THREE DAYS A WEEK POST COMMENTS AT CAPE-CORAL-DAILY-BREEZE.COM 2011 CAPE CORAL champion David Keepler wins City Championship BREEZE — SPORTS EARLY-WEEK EDITION WEATHER: Mostly Sunny • Tonight: Mostly Clear • Wednesday: Partly Sunny — 2A cape-coral-daily-breeze.com Vol. 50, No. 128 Tuesday, October 25, 2011 50 cents City to continue exploring use of reserve police unit reserve police officers being fully from the police academy. maintain the same level of train- Resident pitches idea to Cape council trained and sworn, enabling them “This could be a valuable tool ing and certification a full-time By DREW WINCHESTER addressed before signing off on it. all the powers of a full-time, paid for Cape Coral,” Finn told coun- police, paid police officer does, [email protected] “I have serious concerns and police officer with full powers of cil. which would require funding. City Council wants to keep someone is going to have to arrest. Murphy said the city previous- Murphy is also unsure that exploring the option of instituting address that … it’s my signature Finn said recent academy ly had a reserve police unit, which Cape Coral is the right fit for the and using a reserve police unit as chief of police that gives them graduates, officers who have been he served on, but the unit was idea. staffed entirely by volunteers, but the authority,” Murphy said. laid-off or retired and “extreme eventually disbanded due to train- “I’m not saying they don’t the idea didn’t sit too well with Evan Finn, the long-time Cape volunteers” would make the most ing and compliance issues. work, they work in the right envi- Police Chief Jay Murphy, who Coral resident who pitched the viable options for the reserve unit. Murphy said any reserve said much would have to be idea to council, envisions the Finn said he recently graduated police officer would have to See POLICE, page 6A Visitors from Austria Council considers purchasing software for fleet department and fuel system By DREW WINCHESTER an additional annual recurring [email protected] cost of $49,909.64 and the Cape Coral City Council will “FASTER” software has look to move ahead next week $17,150 in recurring costs, but with purchasing software for the that figure is included in the total fleet department and the city’s price. fuel management system without Both systems will have the the use of a public bid process. ability to interact, according to A majority of council ap- City Finance Director Victoria peared comfortable with the pro- Bateman. posal as outlined by city staff, Bateman said the costs associ- which includes a total of ated with SCI includes all mainte- MICHAEL PISTELLA $331,000 worth of costs to nance to the software, hardware upgrade both systems. and database management, which D’Hirschegger plays during the opening of the German American Social Club of Cape A total of $148,700 is being SCI will maintain. Keeping track Coral’s Oktoberfest Friday afternoon. Oktoberfest continues this weekend. More pho- sought for the “FASTER” soft- of the city’s fuel management tos are available online at: cu.cape-coral-daily-breeze.com. ware for the city’s Fleet will essentially be outsourced to Department; while $132,577.76 the Clearwater based company. is being sought for SCI Systems, “We’re struggling with trying the city’s fuel management soft- Official calls opening weekend ware provider. SCI also requires See SOFTWARE, page 6A of Oktoberfest ‘fabulous’ Cape pastor to serve Estimated crowd of 19,000 turned out over first three days By TIFFANY REPECKI was full.” as guest chaplain [email protected] Mills estimated that about With the first weekend of the 19,000 people turned out for To go 26th annual Oktoberfest all opening weekend. What: 26th Annual wrapped up, event organizers “It was fabulous,” he said. “It for the U.S. House Oktoberfest called it a success and are look- was really good.” ing forward to the next one. “It was better than expected,” When: Friday, Saturday Mack praises church for community service Hosted by the German Mills added. and Sunday, Oct. 28- Though organizers were still By MEGHAN McCOY it goes into session for the day. American Social Club, the festi- 30; 4 p.m.