INDEX 951 INDEX 952 INDEX A 1000-CX, 448, 452 AAL, 793 1000Base-LX, 448, 451 AAL1, 794 1000Base-SX, 448, 451 AAL3/4, 794 100Base-FX, 439, 440, 444 ABM, 808, 812 100Base-T4, 439, 442, 444 ABR, 799 100Base-TX, 439, 440, 441, Abramson, Norman, 389 442, 444 Accelerated MPLS full-duplex, 442 switching, 832 100VG-AnyLAN, 389, 410, Access: 436, 437, 442, 446, 448 lists, 728 10Base-2, 413, 416, 417, 752 methods, 392 10Base-5, 413, 414, 417 network, 150, 151, 164 10Base-F, 413, 438 point, 328, 468, 474 10Base-FB, 413, 421, 428 router, 755 10Base-FL, 413, 421, 428 token, 92 10Base-T, 117, 413, 420, 421, 427, 428, ACK, 195, 684 437, 438, 441, 752 frame, 476 full-duplex, 441 ACR, 261, 268 ports, 491 Active concentrator, 461 10G Ethernet, 388, 397, 436, 540, Ad-hoc networks, 474 753, 812 Adapter, 30 10GBase-LX4, 540 Adaptive Load Balancing, 557 10GBase-R, 540 Adaptive routing, 692 10GBase-W, 540 ADC, 292, 293 10GBase-X, 540 Add-Drop Multiplexer, 355 16-QAM, 289 Add/drop ports, 351, 354 Address: 2G mobile cellular anycast, 41, 45 networks, 471 broadcast, 45 3Com, 400, 436 hardware, 46 3G mobile cellular MAC, 46 networks, 468, 471, 893 multicast, 45, 588 4B/5B code 294, 300, 464 numeric, 45 5-4-3 rule, 416 symbolic, 45 802.11a, 468, 473 table, 513 802.11b, 473 unicast, 45, 588 802.16 standard, 861 Address Resolution 802.1p/Q, 568 Protocol (ARP), 48, 597 802.2, 409 Address space, 46 802.3/LLC frame, 408 flat, 46 802.3z, 451 hierarchical, 41, 46 INDEX 953 Addressing, 45 ARP, 597, 817 Administrative unit, 353 cache, 601 ADSL, 168, 170, 860, 864, 886 server, 601 Advanced Encryption Standard table, 596, 597 (AES), 899, 902 ARP record: Aggregate channel, 70 dynamic, 600 Aggregate ports, 351, 354 static, 600 Aggressive behavior of the port ARPANET, 15, 133, 768 switch, 525 ASCII, 125 AH, 901, 907 ASIC, 490 All-optical networks, 370 ASK, 286, 288 ALOHA, 91, 389 ASN.1, 845 Alternative traffic routes, 193 ASP, 166, 171 AM: Assured Forwarding, 742 bands, 322 Astrolink, 336 ranges, 259 Asymmetric Digital Subscriber America On Line, 170 Line, 170, 886 American National Standardization Asynchronous Balance Mode, 808, 812 Institute, 128 Asynchronous Transfer Mode AMI, 294, 298 (ATM), 186, 309, 313, 733, 757, Amplitude modulation, 286, 287 808, 810, 826, 915 Amplitude shift keying, 286, 288 traffic classes, 789 Analog-to-digital AT&T, 157, 347, 437 converter, 292, 293 ATM, 21, 28, 80, 119, 136, 277, 309, 313, ANSI, 128, 347 583, 753, 779, 808 Antenna: protocol stack, 792 isotropic, 320 ATM Adaptation Layer (AAL), 793 omnidirectional, 320 ATM cell: See also ATM frame API, 113, 114, 900 format, 796 APNIC, 593 ATM Forum, 128 AppleTalk, 750, 813, 816 ATM frame: See also ATM cell Application: ATM VPN, 898, 917 distributed, 36 Attachment unit interface network, 36 (AUI), 413, 414, 440 Application layer, 113, 114, 125 port, 491 Application Service Attenuation to Crosstalk Ratio, 261, 268 Provider, 166, 171 Auditing, 198, 202 Aplication-specific integrated Authentication, 198, 202 circuit, 490 application-level, 202 Arbitrator, 50, 60, 388, 393 mutual, 202 Arcnet, 10, 14, 18, 397 Authorization, 202 ARIN, 593 Authorized users, 201 954 INDEX Autonegotiation, 441 Audio layer, 485 Automatic Protection