The Oakleaf UPPLY C JulyJuly 2010/ 20101 Y S OR AV P N S TheThe FO N A UNDATIO Tr ce AKLEAF a vi OAKLEAF di r O tion of Se Scholarships awarded to 74 students By CDR Jack Evans, SC, USN (Ret.), Chief Staff Officer Inside this issue ... In May, 74 students who are chil- awarded 1,860 scholarships valued in dren and grandchildren of Supply excess of $3,761,500. Year of Navy Supply .............. 3, 8, 9 Corps officers and Supply enlisted Selection board members included: In Memoriam .................................. 4 personnel were awarded Navy Sup- President: RADM Steve Maas, SC, USN Scholarship profile: Amanda Pierson ...5 ply Corps Foundation scholarships (Ret.) (Retired chair) for the 2010-2011 academic year. A Members: Distinguished Alumni named ......... 6 total of $199,500 was awarded, made CDR Kristen Acquavella, SC, USN (Ac- 2010-2011 Scholarship winners .... 10 up of one one-year $10,000 scholar- tive Duty chair) ship, 16 one-year $5,000 scholarships, LCDR Dennis Collins, SC, USN (Re- NSCS Newport ............................ 15 35 one-year $2,500 scholarships, and serve chair) 22 one-year $1,000 scholarships. The CMDCM (SW/AW) Loretta Glen, USN .... and more Foundation will also fund four one- (Senior Enlisted chair) year $2,500 memorial scholarships Mrs. Kirol Patten (Spouse’s Club chair) for the children of Supply Corps of- Recorder: CDR Jack Evans, SC, USN screened 173 applications during the ficers who died while on active duty. (Ret.) three-day meeting. Applicants were Since 1971, the Foundation has The selection board carefully ranked on scholastic ability, charac- Continued on page 4 Current and former Chiefs of Supply Corps together at gala Photo by Jeff Malet Jeff by Photo Current and former Chiefs gathered recently at the Black Tie Gala to celebrate the opening of the Year of Navy Supply in Washington DC. Pictured from left are RADM Mike Lyden, current Chief of Supply Corps, VADM Dan McCarthy (Ret.), RADM Dan McKinnon (Ret.), RADM Don Hick- man (Ret.), VADM Keith Lippert (Ret.), RADM Ted Walker (Ret.), and VADM Alan Thompson. See additional coverage on pages 3, 8 and 9. The Oakleaf July 2010/2 TheThe Greetings from the Chairman OOAKLEAFAKLEAF The Newsletter of the Navy Supply Corps Foundation have tried to identify all of our for- We’ve just selected our 2010-2011 1425 Prince Avenue scholarship recipients and once again mer shipmates and friends who spent Athens, Georgia 30606-2205 I am astounded by their talents and three to four years on active duty and (706) 354-4111 accomplishments. Special thanks to then left the service without continu- E-mail: [email protected] the members of the scholarship se- ing a career in the Reserves…what we Chairman lection board. To the sponsors of the refer to as “former” Supply Corps of- CAPT John L. Kizer, SC, USN (Ret.) scholarship awardees, you should be ficers. These folks are all members of Vice Chairman especially proud. The competition for our Foundation, as they once wore the CAPT Len Sapera, SC, USN (Ret.) these scholarships is very competitive oak leaf. I want to ask each of you to Treasurer and I want to congratulate each ap- help us in this “Human Web 2010” ef- CAPT Mike Kalas, SC, USN (Ret.) plicant. If you weren’t successful this fort. If you have stayed in contact with Secretary year, don’t give up. Continue to work any of your classmates from NSCS CDR Kristin Acquavella, SC, USN hard, get good grades and be active in who got out, let us know who they are Chief Staff Officer extra-curricular activities. Every year and where they are. Just send any in- CDR Jack Evans, SC, USN (Ret.) is a new start and you should continue formation you have to our Chief Staff Directors to compete. The results of this year’s Officer, CDR Jack Evans, evans@usn- RADM Donald G. St. Angelo, board are found on page 10. scf.com or by mail to the Foundation SC, USN (Ret.) I am sure that most of you are office in Athens. RADM Mike Lyden, SC, USN familiar with the concept of “six de- One last item…our Foundation RADM Mark Heinrich, SC, USN grees of separation” (also referred to Board of Directors meeting will be held RADM Steve Maas, SC, USN (Ret.) as the “Human Web”). This refers to in Athens this October. It will be our last RADM Jim Allan, SC, USN (Ret.) the idea that everyone is at most six chance to visit NSCS before the move to CAPT Tom Billings, SC, USN (Ret.) steps away from any other person on Newport. Details will be published on CAPT Lee Singleton, SC, USN earth, so that a chain of “a friend of the Foundation website and I invite any CAPT Peter Eltringham, a friend” statements can be made