CURRICULUM VITA NAME : Hamed Ibrahim El-Mously DATE OF BIRTH : 8.4.1943 DATE OF EMPLOYMENT : September, 1964 QUALIFICATIONS 1. B.Sc. degree in Mechanical Engineering from Ain Shams University, Faculty of Engineering in June, 1964. 2. Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Institute of Machine Tools and Tooling in Moscow (Mosstankin) in 1971. POSITION Professor in the Design & Production Department, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, Cairo. MEMBERSHIPS Founder and Chairman of the Egyptian Society for Endogenous Development of Local Communities. Founder and Previous director of the Centre for Development of Small-Scale Industries and Local Technologies, the Faculty of Engineering, Ain-Shams University, Cairo. International Coordinator of Group of Experts in Renewable Material Resources Research, United Nations Environmental Programme, Working Group on Sustainable Product Development. Member of the Executive Committee of the International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global Responsibility. Founder of Foundation for Renewable Materials Research, Technology and Applications and Head of the board of trustees. Founder of the Center for Renewable Materials Research, the Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University. AWARDS Ain Shams University Prize in Engineering Sciences, 2014. International Khalifa Date Palm award for the best development project (2013). Award of the Egyptian Engineering Syndicate, Day of the Engineer, November, 1994. Award of the Best Poster of the Conference: Euromat-97, held in Maastrict, the Netherlands in the period 21-23/4/1997 and organized by the European Federation of Material Societies in the Subject: "A New Lumber-like Product from Date Palm Leaves' Midribs". PATENTS El-Mously, H.I.: A carriage for a multi-tool centre lathe, the description of the invention for the patent No. 286447, Moscow; Bulletin of Inventions and Trade Marks, No. 34: 1970. El-Mously, H.I.: A multi-spindle automatic lathe of the parallel type, the description of the invention for the patent No. 284558, Moscow: Bulletion of Inventions and Trade Marks; No. 32: 1970. DIRECTOR OF THE FOLLOWING INDUSTRIAL PROJECTS APPLIED IN LOCAL COMMUNITIES Dissemination of industries relying on the use of date palm secondary products (parquet and blockboards from palm midribs), El-Kayat village, Menia governorate (1/10/2010 – 17/9/2012). Manufacture of organic compost from the products of pruning of date and dome palms as well as mango trees, Faris village, Kom- Ombo province, Aswan governorate (21/3/2010 – 31/3/2013). Manufacture of non-traditional cattle fodder from agricultural residues in El-Haga Ratiba hamlet, Meniet-El-Nasr province, Dakahlia governorate (1/6/2009 – 21/3/2011). 2 Manufacture of non-traditional cattle fodder from agricultural residues in Kafr-El-Arab village, Faraskour province, Damietta governorate (20/8/2008 – April, 2010). Manufacture of fig jam from priceless unmarkefable small figs, shammas village, Sidi-Barrani province, Matruh governorate (June – December 2006). Dissemination of Mashrabiah (Arabesque) industries in the villages of El-Fayoum governorate relying on the date palm midribs as an industrial material (Dec., 2002). Design and manufacture of a hydraulic machine for the production of bricks from local clays (May, 1998). Establishment of a training centre for training of villagers in El- Dakhla oases on the manufacture of Mashrabiah (Arabesque) items from date palm leaves' midrib. The Centre has been opened on 1995. Manufacture of furniture for 150 community schools in Asiut, Sohag and Kena governorates from date palm midrib blockboards in collaboration with UNICEF (1995). Establishment the first of its kind factory for the manufacture of blockboards from date palm leaves' midribs. The factory has been erected in El-Kharga city, the New Valley governorate, Egypt and opened on 27/10/1993. ACCOMPLISHED APPLIED RESEARCH PROJECTS Study of the Possibility of Manufacture of Biocomposites from Date Palm midribs. A Research Project, Sponsored by Ain Shams Univ., June, 2003. Investigation of the Possibility of use of Cotton Stalks in particleboard Manufacture. A research Projects Conducted by the Centre in Collaboration with the Regional Councils for Research and Guidance, Cairo, 1997-2002. Investigation of the possibility of use of products of pruning of fruit trees in small-scale industries, A Research Project, Sponsored by Ain Shams Univ., June, 1999. 