the following: Investment in sales promotion represents a significant percentage of the average annual marketing budget in general and of the communication budget in particular, reaching above 50% of the latter. Due to the increasing investment in promotional activities, starting in 2000, the Infoadex report has included the following three promotional techniques within the category of unconventional means: "promotional games and contests," "loyalty cards" and "animation at the point of sale.” As a result, there has been a revival and consolidation of the Spanish Association of Promotional Marketing (Asociación Española de Marketing Promocional, AEMP), whose member companies are experiencing a significant increase in sales year after year. The strength of this association demonstrates the existence of a significant number of companies involved in the planning and execution of promotional campaigns. - Finally, sales promotion has an increasing presence in sales. For example, a third of the food product sales made in Spain are accompanied by a promotion, 36% of sales by volume and 34% by value (Yustas, 2000). On the other hand, 26.4% of distributor sales are promotional sales, reaching as high as 38% in the case of sales in hypermarkets (Orduña 2000). The wide variety of promotions observed in the market has led to the emergence of a wide variety of classifications in the literature. Additionally, the development of new promotions, such as those related to loyalty club membership and the use of distributor’s payment cards as well as the social promotions developed by both manufacturers and retailers, has further increased the diversity of promotional activities. Given this scenario, the primary objective of this paper is to offer a new classification of the advertising techniques directed at consumers that includes these new 4 F.J.M.Lafuente promotional techniques. 2. The concept of sales promotion Numerous definitions have been proposed for the promotion of sales (Biolley and Cohen, 1991; Brown, 1995; Fraiz and Varela, 1990; Ortega, 1990, Maqueda, 2011; Ulanof, 1992, Wilmshurst, 1993). All coincide in their description of the elements of a promotion that the target audience perceives, that is, the offer of a promotional incentive for a period of time. From the business management point of view, however, undertaking a sales promotion requires a structure to support and coordinate it. In this sense, a promotion implies the involvement of the entire company's business organization. Thus, taking into account that the same product is offered with an added promotional advantage, generating a new special offer, the company has to configure the offer (product policy), determine the compensation and sacrifices to be made by recipients to obtain the offer (pricing policy), make the product available (distribution policy) and above all, advertise the offer’s occurrence (communication policy). As in the case of any product offered by a company, the application of marketing research techniques allows the conditions of each promotion to be adjusted to the motivations and preferences of the specific target audience for which the product is destined (Ortega, 1991). Additionally, other activities outside of the commercial aspects of the enterprise may be affected by the implementation of a sales promotion. For example, in the specific case of manufacturers, the production department is affected because any promotion that affects the product’s shape, size or presentation requires the collaboration of this department to provide the necessary information for proper planning of the promotion, including the following factors: - Limitations to in-pack and on-pack incentives, promotional brochures, etc. - Limitations to the production of promotional packages, such as an increased amount for the same price, reusable containers, etc. - Maximum production capacity. The collaboration of the production department in the planning and development of the promotion implies, among other activities, the customization or adjustment of campaigns supported by flexible production and flexible printing so that it is easy to print different packages and containers without increasing costs to the point of erasing profitability (Martínez-Ribes, 2000).
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