.t-i / ■ /■ \ / / PAGE FORTY-EIGHT lQ(nin0 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1989 . ' O; ________: ■ Most Manchester, Stores Open Tonight Until 9 O^Ciwk The adult Bible study group Guard Club of Mystic Re- The Twins Mothers dub of About Town of Zion Evangelical tiutheran view, NABA, will meet tomor- Greater Hartford will meet to­ Ski Swim Pooh Church will meet tomorrow at row at 8 p.m. at the home of night at 8:10 In the Mitchell Ay«a«sc Daily Net Pran Ron 'Rie Fellonrcraft ctegree will 7:30 p.m. at the church. Mrs. Richsird ^.Gutzmer, 48 Room ot South Congregatipnal. ■y K /' ^ be conferred when Friendship Mather St; Church, comer of Main and Restthted to.Residents '''-l&r Week BM ee ^ The Weather Lodg'e of Mesons aneets at 7:80 Buckingham Sts., Hartford. November 16, 1S88 CloudyT'breezy colder tonlgld tomorrow night at the Masonic The Bihle study Ki^up of Cen­ It was consensus o f the' hi a brief dlMnission last ter Congregational Church will Trinity Covenant Church with chance of s c a r r e d flur­ Temple. Senior Warden Mar­ Board Directors last ntghfvnlidit. cwicernlng the effeotove- meet tomorrow at 1:16 p.m. in choir will rehearse tonight at The evening prsyer group of ries. Lows In 20s. ’ Tomorrow shall E. Hodge will preside. Of­ of Manchester’s ski Patches for summing the Robbins Room of the ht the church. Center Congregatimial' Church that 1 5 ,8 0 0 fair, breezy, cold. High in up­ ficer dress is tuxedo. Refreshr . __ , , , pootIdentification, Director will meet tomorrow at 7 p.m. slope V per 80s. ments will be served after the church. • ------ swimming pooU will odegard asked of no one In par- tisHcAester— CUy of yUiate Charm / ____ _ Members of the Rockville in the Federation Room. The be,,nstricted to town residents ticular, ” Vnth the type of swim / ■ meeting. Emblem d u b will meet tomor­ “'The board df trustees of Com­ Rev. Clifford O. Simpson will ly. The only exception, they suits being worn by women, row at 8 p.m. at the Leclerc V(WL. LX3KIX, NO. 44 5NTY-EIGHT PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) munity Baptist Church will lead the service. 'Agreed, will be members of the where would they, place the MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER, 20, 1969 Advertlstog tm Page 84) PRICE TEN CENTS ^The committee on nomina­ Funeral Home, 23 Main St., to meet tonight at 7:30 in the Manchester Ski Club. The club, patch?’’ tions and personnel ot North pay respects to the late Mrs. church youth building. members patrol and police the ■/ United Methodist Church will ____ Helen Griffin, corresponding ski slope. 'Ihey will be permit­ meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the secretary and past president H onor R oll ^’Ihe first commercial type- chiu-ch. The League of Women Voters ted to use it, even if non resi­ writetprinted <mly caiMalvjet’ will have a general-membership ____ At St. Bridget dents. tors. Read Herald 'Advertisements TV^ Equipment , -Town Manager Robert Weiss meeting tonight at 8 at the ipjjg American Legion will These students yfe on the The church council of Center was Instructed to order identi­ Fourteen Die Congregational Church will home of Mrs. Mark Kravltz, g Veteran’s Dinner-Dance honor roll at St. Rndget’s Jun­ Irks Spacemen fication patches, to be Issued to _ _ * 22 Wyllys St. The topic will be/gg^tu,dgy n,gut at the AL Post ior High School,for toe^ first acemen on meet tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. in Home the selection of a national prt^ Home In conjunction with Vet- those town residents who apply SPACE CENTER, Houetun ■ the Federation Room of the quarter; /' for them. The patches will be (AP) — Triendslon equip­ church. gram for the next two years. ^ ^oast beef dln- ORADK 8 ready in about three weeks, ment, the big diaappoiHt- ner will be served at 8 p.m., High hono^: l4ancy Doherty their August-September 1689 Weiss ‘ said. In Air Crash ment to' toe Apollo 12 adven­ and Tony O’Bright’s orchestra eind William Munroe. Full Gospel ChHsttan Fellow­ National Voter. The board, at its December ture, vexed Cheries “Pete” ship, Interdenominational, will ____ will play for dancing from 0 Honors: Karen Ruel, Karen meeting, will decide on the pro­ l a k e GEORGE, N.T. (AP{ Nigeria Airways VCIO from Com ^ Jr. and Ahm L. Bean have a prayer service tomor­ * • to 12:46 p.m. The event Is open Cronin, Lynn Parker, and Ste­ cedure for Issuing the patches —A twln-engtae M d^w k Air­ London Clashed today