Baseband layer, 484 Switching, 361 Control layer, 485 Autonomous system, 691, 696 Link manager, 485 Autopartitioning, 493 Logical Link Control Adaptation Availability, 191, 192, 198, 201, 206 Layer, 485 Average delay, 184, 188 Physical radio layer, 484 Average information rate, 191 profiles, 484 AWG, 367, 374 SCO channels, 488 Bluetooth frame: B access code, 486 data field, 486 B-ISDN, 787. See also Broadband ISDN frame header, 486 Back hauling, 351 Bluetooth SIG, 480, 481 Back-off timer, 477 Bluetooth Special Interest Group, 480, Backbone, 16, 150, 151, 152, 164 481. See also Bluetooth SIG Backbone routers, 753 BNC, 416 Backpressure, 525 BOC, 157 Backward resource management Border gateway protocol, 690, 691 cell, 787, 801 version, 4, 710 Bandwidth, 39 Bottlenecks, 182, 191 Banyan VINES, 816 BPDU, 549, 551 Base station, 328, 468, 471, 474 BPSK, 286, 289 Basic NAT, 745 Bridge, 98 Basic rate interface (BRI), 877, 880 Bridge protocol data unit, 549, 551 Basic service set, 474 Bridge: Batch-processing system, 12 classical, 518 Best effort: BRM cell, 787, 801 delivery, 135 Broadband-ISDN, 787 service, 72, 79 Broadcast: BFSK, 480, 485 address, 45, 400 BGP, 142, 690, 691, 829, 922 domain, 564 BGPv4, 690, 697, 710 radio, 322 Billing Service Provider, 171 radio ranges, 259 Binary PSK, 286, 289 storm, 514 Bipolar Alternate Mark BSS, 474 Inversion, 294, 298 BT, 800 Bit robbing, 349 Buffer overflow, 802 Bit stuffing, 813 Buffering, 74 Blowfish, 905 Buffering time, 84 Bluetooth, 91, 339, 458, 481 Burst Mode, 451 ACL channels, 488 Burst period, 191 INDEX 955 Burst size, 184, 191 Circuit switching, 15, 50, 61, 62, 66 Burst Tolerance (BT), 800 Circuit-switching network Bursty traffic, 15 performance, 87 Cisco, 400, 557, 819, 850 C access list, 729 CLI language, 728 CA Unicenter, 841 IOS, 728 Cable & Wireless, 159, 169 Classless interdomain routing Cable lines, 258 (CIDR), 582, 638, 651 Cable modem termination Clear-to-send frame, 478 station, 890, 891 CLEC, 158 Cable TV, 860 Client component, 34 Call setup, 769 Clientserver architecture, 869 Capacity, 37, 39 CLNP, 130 Card protection, 351, 362 CLR, 787, 791 Carrier frequency, 401 CMIP, 845, 850 Carrier of carriers, 157 CMTS, 890, 891 Carrier sense, 399, 401 Coaxial cable, 256, 259 CATV, 860, 861, 864 Code: local loop, 890 2B1Q, 300 CBR, 787, 789, 799. See also Constant 4B/5B, 440 Bit Rate 8B/6T, 440 CCITT, 347, 775, 780 AMI, 298 CCK, 468, 473 EBCDIC, 125 CDMA, 309, 336, 340, 392 Manchester, 117 CDMA/CA, access method, 893 NRZ, 296 CDMF, 905 NRZI, 298 CDP, 171 violation, 300 CDV, 787, 792, 799 variable length of, 294, 305 Centronics, 30 Code Division Multiple Challenge Handshake Authentication Access, 309, 336, 340 Protocol (CHAP), 808, 815, 816 Coefficient of variation, 189 Channel, 256 Collision, 92, 388, 392, 402 digital, 16 avoidance, 468, 471 fiber-optic, 22 detection, 399, 402, 468, 470 Channel Service Unit, 816 detector, 413, 415 Channel trunking, 816 domain, 413, 422, 564 Channelized port, 817 COM port, 30 Checksum, 37, 39, 101, 118, 903 Commitment Information Rate, 184, 190 Chipping rate, 339 Common bus, 41, 44, 100 CIR, 190 Common Management Circuit, 256 Information Protocol, 845 956 INDEX Communication carrier, 809 