Folk Federation of New South Wales Inc Issue No 395 Dates For Your Diary MAY 2008 $3.00 Folk News Dance News CD Reviews The National 2008 Genticorum superb musicians! ♫ Folk music ♫ dance ♫ festivals ♫ reviews ♫ profiles ♫ diary dates ♫ sessionsThe Folk Federation ONLINE♫ teachers - jam.org.au ♫ opportunitiesThe CORNSTALK Gazette MAY 2008 1 In this issue Dates for your diary p4 MAY 2008 Folk Federation of New South Wales Inc Festivals, workshops, schools p7 Post Office Box A182 CD reviews p14 NOT THE PRESIDE N T ’S RE P ORT Sydney South NSW 1235 Front cover photograph courtesy Sue Barrett We’re sad to announce Christina Mim- ISSN 0818 7339 ABN94115759221 mocchi has recently resigned from the Presi- DEADLINE JUNE Cornstalk is the official publication of the Folk Federa- dency of the Folk Federation to take up a tion of NSW. www.jam.org Adverts - 5th May, Copy - 10th May position as Development Manager with Folk Contributions, news, reviews, poems, photograph most welcome. All care but no responsibility taken for omis- Alliance Australia. Christina has reluctantly Advertising Rates sions or errors. concluded that the new position with FAA, Advertistising required by 1st Friday of month, copy Size mm Members Non-mem combined with her new motherhood status, required by 10th month. Full page 180x250 $80 $120 means she is left with not enough hours in Contact Jim or Dallas Baxter re inserts. the day to continue the level of input neces- No part of Cornstalk may be reproduced without 1/2 page 180x125 $40 $70 sary as President of the Folk Federation. permission of the publishers. Editor, Cornstalk - Coral Vorbach 1/4 page 90x60 $25 $50 Christina has been at the helm of the Post Office Box 5195 1/8 page 45 x 30 $15 $35 Folk Federation only since the last Annual Cobargo NSW 2550 Back cover 180x250 $100 $150 General Meeting but in that time there have Email: [email protected]/Tel/Fax: 02 6493 been some significant achievements par- 6758 2 + issues per mth $90 $130 Wrap Co-ordinator ticularly in terms of publishing, promoting NSW folk artists and raising the profile of James Baxter 02 9810 4131 - [email protected] Please contact the editor for enquiries about advertising Tel: 02 FFNSW Folkmail (web) 6493 6758 folk related activities. Christina has actively Julie Bishop/02 9524 0247 Insert Rates: and enthusiastically supported these initia- Email: [email protected] Single-sheet DL size or A5. Members $70 Non-Members $130 tives, providing leadership and guidance FFNSW Committee 2007 A4, folded to DL size or A5. Members $90 Non-Members $160 as required, to ensure the Folk Federation A4 should be folded. The number of inserts per issue is limited. President, Vacant until AGM continues to play a useful and relevant role Email: [email protected] Please contact Dallas and Jim Baxter, 9810 4131. Vice President: Kate Delaney [email protected] in the folk movement. Offers of help for the wrap are appreciated. Secretary: Pam Davis 02 9955 3677 So, it’s with mixed emotions we Email: [email protected] All cheques for advertisements and inserts to be made pay- Treasurer: Bruce Cameron 02 6331 1129 able to the Folk Federation of NSW Inc farewell Christina. Our loss is the national Email: [email protected] If your important item misses Cornstalk, organisation’s gain, but the Committee Committee: Carol Hirt, Mary-Jane Field, Wayne Richmond, please remember there are also: olkmail of the Folk Federation is going to miss Jim Baxter, Dallas Baxter, Peter Miller Robinson, Terry Clinton, f Andy Busutti (members’ email list) contact Julie Bishop Christina’s contribution to the running of Membership Secretary Wayne Richmond Listserv/Jam/Mem- (02 9524 0247) [email protected]. our Federation. bership 9939 8802 (not after 8.00pm) au jam.org.au –Folk Fed website, here Bruce Cameron members can post info, articles, etc. 2 The CORNSTALK Gazette MAY 2008 mpd printing the news everyday Ph 02 8898 1200 Fax 02 8898 1220 The Folk Federation ONLINE - jam.org.au The CORNSTALK Gazette MAY 2008 3 dates for your diary - May 2008 DATE EVENT VENUE & TIME CONTACT Thursday 1st North By Northwest Poetry and Folk Club. Black Joak Morris - Cornucopia Cafe, 8pm. Old Glades- Jenny 9559 3658 (h) / 0414 903 Special Mayday Celebration. Black Joak will be dancing outside ville Hospital, cnr Victoria and Punt 259 (m), email: jdcarter@iinet. from 8pm, and this will be followed later by floorspots from Rd, Gladesville. Cars enter by bottom net.au Geoff 9816 0393 / 0421 some of the group. There will also be an opportunity for other gates in Punt Rd, take first turn left 582 975 (m) floorspots during the evening. towards Victoria Rd, then left fork and left at the top. Pedestrian ac- cess from Victoria Rd if travelling by 500/501 bus. $12 / $10. Floorspots available and BYO’s welcome. Friday 2nd Beer & Cheese Night – ‘As the Poit Sez’. The expanded ver- Bush Music Club, Hut 44, Addison Rd 9569 7244, sion of Chris Kempster’s compilation of musical settings of Law- Community Centre, 142 Addison Rd, [email protected] son poems was launched this year. Lots of good songs come Marrickville. 