
a . # S.. 110CouliT apsent .ED 186 927 4 CS 205 567 11. ,ABTUOR C:arrier, Warren, Olivor, ',Kenneth A., Ed. TITIE t Guide to World Literature,. New Edition. , INSTeITU.TIO I. National Council df Teachers ofEn-glish Urbana,- Ill. 4, REPORT NO' ISBN&O-B141-19492 . Pula DATE ! 80' ; - NOTE /. 2411p.406-'' . AV ni,ABLEFBO Nationralouncil. ol Teacher.b. of English,1111 Kea , . yon Rd.,Urbata,* IL 61801 (S,tock No. 19492, $7.50`,member, .s 4, - $8.50 noa-member) , EDRS PRICE MF01/201b Pluspostage. DESCRIPTORS Cultural Awareness; *English Instruction; Wigher .* Edu6atibn; triticj.sm; *Literature.. Apprciation; NavelS; *Reading .datjrials; Secdidary . Educationi.hort *tories; TeFhing G uiaes; . iLiteratue . , ABST CT 4 I14s guide, a revia.i.o.n af.a 1966 it6rk1by Robert OINe is intended.to.eacourage readijigibeyon'd thetraditioial . 'English:and Aluerican literatUre.texts.by maki4g aaiailaple a. useful re,sourc0 i.an '4r.ea wherefew teachs &aye adequate preparation. The guide contains d'oaparative'reviews ôfthe works Of 136 author's aqdo. seven works without known:auth.ors. Thewor repeesent various genre.s from. Classical to modernftimes andare dra n from 'Asia %and kfrica a§ w0ll as froia Sou'th Ametrica aud.,Europ..Eah reView provides intormat4.0n, about the -authoria short slim hry of thework discussion ofother \Works -by the author.,and a comparison of th-v'iok with*.similar works. Lists Of literature.anthologies an,d of works.of. literary:hist9ry 'and *criticism are iplpended.(tL). 1.. r 5 Jr".. - 4- . i . 11, ********w*********************************************4***************.. ? . * . ReproAuctions supplied..bY EDIS ar9 the best thAt #canbe.niade V .4c , * - from' tte _original docuent., - * . \ , . , . , 4. %-...... " .. ,,,r. 1 . ... _ .. e 0 Et (Ni uu.tcle to Worl4. Literature 4 - co s begARTMEHT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION& WeLFRE NTRIFIONAL. INST I-TUT E 0/F EDUCATION TA'SDOC uMENTTlAS. BEEN REP,R0- Du( e ) E XAc TL Y AS RECEIVED FROM THE PE RSON OR ORGANIZAT ION ORIGIN- % TING.T POAT %0-F VIEW Olt OPINIONS, New Edition sTA TED DO NOT NECESSARILY OEPRE-1 SE N T O5 101 Al NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF E Du( AT ION POSIT ION OR- POZICY S. Warren Carrier, Editor C. University of WisconsinPlattevill'e Kenneth*A. Oliver, Associate Editor Occidental College,`Los Angeles 'Based upon the original work by RObert O'Neal . 1' PERMISSION TO13EPRODUCt THrS MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTEDBY National Council of Teachers of English *- TO. THE EQUCATIONAL RpOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC)." !if . , . National Council of Teachers of Ei2glish 1111 Kenydn Road, Urbana, Illinois 61801 N.* Grateful acknotitledgement is ,made for permission to reprint the following material: Lyric poetry froth The Prose andPoetrylof flenrich Heine,Cita-. 