to of you to join us at that time. SC, USN (Ret.) connect any two people in six steps CAPT Steve Kinskie, SC, USN or fewer. For a number of years, we CAPT John Kizer, SC, USN (Ret.) CDR Spencer Moseley, SC, USN CDR Charles Parker, SC, USN LCDR Dennis Collins, SC, USN Charlie Sigety Association and Volunteer of Gil Osnos the Year nominations sought Ad Hoc CMDCM Jim Collins, USN Judy Heinrich Each year the Foundation selects an Association and a Vol- Access the Foundation Web site at unteer of the Year. The awards are made based on service to http://www.usnscf.com the members and commitment to the goals and mission of the The Oakleaf Staff Foundation…Taking Care of Our Own. “We have a great group Liz Van Wye, Writer/Editor of member Associations,” said Board Chairman retired Captain [email protected] John Kizer. “It’s a tough decision each year and we want to be Linda Hall, Graphic Layout sure we recognize the hard work and support our associations provide.” The Oakleaf deadlines: September 15, 2010, for Any member may nominate in these categories. Send a brief November 2010 issue. write-up via email to Foundation Chief Staff Officer Jack Evans January 15, 2011 for at [email protected] no later than Aug. 1, 2010. March 2011 issue. Submit news and ideas to [email protected] The Oakleaf July 2010/ $40,000 raised at Year of Navy Supply Black Tie Gala Over $40,000 was raised for Foun- of the Navy Memorial (as well as 35th Michelle Wojciechowicz and Sean dation scholarship programs and Chief of Supply Corps) opened the Holden, current recipients of Founda- activities at the Black Tie Gala held on program with a salute to those who tion scholarships, were also recognized April 9 at the Navy Memorial in Wash- put together the Year of Navy Supply by Kizer. ington, D.C. Foundation Chairman display, calling it “the best single dis- The program wrapped up with John Kizer called the event “extremely play” he had seen. remarks by RADM Lyden and the successful,” noting that it was also an Kizer then recognized the seven showing of the film, “A Day in the occasion for more than 150 Founda- current and former Chiefs of Supply Life of a Supply Officer.” The film, Corps present at the Gala. In addi- which follows CDR Chris Parker, SC, According to tion to Walker, they included retired USN, aboard the USS Harry S. Truman Rear Admirals Dan McKinnon and during a day at sea, will be shown all RADM Ted Walker (Ret.), Don Hickman, and retired Vice Admi- year at the Navy Memorial and is President & CEO, rals Keith Lippert and Dan McCarthy. linked to the Foundation website at VADM Al Thompson and the current www.usnscf.com Navy Memorial, the Year of Navy Chief, RADM Mike Lyden, rounded Kizer thanked the guests for their Supply is “the best single display” out the group. support of the Foundation, and in par- Kizer also recognized the ac- ticular extended his appreciation to he had seen. complishments of the Foundation’s the event sponsors, listed elsewhere Distinguished Alumni, who had gone in this issue of The Oakleaf and also tion supporters as well as friends and on after serving in the Supply Corps available online. “It’s been a wonder- family members to come together for to achieve success in business or other ful evening,” he said, “and the support a sneak preview of the “Year of Navy private sector endeavors. Those in atten- you give to the Foundation helps us all Supply” exhibit, which opened at the dance included Distinguished Alumni to continue to Take Care of Our Own.” Memorial the next day. RADM Don St. Angelo (Ret.), VADM Ed See a list of donors who helped make the Black Retired Supply Corps RADM E. Straw (Ret.), and CAPT Albert “Bud” Tie Gala possible is on page 8 and photos of the K. “Ted” Walker, President and CEO Schiff (Ret.) and his wife Jayne. event on page 9. Make monthly donation to the Foundation online By Linda Hall, Foundation Web Coordinator The ability to set up a monthly do- passed away as well as the current list- User’s Profile in order to receive up- nation to the Foundation via your credit ing by date. dates from their local organization. To card is one of the key functions that will Some other updates that will affect find your profile, sign on to the website soon be available on the Foundation the Foundation and Association sites in the Login box on the lower left corner website. All payments go through the will include enhanced event signup of the homepage. Select Profile under secure Paypal system currently in use capabilities to include selection from My Pages in the Welcome box.
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