![IRVING KAYE DAVIS & CO., Book Publishers](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
AUGUST, 1919 20 CENTS ,,/' • I', '.' '" 1" . ' .. " ,',:' ~.::.;:, '~::'.'~'::.: ~:~},:~~<; ~;~,:,:~~ "~. ";' ,! .. Dt'(£wing by Mlt1WWe Stet'ne "Conversations with Lenin," Arthur Ransome - These threoe books have been selected by Miss I Amy Lowell to go on the shelf of modern ~.oetr_yII ? installed in all Doubleday-Page Company's Book- shops. • THE CHARNEL ROSE WRITER By Conrad Aiken The latest and best book of verse bv the autbor of "Tbp AUTHOR Jig of Forslin." "The finest book 'of poetry written in 1\H8."-Chicago Tribune. Contains: "Senlin: a Biography;" "Variations, I-XVIII;" and the symbolic poem, "The Charnel Rose." Blue cloth, uniform with "Earth Triumphant:' .........•••.. Net $1,25 SCHOLAR THE MOUNT AINY SINGER 'P By Seosamh MacCathmhaoil • A pedlar's pack of rllynws hy the Irish. poet and dramatist. wbose uame in the English is .Joseph Campbell. This book bas been out of print for several yeltrs and meanwhile has heen much sought for hy lovers of Irish Pgetry both bere and abroa(I. 1.000 eopies only from hand-set type. Why not have your manuscript Boards and label, gilt tops ....... " ............... Net $1.50 IMAGES By Richard Aldington TYPEWRITTEN Already ~Ir. Aldington's work is in all the important an­ thologies. and this little volume has heeomp one of the You. will receive satisfaction as to accuracy, speed, and landmarks of the "New Poetry." A new volume by ~Ir. especially as to PRICE. I charge the AldIngtoll. entitled "'ar and Love, has just been issued. lowest possible 1'ate. and contains all his works since Images. It was written as a result of his experiene~s as Lieutenant in tlle British Army, (Contemporary Series) Green wrapper over boards, . Net $.75 PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER Stuyvesant 4620 People's House-7 East 15th Street The Four Seas Company, Publishers, Boston THE Pearson's Magazine, SOCIALIZATION ,edited by Frank OF MONEY • BY E. F. MYLIUS Harris, IS the only A treatise presenting a practical solution of the money problem radical Magazine • In America worth CONTENTS What money is I-Utility of paper money­ The so-called "standard of vaIue"-Bank­ while reading. Write ruptcy of commodity-money-How to social­ ize money-What socialized money is. and its problble economic effects. etc. for Free Sample Price. 25 eents. Speeial dis('ount for fJuantities of twenty­ fiYe 01' more. Spnd ordprs to tbf> author. ('are of Copy. THE LIBERATOR, 34 Union Square, New York The.e tbree books have been seleeted by ::Ill •• Amy Lowell to go 011 the shelr or modern poetry ? IOHtaUed In all Doubleday-Page Company's Book­ shups. • Ii I! THE CHARNEL ROSE WRITER By Conrad Aiken The latest anel best book of verse by the author of "Tbt> AUTHOR Jig of l'orsl1n." "'1'h" finest book of poetry written In 1!J18."-Chicngo Tribune. Contain!;: "Senlin: at Biography;" U\'ariatiolls, I-X\' III j" a.nd the HY Ulbolic po~m, wrhe Charnel RDse." Blue c loth, unHonn \\,Uil ·'EBrth Trluillphant.'· .........•.... Net $1.25 SCHOLAR THE MOUNT AINY SINGER ., By Seosamh MacCathmhaoil • A pedlar's pa('k of rl.ymE's Ill' the Irish poet and elramatl~t. whose nUOle in thl' English is .loseph Camphell. This book lUIS bel'n out of print for several yenrs and meanwhile has ueen much sOllght rol' IIY I<",ers or J rish 1'91'1 ry both bere and abroa.l. 1.000 ('ollies only from htlnd-s.. t tYIIl'· Why not have your manuscript Boards and label, gilt top8 .....•...•.............. Net $1.50 IMAGES By Richard Aldington TYPEWRITTEN Already Mr. Aldington's work Is in all tbe Important an­ thologies. unrl this little volume bas hecom.> one of the You Will receive satisfaction as to aclntracy, speed, and landmarks or the "New Poetry." A new volume hy Mr. especially as to PRICE. I ch,a,?'ge the Aldlngtoll. enUtlerl " 'Ilr and LO"e, has just been issul'd. lowest possible ?'ate. and coutains all his works sinc£> ImageR. rt wus written as a result of his experlenCl'S IlS Lieutenant In tile British Army. (Contemporary Serleg) Green wrapper over board •.• Net $.711 PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER Stuyvesant 4620 People's House-7 East 15th Street The Four Seas Company, Publishers, Boston I, THE Pearson's Magazine, SOCIALIZATION ,edited by Frank OF MONEY BY E. F. MYLIUS Harris, is the only A treatise presenting' a practical solution of the money problem radical Magazine Ii in America worth CONTENTS What money is I-Utility of paper money­ The so-called "standard of value"-Bank­ while reading. Write ruptcy of commodity-money-How to social­ ize money-What socialized money is, and its prob:lble economic effects. etc. for Free Sample Prlre. 