'del Press~ New York, 1969. Lines, from the Rubaiyat by Omar Khayy3m, © Doubleday Publishing Company. Lines froth, Reading Mod4rnt'oetry by Paul Engle and' Warren 'Carrier, © 1955, 1968 by Scott, Foresthan and.Com- pany. R1r,r fitted by permission.. Poetry from The Interior Landscape, Low Poems frn a.Classicai Tamil Antholggy, translated by A. K. Ramanujan, CI Indiana University Pier.s. Cover photo courtesy of the Nationbi Aeronautics and Space Admdistration: Apollo 11 view of the Earth taken by Neil.Ann- strong,. Michael Collins, and 'Edwin Aldrin, Jr. on July 17, 1969. NCTE'Editorial Board: Thomas J. Creswell,' C. Kermeen Fristrom, Rudine Sims, Donald C. Stewart, C. Ami Terry, Robert F. Hogan, ex officio, Paul, IC:pea, ex officio Staff Editors: Barbara Davis, Duncan Streeter Book Design: Tom Kovacs, iittellor; V. Martin, cover iNCTE Stock Number 19492 © 1980 by the Nationitl'Council of Teachers of Etiglish. All rights reserved. Printed in the United. States bf America. / . Itithe policy of NC:TE in itt journals and either publications to provide a forum for the .open discussion of ideas concerning the content and the teach- ing of English and the language arts. Publietity accorded to any particular point bf view. does kreimply endoriement by the Executive Committee, the Board of Directors, or the membership at lafte, except in announcements of policy where such endorsement is clearly speaified. 14 Library of Contress CatalOging In Publication D4ta National Council of Tevhers of English. Guide to world literature. p. Includes index. "1. Literature-Stories, plots, etc.' 2, Literature -Outlines, syllabi, etc. I. Carrier,Warren Pendleton. Kenneth A. III. O'Neal, Mart, 1914-- t it Teacher's' guide to-world literalure fqr the high.school. IV, fitlet PN44.F1371980 ".802%02 80;15093 , ISBN 0-8141-1949-2 iv) . I . Contents 0.11, 4. Preface II s. introduction 3 r Thematic Approach Generic Approach Historical and Comparative Approach Comparative Reviews /Abé; Kobo 15 Achebe, Chinua 15 Aeschylui 17 dAlain-Fournter (Henri-Alban Fournier) 20 Alegria. Ciro. 2 L Andreyev, Leonid Nikolaevidh 22 Anouilh, Jean 23 Anwar, Chairil 26 Aristophanes 26 Armah, Ayi Kwei e9 .Asturils, Miguel Angel 31 AUCASS1N AND 1COLEflE 32 Azueb, .Mariano 33 Balzac, Ilontré de Baneri, Bibnutibhushan. 36 Baudelaire, Charles 36 Beaumarchais, Pierre-Augustin Caron de 38 Beckett,.Samuel 40 Baer, Joseph 40 p. Boccaccio, Gioirni 41 Boll, Heinrich- . : 42 gOOK OF SONGS,THE 44 Borges, Jar& Luis 44 7* Bewails, Geoffrey and AnthonyThwaite 46 11p Contents 8 Brecht, Bertolt 47 Bulgakov,- Mikhail Afansievich 49 Calderén (Pedro Calder6n de la Dana) 51 Camus, Albert 51 Catullus, Gaius Valerius 5k Cellini,Benvenutq 54 CerVaptes, yiguel de Chateiubriand, Francois41.eue 51 Chatterjee, Bankim-Chavdra 58 Chekl?ov, Anton Pavlovich 54 Clark, John Pepti.r 62 Cocteau, Jean 63 Colette, Sidonie Gabrielle 65 Corneille, Pierre 66 Cortazar, Julio 67 bante.(Dante Alighieri) 68 4 Dostoevski, Fyodor Mikhailovich 69 Dumas,Alexandre, per& 73 . Ek*ensi, Cyprian 75 Euripides 77 Flaubert, Gustave. 81 France, Anatole 84 f rank, Anne . 85. Garcia Lorca, Federico , 86 k Garcia Márquez,.Gabriel 88 Ghãlib 89 Gide, Andre 90 GFLGAMESH 91 Giraudoux, Jean 92 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang vPn #93 Gogol, Nikolai VaPsilievich 96 GREEK ANTHOLOGY, THE \ 98 Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelmf. 9) Hauptmann, Gerhart 100 Heine, Heinrich 102 Hesse, Hermann. 104 hlomer. 107 Horace Hugo, Victor 17 1 lir a contentt vii -Ibsen...Henrik '111 lonesco, Eugene, 113 Juvenal (Decimus Junius Juvenalis n6 Kaf1alanz 117. Kang, Younghit s. 119 Kartini, Raden Adjeng 120 Kawabau. Yasunari . 