Plant Physiol. (1987) 84, 545-548 0032-0889/87/84/0545/04/$O 1.00/0 Changes in Cotyledon mRNA during Ethylene Inhibition of Floral Induction in Pharbitis nil Strain Violet Received for publication October 21, 1986 and in revised form December 26, 1986 MICHAEL LAY-YEE', RoY M. SACHS, AND MICHAEL S. REID* Department ofEnvironmental Horticulture, University ofCalifornia, Davis, California 95616 ABSTRACT during a 16 h inductive dark period inhibited flowering (12, 13). Floral induction in seedlings of Pharbitis nil strain with one Using a static gas treatment system, Suge (13) found that 100 II/ Violet, L ethylene inhibited flowering of Pharbitis seedlings when ap- cotyledon removed, was manipulated by applying various ethylene treat- plied in the latter halfofa 16 h dark period but not when applied ments to the remaining cotyledon during a 16 hour inductive dark period. for 8 h from the beginning of the dark period. Some caution is Exposure of cotyledons to ethylene (100 microliters per liter) for 4 hours in at different times during the dark period inhibited flowering to some required interpreting these findings because static treatments extent, with inhibition being greater towards the end of the dark period. could result in elevated CO2 levels, which can inhibit ethylene RNA from cotyledons given a 16 hour dark period (induced) or exposed action (3). to 100 microliters per liter ethylene throughout the dark period, which The mechanism by which ethylene inhibits floral induction in completely inhibited flowering, was examined. The poly(A)+RNA was SDPs is unknown. Suge (12) concluded from his studies on P. translated in vitro using a wheat germ system, and the resulting transla- nil that ethylene had no effect on the translocation of a 'floral tion products were analyzed by two-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate- stimulus' from cotyledons to the apex, and that ethylene-treated polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. There were substantial qualitative cotyledons did not transfer any flower inhibiting entity. He and quantitative differences between the poly(A)'RNA extracted from suggested that ethylene was inhibiting the induction process(es) induced cotyledons and that from those exposed to ethylene throughout in the cotyledons. In a later paper, Suge (13) reported that the the dark period. Some of these changes are similar to those observed endogenous gibberellin (GA) content decreased by approxi- when flowering was inhibited by photoperiodic treatments (M Lay-Yee, mately 30% in ethylene-treated plants, and that GA3, GA7, or RM MS Reid 1987 Planta. In The of these kinetin applied at the start of ethylene treatment, partially re- Sachs, press). significance stored flowering in ethylene treated plants. He concluded, never- findings to our understanding of the molecular control of flower induction theless, that the mechanism of flower inhibition by ethylene was is discussed. unlikely to be due to effects on the biosynthesis or action of endogenous GAs. He suggested that the effect of applied GAs and kinetin on ethylene-induced inhibition might be due to indirect effects of these chemicals. We have recently demonstrated qualitative and quantitative changes in mRNA populations following flower induction in P. nil strain Violet (9). Abeles (1) suggested that in Xanthium Ethylene has been reported to affect the flowering behavior of ethylene may interfere in some way with the 'orderly' production a number of plants. Cooper and Reece (8) found that a 6 h of RNA required for the flowering process. Ethylene has been treatment with 1000 ,l/L ethylene induced 100% flowering in found to affect gene expression in a number of systems. For pineapple. Ethephon (2-chloroethylphosphonic acid), an ethyl- example, ethylene enhanced RNA and protein synthesis in bean ene releasing compound, was found to induce flowering in abscission zone explants prior to abscission (2). Ethephon was mango (4, 5) and treatment of the SD2 plant Plumbago indica found to increase the level of several mRNAs in intact soybean L. with ethephon was also found to promote flowering (10). hypocotyls (16), and Christoffersen and Laties (6) found that the In contrast, the flowering of many of the classical SDPs is rise in respiration of ethylene treated carrot roots was associated inhibited by ethylene. In Xanthium pennsylvanicum, flower for- with an increase in polyribosome number and size, and the mation was fully suppressed by 10 and 100 Ml/L ethylene applied appearance of new mRNAs. during a 16 h inductive dark period (1). Tjia et al. (14) found The aim ofthe work described here was to study the sensitivity that flower bud production of Chrysanthemum morifolium 'In- of P. nil seedlings to ethylene at different times during a 16 h dianapolis White,' was inhibited by continuous exposure to 1 to dark