Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-17945-4 - China and Maritime Europe, 1500-1800: Trade, Settlement, Diplomacy, and Missions Edited by John E. Wills Index More information Index Acapulco, 52, 54 Bangkok, 8, 223 alcalde or Capitan of Manila Chinese, 56 Baohedian, 250 Aleni, Giulio, S.J., 107, 109, 116, 118, Batavia, 3, 17, 68–69, 71, 73–77, 167, 121–124, 127, 131–132, 161, 260, 186–187, 189, 192, 195–199, 205, 269–271, 284 215, 218, 223–224, 249, 257, 260, Almeida, Antonio, S.J., 86–88 266, 272, 280 Almeida, Sebastian, S.J., 148 Baykov, F.I., 190 Almeida, Simão d’, 37 Beale, Daniel, 241 Alvares, Jorge, 26, 258 Beijing, 10, 23, 28–30, 32, 37, 40, 47, 49, Amherst, Lord, 250 62–65, 69, 82, 90–91, 94, 98–101, Amiot, Jean-Joseph, S.J., 171 103, 105–107, 110–112, 116–118, Amoy (Xiamen), xiii, 17, 61, 66, 69, 188, 121–122, 124–125, 128–129, 194, 196, 198, 201–203, 215, 224, 134–137, 139, 141–142, 144–146, 228, 282 149–150, 152, 155–158, 160–164, Amphitrite, 200 166–172, 175–177, 179–182, 187, Ancient Theology, 21, 81–82, 96, 281 189–191, 206, 223, 226, 238–240, Andrade, Simão de, 28 242–245, 247–251, 253, 260, 262, Anhui, 179 269–271, 275–276, 278, 280, Annam. See Vietnam 282–285 Anne, 198, 201 Beitang (North Church), 152, 155, 175 Anqua, 203 Bellarmine, Robert, S.J., 81, 85 Anson, Commodore George, 223, 281–282 Bengal, 22, 27, 193, 213–215, 218, 223, Antonio de Santa Maria Caballero, 234, 253–254, 270, 273–274 O.F.M., 143 Bian Ji (A debate on memorial rites), 158 Aristotle, Aristotelian, 79, 81 Bian Ji (On memorial rites), 159 Arithmetica Practica, 98 Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, 167 Arroceros Street, 55 Binondo, 51, 55 Astronomia Europaea, 146, 280 Blaeu, cartographic publishers, 153, 270 Astronomy, Directorate of, 18, 105, 115, blanc de Chine, 211 128, 131, 136, 138, 141, 145, 160, Board of Ceremonies (Li Bu), 63–65, 165, 170, 177, 181, 265–266, 272 166, 245 Audiencia de Manila, 56, 58–59, 260 Board of Punishment (Xingbu), 177 Augustinians, 62, 83, 152, 158, 162 Board of Works (Gong Bu), 165 Australia, ix, 236 Bogue(Humen), 223 287 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-17945-4 - China and Maritime Europe, 1500-1800: Trade, Settlement, Diplomacy, and Missions Edited by John E. Wills Index More information 288 Index Bohea(Wuyi), 207, 210 Changshu, 63 Book of Documents (Shu jing), 96 Changtai, 45 Book of Poetry (Shi jing), 96 Charmot, Nicolas, M.E.P., 155 Bort, Balthasar, 188, 241 Chaunu, Pierre, 53–54, 58–60, 197, 259 Botany Bay, 236 chazhuang (tea processors), 209 Bouvet, Joachim, S.J., 149, 154, 156, 161, Chen Jiru, 109, 122 163, 257, 280 Chen Mao, 166, 198 Boym, Michał, S.J., 66 Chen Rui, 42 Brahe, Tycho, 80, 130 Chincheo (Zhangzhou estuary), 32 Brazil, 74, 168, 215 Chine de Commande porcelain, 211–212 Brockey, Liam, 43, 65–66, 80, 198, Chinese Rites controversies, 55, 142–143, 258, 275 147, 151, 155–157, 159–160, Buddhism, 5, 9, 13, 16, 78, 106, 110, 115, 165, 173–174, 269, 271–272, 120–121, 123–124, 138, 153, 163, 275, 