THE ENSIGN OF THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS • MAY 2001 Addresses of General Conference Susquehanna River, by Linda Curley Christensen The wilderness along the Susquehanna River in rural Pennsylvania and New York was the scene of some of the most significant events of the Restoration. These included the appearances of John the Baptist to restore the Aaronic Priesthood, and of Peter, James, and John to restore the Melchizedek Priesthood, “declaring themselves as possessing the keys of the kingdom, and of the dispensation of the fulness of times!” (D&C 128:20). REPORT OF THE 171ST ANNUAL GENERAL CONFERENCE OF THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS Sermons and proceedings of 31 March–1 April 2001 from the Conference Center, Salt Lake City, Utah n opening the conference I Thomas S. Monson, First Counselor, “ simply want to very briefly and President James E. Faust, Second give a report on the Church,” Counselor in the First Presidency. PresidentI Gordon B. Hinckley said Administrative action during the on Saturday morning, 31 March Saturday afternoon session added 2001. “It is stronger than it has ever new members to all five Quorums of been. It is not only larger in num- the Seventy. Two members of the bers, but I believe there is greater Second Quorum of the Seventy were faithfulness among the Saints sustained to the First Quorum, and generally.” four other brethren were also called “One of the bellwether marks of to that quorum. Six new members the growth and vitality of the Church were sustained to the Second Quo- is the construction of temples,” he rum. The Third, Fourth, and Fifth said. “We will keep on working to Quorums grew by 22 members— bring the temples to the people, mak- new Area Authority Seventies called ing it more convenient for Latter-day from the United States, Canada, Saints everywhere to receive the Members look over Salt Lake City from a Mexico, Central and South America, blessings which can only be had in Conference Center balcony. South Africa, and Japan. these holy houses.” He added: “We Conference sessions were trans- have visited and are giving consider- Hinckley announced the establish- lated into 49 different languages ation to a significant number of po- ment of the Perpetual Education for visitors. Sessions were broadcast tential temple sites in the United Fund to aid the education of Church live via satellite to meetinghouses States, Central and South America, members in areas where they other- in the United States, Canada, Latin Europe, and the isles of the sea.” wise might be trapped in poverty, America, Europe, the Caribbean, The Church moves forward on without skills or the means to obtain and South Africa. More than 1,500 the faith of its members, President them. “Where there is widespread radio and television stations and Hinckley taught in his address on poverty among our people, we cable or satellite dish systems carried Sunday morning. “Whether it be must do all we can to help them all or portions of conference sessions. going into the mission field, living to lift themselves, to establish All sessions were also available at the Word of Wisdom, paying one’s their lives upon a foundation www.lds.org in English audio and tithing, it is all the same. It is the of self-reliance that can come video formats and in 34 other lan- faith within us that is evidenced in of training. Education is the key guages in audio only. Videotapes all we do.” to opportunity.” are made available for areas of the During the Saturday evening Sessions of the general confer- Church where the broadcast was priesthood session, President ence were conducted by President not received.—The Editors អ THE ENSIGN/MAY 2001 1 VOLUME 31 NUMBER 5 ON THE COVERS: Front: Photo by John Luke. Back: Photo by Craig Dimond. Inside front: Susquehanna River, by Linda Curley Christensen, oil on canvas, 24” x 48”, 1999. Inside back: State Street Panorama, by Al Rounds, watercolor, 32” x 48”, 1994. PHOTOS OF CONFERENCE were taken by Craig Dimond, Jed Clark, Welden Andersen, John Luke, Matt Reier, Derek Israelsen, Lana Leishman, Kelly Larsen, Tamra Ratieta, Joy Gough. 1REPORT OF THE 171ST ANNUAL GENERAL CONFERENCE THE FIRST PRESIDENCY: Gordon B. Hinckley, Thomas S. Monson, James E. Faust OF THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS QUORUM OF THE TWELVE: Boyd K. Packer, L. Tom Perry, David B. Haight, Neal A. Maxwell, Russell M. Nelson, ATURDAY ORNING ESSION Dallin H. Oaks, M. Russell Ballard, Joseph B. Wirthlin, S M S Richard G. Scott, Robert D. Hales, Jeffrey R. Holland, HE ORK OES N Henry B. Eyring 4 T W G O President Gordon B. Hinckley IRST HINGS IRST EDITOR: Dennis B. Neuenschwander 6 F T F Elder Richard G. Scott ADVISERS: L. Lionel Kendrick, Yoshihiko Kikuchi, 9 “TO WALK HUMBLY WITH THY GOD” Elder Marlin K. Jensen John M. Madsen OD OF IRACLES CURRICULUM DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATORS 12 A G M Sydney S. Reynolds MANAGING DIRECTOR: Ronald L. Knighton 14 “WITNESSES UNTO ME” Elder Jeffrey R. Holland EDITORIAL DIRECTOR: Richard M. Romney OMPASSION GRAPHICS DIRECTOR: Allan R. Loyborg 17 C President Thomas S. Monson EDITORIAL STAFF MANAGING EDITOR: Jay M. Todd ATURDAY FTERNOON ESSION ASSISTANT MANAGING EDITORS: Don L. Searle, S A S Jonathan H. Stephenson 20 THE SUSTAINING OF CHURCH OFFICERS President Thomas S. Monson ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Judith M. Paller, LaRene Porter Gaunt, Devan Jensen, Garrett H. Garff 21 CHURCH AUDITING DEPARTMENT REPORT Wesley L. Jones ASSISTANT EDITORS: Rebecca M. Taylor, Kerry G. Smith, 22 STATISTICAL REPORT, 2000 F. Michael Watson Barbara Jean Jones HE OUCH OF THE ASTER S AND TEXT PROGRAMMER: Sally J. Odekirk 22 “T T M ’ H ” President Boyd K. Packer DESIGN STAFF 25 COUPLE MISSIONARIES:A TIME TO SERVE Elder Robert D. Hales MAGAZINE GRAPHICS MANAGER: M. M. Kawasaki AVID A UTURE ISSIONARY ART DIRECTOR: J. Scott Knudsen 28 D , F M Elder Darwin B. Christenson SENIOR DESIGNERS: C. Kimball Bott, Fay P. Andrus, 30 “TO BEAR TESTIMONY OF MINE ONLY BEGOTTEN” Elder L. Aldin Porter Tadd R. Peterson ERSONAL REPARATION FOR EMPLE LESSINGS DESIGNER: Thomas S. Child 32 P P T B Elder Russell M. Nelson PRINTING AND DISTRIBUTION 35 BUILDING A COMMUNITY OF SAINTS Elder L. Tom Perry PRINTING DIRECTOR: Kay W. Briggs DISTRIBUTION DIRECTOR (SUBSCRIPTIONS): Kris T. Christensen PRIESTHOOD SESSION © 2001 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. 38 “WATCH WITH ME” Elder Henry B. Eyring The Ensign (ISSN 0884-1136) is published monthly by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 50 East 41 YOU CAN’T PET A RATTLESNAKE Elder David E. Sorensen North Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Utah 84150-3224, 43 PRIESTHOOD POWER Elder John H. Groberg United States of America. Periodicals Postage Paid at Salt Lake City, Utah, and at additional mailing offices. 45 “THEM THAT HONOUR ME I WILL HONOUR” President James E. Faust All materials may be copied for incidental, noncommercial 48 TO THE RESCUE President Thomas S. Monson church or home use unless otherwise indicated. Other HE ERPETUAL DUCATION UND uses require permission of the copyright owner. 51 T P E F President Gordon B. Hinckley The Ensign (preferred pronunciation: N’sign, not N’sun) will consider unsolicited manuscripts and art, SUNDAY MORNING SESSION but submissions must be accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope if return delivery is desired. Unsolicited 54 BORN AGAIN President James E. Faust manuscripts and comments may also be submitted via 59 “PLOW IN HOPE” Elder Neal A. Maxwell e-mail at [email protected]. We encourage interested authors to see “Call for Articles,” 61 AN INVITATION WITH PROMISE Bishop Keith B. McMullin printed from time to time in “Comment.” 63 SACRIFICE: AN ETERNAL INVESTMENT Carol B. Thomas TO SUBSCRIBE: Send $10.00 U.S. check or money order 65 “HIS WORD YE SHALL RECEIVE” Elder M. Russell Ballard to Church Magazines (see address below). Subscription help line: 1-800-537-5971. Credit card orders (American 67 THE MIRACLE OF FAITH President Gordon B. Hinckley Express, MasterCard, Visa) may be taken by phone. Audiocassettes: Individuals with visual impairment or SUNDAY AFTERNOON SESSION physical disability may obtain half-speed, four-track audio- cassettes of the magazine. These are available monthly free 70 GRATITUDE AND SERVICE Elder David B. Haight of charge or through donations. Write to: Ensign Talking HE AW OF THE AST Book (see address below) or call 1-800-537-5971. 73 T L F Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin NITED IN OVE AND ESTIMONY Regular issues are to reach U.S. and Canadian sub- 76 U L T Elder John K. Carmack scribers by the first of the month, May and November 78 ENHANCING OUR TEMPLE EXPERIENCE Elder L. Lionel Kendrick general conference issues about two weeks later. 80 BUILDING THE KINGDOM Elder Bruce D. Porter NOTICE OF ADDRESS CHANGES: Sixty days’ notice required. Include address label from a recent issue; old 82 FOCUS AND PRIORITIES Elder Dallin H. Oaks address, as well as new address, is needed. 85 GOOD-BYE FOR ANOTHER SEASON President Gordon B. Hinckley POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Salt Lake Distribution Center, Church Magazines, P.O. Box 26368, Salt Lake City, Utah 84126-0368, United States of America. CANADA POST INFORMATION: Publication Agreement #1604791 2 GENERAL YOUNG WOMEN MEETING GENERAL CONFERENCE MUSIC 86 YOUR CELESTIAL GUIDE Sharon G. Larsen SATURDAY MORNING, 31 MARCH 2001, General Session 88 DEVELOPING OUR TALENT FOR SPIRITUALITY Music by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, directed by Craig Carol B. Thomas Jessop and Barlow Bradford, with organist Clay Christiansen: 90 A COMFORTER, A GUIDE, A TESTIFIER “Come, Ye Children of the Lord” (Hymns, no.
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