four rigM iq> to toeir tast stepe Members o f Sunset Rebekah to members and guesU, and row at 7:30 p.m. at Orange ven Brennaii. —whether to charge for thim, lines plane sm ashed. into foggy miles north of the Tjigna air­ on toe moon. ^Hall. Lodge will meet tonight al 7:30 there will be a nominal charge GRADE 7 or whether to issue them to Pilot Knob Mbuntaln.to a ball ot port. There were no survivors Here ts the exchange be­ at Watkins-West Funeral Home, ©vent. High honors: Cynthia Annulli, those holding R ec Department Are Wednesday evening, killing among toe 77 persons reported tween them early today as 142 E. Center St., to pay re; ___ Christine E’ranzosa, Karen Per­ all 14 persona aboard. SPACE CENTER, Hous­ Mountain Laurel Chapter of spects to ithe late Mrs. {wcinda menrberahips. on board, airport sources said. they prepared to get back The Army-Navy Club Aux­ ry, Julie Richer and Elisabeth Mohawk identified the crew ton (AP) — Apollo 12’s Sweet Adelines will have a Boyce, a member. ’The cost of the patches, plus The plane lost radio contact into their spaceship: iliary will have a bake sale Perry. today as pilot Raymond Houri- moon explorers blasted o ff "Harmony Harvest” program the bookkeeping Involved in is­ as it was coming down to land. Conrad: ” Oh, boy, I made for Its guest night tomorrow at Saturday starting at 10 a.m. at Honors: Katherine Costello, suing them, is estimated at $6,- han of Dover, N.H., co-pilot There was no indication of trou­ the b le^ lunar surface Membem of the VFW Post jhe First Natlonl Store, 410 Nancy A. Mur]diy, Franclne John P. Morrow, 31, of Orchard a mistake. I shoidd have 8 p.m. the Russlan-Amerlcan and Auxl laiy will give a varie- aj • 000. ^ - ble. ’The weather was foggy brought toe tori cutter b4ck Thursday, chased their Rowe and Kevin Scholsky. ■The ski slope was operated Parit, N.Y., and stewardess ■ National ^Center, 211 Wethers­ ty show tonight at the Rocky ___ over toe crash site .but clear at with me. Thte TV cabla . ia()ther ship SV^ hours and GRADE • Anne M. Mlklochlk, 28, of Kings­ the airport. field Ave., Hartford. The event last winter yrithout Ide^fica- this TV celWe to gx>)ng to linked up safely for the The Ladles Auxiliary of 8th High honors; Peter Hickey Uen of town residents. l^ la s bury Park, N.Y. It w ^ toe first reported crash Is open to all women interested drive me crazy.” (, long journey home. in barbershop style harmony. ° . D‘«trlot Fire Department will and Patrick Joy. said that spot checks shewed State i; police closed off the of one of toe Brittsh-built 'VClOs pltal ^ r ^ d in last right’s at the flre- crash site before starting their Bean: “ WMit me to take It Chartea “ Pete” Oonrad Jr. Those wishing more Informa­ Honors: Daniel Dube, U sa that as many as 80 to 40 peK^ since toe four-jet airliner went search for bodies of the pas­ land move U out of toe and Alan L. Bean, the third soh tion may contact Mrs. Truman TnH J house. HlUiart and Main Sts. Parker, Michele Gagnon, Mi­ cent of the skiers were from 11 into service in 1962. tend meet at the Post Home ’„e m b e ^ are welcome. sengers and three crewmen. area?” fourth humans to land cn shs Crandall of 68 White St, or chael Hull and Kevtai Maroeau. out of town. The charred wreckage lay The cause of the crash on toe Oonnad: ’ T Just tried to moon, aklllfully guided ttwlr lu­ Mrs. David Gunas of 114 Lin- smoking in the dense jungle just ' »• -I 2,078-foot Adirondack Mountain throw It under toe LM . nar ferry Intrepid through a wood Dr. The Ladies Bridge Group 1 beyond the outskirts of metro­ it’s an tangled to toe LEC series of rocket Hrings to coteh peak was not immediately pin­ politan Lagos. of the Manchester Newcomers No "fair wipthtr* fritndi or# tha«9 pointed. (lunar equipment conveyor) Richard F. Gordon Jr. to toe Airport sources said .there The Luther-Weds of Emanuel Club of the TWCA will meet to­ cooft. X\wft^ light tof ony Und ©1 It was raining at toe time and now . every damn time. command vessel Yankee Clip­ WMthor. Juit itf^ thotr cox/ Knlngf were 67 passengers, including a Lutheran Church will meet Fri­ night at 8 at the home of Mrs. winds had gusted- to 60 miles an . Now look, when I disap­ per. to foil winter brM^ ZIp-out ttto lin­ seven-man Ghana Airways crew day at 8 p.m. at the Greek Or­ Emil Lucek, 72 Bowers St. hour. ’Thick tog covered toe pear wlto toe LEC. you get The two ships moneuvared ing* lof wormof waofKor.
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