25 rents. Rlleclnl .1Isrount for Quontltles of twenty­ five 01' more. !':pntl ordl'rs to tbl' author, rort! ot Copy. THE LIBERATOR, 34 Union Square, New York More Secret Diplomacy WE congratulate the Nation on its sensational exposure of one at the BuIIitt express request, reluctantly restrained its desire for of the most startling examples of Allied and American dip­ an immediate pUblication of such terms. lomatic treachery to Soviet Russia. The proof is 'now at hand that "Now, after the resignation of Bullitt from the Peace Delegation the United States and England sent William Bullitt to Russia with at Versailles, and the continued attempts made by the Allied Gov­ a proposal to make peace upon certain conditions. The Soviet· ernments to overthrow the Soviet Power, and in the face of a ful'< G01Jernment accepted the proposal. The American and Allied Gov­ ther shedding of blood, the Soviet Government publishes to the world ernments then refused to carry it out. Lloyd George, who was a those peace conditions. They were drawn up by Wilson, Colonel party to the plan, has with unblushing falsehood denied in the House, and Lloyd George, and were sent to us through Bullitt. House of Commons that he knew anything about it. The authentic "The Allied Governments invited all the governments really ex­ news of the whole affair comes by wireless from Russia, via Buda­ isting in Russia to a new Peace Conference upon a basis agreed Pe.sth. We quote the wireless account: upon by all the Allied Powers, leaving only details to be further . "It is now evident that the Allied Governments-although profes­ arranged. The Soviet Government made some modifications. and SIng to have abandoned the idea of military intervention in. Russia tkese were accepted by Bullitt. The open invitation should have -h~ve, in reality, never changed their policy, and are secretly pre­ been sent out on the 10th of last April. panng, underhand, a new attack on the Russian Soviet Govern­ ment. Under the pressure of working-class opinion, the Allied * * * Powers have in the past made several peace proposals to Russia. "Although the Red Army was then on the eve of taking po!Ses- but they have always formulated impossible terms. When the sion of Odessa, the Crimea, and the Don region, the Soviet Govern­ Soviet Power, to defeat these manreuvres, did finally accept these ment was ready to accept those terms; to accept the status quo; in terms, the Allied Powers then announced to the world that their the certain hope that the inhabitants of those parts of Russia not proposals had been rej ected. This was the policy followed both under the- Soviet regime would, sooner or later, withdraw their sup­ with regard to the invitation to the island of Prinkipo and to the port from their reactionary and monarchic governments. proposal of Nansen. "The publication of th'ese proposals shows once more the hypoc':' "Concerning the third peace offer, the Allied Powers thought it risy of the Allied Governments, and exposes the lie that it was best not to give any public information, because, in this case, the the Soviet Government which refused to cease hostilities. The acceptance of their proposals by the Soviet Government could be double dealing of the Allied Governments has but one result, that proved by documents. _ of closing still further our ranks, to fight to the last, against th. - "This. proposal was brought to Russia by the American, Bullitt, unholy alliance of small and big Imperialist Governments in this . Captain Pettit and the journalist Steffens. The Soviet Government; attempt to enslave the workers and pea8ants of Russia." WITHOUT ADD TO YOUR LIBRARY EXPENSE If you -will send us two new Liberator subscriptions for a year at $2.00 apiece, (or four new six-months subscriptions at $1.00, each) we will send you JOHN REED'S BOOK on the Russian -Revolution "TEN DA YS THA T SHOOK THE WORLI)" I If you would understand the Russian Revolution you can't do without this book. It costs $2.00 at the book store, and $2.10 by mail. We offer it to you free, not even charging you postage. This offer good until September first. Get your friends to ,subscribe. Use this blank. Liberator, 34 Union Square, New York, N. Y. Send me John Reed's book .. Enclosed find $'4.00 for the two new subscribers whose names and addresses are as follows: ' Send the book to: Name .................... Name .................... Name .................. -.. Address. .. Address.................. Address ................. THE LIBERATOR, a monthly magazine. August, 1919. Twenty cents a copy, $2 a year. Vol. 2. No.8. Serial No. 18. Published by The Liberator Publishing Co., 34 Union Square. New York. N. Y. Applic ation pending for entry as second-class matter at the post office at New York, N. Y., under the Act of March 3. 1879. Copyright, 1919. 4 Boardman Robinson They"ve Signed It! THE LIBERATOR Vol. 2" No. 8 (Serial No. 18) August" 1919 In Communist Hungary By Crystal Eastman EFORE the war, they told me, Bela Kun was an bility by handing the government over to the Social B obscure SochiJist secretary in a small city of Hun­ Democrats.
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