University of Central Florida STARS The Rollins Sandspur Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 2-5-2007 Sandspur, Vol 113, No 16, February 05, 2007 Rollins College Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rollins Sandspur by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol 113, No 16, February 05, 2007" (2007). The Rollins Sandspur. 1827. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur/1827 mi The andspuROLLINS COLLEGE • WINTER PARK, FLORIDrA ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Wmmmmt ALL NEW EXHIBIT Four new exhibits are opening at the Cornell Fine Superbowl Madness Arts Museum. Check them out but first read about Did You know the Superbowl is the most watch sporting event? them. PAGES 8-9 DAGE15 THE STUDENT VOICE OF ROLLINS COLLEGE SINCE 1894 VOL. 113 ISSUE 16 www.thesandspur.org February 5, 2007 THE TROUBLE CAUSING SPEED BUMP GETS LEVELED Jessica Benson the sandspur "Well I just stop my car and let it roll over." "No, No you have to go at it with an angle, completely turn your steering wheel. Go over it one wheel at a time" "Well I just go really fast and hope for the best." These are just a few of the many approaches to conquering the gigantic "raised crosswalk," the new addition to Rollins Col­ lege's family of steroid injected speed bumps. This one was defi­ nitely the worst and the most talked about. There has even MEGAN BORKES/The Sandspur been a facebook group started in LEFT: The raised crosswalk caused enough drama to get its response to this speed bump, it is own Facebook group. called "I climbed Mt. Rollins and RIGHT: Construction began in the early morning to tear the "harsh terrain" damaged my down the speed- bump. DANIKA TANZINI/The Sandspur! car!" and on the groups wall stu­ pus safety and the grounds man- So you are probably thinking, eight inches which was clearly back on campus and the com- dents have been discussing the agement team, but they know how does this humongous raised too high. plaints started rolling in Laura bump and different approaches little about the situation, so it is pedestrian crosswalk make cam­ So, over Christmas break the and the rest of her staff were to getting over the mountain. time to get the real story. pus a safer place, right? first modifications of the speed brainstorming new ways to solve As soon as students got back After speaking to Laura Coar, As many Rex Beach residents hump took place and the contrac­ this problem. to campus after winter break the the landscape and grounds can tell us one would have to risk tor slopped the road up to the This past weekend the con­ talk on campus centered around manager, my impressions of the their life in order to get across the crosswalk. tractors are back on campus tak­ this raised crosswalk. raised crosswalk were complete­ street in front of this building. As facilities did some testing ing another approach to lessen People assumed that this ly changed and I hope yours will The school wanted to make of their own, by driving all differ­ the severity of the raised cross­ was campus safety's latest way be as well. She assured me that a crosswalk and also add some ent sized cars over the crosswalk, walk. They took away the con­ to make our lives miserable. Not this was meant to be a positive device that would slow drivers it was obvious that even after crete ramp and raised the road only do we get a parking ticket no thing for the Rollins campus, "the down. They were trying to stay these modifications the bump to meet the bump. They did this matter where we park on campus, school is in the middle of trying away from speed bumps as much was still not completely right, but over the weekend to try to lessen but now they are trying to de­ to upgrade and improve pedes­ as possible and with a contractor it also wasn't wrong. It was slow­ the interruption for students. stroy our cars completely, maybe trian safety." came up with the idea to have a ing down the cars, but obviously The outcome seems to be a in hopes of having a car-less cam­ This effort is extended to more raised Sidewalk. The specs looked the aim of it was not to take out positive one, as I drove over the pus. than just the streets, they are wid­ good but once the crosswalk was the bottom of everyone's cars, crosswalk today there were no Students have ranted and ening the side walks all through­ installed it was clear that it did despite some common theories sounds of my car bottoming out, raved to each other and left nasty out campus and even making bet­ not work well with the grade about the crosswalk. I think that the issue has been re­ messages and emails with cam- ter parking options on campus. of the road. Their was a drop of As students began to move solved! The Bachelor Comes Back to Rollins dog. He found out that shampoos meet with Lorenzo. He met with Avery Klurfield marketed for pets were really the the president of ABC. Lorenzo found himself doing well in these the sandspur same as human shampoos. Dogs do not have porous skin, they do interviews; after all he is charis­ We all watch TV, and most of not sweat. Their skin does not re- matic, handsome and humorous. us watch reality TV. Do you ever lubricate itself, so the shampoos He asked the president of ABC wonder if reality TV is scripted, used removed important lipids why he should do it. Lorenzo or if it accurately portrays peo­ from their skin therefore making was offered the opportunity of a ple's lives? it dry. Lorenzo used his ties in lifetime. A trip to Italy where he When Rollins College Alum the cosmetic industry to produce would be the only man dating Prince Lorenzo Borghese agreed a line of pet products. He said twenty five beautiful women. Af­ to be on ABC hit reality series "Whenever there is a problem, I ter speaking to family and friends "The Bachelor," he wondered see an opportunity." Lorenzo agreed to do the show. whether or not he would be accu­ Despite his successful career, Lorenzo was then flown to rately portrayed on the show. Lorenzo found himself lost and Italy. The first night was an ex­ Borghese graduated in 1995 looking for love. He was lonely tremely hectic and long experi­ and was an English major. He after several failed relationships. ence. It was a fourteen hour party then went on to Fordham Uni­ He received a phone call from a with twenty seven girls and no versity in New York City, where friend living in California, asking music. It was very difficult and he received his MBA. While in about "The Bachelor." Lorenzo's at the end of the night he had college Lorenzo was given a dog friend submitted an application to eliminate fifteen girls .who he by one of his girlfriends. The dog for him. The company Encindica- barely knew. From there Lorenzo was a black lab, and as she aged tion, that owned the rights to the said the show got more and more COURTESY OF ROLLINS COLLEGE Lorenzo noticed that she devel­ show, conducted a phone inter­ fun as he got to know the girls. He PRAISE WORTHY: Lorenzo Borghese recieves an award from the oped a dry skin problem. After re­ view and proceeded to fly Loren­ said that the show had to be dra­ city of Winter Park. searching her condition Lorenzo zo to Los Angeles to conduct fur­ matic because we are attracted to viewers to watch. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 discovered that the problem was ther interviews. people's sorrow. If the girls didn't Following the show Lorenzo due to shampoos he used on the ABC also called and asked to cry it wouldn't be any fun for the felt he got slammed by the press. NEWS 2 HOLT NEWS 5 ENTERTAINMENT 6 LIFE & TIMES 10 OPINIONS 13 SPORTS 15 THE SANDSPUR -FEB. 5,2007 NEWS VOL. 113 ISSUE 16 WORLD Italian Prince Beginning with Banks NEWS % Angeles to New York for her CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 career in Public Relations. Al­ Articles appeared on the no­ though Lorenzo is currently toriously gossipy Page 6 of the single, he and Sadie do keep in COURTESY OF CNN New York Post. Lorenzo was touch and plan to see each other able to remain calm through ev­ once she moves. erything, saying, "I just look at Lorenzo left the audience on SOMALIA: Somalia's interim myself as a regular guy who at­ January 23rd with a wise state­ government has begun impos­ tended an amazing college." ment, "Live life to the fullest ing martial law in areas under Lorenzo also said that he and do not let others get you doesn't regret anything about its control, the prime minister down." January 23rd was of­ doing the show. Lorenzo is no ficially proclaimed "Lorenzo said, as rising violence threat­ longer seeing Jen, who received Borghese Day," by the mayor of ens its tenuous grip on power.
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