8-10pm. $4, $5. from many Australian poets – maybe even from yourself! Bring something to eat and drink, and songs etc on the theme. Friday 2nd Anthony McGloin - solo acoustic guitar, mandolin. + Blue Illawarra Folk Club Concert. City 4285 7417, 0413 219 112, Goose Band: Sonia Bennett’s powerful vocals and guitar, Diggers Wollongong, cnr Church & [email protected], www. multi-instrumental Max Gregory, Bruce Stavert, Andy Stavert Burelli Sts. 7.30pm. $12, $8. illawarrafolkclub.org.au/ on bass. Originals, plus songs of many genres. Whimsical, fun. www.myspace.com/bluegooseband + Heather Mandich and the Southern Alliance. Heather (vocalist, mandolin picker, infec- tious enthusiasm), Paul Brink (banjo), Ray Marshall (guitar), Mark Ballesi (dobro). Exhilarating bluegrass. Friday 2 Free lunchtime performances ‘Merry Month of May’ Program Presented by Ashfield Council (at For more information please 2008 South American and Australian Folk music - Mary Jane the small forecourt outside the post contact Anthia Hart at Ashfield Field and Julia Pokorny, Indian dancers – Sirens, Celtic music office on Level 4 of the Ashfield Mall.) Council on 9716 1866 www. – The McMahon Brothers. 12.noon – 1.30pm. ashfield.nsw.gov.au Saturday 3rd Beecroft Bush Dance with Sydney Coves. All dances taught. Beecroft Community Centre, Beecroft Helen 9626 7816, www.bushmu- Rd. 8pm-12. $17, $14, $12. sic.org.au Saturday 3rd Green Mohair Suits - energetic 3-piece bluegrass band The Shack, Tramshed Community 50413 635 856, info@shackfolk. - sometimes (inspired by Hank Williams) self-dubbed ‘mourn- Arts Centre, 1395a Pittwater Rd com ful country bluegrass’. Strong vocals, multiple part harmonies, (between car park and Ambulance guitars, banjo, mandolin. + Selalu (Trevor, Kathleen, Tully), Station), Narrabeen shopping centre. launching debut album, ‘When the World Was Young’. Acoustic Tables and chairs, candle lit atmo- guitars, bass, mandolin, banjo, 3-part harmonies, and strong, sphere. Free tea, coffee. BYO drinks, thoughtful, original songs, about life, social issues, love. nibbles. 7.30-11pm. $15. Contemporary, folk, country. + Leon Rabin, well known for melodious singing, and relaxed and humorous style. Sunday 4th Girl on a Swing - Cathy Gibson, songwriter, solo. Orignals, Cnr Darling St and Victoria Rd, jazz, blues and folk (vocals, Guitar, concertina, bouzouki and Rozelle Sydney, 11am – 2pm, Entry mandolin). Free Monday 5th Pennant Hills Dance Workshop – New vogue; live music. Call- Community Centre, Yarrara Rd. 7.30- Felicity 9456 2860, 0434 437 ers R Shaw, D Crawford. 9.30pm. $7. 522 Thursday 8th Sutherland Folk Club - Pat Drummond – a highly original Held at Sutherland District Trade Enquiries Maeve 9520 5628 singer songwriter whose music spans three decades and Union Club (Tradies), Kingsway, crosses the genres of folk, country and rock and roll. His songs Gymea (short walk from the station) are drawn from real experiences of Australia and it’s people. + from 7.30pm. Cost $10. Kids free. Chloe Hall- glorious, warm singer songwriter. floor spots welcome. Friday 9 Ashfield Municipal Council Free lunchtime performances ‘Merry West Region Chinese Association 12 For more information please Month of May’ Program 2008 - Chinese Entertainment - noon – 1.30pm contact Anthia Hart at Ashfield Council on 9716 1866 www. ashfield.nsw.gov.au 4 The CORNSTALK Gazette MAY 2008 mpd printing the news everyday Ph 02 8898 1200 Fax 02 8898 1220 dates for your diary - May 2008 DATE EVENT VENUE & TIME CONTACT Saturday 10th Collector - ‘wins all my plaudits for playing and re-creating Fairlight Folk, 3 William St, Fairlight. 0438 091 885 the grand old music of the Australian bush’ (Andy Irvine). + Brett 7.30pm. $15, $10. Robin Wood, Sydney based folk-pop urban storyteller. + Chloe Hall, Melbourne singer songwriter, fresh from Canadian tour. Saturday 10th Central Coast Bush Dance - Irish Theme Night with Gali- East Gosford Progress Hall, Wells Robyn or Richard 4344 6484, more. Caller Pam Merrigan. All dances taught. Street & Henry Parry Drive. 7.30- Barry or Janice 4388 2253 11.30pm. $15, $12, 12-18 $8, under 12 $5. Monday 12th Pennant Hills Dance Workshop – Some ball practice, couple, Community Centre, Yarrara Rd. 7.30- Felicity 9456 2860, 0434 437 set technique. Caller Don Richmond. 9.30pm. $7. 522 Friday 16th Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Folk Club 30th Birthday concert Beatrice Taylor Hall – Community Enquiries Barry 9807 9407 Hall, Edgeworth David Ave, Hornsby Friday 16th Ashfield Municipal Council Free lunchtime performances Traditional Greek dance - Greek For more information please ‘Merry Month of May’ Program 2008 Older Womens Network Dancers, contact Anthia Hart at Ashfield Pacific Island Music - Cantside Boys Council on 9716 1866 or visit of Canterbury Boys High www.ashfield.nsw.gov.au.
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