INDEX Note: Pages numbers followed by “n” refer to notes. A anti-British, 13–14 Abdullah, C.D., 48 in India, 26 Abdul Rahman Ya’kub, 94 anti-colonialism, 60 Abdul Razak Hussein, 92 anti-colonial nationalism, 140 Ah Moke, 37, 61, 72 power of, 137 All-Malayan Council of Joint Anti-Fascist Committee of Soviet Action (AMCJA), 53 Youth, 66 All-Union Council of Trade Anti-Fascist People’s Freedom Unions, 177 League, 66 All-Union Leninist Young anti-tank regiment, 19 Communist League, 66 Arthur Lim, 178n1 AMCJA. See All-Malayan Council ASEAN. See Association of of Joint Action (AMCJA) Southeast Asian Nations AMCJA/PUTERA group, 59 (ASEAN) American Revolution, 122–23, Asia Foundation, 113 128–30 Association of Southeast Asian and French Revolution, Nations (ASEAN), 182 129–30 An Autobiography (Nehru), 13, 16 B Anglo-Malay agreements, 53 Balakrishnan, V.R., 175 Anglo-Malay sovereignty, 54 Ballas, Jacob, 78 anti-Asian sentiment, 10–11 Battle of Singapore, 21 15-01089 13 Life&Times_GeraldCruz.indd 213 4/8/15 2:06 pm 214 Index Battle of Waterloo, 127 children, intellectually Bayly, Christopher, 41 handicapped, 87–90 Bernstein, Eduard, 182 Chinese Communist Party, 32, Bettelheim, Bruno, 189 150, 155–56 Bloodworth, Dennis, 67 Chin Peng, 37, 62 Boestaman, Ahmad, 38, 48, 58 Churchill, Winston, 57, 159 Bose, Rash Behari, 24–25 Civil Disobedience Campaign, Bose, Subhas Chandra, 25 56 Boswell, Wilbur, 82 Civil Rights Convention, 106 Braga-Blake, Myrna, 10 civil servants, 117–18 British Commonwealth, 44 Civil War, 124, 129 British Empire, 11–12, 17 CJA. See Council of Joint Action British imperialism, 13 (CJA) British Military Administration, 34 Clarke, Hilda, 86–87 Burhanuddin al-Helmy, 38, 48 columnist Burke, Edmund, 130 de Cruz as, 7 Burmese Communist Party, 66 for New Nation, 181–92 Comber, Leon, 60 C Commonwealth Office, 79 Calcutta conference, 65–66, 68 communism, 87, 93, 106, 119, Cape of Good Hope, 19 122 Carey Island, 36 books, 137, 145–58 CC AUCP (B). See Central in China, 183 Committee of the All- and democratic socialism, Union Communist Party (of 150–52 Bolsheviks) (CC AUCP (B)) dialectical and historical Central Committee of the All- materialism, 148 Union Communist Party (of Eastern Europe, 84 Bolsheviks) (CC AUCP (B), indoctrination, 148 66 and nationalism, 150 Chan Heng Chee, 98 pro-communist Barisan Chan Ming Chen, 49, 52 Sosialis, 153 Chaplin, Charlie, 171 rift with, 61–73 Chew Swee Kee, 101, 108–9, 111 in Singapore, 155 15-01089 13 Life&Times_GeraldCruz.indd 214 4/8/15 2:06 pm Index 215 communist guerrillas Declaration of Independence, and British, wartime 128 collaboration between, 34 decolonization, 137 communist insurgency in de Cruz, Adam, 201–2 Malaya, 146 de Cruz, Coral, 80, 107–8 Communist Manifesto, The, 131–32 de Cruz, Gerald Evelyn, 19 Communist Party, 91, 106, 146, in Athens, 81 149, 153 awarded a gold medal by Communist Party of NTUC in 1970, 168 Czechoslovakia, 82 birthday programme, 88–90 Communist Party of Great books, 136–61 Britain, 84, 86 in British electoral politics, 91 Communist Party of India, 65 childhood and youth, 9–17 Conceicao, Joe, 30 as columnist, 7 Conference of Youth and columnist for