period using a flow-through gas treatment system, and to 4 yd/L ethylene in short days. Ethylene was more effective when investigate the effects of ethylene on cotyledon gene expression given during the dark period than when applied during the light during an inductive dark period. It was hoped that in addition period. Cockshull and Horridge (7) reported that 100 or 1000 to clarifying the mode of action of ethylene in inhibiting flow- ,ul/L ethephon delayed flower initiation in C. morifolium 'Polaris' ering, the results would serve as another probe for investigations when applied as a foliar spray at the onset ofshort days. Ethylene of the photoperiodic control of flowering at the molecular level (100 ,ul/L) applied to seedlings of Pharbitis nil strain Violet (9). ' Recipient ofa Fulbright travel grant and a New Zealand Department of Scientific and Industrial Research study award. Present address: Di- MATERIALS AND METHODS vision of Horticulture and Processing, Department of Scientific and Plant Material. Seedlings of Pharbitis nil can be induced to Industrial Research, Private Bag, Auckland, New Zealand. flower at 23°C with a single 16 h dark period. Flowering can be 2Abbreviation: SD, short day; E, ethylene. inhibited by giving ethylene (100 ul/L or more) during the 545 546 LAY-YF,E ET AL. Plant Physiol. Vol. 84, 1987 inductive dark period (12). The cotyledons have been shown to be the site of perception of the photoperiod (1 1), and also the site of ethylene action in the inhibition of flowering (12). f--z The seeds were treated with concentrated H2SO4 for 30 min, -j rinsed well, and soaked for 7 h in aerated deionized H20. The 0. seed was then germinated on moist filter paper in the dark at 0- 27C. When the emerging radical was approximately 5 mm in cn length the seedlings were planted in 1:1:1 peat:sand:bark in 6 x 4 x 5.5 cm plastic pots. The developing seedlings were grown -LJ I-jw under continuous light (Norelco metal halide R, 400 W, 250 ;E U- m-2 s-') at 27C and watered daily with modified Hoagland nutrient solution. Seven d after the acid treatment the cotyledons were expanded and uniform plants were selected for treatment. wm One cotyledon was removed from each plant and the remaining z in a cotyledon enclosed black Plexiglas chamber, thus isolating tJ it from the apex and the rest of the plant, which were kept in continuous light (Phillips VHO/EW 185 W/ 1500 mamp, 30 ,uE m-2 s-' at plant level). Each Plexiglas chamber was equipped for flow-through gas treatment. Ethylene Sensitivity of Pharbitis Seedlings. To study the sen- sitivity of the plant to ethylene at different times during the 16 HIOURS OF ETHYLENE TREATMENT h dark period, the enclosed cotyledons were subjected to ethylene FIG. 1. Effect of ethylene treatment at different times during the 16 (100 ,ul/L) continuously, or for 4 h starting 0, 4, 8, or 12 h after h dark period on flowering ofP. nil. Bars with no letters in common are the start of the dark periods. The cotyledons were maintained in significantly different (P = 0.05). the dark in ethylene-free air when not being treated with ethylene. The temperature was maintained at 23 ± 2C during the 16 h Effect of Ethylene on Cotyledon Poly(A)'RNA. RNA yields treatment period, following which plants were returned to con- were determined spectrophotometrically by UV absorption. The tinuous light (Norelco metal halide R, 400 W, 250 uE m-2 s-', yields ofpoly(A)+RNA were determined from the pooled samples 400-700 nm), at 27C. The flowering response was determined comprising fractions, eluted from the oligo-dT-cellulose column, as the average number offlower buds per plant and was evaluated with highest A at 260 nm. From cotyledons subjected to SD and after 15 d. Each treatment was applied to three replicates of five E, the yields of total RNA (0.82 and 1.00 mg/g fresh weight, plants each. respectively), and poly(A)+RNA (10.4 and 12.4 ,g/g fresh weight, Effects of Ethylene on Cotyledon Poly(A)'RNA. To study the respectively), were similar. effects of ethylene given during a 16 h inductive dark period on Poly(A)+RNA populations from SD and E cotyledons were the mRNA population of Pharbitis cotyledons, seedlings, pre- first compared by one-dimensional gel electrophoresis of the pared as above, were given a 16 h dark period throughout which corresponding translation products. Without the addition of they were treated with either air (SD) or 100 ,l/L ethylene (E). exogenous poly(A)+RNA the wheat germ system produced no Following treatment, the cotyledons were harvested, frozen in detectable radiolabeled polypeptides (Fig. 2). When Pharbitis liquid N2, and stored at -80C pending RNA extraction. cotyledon poly(A)+RNA was added a number of radiolabeled Poly(A)+RNA in the RNA extracted from the frozen cotyledons bands were observed.
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