CSMA/CD, 401, 413, 419, 436, 437, 450, Communication device 477, 512 queue, 210 CSPF, 838 Communication link, 20, 24 CSU, 816 ideal, 256 CTD, 787, 792 open wire, 258 CTS, 478 total length, 42 Customer-provided VPN, 914 Communication protocol, 108 Cyclic Redundancy Check Competitive Local Exchange (CRC), 306, 307 Carrier, 158 Complementary code keying, 468, 473 D Computer network, 10, 11 evolution, 10 DA, 292, 293 Concentrator, 44, 91, 95, 418, 490 DAC, 466 Confidentiality, 201, 206 Daisy-chain connection, 59 Configuration switching, 497 DAS, 463, 466 Congestion, 74 Data centers, 150, 151 avoidance methods, 183, 213 Data Circuit Terminating Connection setup, 68 Equipment, 256, 259, 775 Connection-oriented Data compression, 294, 304 protocols, 66, 79, 102 dynamic, 304 Connectionless protocols, 102 Data Encryption Standard, 899, 902 CONP, 130 Data flow, 50 Constant Bit Rate, 211, 418, 490 Data link layer, 113, 114, 117 Content Distribution functionality, 117, 118, 119 Provider, 166, 171 Data network, 22 Contention window, 477 Data network identification Controller, 30 codes, 775, 777 Convergence Sublayer (CS), 794 Data Service Unit, 816 Convergence time, 691 Data Terminal Equipment, 150, 256, Copper cables, 259 260, 775 Core network, 150, 151 Data-transmission network, 11 Corporate client, 153, 156 Datacom network, 10, 11 Corporate network, 23 Datagram, 76, 113, 117 Corporate routers, 755 networks, 186 CPE-based VPN, 913 transmission, 76, 77 CPVPN, 914 dBase, 36 CR-LDP, 925 DBMS, 36, 115, 199 CRC, 306, 307 DCE, 260, 775 Cryptographic system, 202 DCF, 468, 476 CS, 794 DCF IFS, 479 CSMA/CA, 476 Demultiplexer, 57, 58 INDEX 957 DEC, 388, 407 Distance vector algorithms, 693 Decimal packing, 294, 305 Distributed application, 36 DECnet, 114, 145, 750, 813, 816 Distributed computing concept, 16 Decomposition: Distributed coordination hierarchical, 109 function, 468, 476 Decoupling elements, 415 Distribution density, 184, 187 Default route, 625 Distribution system, 475 Default router, 625 service, 468, 475 Delay of packet delivery, 187 DNIC, 775, 777 Demand Priority, 437, 446 DNS, 134, 582, 585, 605, 676, 678, 721, Demultiplexing, 674, 675 816, 912. See also Domain Name Dense Wave Division System Multiplexing, 309, 310, 346, 367 fully qualified domain name, 603, 605 Department routers, 756 names, 585 DES, 899, 902 relative name, 603, 605 Descrambler, 299 reverse lookup zones, 608 Designated port, 549, 551 short name, 603, 605 Designated switch, 549, 551 Driver, 30 Destination address, 77 DSAP, 409 Determinate access method, 92 DSL, 156, 886 Deterministic access, 388, 393 access multiplexer, 886, 888 Dynamic host configuration protocol DSS, 468, 475 (DHCP), 134, 582, 609 DSSS, 336, 339, 473 automatic assignement of static DSU, 816 addresses, 610 DSU/CSU, 816 dynamic address distribution, 610 DTE, 260, 775 lease duration, 610 Duplex link, 40 manual mode, 610 DVA, 693 Differentiated Services, 726, 731 DWDM, 125, 280, 311, 346, 367, 756, Diffie-Hellmann concept, 904 757, 808, 809 DiffServ, 726, 731, 811 DXC, 355 DIFS, 479 Digest function, 902 E Digital channel, 16 Digital Cross-Connect (DXCs), 355 E-2, 347 Digital Equipment,
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