ISSN 0309-166X (PRINT) Cambridge Journal of Economics ISSN 1464-3545 (ONLINE) Volume 38 Number 6 November 2014 Cambridge Journal of Economics Introduction S. Blankenburg The future of capitalism: a consideration of alternatives Cambridge Wendy Harcourt Towards a political economy of the theory of economic policy K. Vela Velupillai Journal of Economic history and economic theory: the staples approach to economic development Alexander Dow and Sheila Dow A neo-Kaleckian–Goodwin model of capitalist economic growth: monopoly Economics power, managerial pay and labour market conflict Thomas I. Palley A new theoretical analysis of deindustrialisation Fiona Tregenna Triggers of change: structural trajectories and production dynamics Volume 38 Number 6 November 2014 Antonio Andreoni and Roberto Scazzieri Special Issue The crisis of intellectual monopoly capitalism Ugo Pagano Contemporary capitalism and progressive political economics: Back to which Bretton Woods? Liquidity and clearing as alternative principles for reforming international money Contributions to heterodox debates about economic Massimo Amato and Luca Fantacci 2014 38 Number 6 November Volume A bright future can be ours! Macroeconomic policy for non-eurozone method, analysis and policy Western countries J. W. Nevile and Peter Kriesler Identity economics meets financialisation: gender, race and occupational stratification in the US labour market Philip Arestis, Aurelie Charles and Giuseppe Fontana Veblen Contra Clark and Fisher: Veblen-Robinson-Harcourt lineages in capital controversies and beyond Avi J. Cohen The scholar as reader: the last 50 years of economic theory seen through G.C. Harcourt’s book reviews Constantinos Repapis Referee list Index to Volume 38 Contents of Volume 38 Published on behalf of the Cambridge Political Economy Society www.cje.oxfordjournals.org CambridgeCambridge Journal Journal of of Economics Economics NotesNotes to to contributors contributors EditorialEditorial communications communications should should be sent be sentto the to Managingthe Managing Editor, Editor, Cambridge Cambridge Journal Journal of Economics of Economics, Faculty, Faculty of Economics, of Economics, SidgwickSidgwick Avenue, Avenue, Cambridge Cambridge CB3 CB39DD, 9DD, UK, UK,email: email: [email protected]. [email protected]. Articles Articles should should be submitted be submitted online online at http:// at http:// PATRONSPATRONS mc.manuscriptcentral.com/cje.mc.manuscriptcentral.com/cje. Submissions Submissions should should not normallynot normally exceed exceed 7500 7500 words words and shouldand should be prefaced be prefaced by an by abstract an abstract LuigiLuigi Pasinetti Pasinetti of noof longer no longer than than 150 words,150 words, together together with with up to up five to keywords,five keywords, three three JEL classificationsJEL classifications and anand address an address for correspondence. for correspondence. For further information on manuscript submission please go to ‘Instructions to Authors’ at www.cje.oxfordjournals.org. AmartyaAmartya Sen Sen For further information on manuscript submission please go to ‘Instructions to Authors’ at www.cje.oxfordjournals.org. SUBMISSIONSUBMISSION POLICY POLICY The Cambridge Journal of Economics, founded in the traditions of Marx, Keynes, Kalecki, Joan Robinson and Kaldor, EDITORSEDITORS The Cambridge Journal of Economics, founded in the traditions of Marx, Keynes, Kalecki, Joan Robinson and Kaldor, welcomeswelcomes contributions contributions from from heterodox heterodox economics economics as well as wellas other as other social social science science disciplines. disciplines. Within Within this thisorientation orientation the the journaljournal provides provides a focus a focus for theoretical,for theoretical, applied, applied, interdisciplinary, interdisciplinary, history history of thought of thought and andmethodological methodological work, work, with with strong emphasis on realistic analysis, the development of critical perspectives, the provision and use of empirical evi- Stephanie Blankenburg Jacqui Lagrue (Managing Editor) strong emphasis on realistic analysis, the development of critical perspectives, the provision and use of empirical evi- Stephanie Blankenburg Jacqui Lagrue (Managing Editor) dence,dence, and andthe constructionthe construction of policy. of policy. The TheEditors Editors welcome welcome submissions submissions in this in thisspirit spirit on economicon economic and andsocial social issues issues BrendanBrendan Burchell Burchell CliveClive Lawson Lawson including,including, but notbut only,not only, unemployment, unemployment, inflation, inflation, the organisationthe organisation of production, of production, the distributionthe distribution of the of socialthe social product, product, Ha-JoonHa-Joon