280, 285 170, 179, 258, 276, 285 Chinese traitors (Han jian), 11 Budeyi, 140–141, 258, 271 Chinoiserie, 211 Budeyi bian, 140 Chongzhen emperor, 135 Buglio, Ludovico, S.J., 140–141, 258 Chongzhen li shu (Writings on the calendar from the Chongzhen reign), 131 Calcutta, 214, 219, 237, 253 Christian Doctrine (Dottrina calendar, Chinese, 64–65, 85, 90, 100, 105, Cristiana), 103 112–115, 117, 128–132, 138, 141, chronology, Chinese and European, 148, 150, 152, 170 140, 170–171 Cambodia, 68, 197 Circle Gate (Porta do Cerco), 42 Canton (Guangzhou), xiii, 1, 3, 14–16, 18, Clavius, Christopher, S.J., 85, 98, 128, 256 22, 24, 26–31, 36–42, 44–46, 48–49, Clement XI, Pope, 164, 167 62, 66, 82–84, 114, 136, 141–144, client-merchants, 186, 193 148, 152–153, 156–158, 163–164, clocks, 87, 90, 92, 100, 216, 222, 227, 166–167, 169, 181, 184–194, 196, 232, 244 198–206, 209–215, 217, 219, Coal Hill (Meishan), 135 221–224, 226–245, 247–250, 253, coastal evacuation, 190–191 258–261, 263, 279, 281, 283 Coen, Jan Pietersz, 76 Canton system, 193 cohong (gong hang), public guild, Capital Report (Di bao), 114 231–233, 235 Captain-General, Macao, 43 Coimbra, University of, 85, 146, 264 Captain-Major of Japan-China voyage, 43 College of the Holy Family, Naples, 180 Carvalho,Valentim. S.J., 112 Commutation Act, 236 Castiglione, Giuseppe, S.J., 171–172, Concordia, 80 226, 256 Confucianism, 64, 82, 106, 115, 140, 151, catechists, 65, 143, 179 154, 164, 180, 269, 272, 275, 284 Cathcart, Charles, 243 Confucius, 21, 82, 87, 91–92, 95, 113, Catholicism, Roman, 13, 15, 18, 50, 127, 134, 143–144, 151, 153, 156, 151, 169, 173, 177–178, 186, 199, 160, 164, 260, 275 224–227, 239, 253 Confucius Sinarum Philosophus, 82, Cattaneo, Lazaro, S.J., 46, 87, 90, 101, 153, 260 103, 105, 108, 110, 116, 118 Congou (Gongfu) tea, 210 Cavite Peninsula, 56 Consoo Fund, 234 Celiang fayi (Methods and Interpretation Constant, Charles de, 217, 241, 260 of Surveying), 104–105 Cook, Captain James, 236, 268 certified student (shengyuan), 87 Copenhagen, 22, 74, 196, 209, 212, 237, Ceylon (Sri Lanka), 223 264, 267, 271 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-17945-4 - China and Maritime Europe, 1500-1800: Trade, Settlement, Diplomacy, and Missions Edited by John E. Wills Index More information Index 289 Copernicus, 80, 132, 276 East India Company, English. See England, Cordier, Henri, 2, 154 English cotton, 215, 217, 220–221, 237 Eastern Sea (Dongyang), 76 country trade, 184, 215, 217–218, eclipses, 65, 100, 105, 128–131, 145 235–237, 253 Edict of Toleration, 112, 150–151, 160, Couplet, Philippe, S.J., 82, 149, 152–154, 166, 178 260, 266, 268 El Piñal, “Pine Grove”, 45 Courteen Association, 72 Emperor’s Son’s Merchants, 202 crown attorney (procurador), Macao, 42 Empoli, Giovanni de, 26–27, 262 crown attorney, Manila (fiscal), 58 Encheiridion, 104, 276 England, English, xiii, 22, 25, 36, 50, 71, d’Entrecasteaux, Jean-Antoine, 241 85, 110, 113, 133, 154, 182, 192, Dai Yao, 45, 47 194–196, 198–205, 208–210, Dalai Lama, 187 212–219, 