3 Investigation of the possibility of recycling of used paper, A Research Project, Sponsored by Ain Shams Univ., June, 1999. Study of the Machinability Indices of Local Wood Species. A Research Project, Sponsored by Ain Shams Univ., July, 1997. Date Palm Midrib Utilization project. A research project conducted by the Centre for Development of Small Scale Industries and Local Technologies and Sponsored by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Canada during the period from July, 1993 to October, 1995. Investigation of the Possibility of Use of the Date Palm Midrib as an Industrial Material. A Research, Project, Conducted in Collaboration with the Academy of Science and Technology, Cairo, 1990-1993. Study of Potentialities for Development of Small Scale Industries in El-Fayoum Governorate. A Research Project Sponsored by the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology; the results of the project presented in the Conference of Horizons of Development, held in El-Fayoum Governorate during 15-17 March, 1990. FINISHED STUDIES El-Mously, H.I.: The Valorization of Traditional Technology and Functional Adaptation of Modern Technology for the Realization of Endogenous Development. Devision of the Study for Development UNESCO, Paris, 1984. El-Mously, H.I.: A study on Traditional Technologies and their Role in the Evolution of Infrastructure for the Application of Science and Technology. Engineering Section of Technological Research and Higher Education, Sc., UNESCO, 1983. El-Mously, H.I.: Technology and Cultural Pattern: A Case study from Al-Arish. The Middle East Research Centre, Ain Shams University, Cairo, April, 1982. El-Mously, H.I.: Technological Planning of the New Settlements in Farafra Oasis: A Study Submitted to the Report, Presented to the Ministry of Urbanization and Government for Housing and Land Reclaimation, 1981. 4 PARTICIPATION IN PROJECTS OF URBAN PLANNING AS AN INDUSTRIAL PLANNING EXPERT Project of strategic planning of Baheira governorate Oct, 2020. Project of strategic planning of South Sinai governorate Aug, 2019. Project of planning of New Coastal Ras-El Hakma City, 2019. Project of Planning of Etfih Village and Execution of the Urgent Phase (General Association for Cooperatives of Housing and Building), 2015. Project of Preparation of the Plan of Development and Urgent Projects for the Developmental Zone of the New Valley and the Oases (General Association of Urban Planning), 2015. Project of Development strategy of the Border Region (Halayeb – Abu Ramad – Shalateen – Mokassam Mountain), (General Association of Urban Planning), 2015. Project of Development of East Yaenat (General Association of Urban Planning), 2014. Project of Strategic Plan of Kafr El- Sheik Governorate (General Association of Urban Planning), 2014. Project of Development of Taba – Rafah Region (General Association of Urban Planning), 2013. Project of Strategic Plan for Bani-Suef Governorate (General Association of Urban Planning), 2011. Project of Strategic Plan for Menia Governorate (General Association of Urban Planning), 2011. Project of Strategic Plan for Fayoum Governorate (General Association of Urban Planning), 2011. Project of Strategic Plan for North Upper Egypt Zone (General Association of Urban Planning), 2011. Project of Strategic Plan and Detailed Planning El-obour city its Northern Extension (Connect Office: Architects and Planners), 2010. Income Generation Projects Executive Directorate for the Removal of Mines and Development of the North West Coast, (Ministry of International Cooperation), 2009. Project of Preparation of the National Plan of Integration Development of Egypt 2050 (General Association of Urban Planning), 2009. 5 Project of Prefeasibility Study of the Project of Development and Urbanization Corridor in Western Desert (Ministry of Planning), 2008. Project of Preparation of the strategic Plan of North Upper Egypt (General Association of Urban Planning), 2003. Project of Strategic Plan for 6 October and Sheikh Zayed as One City (Arc Plan). Project of Modernization of the Master Plan of El-Fayoum City, (General Association of Urban Planning). Project of Preparation of Studied of the Structure and Master Plans for Zefta City,(General Association of Urban Planning). Project of Preparation of the Structure and Master Plans of El- Mahala El-Kobra, (General Association of Urban Planning). Project of Integrated Development of El-Nekeilah Village, (General Association of Urban Planning). Project of Preparation of the Structure and Master Plans of Sahel Seleem City, Asiout Governorate, (General Association of Urban Planning). Project of Modernization of the Master and detailed Plan of New Tiba City, Arc Plan). Project of Modernization of the MasterPlan of El-kharga City, the New Valley Governorate, (General Association of Urban Planning). Project of the Structure and Master Plans of Siwa City until 2022, (General Association of Urban Planning). Project of Integrated Development Strategy of Siwa Oasis until 2022, (General Association of Urban Planning). Project
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