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An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America 89 Clark — The weevil genus Sibinia Germar: a natural history, taxonomy, phylogeny, and zoogeography, with revision of the New World species (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) 91 Book Review — Habu, A. 1978. Fauna Japonica. Carabidae: Platynini (Insecta: Coleoptera) 389 Steiner — Evolution of prey-carrying mechanisms in digger wasps: possible role of a functional link between prey-paralyzing and carrying studied in Oxybelus uniglumis (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae, Crabroninae) 393 Fredeen & Spurr — Collecting semi-quantitative samples of black fly larvae (Diptera: Simuliidae) and other aquatic insects from large rivers with the aid of artificial sub­ strates 411 Shemanchuk — A bait trap for sampling the feeding populations of blood-sucking Diptera on cattle 433 Depner & Charnetski — Divers and television for examining riverbed material and popu­ lations of black fly larvae in the Athabasca River 441 Frontispiece — Scanning Electron Micrograph of an embryo of Macrosteles fascifrons (contributed by F. Leggett) 445 Ball — The species of the Neotropical genus Trichopselaphus Chaudoir (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Harpalini): classification, phylogeny and zoogeography 447 Borkent — Upper Oligocene fossil pupae and larvae of Chaoborus tertiarius (von Hey den) (Chaoboridae, Diptera) from Western Germany 491 IV INDEX Achilidae, 20 Anisotarsis, 471 Acinopus, 451 Anobiidae, 21 Acrididae, 18, 19 ant, fossil, 25, 27 Acroceridae, 23 ant, ponerine, 30 adephagous, 33 Anthomyiidae, 24, 25 Adlerz, G., 394, 407 Anthophoridae, 25 Aedes, 430 Anthribidae, 22 aegypti, 9 Anthicidae, 22 excrucians, 436, 438 Aphididae, 20, 25, 28 fitchii, 436, 438 aphids, 20 flavescens, 436, 438 woolly, 20 punctor, 436, 438 gall-making, 20 vexans, 436, 438 Apidae, 18,25 Aedimorphus, 430 Apocrita, 39 aequalis, Liris, 408 Apoidae, 34 aegypti, Aedes, 9 arachnids, 33 Aeolothripidae, 20 arcticum, Simulium, 9, 11,417, 420, 430, 433, Aeshnidae, 19 435, 437, 442, 444 affinis, Hybomitra, 439 Aculeata, 408 Agaonidae, 25 argentatus, Oxybelus, 405, 408 Agoni, 390 Arkhipova, G.A., 4, 8 agonines, 390 Arnason, A.P., 412, 430 Agonini, 390,471 Arnason, A.P. (see Fredeen, F.J.H.), 412, 430 Agonum, 390, 391 Arnason, A.P. (see Rempel, J.G.), 4 Agrionidae, 30 Arnett, R.H., 83 Agromyzidae, 23 Arnett, R.H., (see Blackwelder, R.E.), 390 alanine, 5, 8 Arnold, J.C., 412, 430 alderflies, 20 Arrow, G.J., 43, 83 algae, 415, 428, 444 arthropods, 27 Allen, T., (see Fallis, A.M.), 9 Asilidae, 18,23,31 Alleculidae, 22 assassin bugs, 20 Almeriella, 31 Athrostictus, 451 Amblygnathus, 451 Attelabidae, 22 amblygonus, Anisocnemus, 465 Audinet-Serville, J.G., 58, 83 americana, Haematopota, 439 autogenous, 6 amino acids, 5, Axelrod, D.I., 17, 26, 352, 353, 354, 355, 375 anatinum, Simulium, 5 Axelrod, D.I. (See Raven, P.H.), 352, 