Patrick Durantou The ancient Greek thought from Thales to Aristotle Volume 1 Glossary : eiditoco : (which relates to the essence of being, the quiddity) ontico : the being as being ( " ontology ") epistemological : in relation to the definition and logic orismos knowledge of estance modal : axial (modal question) eris : Eristic (Art Gallery) ethos : mores (moral : Ethics) anantiè : need polemos : opposition / controposé / qu e ral controversy orismos : definition (quiddity) ouscia : substrate (substance) hypokeimenon : subject Kyle : Underlying (material ; material) morphè : form Vocabulary : Act : energeia / entelecheia Soul : psyche Art : technè Good : Agathon Category : categoria cause : aitia Change : Metabole Movement : kinesis city : polished Continued : synechès Definition : horismos E ltrïque : éltriké Form : Generation : genesis Kind : genos Species : Eidos Hazard : Tyche Idea : Idea Infinite : Apeiron Mathematics : Mathemati that s material : hyle Nature : physis Need : anangkaion Principle : arkrè Caution : phronesis Power : dynamis Science : episteme Substance / petrol : e c ia Syllogism : syllogismos Time : chronos virtue : fish bone Chronology - Thales of Millet 620-550 - Anaximandre 610-550 - Anaximenes 570-510 - Heraclitus of E p Hese 540-590 - Pythaque 570-510 - Parmenides of Elea 520-430 - Empedocles of Agrigento 500-430 - Anaxaque 500-428 - Zeno 500-440 - Democritus of Abdène 450-360 - Socrates 469-399 - Plato 427-347 - Aristotle 363-322 Bibliography works - Aristotle, Works, Belles Lettres, Paris, 200. The Basid writing works, RM Keon ML, NY, 2001. - Diogenes the ER, Life, Works, Sentences of Eminent Philosophers, G. Flammarion, Paris, 1978. - Plato, Works, Belles Lettres, Paris, 2000. The Basic writing works, B. Noble, NY, 2001. - J. Voilquin, The Greek thinkers before Socrates, G. Flammarion, Paris, 1976. - P. Audenque, the problem of being in Aristotle, PUF, Paris, 2000. - Y. ......... Batt, Three Presocratics, Gallimard, Paris, 1980. - J. Beauffret, Dialogue with Heidegger, 4 volumes, Ed. Midnight in Paris, 1971. Interviews, PUF, Paris, 1961. - J. Bollack, Empedocles t.1, Gallimard, Paris, 1965. - GWF Hebel, Encyclopaedia of Philosophical Sciences, Gallimard, 1959. Lessons on the History of Philosophy, G. Paris, 1994. Phenomenology of Spirit, Aubier, Paris, 1941. Parmenides, IUP, USA, 1998. - M. Heidegger, Being and Time, NRF, Gallimard, Paris, 1976. Heraclitus, NRF Gallimard, Paris, 1973. Hegel, NRF Gallimard, Paris, 1993. The paths that lead nowhere, NRF Gallimard, Paris, 1978. Essays and lectures, Gallimard, Paris, Aristotle, IUP, USA, 1990. - F. Nietzsche, The Birth of Philosophy at the time of Greek tragedy, Galliamrd, Paris, 1978. The Birth of Tragedy, Gallimard, Paris, 1978. The gay know, Gallimard, Paris, 1950. - DFM Strauss, Philosophy discipline of discipline. - WR Wright, Empedocles, the extants fragments, Yale University Press, 1981. - A. Kenny, Ancient Philosophy, Oxford, 2006. From Empedocles to wiittgenstein, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 2008. - B. MacKinnon, American Philosophy A historical Anthology, State University of New York Press, Albany, 1999. - JF Pradeau, History of Philosophy, Seuil, Paris, 2009. - B. Russell, The History of Western Philosophy, Simon and Schuster, New York, 1949. - DP Verene, The history of philosophy, New Western U. Press, 1972. Encyclopedia - Core Universalis, 22-volume Encyclopedia ......... Paris, 2001. - Core Universalis, philosophy, t 2, Encyclopaedia Universalis, Paris, 2009.. - Encyclopedia of Philosophy, " Encyclopedias today "The Library, The Book of Jonh, Paris, 1981. Dictionary - Technical Vocabulary and critic of Philosophy, A. Lalande, PUF, Paris, 1978. - Dictionary of philosophical language, Paul Foulquié, Presses Universitaires de France, Paris, 1982. - The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, R. Audi, Second Edition, Cambridge University Press, NY, 1999. - Dictionary of philosophers, Baraguin N., J. Laffite, A. Colin, 3rd Ed, Paris, 2007.. - Le Petit Larousse Illustrated 2011 Larousse, Paris, 2011. - Dictionary of the French Academy, French Academy, Paris, 2011. - Greek-French dictionary, C. Georgis, Hatier, Paris, 2009. Thesaurus - Library of Congress Subject Headings in Philosophy - A Thesaury BL Berman. Philosophy ti on Documenta Center, Charlotville Virginia, USA, 2000. The fourteen books that make up the Metaphysics gathered only to the death of Aristotle by the librarian of Rhodes Androrinos some of which are considered apocryphal be considered as leader - and a work of sonnets of antiquity with an influence on the whole posterior philosophy whose current revival after ressurgies vicissitudes. At the time of the renaissance Pic Mirandola emitted some doubts about the exact origin of the books. The original title of recognized Aristotle's first philosophy (one of the primary causes, first principles and purpose of all beings as). In the book A devoted to wisdom, Aristotle describes the virtues of philosophy and purpose. In the book B, Aristotle presents a series of paradoxes. C. The book is the analysis of rational philosophy. Book D analysis of concepts. E The book concerns the definition of the various sciences and meanings of being. Z The book is an examination of the being, its nature and the substance of which the individual subject is the first category. As we can go so account Aristotle defined a system covering all modes of thought of thought and knowledge so that it assumes the point of view of the first principles of Ethics, Physics and policy by the instrument of the dialectic which lies the Greek miracle of intuition and harmony with a certain pragmatism avant la lettre. In his eighth book on Pythagorean Diogenes Laïrce with the founder of the famous School of Athens, Pythagorean school italisa n you in opposition to those Ionian and earlier and earlier Milesian which we present here the figures and notable ideas hagiographic and historiographical study of Western philosophy and its concepts and methods. It should linger a moment on what we had elsewhere in response to the particular presentation of exceptional biographer Diogenes Laertius that was so useful to generations of researchers and readers but gives here and there difficulties in order normative sense as in the vision and the designation of sects instead of something even schools of thought and interpretative method that can judge by the historical distance unsightly and captious. Pyt hagore is famous like ............ between all the Greek philosophers and scientists have left us his theorem that e risers around the world learn and solve forever. Diogenes' disciples were over the centuries no mb ous. Among the most notable of which include also Monime Menander praised in one of his poems entitled The squire like Diogenes Laertius emphasizes that also mentions Onesicritus then Hegesias of Sinogre and Philisceos of Equine. ............ Leaves - some commentators epic of Diogenes Laertius - consider it at least as the attraction and influence the more obvious and prominent of the Opera school. It quoted to have said that philosophy brought him and gave him " A measure of beans and the absence of Sciences ". Known followers were Cratis Métrodis (pupil Theophrastus) and Hipparchia sister, wife philosopher wife Cratis example of courage and virtue. Other cynical philosophers made the happy days of the Greek golden age and enjoys the Hellenic cited as Menippus who is credited thirteen books, including the most noteworthy remain " Letters to physicists "To" mathematicians "And" grammarians "..
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