'NOT MY ·GUNS' Major Karl Ndjoba denies responsibility for arms cache at DTA home ------ RAJAH MUNAMAVA ------ "They are not my arms. All I know another former 101 Battalion mem­ is that G-3 rifles were issued to Walaula ber, Serna Muunda, before the Wind­ MAJOR Karl Ndjoba of the new Namibian Defence Force for his bodyguards and also other hoek High Court yesterday. yesterday refused to take responsibility for an arms cache headmen such as Kautwima," he Muunda is facing a charge of nrurder, said. two of attempted murder and one of discovered at a house in Ovambo last Friday. He knew this because the area around illegal possession of a handgrenade. Namibia Today reported this week But the major, who is now serving the Etale military base fell under his In his evidence yesterday, Muunda that an arms cache was discovered at in the Presidential Guard of Honour command as his 'operational area', said his possession of the war mate­ the house ofDTA organiser and senior contingent of the new Defence Force, , Ndjoba said. , rials was. known by his former em~ headman Mathius Walaula by a spe- said it was not correct that the ~s He added that at the end of 1985, ployers. cial police squad. belonged to him. he had been moved to the Ondangua He stated that all ex-members of Walaula was quoted by Namibia All he knew was that in 1985, 101 Battalion headquarters and that 101 Battalion had been issued with Today as saying the cache - consist­ Sector 10 in Oshakati issued weap­ the area of Etale had then ceased to arms and deployed in Ovambo to ing of 15 G-3 automatic rifles, 51 ons to the bodyguards of headmen in be his responsibility. guard DTA offices, and he named a mortar shells of 6Omm, 21 rockets of Ovambo for the purposes of their Asked if he knew of other areas Captain De Waal as having been G-3 assault rifles, about 40 000 rounds protection. where arms had been distributed. responsible for giving the orders. of ammunition, loaded magazines of He did not know about the quanti­ Major Ndjoba said he did not know At the time of going to press, it R4 rifles, 57 magazines cases of G-3 . ties involved or whether the arms had of any. could not be established whether an MAJOR Karl Ndjoba - "Not ritles, boots, ammunition metal boxes been retrieved during the demobili­ The denial by Major Karl Ndjoba investigation into the arms cache will my arms cache", he told a and tents - belonged to Major Ndjoba. sation of the different ~ts, he said. starkly contrasts with evidence by be launched. reporter. Minors sodomised in Rundu cells? Police confirm several children are being' held RAJAH MUNAMAVA THE Rundu police cells are not only packed with awaiting trial prisoners but also minors who are being held on various charges, a letter smuggled out of the cells this week claims. But worse still, the minors are this posed a serious problem for the being held with hardened criminals police. who abuse them sexually. The new Commissioner of Pris­ Inspector Poen Brink of the Rundu ons, Crispin Matongo, who has just -Police confirmed yesterday that up returned from a visit to the police to six children whose ages range ·cells at Rundu, also conf'iniled hav­ from 13 to 16 were being held for ing seen children in the cells, but house-breaking offences. declined to answer further questions, He denied, howev~r, that .the chil­ saying he was going to brief the MEMBERS of the diplomatic force were in strong attendance at the offici'" opening of a training dren were being kept with hardened Home Affairs Secretary Ndali Ka­ course for future Namibian diplomats at the Windhoek Teachers Training College yesterday. The criminals saying "this has been sorted mati who could later be contacted for training programme was officially opened by President Sam Nujoma who used the opportunity to out ... · ..... comment. briefly sketch the main principles of the foreign policy Namibia would pursue. Foreign Minister Inspector Brink said for some of A letter smuggled out of the cells Theo-Ben Gurirab also spoke to the foreign service candidates about what the government and the the children it was the eighth time last week said that for the past four they had been held in connection people of Namibia expected of them. with the same offences, adding that CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 THE notice of a question in the Na­ know whether any person or organ­ tional Assembly about toxic waste isation had approached the govern­ dumping by Dirk Mudge yester­ NEW FEARS OF TOXIC WASTE ment in connection with the dump­ day, renewed fears that Namibia is This follows weeks of speculation toxic waste merchant in his office Minister of Mines and Energy An- - ing of toxic waste in Namibia. indeed considering becoming a toxic