122 . " Kizantzakis;Nilcos 121 Ithayy5m, Omar ; 124 Kim, Richard P.. -.0 126 La Fayette, Marie-Macleleint, Contter de- 127 La Rochefoucauld, François, Due de 127 Lizarillo de ;formes . .128 Lermontov, Miktiail Yurievich 129 Li, Mirok 431 Lui, Wu-Chi and Irving Yucheng Lo Machiavelli, Niccolb 132. Maeterlinck, Maurice. 133, Malraux, Andr6 136 Mann; Thomas 136. Marie de France 139 Markandaya, Jamal. 140 Maupassant, Guy de 141 Miuriac, François 143 Mdrimde,Prosiier. 144 Mishima, Yukio 145 ( Mistral, Gabriela 5. 145 ' , . Moliere 146 Montaigne, Michel Eyqueni de 15y I yoravia, Alberto 151 Murasaki, Shikibu 152 Nagai, Kafti . 153 Natsume,46seki -154 Neruda, PaBlo 155 1/4' Nguyen, lisoc Bich 157 Palaciö Valdis, Armando aP 158 Pasternak, Boris 158 Perez Galdas, Benito e -1-60 - Petratch (Francesco Petrarcha) 161 . 4. Content; . I. .Pet:ronius (Galin Petroniui Arbiter) 162 Pindar (Pindaros) 163( Pirandello", Luigi' 164 "*. Plautus, Titus Macciui. 165 POEM OF TIIEt ID 16.6 Polo, Marco. 167, Premchand 168 Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeyevich 169 Racine, rean 173 Ramanujan, A. K. 175 Renarque, Erish Maria .176 Rilke, Rliner Maria 177 I. Rdhpos4 . 7 179 Rojas, Fernando de 180* Rosteind Edmond 0. 181 Rutt, k.ichard 182 Saint-Exupay, Antoine de 183 . I r. ,A; . Sappho 184 Sartre., Jean-Paul 185 SAVITRI 1860 , '; ,§chreiner, Olive 187 %Selortney, Francis 188 Solzheni'tsyn, Aleksandi Isavich 1189 SONG OFAOLANIS t. SOO:tacks, a 192 . oyinka, WOle '410 195 8. Stendat Stritidberg, August 198-- Sutherland) Efua T.. 199 Tagore, Rabilidranath 201 le Tolstoi, Lev Niliglaeyich._ 202- Turgenev, Wan ?efigeyivich-. 204. Tutuola, Amos .29s, Undset, Sigrid 206 8 Valmiki 207- Vega Catrpio, Lope de--- 208 Verne, Jule's, 4. 209 Villon, FrIngois 210 Virgil (euRius Vergilius Maro)1 .0f . 2127 *. 4174 J e I at.fl 'Selecte Zola, * eid IndexLiteraryiinziologies EmileChsing-en Histool491.6110sraphies Oiticisin *- 041' r.) 22922s219217214213 . , p . Preface .e . The cliginal-hienof ths Teeher's Guide to WorldLiterature was under- taken as a- monumental' task.bY Rotert O'Neal aid published by the National . Council of Teachers of En-glish in 1166. Itwas intended to encourage reading. beyond the traditional English and;Americantexts by making available a useful resource hi anArea in which .few teachers hat adequate preparatinw: The -purpose of extending studentreading, beyoncrworks.written in English was okvions: to make students aware of other cultures aridat the same time , to bring them to understand the universality ofthe human character and Vcindition. The Guilde clidnot provideinstant expertise. It did, however,. offer, as the title suggests, guidancein what was then a largely unknown 1 field for many. 7 . Today, More than a decade lates, worldliterature in translationis an accepted field of .study from high school throughcollege. There can be little dotibt thin the Guide has furnishedsome impetus in that development. It became increasingly clear to the Committee.onFomparative and World literature, as it followed the growth ofinterest in thi fibld, that perspectives , on world literature ch.ange and that new works appear:clamgringfor atten- . tior?! a revision of theGuide would be required. Severalyears
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