New Nation, Students of Southeast Asia 181–92 Fighting for Freedom and communism, 147–58 Independence, 65 community life, 3 Conservative Party, 94 democracy, 158–61 Co-operative Movement, trade democratic socialism, 5–6 unions and development Eurasian Progressive of, 46 Movement, 27–30 Cooper, Richard, 184 Fabian Society, 132–35 Corridon, Richard, 105 family of, 9–10, 194–202 cosmopolitanism, 144–45 friend of labour, 167–78 Council of Joint Action (CJA), going abroad, 77–85 50, 52–61 in India, 78 Cultural Revolution, 135, 155–57 involvement with boycott, Czech Embassy in Rome, 82 MNP, 51 Czech Secret Police, 83–84 job in ancillary medical services, 86 D joined MDU, 45–46 David Marshall, 4, 14, 91, 94, as journalist, 7 99–105, 107, 110, 112, 117 journalistic skills, 168 15-01089 13 Life&Times_GeraldCruz.indd 215 4/8/15 2:06 pm 216 Index labour’s improvement, Efimova, Larisa, 66 contribution to, 6–7 Emergency Regulations, 21 lecture notes on American Employment Act, 168 Revolution of 1776, English Revolution, 122–23, 128 128–30 Eurasian Association, 10, 28 in London, 86 Eurasian community, 20, 29 Machine-Gun Regiment, 21 Eurasian Progressive Association, Merger, 112–14 42 nationalism, 137–47 Eurasian Progressive Movement, nationalism and socialism, 20 27–30, 77 paper on workers’ education, 169 Papers, 120–36 F parents of, 23 Fabian Colonial Bureau, 96 in People’s Action Party, 106 Fabian doctrine, 134 People’s Constitution, 53–54 Fabian Society, 132–35 PMCJA’s representative, 54 and Marxist approaches, politics, 3–4, 90–96 134–35 President of PMCJA, 55 nationalization, 133–34 Radio Saigon, 24 political equality for women, 134 religion, 4 prevention of “sweated as revisionist, 6 labour”, 133 serial blood donor, 186 reformist demands, 133 social programme, 88 socialism, 134 teaching, 5 Fellowship of the New Life voluntary service, 5 movement, 132 de Cruz, Joshua, 11 feudalism, 138–39 de Cruz, Simon Tensing, 196–99 Forum on Communism, 152 Democrat, The, 36, 38 Forum on Nationalism, 141 Department of Motivation, Fountain Hospital for Mentally- 174–75 Retarded Children, London, Devan, Janadas, 178n1 86, 88 Free India Radio Saigon, 25–27 E French Revolution, 123, 137, Eber, John, 20, 28–29, 53, 92–94 142, 147 15-01089 13 Life&Times_GeraldCruz.indd 216 4/8/15 2:06 pm Index 217 American Revolution and, independence, 99 129–30 India Burke, Edmund, 130–31 anti-British feeling in, 26 modernity, 138–39 de Cruz, Gerald, 78 and nationalism, 138 and Singapore, 13 Indian Army, 26 G Indian independence movement, Gammans, L.D., 91 24–25 Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand, Indian National Army (INA), 3, 25 25–26, 56 Indonesian Communist Party, Goh Keng Swee, 92–93, 116–17, 154–55 120 Indonesian liberation movement Gordon, Shirle, 113 in 1946, 65 Grand Alliance, 63 Industrial Revolution, 123, Great Depression, 13 137–40, 147 Gwee Ah Leng, 190 intellectually handicapped children, 87–90 H Intelligence Quotient (IQ), 86 Hack, Karl, 68 Intelligent Woman’s Guide to Harper, Tim, 42 Socialism and Capitalism, The Hassan, Inayat, 25–26, 78–80 (Shaw), 27–28 Hatta, 47 IQ. See Intelligence Quotient Herzberg, F., 172 (IQ) Hinton, Harold, 189 Ishak bin Haji Mohammed, 48 Hoalim, Philip, 50 Islam, impact of on Malays, 113 Hobbes, Thomas, 124–25 Ho Chi Minh, 32 J Hoffman, Leslie, 35 Jaganathan, S., 103 Japanese Occupation, 11, 55, 77 I Eurasian Progressive imperialism, 137, 140, 143, 148 Movement, 27–30 Impregnable Fortress, 19 Radio Saigon, 24 INA. See Indian National Army Sherwood Foresters Anti-Tank (INA) Gunners, 19 15-01089 13 Life&Times_GeraldCruz.indd 217 4/8/15 2:06 pm 218 Index journalist, de Cruz as, 7 Lee Foundation, 113 Jupp, Audrey, 90 Lee Kuan Yew, 99, 100, 107, 109–11, 113, 116–17, 167 K Malayan Forum, 94 Katz, Daniel, 172 and Marshall, David Saul, Kennan, George, 63–64 105–6 Kennedy, John, 185 Lee Song, 65 Kennedy, Robert, 185 Lee Yew Seng, 103 Kesatuan Melayu Muda (KMM), Liau, Philip, 197 47 Liberal Socialist Party, 111 King, Martin Luther, 185 Likert, Rensis, 172 KMM. See Kesatuan Melayu Lim Chin Siong, 167 Muda (KMM) Lim Hong Bee, 30, 35, 46, 67, Komsomol, 66 83, 92 Kristac, Max, 27 Lim Kean Chye, 49, 52 Kuok Ping Chen, Billy, 15, 36, Lim Yew Hock, 96, 99, 101, 109 53 leadership styles, 103–5 Singapore People’s Alliance, 111 L Locke, John, 124–26 Labour Front, 92, 96, 98–101, Loi Tek, 49, 61–62 103–4, 109, 111–12 Central Committee of, 99 M funds, 110 Machine-Gun Regiment, 20–21 and Trades Union Congress, Magna Carta, 123 95 Mak Pak Shee, 98–99, 103 Labour Government, 87–88 Malayan Communist Party Labour in a Technological (MCP), 3–4, 28, 37–38, 59, Society: Action Programme 152, 161 for the 70’s, 171 Chinese-educated leadership labour movement, 90, 169 of, 33 Labour Party, 94 Council of Joint Action (CJA), formation of, 134–35 50 La Brooy, Sholto, 21–22 formed in Singapore, 32 Laycock, John, 50 Labour Party, 47–48 15-01089 13 Life&Times_GeraldCruz.indd 218 4/8/15 2:06 pm Index 219 Malayan Democratic Union leadership styles, 103–4 (MDU), 30, 41–51, 59, 77 and Lee Kuan Yew, 105–6 Central Committee meeting, resignation of, 91–92, 94–96, 59 98–102 de Cruz joined, 45–46 Marshall, George C., 63 Manifesto, 42–45 Marshall, Jean, 107–8 Malayan Forum, 92, 94 Marshall Plan, 63 Malayan independence, 90–91 Mausner, M., 172 Tunku Abdul Rahman and, 92 May Fourth movement of 1919, Malayan People’s Anti-Japanese 32 Army (MPAJA), 47 Mayo, Elton, 171 Malayan Security Service (1948), McNiece, Sir Percy, 78 51 MCP. See Malayan Communist Malayan Union, 36, 45 Party (MCP) Malay Nationalist Party (MNP), MDU. See Malayan Democratic 46–48, 59 Union (MDU) Malaysia, 29, 93 Merger, 112–14 anti-colonial movement in, 32 Mind in the Making, The communal tensions in, 42 (Robinson), 28 communist insurgency in, 146 Ming, Ah, 36 during immediate post-war MNP. See Malay Nationalist Party years, 41 (MNP) Indian independence More, Thomas, 182 movement in, 24–25 Moscow Institute, 177 nationalism, 71 Mostyn, Lyn, 91 peasants, development of in, 113 MPAJA. See Malayan People’s rabble-rousing in, 87 Anti-Japanese Army (MPAJA) referendum campaign, 127 Mydin, Rashid, 48 Malay Sultans, 53 Manifesto, MDU, 42–45 N Maoism, 132 Nair, C.V. Devan, 167, 178n1, Maoist China, 184 200 Marshall, David Saul, 14, 107–8, NAMH.
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