Index AAAS see American Association age of consent: for the Advancement of for homosexuals, 217 Science ageing process, 13, 274 Aberdeen, Lady, 123 and AIDS/HIV, 278-9 abnormality see difference and the body, 265-6, 270-1, abolitionist biologists, 69 279-80 see also biological sciences and death, 263-4 abortion: and dependence, 267-8, 276, 277 attitudes to, 208 and gender, 265-6, 268 genetic engineering, 60, 63 and health care, 266, 269-80 of homosexual foetuses, 60, 63 personal experience of, 270, selective, 60-1, 63 272-9 absconding fathers, 126, 128-30 and self identity, 267-9 see also fathers senility, 275, 276 abstinence: and sexuality, 263-4, 266, 268, from sexual relations, 88-91, 269-80 104-5 and social class, 265 partial, 89-91 stereotyping of, 269, 270 see also celibacy Aid to Families with Dependent abstract systems concept, 264, 268, Children (AFDC) (US), 117, 276 118-19 see also health care AIDS, 5-6, 8, 12-13 abused women: in Britain, 11, 161-79, 201-19 as prostitutes, 197 community responses to, 161-79 see also violence cultural issues of, 158-9 activists: degaying of, 148, 166-71 on AIDS, I discourse on, 140-3, 147-8, 150, gay, 61 153 in scientific research, 59-60 and drug abuse, 165 ACT-UP, 149 and ethnic groups, 165, 171-5 The Adult (journal), 94 as gay disease, II, 129, 166-7, Advanced Industrial Society, BSA 172 Conference, Kent (1975), 21, gay response to, 162-3, 166-71 30 government policy on, 162, 164, advertising see public advertising 166, 167, 176-8 AFDC see Aid to Families with and homophobia, 166 Dependent Children language of, 143 African Americans: political attitudes to, 163, 164 AIDS/HIV groups, 172-3 public attitudes to, 164, 202-3, deprivation of, 116 206-7 education for, 69-70 re-gaying of, 168 see also racism and sexualities, I 0, 26 Age Concern: statistics on, 202-3, 216 Crisis of Silence . , 279 see also health care; health issues 284 Index 285 AIDS activists, 11 American Association for the see also activists Advancement of Science AIDS clinics, 143-7, 150 (AAAS), 59 AIDS organisations, 163, 164-6, American Sociological Association, 171-5 20 funding of, 165, 167, 172, 176-8 anal sex, 237 AIDS panics, 201-2, 205-7 anarchism: reactions to, 201, 205, 206-7, 217 and feminism, 77, 79, 80, 94 AIDS, people with: anglophone predominance: Black, 165, 171-4 in sociological research, 23 buddying services, 164 animal nature: as communities, 162, 169-71 of sex, 80-1 death of, 57, 59, 166, 217, 278 anti-racism, 69-70 diagnosis, 147-53, 155-7 see also racism dying, 278-9 anti-social behaviour see delinquency habits, 145-7 anxiety, 157 health care, 147-53, 155-7, 163, appropriate sex, 8, 9, 105, 106 261, 272-9 see also heterosexuality hospice treatment, 263, 279 arche-health concept, 218 knowledge of AIDS, 143-4, 145, see also health issues 147-53, 158-9 Arkley, Catherine, 210 older people, 278-9 articulating: personal experience of, 140, in sexual storytelling, 41, 43 143-7, 148-53 Askham, J., 131 reskilling of, 156-7 ASOs see Aids Service self identity, 10, 140-1, 142-60 Organisations self-help groups for, 163, 164, attitudes see public attitudes 167, 213, 217-18 authentic sex, 235-6 voluntary organisations for, 163, authority: 164-6, 213-14, 217-18 balance of, 222-3 see also HIV-positive people and discourse, 140, 143, 147-8, AIDS research: 150, 153 funding of, 11, 31 disparities of, 12 AIDS Service Organisations and gender inequalities, 222, (ASOs), 166 239-57 AIDS transmission, 145-6, 162, 165 in heterosexual relationships, 12, risk of, 170, 171-5, 202-5 221-4, 236, 240 AIDS vaccines: hierarchies of, 5, 6 testing of, 210 and identity, 10, 141-2, 154, 159 AIDS/HIV voluntary organisations, individual, 252-3 161-79 and knowledge, 141-2, 215 Aldred, Guy, 80 in prostitution, 11, 182, 183-8, Allen, L., 59-60 191-2 Almahawi, Dr Yarab, 205, 206, 216 social, 243-4, 251, 252 altruism, 210, 213-16, 217-18 strategies off, 141, 142, 151-3 compulsory, 213 ubiquity of, 38 gift-giving, 213 of women, 12, 254-7, 258 social good, 215-16, 218 auto-eroticism, 85, 95 America see United States see also masturbation 286 Index autonomy see sexual autonomy birth-control, 86, 89-91, 112, 126 axial principle: contraception, 89, 104-5 of industrial societies, 203 Karezza technique, 90-1, 95 Malthusian, 89 Back to Basics campaign (UK), natural, 89-91 liS, 133, 217 sterilisation, 89 Bacon, Francis, 57 use of condoms, 145 Bailey, J.M., 70 birthrates: Barrett, Michele, 64-5, 258 in Britain, 105-6, 107, 112 Barron, R., 30 decline in, 9, 105-6, 107, 112 Bartky, Sandra Lee, 257-8 bisexual men, 167-8, 278 bastardy see illegitimate children see also men Baudrillard, Jean, 37 Black HIV/AIDS Network (BHAN) Bauman, Zygmunt, 202, 211-12, (UK), 165, 172, 174 265 Black men: BBC (UK), 132-3 inter-racial prostitution, 189-90 de Beauvoir, Simone, 270 see also men Beck, U.: Black people: Risk Society ... , 202, 203, 205 with AIDS/HIV, 165, 171-4, 171 Begg, Rev. Dr James, 123 African American, 69-70, 116, Bell, C., 30 172-3 Bellah, R.N., 49 in Britain, 165, 171, 172, 173-4 Bern Sandra, 255 in prostitution, 181 benefits see welfare systems Blackliners (UK), 165, 171, 172, Benton, T., 67 173-4, 177 bereavement, 214, 278 Blackpool (UK), 100 see also death blame: Berger, P.L., 264-5 and risk behaviour, 204 Best, S., 142, 153 of the victim, 118-20, 129 BHAN see Black HIV/AIDS Block, Iwan, 78, 85 Network blood transfusions, 213-14 biological determinism, 66 BMA see British Medical Association see also determinism the body: biological differences: ageing of, 265-6, 270-1, 279-80 gay brain theory, 8, 53-4, 58-60, control of, 11-12, 47, 77, 240 62-71 disciplined, 243 gay gene theory, 8, 53-4, 60-71 essentialist theories of, 64-5, 66 third sex theory, 55-6, 69 feminist attitudes to, 64-5 biological politics, 66, 67-9 and identity formation, 265-6 sociobiology, 65 missing body concept, 264 see also politics as physical capital, 265 Biological Politics (Sayers), 65, 66 self care of, 265 biological reductionism, 66 sociological research on, 8, 64-9, biological sciences, 55-7, 58, 64, 264-6 69-70 Body Positive groups, 149, 170 see also scientific research the body as project, 266, 269-80 biology as destiny, 65-6 see also health care see also eugenics body rights, 208, 209, 210-11 Birkbeck College, London, 30 see also rights Index 287 Bolton (UK), 98 organisational structure, 18-21, Bolton Health Authority (UK), 205, 29 206-7 Patriarchy Study Group, 21 books see printing and books Position of Women ... working Boord, C., 94 party, 20 Bottomley, Virginia, 201 Sexual Divisions conference Bouchard, Thomas, 60 (1974), 17, 18-19, 21-3, 24, Bourdieu, P., 265 28, 29 Boyle, Nina, 90 Sexual Divisions Study Group, the brain see human brain 20, 30 brain-imaging, 58 Sexualities in a Social Context see also human brain conference (1994), 23-8 breaking the silence, 45 Violence against Women Study see also sexual storytelling Group, 21 Bressanone group, 66 Violence, War and Social Change bridal pregnancy, 125 conference (1975), 21, 30 Britain: women's caucus, 19-21, 24-5, 30 AIDS in, 11, 161-79, 201-19 Women's Caucus Newsletter, 21 birthrate, 105-6, 107, 112 Broadcasting Complaints Black people in, 165, 171, 172, Commission (UK), 132-3 173-4 Brodkey, Harold: censorship in, 78, 94 Runaway Soul, 215 degaying movement, 166-71 brothels, 85, 191 feminism in, 76, 84, 173-4 see also prostitution illegitimacy in, 115, 117, 118-20, Brown, R.K., 30 127-8 Browne, Stella, 79-80, 81, 87-8, immigration policies, 70, 191 92, 95 Poor Laws, 124, 126, 128 BSA see British Sociological poverty in, 9-10, 116, 117-18 Association prostitution in, 11, 76, 77, 180-98 buddying services, 164 responses to AIDS/HIV, 161-79 see also AIDS patients; HIV sexual research, 9, 78, 94, 97-114 positive people sexology, 78 Butler, Judith, 22-3, 241, 254 welfare systems, 118, 127, 12S-9, 131 Caiman, Dr Kenneth, 206 see also Northern Ireland; Cambridge University, 63 Scotland Campbell, Beatrix, 115 Britain and Her Birth-Rate Canadian Women's Temperance (Mass-Observation), 105-6 Union, 95 British Medical Association (BMA), cancer: 207, 208 radiation-linked, 204 British Psychological Society, 30 capitalism, 122-3 British Sociological Association carers, 213, 267-9, 272 (BSA), 2, 3, 5, 17 see also health workers conferences, 2, 17, 18-19, 21-8, Carpenter, Edward, 56, 79, 95 29, 30 Carrie (film), 42 Equality of Sexes committee, 20, Carson, Johnny, 40 21, 26 category policies, 172 history, 30 see also government policies 288 Index celibacy, 87, 232, 233 chromasomes: see also self control x-chromasomes, 61 celebrity intellectuals, 40 the church see religious issues censorship: 'Churchtown', 98, 100 in Britain, 78, 94 see also 'Little Kinsey' survey of popular music, 40 cinema see film; the media of sexual research, 2, 78, 94 citizenship, 46 see also public reaction intimate, 7, 34, 45-52 Chalmers, Thomas, 121 types of, 46-7 change: civil registration see registration of in heterosexual relationships, births 248-53 civil rights: strategies for, 139-40 for homosexuals, 54 chaperonage, 121 to know, 208-9 chastity, 85, 86-9 liberty, 11 chat shows see television for prostitutes, 192 programmes see also rights Chesser, Eustace: class structure, 9-10, 77, 203 Se~ual, Marital and Family and ageing, 265 Relationships ..
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