353, 355, anautogenous, 6 357, 378 Anderson, J.B, (see Mason, W.T.), 412, 43 1 Ayensu, E.S. (see Meggers, B.J.), 468, 471 Anderson, J.R., 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Aztecarpalus, 449, 451, 471 Anderson, N.H., 429, 430 schaefferi, 452 Anderson, R.W., (see McLeroy, C.A.), 17, back swimmers, 20 32 Baer, J.L, 16,26 Andrenidae, 25 Baetidae, 18, 19,426 angiosperms, 17 Baldwin, W.F., 5, 8 Anisocnemus, 449, 451, 452, 472 Ball, G.E., 321, 375, 389, 391, 445, 447, 449, amblygonus, 465 450,461,467 V Ball, G.E. (see Shpeley, D.), 451, 472 beetles (continued) Ball, I.R., 469, 471 metallic wood-boring, 21 Bates, H.W., 451, 459, 471 minute brown scavenger, 22 Baumann, R.W., 1 narrow-waisted bark, 21 Banksinella, 430 net winged, 21 Barber, H.S. 95, 375 pill, 21 Barbour, M.G., 355, 375 pleasing fungus, 22 Barneby, R.C., 353, 375 predaceous diving, 21 Barysomus, 451 rove, 21 bearcreekensis, Davispia, 30 sap, 21 Becker, H.F., 18,26,35,41 scarab, 21 Bedel, L., 305, 375 seed, 22 bees, 14,25,31,32,41 ship-timber, 22 andrenid, 25 silken fungus, 21 digger, 25 snout, 22 halictid, 25, soft-bodied plant, 21 honey, 25 woft-winged, 21 leaf-cutting, 25, 28 soldier, 21 melittid, 25 spider, 21 mining, 26 stag, 21 beetles, 21, 22, 33, 411, 429, 449, 470, tumbling flower, 22 471 throscid, 21 antlike flower, 22 tiger, 21 bark, 22 water penny, 21 bark or engraver and ambrosia, 22 water scavenger, 21 bark-gnawing, 22 wedge-shaped, 22 blister, 22 Bell, R.T., 45, 46, 47, 51, 65, 66, 83 branch and twig borers, 21 Bell, J.R., (see Bell, R.T.), 45, 65, 83 carrion, 21 Bellec, C, 3, 4, 8, checkered, 22 Belostomidae, 20 chelonariid, 21 Benfield, E.F., 412, 430 click, 21 Bennett, G.F., 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11 comb-clawed, 22 Bennett, G.F. (see Lewis, D.J.), 41*2, 431 darkling, 22 Benson, L., 137, 375 death-watch, 21 Benson, R.B., 19,26 dermestid or skin, 21 Bequaert, J.C., 19, 26 false blister, 22 Berck, B., (see Fredeen, F.J.H.), 412, 430 false click, 21 Berry, E.W., 16, 26 false darkling, 22 Bethylidae, 25, 408 flat bark, 22 Bezy, R.;(see Lowe, C.H.), 377 fungus weevils, 22 Bibionidae, 13, 16, 17, 23, 26, 31, 32 ground, 21 biota, 441 hairy fungus, 22 bipunctatus, Oxybelus, 394, 406 ladybird, 22 Bischoff, H., 394, 401,407 leaf, 22 bird, 3,4, 6,9, 10, 11, 16, 18 leaf-rolling, 22 Bittacidae, 22 lightening bugs or fireflies, 21 Bittacus, 27 long-horned, 21 black fly, 1-6, 8-12, 389, 411,412, 417, 420, long-toed water, 21 422, 427-431, 433, 435, 436, 437, 439, 441, marsh, 21 442, 444, 445 VI Blackwelder, R.E., 135, 144, 168, 181, 190, caddisfly, 14, 26, 411, 417, 420, 423, 426, 428 193, 195, 196, 222, 232, 235, 236, 243, large, 24 268, 270, 285, 298, 311, 375, 390. long-horned, 24 Blanchard, C.E., 95, 315, 375 micro-, 24 Blanchard, F., 83 northern, 24 Blasticotomidae, 24, 26 odontocerids, 24 Blattidae, 19 sericostomatids, 24 Blattodea, 13, 19 Cairns, J., Jr., (see Benfield, E.F.), 412, 430 bloodsuckers, 9, 10, 111 Cairns, J., Jr., (see