222–223, 227–238, Danes Island, 231 240–241, 243–250, 253–254, 259, Danshui, 40, 72 266–267, 271–272, 276, 281 Daxiyang (Great Western Ocean), 64 Ershiwu yan (Twenty-five Discourses), 104 De bello Tartarico in Sinis Historia, 153 Estado da Índia, Portuguese, 20, 22, debts of hong merchants, 227, 234, 241 67, 267 deer hides, 73 Euclid, 98, 146, 262 defensiveness, 4, 16, 18, 243, 251–252 Évora, city and University, 37, 42, 80 Dehua, 211 Ex illa die, 164, 167 Demiéville, Paul, 170, 264 Ex quo singulari, 174 Dengzhou, Shandong, 49 exclusive guild (zhuanhang), 203 Denmark, Danish, 205, 234, 264 Depei, 179 Fabre-Bonjour, Guillaume, O.S.A., 162 Dermigny, Louis, 196, 200, 208, 210, factory buildings, Canton, 232 215, 217, 220, 223, 236, 242–243, Fairbank, John King, xi, 4 260–261 Fan Shaozuo, 165 DeUrsis, Sabatino, S.J., 101, 105–106, 112, Fang Congzhe, 116 117–118, 127–128 Ferreira Gaspar, S.J., 26, 101, 278 Di tian kao (Investigation of the terms figurism, 163–164 Lord and Heaven), 180 Flint, James, 229–230 Diaz, Manoel, S.J., 112, 118, 127 Flynn, Dennis, 12–13, 222, 263–264, Diderot, 155 271, 280 Dinwiddie, Dr., 244 Folangji, 32, 67 discourses on learning (jiang xue), 89, Fontaney, Jean de, S.J., 149 108 Foucquet, Jean-François, S.J., 21, 149, 161, Discovery, 36, 236, 258 163, 278, 283 Diu, 28 Four Books (si shu), 86, 120, 153 Divinity of Heaven (Tian di), 94 France, French, 82, 147–149, 151, 154, Divinity on High (shang di), 93, 104 163, 175, 180, 206, 213, 273 Dominicans, 21, 55, 66, 80, 83, 138, 141, Franciscans, 21, 66, 83, 138, 143, 147, 143, 147, 152, 172–173, 180, 224 152, 158, 173, 180, 239 Dong Qichang, 109 French Island, 231 Donglin Academy, 109–110, 124 Fuan, 15, 66, 159, 172–173, 224, 282 Dongyang, 76, 198 Fuheng, 226 Dorgon, 136–137, 187 Fujian, 10, 15–16, 22, 24, 28, 31–34, 36, 38, 40–41, 44–45, 52, 54, 56, 58–59, East India Company, Dutch. 63, 66–69, 71–73, 75–76, 84, 122, See Netherlands, Dutch 131, 138, 141, 151, 158, 160, 172, © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-17945-4 - China and Maritime Europe, 1500-1800: Trade, Settlement, Diplomacy, and Missions Edited by John E. Wills Index More information 290 Index 179, 183, 186, 192–193, 195, 201, Hanlin Academy, 104–105, 112, 208–209, 211, 218, 224–225, 264, 114, 122, 156 266, 282 Harvey, William, 80 Fukang’an, 247 He Ao, 29 Furtado, Francisco, S.J., 119 Heaven (tian tang), 126 Fuzhou, 53, 122–123, 138, 152, 158, 189, Heaven and Earth Society (Tiandihui), 17 192, 195, 266 Heilongjiang, 177 Helena, empress dowager, 136 Galen, 79, 131 Hell (di yu), 126 Galileo Galilei, 80, 99, 127, 129, 261 Hermes Trismegistus, 81 Gama, Luis de. S.J., 144 Heshen, 218, 234, 237, 247, 253 Gama, Vasco da, ix, 8, 20, 25–26, 278 Hickey, William, 232, 266 Gansu, 173 Hideyoshi, 44, 50, 62 Ganzhou, 138, 160 Hindu, 20 Gao Cai, 41, 56, 68 Hirado, 70, 267 Gao Panlong, 110, 264 Histoire générale de la Chine, 171, 260–261 Gaubil, Antoine, S.J., 170, 264 Holland (Chinese Helan).
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