after claims that the Prime Minister recently. dimba Toivo ya Toivo. waste dumping ground. allegedly even received a notorious Mu .d~e's question was directed to The DTA chairperson ).Vante<ito CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 : ' . THE HOTEL WITH EVERYTHING! TEL. 3-7293 •• TYYY CONTINENTAL HOTEL FAX 3-1539 2 F.r,iday. June 1 1990 TWE NAMIEYAN Mystery fate for • ~ Vo .;> no Chinese dissidents ~ (1l/ YOUR DAILY GUIDE TO EVEN7'S WORLD._WID~ BEIJING - Three participants in last year's democracy movement who have been the government's . onl:-- open critics since then dropped out of sight yesterday just before a planned news conference. $20 million heist 'T ole three young intellectuals had GENEVA - Police armounced the arrest of five men as suspects in a record 20- plarmed to issue an open letter to million-dollar bank holdup. They said they included two employees of Union Chinese leaders calling for the re­ Bank of Switzerland's Geneva office that was raided March 25 by gunmen who lease of political prisoners. got away with the largest haul in Swiss history without forcing asingle safe. It was not clear if they were volun­ tarily lying low or were taken into Kuwait up in smoke custody by authorities as a preventa­ tive move before Sunday's anniver­ KUWAIT - Nearly half of Kuwait's junior and senior high school pupils sary of last year's army attack on smoke, according to figures published on Non-Smoking Day yesterday. pro-democracy protesters inBeijing. A surVey of 8 000 school pupils showed that 45 per cent of them smoked, Police in Beijing and other cities compared to 13 and'24 per cent in 1979 and 1985 respectively. have tightened security in the weeks leading up to the anniversary and the Death for attack on tourists official media have reported stepped~ NAIROBI - A Kenyan man has been sentenced to death for his role in the up arrests of vagrants and petty crimi­ robbery of a tourist minibus in which four West Germans were attacked with nals, apparently to help ensure order. spears, knives and arrows in the the Masai Mara game park. Friends said two of the trio who drafted the letter, well-known folk No deals on Germany singer Hou Dejian and the former editor of a university newspaper, Gao WASHINGTON - Secretary of State James Baker said yesterday the issue Xin, had not been seen since they left us The radio ship Goddess of Democracy which was intended to of a united Gennany's m\fmber$ip.inNato was not negotiable. Baker spoke, Ho,u's h9meearly yesterday. broadcast denwcracy messages to China but has remained silent. a day after Soviet l~ader Mikhail Gorbachev rejected the US and Nato demand that the future Gennan state be a member of the Western alliance. The three students who planned to make an anniversary call for the release of political prisoners also fell silent yesterday. More new ground for USSR SEOUL -South KoreanPresident Roh Tae-woo will meet President Gorbachev in San Francisco next week, the .government armounced. It will be the first meeting between a South Korean head of state or government ~d a leader of Ha:r.d times for West 'Africa the Soviet Union. ' " BANIpL - Cash; strapped West Af­ . regional organisations ~ch as the OTIlytwo: member sUites, oil-rich . East still shaking rican:leaders eniphasisedthe'need fo West AfriCan Eco'nomic Conununity NigeriA and tlriy Trigo, ltr~ up ~ to-date 'sti:eamifue the 4O~oddinter"goverii­ (CE}.,Q} .made upofsev~n French­ in their dues: ' BUCHAREST - A ~ew earth tremor rolled through parts of Romania. and meIiiaJ. 'organis3tiOris exi~gm th:~ Spe#S C?~hie~. eCOWAS 'was The sunimit c8l1~ <Xi niember states Bulgaria, 14 hours after a powerful earthquake jolted Eastern Europe from the region and agreed to punish member foUnded iif1975 to p'romot~ i:egiorial to pay up or face ' sari~ti~~ from next Baltic to the Black Sea. states in'arrearS. i ' , trade and self-t:eliiu1c~. Participants Jamwy, iD;luding deDiaI ofECOWAS A commUnique ,issued after a three­ at theBanjul sumniit regretted slow funds for new projects. I,.eaders also Burma's army hangs onto reins day annual suinlnit in,the Gambian proceSs achieved iii integrating econo­ . reaffirmed a commitment to full RANGOON- Burma's military leader General Saw Maung, in his first official capital Banjul said ~e l&:nation nuesincountriesrariging fromNige­ monetary integration and approved a statement on .the opposition's triumph in last Sunday's election, said the army Economic Conununity Of West Afri­ ria, 'black Africa's most populous timetable for a conunon West Afri­ would maintain .control until it could hand over. to a new government. can States (ECOWAS) ought to be state, to impoverished Mauritania.
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