Crossman, J.S.), 413, 420 Bohart, R.M. 395, 406, 407, Cairns, J., Jr., (see Dickson, K.L.), 412, 430 Boheman, C.H., 95, 311, 375 Calathus, 390,471 Bombyliidae, 18,29,32 Calopterygidae, 19 Bondar, G., 95,128, 175, 176, 375 Campbell, A.G. (see Bennett, G.F.), 8,11 booklice, 20 Cantharidae, 21 Boophthora erythrocephala, 11 Carabidae, 1, 14, 18, 21, 389, 445, 447, 448, Borkent, A., 491, 192,496 466,471,472 BorrorDJ., 37, 38, 41 Carabidae, Neotropical, 445, 447, 472 Bostrychidae, 22 carabids, 449, 466 Brachycentridae, 426 carbonarius, Chrysops, 439 Braconidae, 24, 25 Carlsson, G., 6, 8, 412, 430 Bradbury, W.C., 6, 8 Carmichael, A.G., (see Brown, A.W.A.), 6, 8 Bradley, W.H., 14, 15, 19, 26 Carpenter, F.M., 14, 18, 19, 27 Brakowski, B., 83 Carpenter, F.M. (see Bequaert, J.E.), 19, 26 Briden, J.C. (see Smith A.G.), 35. 42 Casilliano, T., (see McGrew, P.O.), 14, 16, 19, Brinck, P., 45, 54, 55, 67, 83 32 Brisout, C de Barneville, 198, 201, 375 Castelnau, F.L.N.C.L., 61, 83 Broun, T. 54, 57, 83 caterpillar, fossil, 28 Brown, A.W.A., 5, 6, 8 caterpillars, 393 Brown, A.W.A. (see Arnason, A.P.), 412, catfish, fossil, 27 430 cattle, 11,389,433,436,439 Brown, R.W., 13, 16, 19, 26, 27 Cecidomyiidae, 23 Bruchidae, 22 Celliforma spirifer, 26 Brues, C.T., 19,27,35,41 Cephidae, 24 Bruhn, A.F., 98, 375 Cerambycidae, 52 Buchanan, L.L., 96, 375 Ceratopogonidae, 426, 433, 436, 438 Bucheim, H.P., 16, 27 Cercopidae, 13, 14, 20, 27, 28 Buprestidae, 21 Cerezke, H.F., 373, 376 Burke, H.R., 101, 305, 307, 309, 327, 375 Chalcididae, 25 Burke, H.R., (see Clark, W.E.), 105, 378 Champion, G.C., 94, 109, 128, 136, 144, 146, Burke, H.R., (see Rogers C.W., 96, 105- 181, 190, 193, 195, 196, 222, 232, 235, 236, 108, 136, 378 243, 257, 270, 286, 298, 376 burrower bugs, 20 chaoborid, 491 butterflies, 28, 32, 39, 41 Chaoboridae, 445, 491, 496 Bychenkova, V.N., (see Grebelskij, S.G.), 10 Chaoborus, 445, 492, 496 Byrrhidae, 21 flavicans, 491,492,496 Cabrera, A.L., 350, 375 nyblaei, 492 Casey, T.L., 94, 109, 128, 135, 136, 141, tertiarius, 445, 491, 492, 493, 496 144, 146, 195, 210, 213, 220, 222, 257, trivittatus, 492 316,375,376 Vll Chaoboruss. str., 491, 492 coloradensis, Perza, 28 Chaudoir, M. de, 450, 451, 459, 471 Colydiidae, 22 Chelonariidae, 21 common scorpion flies, 22 Chen. A.W. -M., 7, 8 common skimmers, 19 Chevalier, L, 394, 407 conifers, 17 Chevrolat, A., 43, 46, 57, 58, 83 Conopidae, 23 Chironomidae, 18, 23, 25, 89, 418, 419, convexa, Quercus, 32 422, 423, 424, 426, 428 Cooper, K.W., 13, 19, 30 chironomids, 411, 422, 423, 425, 427, 428 Coreidae, 18, 20 Chlorippe, 28 Corixidae, 20 Chlorocyphidae, 19 corixids, 425 cholodkovskii, Gnus, 11 Corydalidae, 18 Chrysididae, 25 cossidae, 24 Chrysomelidae, 14, 22 Costa, O.G., 83 Chrysopidae, 18, 21, 27-29 Crabro spp., 406 Chrysops carbonarius, 439 latipes, 406 frigidus, 439 Crabronidae, 389, 393, 394, 395, 407 furcatus, 439 Crabronini, 395 mitis, 439 crane flies, 21
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