Chang Chang TonyTony Lawson Lawson classclass conflict, conflict, economic economic underdevelopment, underdevelopment, globalisation globalisation and andinternational international economic economic integration, integration, changing changing forms forms and and boundaries of markets and planning, and uneven development and instability in the world economy. KenKen Coutts Coutts RonRon Martin Martin boundaries of markets and planning, and uneven development and instability in the world economy. SimonSimon Deakin Deakin PeterPeter Nolan Nolan Use Useof mathematics of mathematics PhilipPhilip Faulkner Faulkner GabrielGabriel Palma Palma AuthorsAuthors are asked are asked to use to mathematicsuse mathematics only onlywhen when its application its application does doesnot compromisenot compromise realistic realistic analysis. analysis. When When mathematics mathematics is is Alan Hughes Christos Pitelis used,used, the major the major steps steps in the in argument the argument and theand conclusions the conclusions should should be made be made intelligible intelligible to a non-mathematicalto a non-mathematical reader. reader. Authors Authors Alan Hughes Christos Pitelis should put the mathematical parts of their argument into an appendix. In the case of empirical articles, authors will normally Geoffrey Ingham Stephen Pratten should put the mathematical parts of their argument into an appendix. In the case of empirical articles, authors will normally Geoffrey Ingham Stephen Pratten be expectedbe expected to make to make readily readily available available to interested to interested readers readers a complete a complete set of set data of dataas well as wellas details as details of any of specialisedany specialised computer computer LawrenceLawrence King King JochenJochen Runde Runde programsprograms used. used. Michael Kitson Ajit Singh Michael Kitson Ajit Singh LayoutLayout Sue SueKonzelmann Konzelmann FrankFrank Wilkinson Wilkinson All copiesAll copies must must be typed be typed in Journal in Journal style style(see (seea recent a recent issue), issue), double double spaced spaced (including (including footnotes footnotes and andreferences), references), with with a a marginmargin of at of least at least1.5’’ 1.5’’on the on left-handthe left-hand side. side.Footnotes Footnotes should should be kept be keptto a tominimum, a minimum, indicated indicated by superscript by superscript figures figures in in the text,the text,and collectedand collected on a onsingle a single page page placed placed at the at endthe ofend the of manuscript.the manuscript. Please Please do not do usenot theuse automaticthe automatic footnote footnote feature feature ASSOCIATEASSOCIATE EDITORS EDITORS of yourof yourword word processing processing program. program. Tables Tables and figuresand figures should should be attached be attached on separate on separate sheets sheets at the at endthe ofend the of manuscriptthe manuscript and and theirtheir position position indicated indicated in the in text.the text.Citations Citations in the in textthe textshould should use theuse Harvardthe Harvard System System of short of short references references (e.g. (e.g.Isenman, Isenman, 1980,1980, pp. 66–7; pp. 66–7; Brown, Brown, 1975A, 1975A, 1993B) 1993B) with with a full a alphabeticalfull alphabetical list at list the at end the inend the in following the following style: style: Mahmoud Abdel-Fadil (Middle East) Ned Lorenz (France) Isenman,Isenman, P. 1980. P. 1980. Basic Basic needs: needs: the case the caseof Sri of Lanka, Sri Lanka, World World Development Development, vol., 8,vol. no. 8, 3, no. 237–58 3, 237–58 Mahmoud Abdel-Fadil (Middle East) Ned Lorenz (France) Myrdal, G. 1939. Monetary Equilibrium, London, Hodge Michael Anyadike-Danes (West Indies) Jonathan Michie (UK) Myrdal, G. 1939. Monetary Equilibrium, London, Hodge Michael Anyadike-Danes (West Indies) Jonathan Michie (UK) Phillips,Phillips, A. W. A. H. W. 1953. H. 1953. ‘Dynamic ‘Dynamic Models Models in Economics’, in Economics’, PhD PhD Thesis, Thesis, University University of London of London Amiya Bagchi (India) Mario Nuti (Italy) Amiya Bagchi (India) Mario Nuti (Italy) Advance Access Citation Francis Cripps (Thailand) Terry O’Shaughnessy (UK) Advance Access Citation Francis Cripps (Thailand) Terry O’Shaughnessy (UK) PapersPapers published published in Advance in Advance Access Access are citeable are citeable using using the DOI. the DOI. An example An example of an of Advance an Advance Access Access citation citation is given is given below: below: PaulPaul Dunne Dunne (UK) (UK) PascalPascal Petit Petit (France) (France) Brammer,Brammer, S. and S. Millington,and Millington, A. 2005. A. 2005. Profit Profit maximisation maximisation
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