-midnight, val spans two weekends and “crunching the figures” Monday [email protected] “The thing that is most kicked off Friday evening with to learn the exact attendance, Friday; noon-midnight, A senior pastor from Cape important to me is the fact that an opening parade and the Cape Saturday was definitely the Saturday; and noon-9 Coral has been appointed by it is honoring our church,” Coral mayor helping to tap the busiest day out of all three. p.m. Sunday U.S. Congressman Connie Therrell said about the appoint- first keg of the event — a first “Saturday it was really Mack as the guest chaplain for ment. “We have some phenom- this year. incredible,” Mills said. Where: German the House of Representatives at enal folks that work and serve Paul Mills, chairman of the Last year’s attendance American Social Club, the end of November. our community. I really believe Oktoberfest, explained Monday reached 35,265 over the course 2101 S.W. Pine Island Cape Coral First United it is an acknowledgment of that Budweiser brought in an old of both weekends. In 2009, Road, Cape Coral Methodist Church Senior Pastor what they are doing and am wooden keg and everyone gath- about 32,000 showed up, while Jay Therrell will fly to excited for that reason.” ered under the big tent. about 29,000 turned out in Cost: Admission is $6; Washington, D.C., Nov. 30 and Therrell said he believes children under 12 free offer the invocation for the “It was really a highlight of See PASTOR, page 6A the night,” he said. “The tent See OKTOBERFEST, page 6A House of Representatives when Fall Festival gives kids Buster Aubuchon helps a chance to horse around his grandson, 3- year-old Jayden By TIFFANY REPECKI house. too. [email protected] Children could have their pic- Since the club’s inaugural fes- McQuillan, sort Local children had the chance ture taken with the horses, and tival, the turnout has gotten big- through his to dress up in costume, play they got to feed the animals. ger each year. candy Saturday games and ride horses for a few Christina Sdrenka, who runs “Lots of kids have not been at the annual hours Saturday during the annual the business with her husband and close to horses,” Sdrenka said, Halloween Fall Halloween Fall Festival in Cape four children, said her family especially those living in the Festival. Jayden Coral. started hosting the festival a cou- Cape. dressed up as The event, which ran from 11 ple of years ago to provide area So, when children get a chance Batman, while a.m. to 2 p.m., was held at the families with “clean Halloween to touch, feed and ride the ani- his sister, 5- Saddlewood Horse Club, located fun.” This year they dressed the mals, they have a great time. year-old Mariah, off of Southwest Pine Island animals up in mix of outfits that “They love it,” she said. was Batgirl. Road. Open to toddlers on up to included a hula girl, knight, Scott and Carolina Flinn clown and bumblebee. brought their 3-year-old daughter, teens, the festival featured a horse TIFFANY REPECKI and pony parade with the animals “We just love the idea of Sophia, out on Saturday. in costume, crafts and games cen- dressing up the horses,” she said, tered around horses and a bounce adding that the children love it, See FESTIVAL, page 6A ATAGLANCE AROUND THE CAPE NEWS OF NOTE WHAT’S INSIDE Kiwanis’ 14th Annual Fall 3rd annual Doggy Dash to Annie’s Mailbox ....9A Editorial ..........4-5A Kids’ Festival Saturday be held Saturday in Estero The Kiwanis Club of Harney Point and Lee County Domestic Animal Services Cape Fare..........4B Horoscopes........9A CASH 3: the Cape Coral Parks & Recreation invites all pet lovers to have a “howlin’ Cape Life ..........7A Obituaries ..........2A 2-2-3 / 5-6-9 Department will sponsor the 14th annual good time” at the 3rd Annual Doggy Dash, Fall Kids’ Festival Saturday, Oct. 29, from 9 a fund-raising effort to benefit the Animal Community ........8A Police Blotter ....2A PLAY 4: 6-8-4-5 / 4-6-4-8 a.m. to 4 p.m., at Jaycee Park located at Care Trust Fund. Classifieds........1-3B Sports ........12-13A Fantasy 5 4125 S.E. 20th Place in Cape Coral. Over This year’s Doggy Dash has a Comics ............10A Tides ..................2A 11-12-17-31-33 1,000 families are expected to attend. Halloween theme and is being hosted by Lotto The Fall Kids’ Festival will feature enter- Miromar Outlets, 10108 Corkscrew Road, Crossword........10A TV Listings ......11A 7-15-32-34-43-48 tainment throughout the day as well as Estero, on Oct. 29, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Dr. Donohue ........9A Weather ............2A X 3 Halloween costume contests, pony rides, All funds raised will support homeless pets Florida Powerball petting zoo, clowns, games and inflatable in Lee County and assist the pets of disad- 3-8-23-30-58 PB 13 X 4 slide. The festival will also offer health and vantaged owners who cannot afford to pro- safety information, family-oriented vendors, vide care. give-away items, crafts and food. Admission For additional information about partic- is free.
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