Thoughts on Social Policy from the European Greens Foreword by Jean Lambert, Green MEP for London Jean Lambert MEP Green Party, London www.jeanlambertmep.org.uk Every day, newspapers from around has stopped decision-makers from equality and strengthened welfare the world dedicate untold column seeing society as a whole and rights across Europe. The essays inches to the global economic crisis from realising that for many, this is contained in this pamphlet, contri- that has gripped much of the inter- a social crisis, brought to life by buted by Green/EFA Members of national community. Buried deep the fear of losing their jobs or their the European Parliament Employ- beneath the jargon, you could ability to house and feed their ment and Social Affairs Committee, almost be forgiven for thinking that families. For the Greens, this is a offer just a taste of this vision and social concerns have disappeared problem — austerity measures give examples of the work in which from the political agenda. must never come at the expense the Green/EFA Group is currently of social investment. engaged in. It is clear that for some governments the crisis is being used as an excuse There is no doubt that the crisis The response to the current economic to attack long established rights, presents a real challenge, but it is climate can also be the beginning such as the right to strike, collective also an opportunity to make the of a more inclusive society, where agreements and social security transition to the green, sustainable market rules are never allowed to systems. Across Europe, govern- society that we so urgently need: override fundamental social rights. ments are implementing draconian a future which guarantees equal Quite simply, no other approach spending cuts; gutting essential opportunities, equal rights and will do. services, increasing unemployment robust social protection for all. and disproportionately hitting those A future which guarantees invest- most in need in a vain attempt to ment in both people and society. satisfy the markets that they were unwilling to control. The Green New Deal sets out a strategy to overcome the crisis We are running the risk of developing whilst transforming the economic a severe case of tunnel vision. Our and industrial framework to pro- overwhelming preoccupation with vide decent employment, high the financial dimension of the crisis quality public services, gender Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, Social Funds — tackling poverty and exclusion 2 Article 9: “…That in defining and implementing its Elisabeth Schroedter MEP policies and activities, the Union shall take into account Securing Europe’s future —why young people matter 4 requirements linked to the promotion of a high level of Emilie Turunen MEP employment, the guarantee of adequate social protection, A minimum income for all 6 the fight against social exclusion, and a high level of Jean Lambert MEP education, training and protection Making homelessness a priority 8 of human health.” Karima Delli MEP National Reform Plans —wanted: audience for 10 a greener and more social Europe Marije Cornelissen MEP Women in the economic crisis— 12 progress not setbacks for gender equality Raül Romeva i Rueda MEP Strengthening the social economy— 14 a vital role for co–ops, mutuals and Fair Trade Sven Giegold MEP Linking bailouts to social guarantees 16 Tatjana Ždanoka MEP Social Funds— tackling poverty and exclusion Elisabeth Schroedter MEP Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, Germany [email protected] 2 The number of people at risk of the financing of new and integrated Social Entrepreneurship Programme’ However, if we are to take the fight poverty in the EU is on the rise, strategies which reach beyond which provides micro-credit to against social exclusion and poverty currently amounting to 84 million traditional labour market policies and people who want to set up a small in the EU seriously, we must back people or 17 per cent of the EU help prevent the passing down of business but would not be granted up these warm words with funding population. Austerity measures poverty from generation to generation. credit in the traditional banking and action. adopted throughout the EU are sector; ‘Progress’, which finances disproportionately hitting the most The proposal also states that 20 per EU-wide pilot projects in the area of deprived, yet the EU 2020 strategy cent of the ESF should be earmark- employment and social policy; and sets the target of lifting 20 million ed for the fight against poverty. Over EURES, which promotes workers’ people out of poverty by 2020. the last few years, Member States mobility to better match job opportu- What action is the EU taking to reduced the share of the ESF in the nities and job seekers across the EU. ensure that Member States live Structural Funds budget from 40 The draft of the EPSCI programme, up to this commitment? per cent to 22 per cent. Therefore, however, over-emphasises employ- the Greens in the European Parlia- ment as the primary answer to social The regulations governing the ment welcome the Commission’s exclusion and poverty. ¹ The EU Structural Funds are designed to narrow the Structural Funds¹ set out eleven proposal to introduce a minimum gap between the rich and poor parts of Europe priorities, including the fight against share for the ESF of the overall The Greens in the European Parlia- by reducing the differences in development between poverty. Two instruments are budget, namely 52 per cent for more ment will take a clear line in the regions. The majority of spending is allocated to three funds: The European Regional Development Fund, particularly important in achieving developed regions, 40 per cent for negotiations on the Structural Funds the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund. this goal. transition regions and 25 per cent and the ESF. Some Member States, for deprived regions. as well as other Groups in the Euro- The European Social Fund (ESF) is pean Parliament, have already crucial in bringing about investment The European Programme for voiced their opposition against the in people. For the funding period Social Change and Social Innovation courageous Commission proposal 2014—2020, the Commission added (EPSCI) is the second programme, to earmark 20 per cent of the ESF two priorities to the ESF, namely consisting of three strands aimed at for the fight against poverty, stating the fight against poverty and early helping people out of social exclus- that they will not accept such inter- school drop–out. This allows for ion: the ‘Microfinance Facility and ference by the Commission. Securing Europe’s future— why young people matter Emilie Turunen MEP Socialistisk Folkeparti, Denmark [email protected] 4 Youth unemployment is one of the bargaining power. The trend is simi- which gives every young person in major challenges for Europe. It is lar across Europe: labour market the EU the right to a job, an appren- not without reason that the current organisation is falling apart, as well ticeship, further training or employ- generation of young Europeans are as wages and working conditions ment if they have been out of work known as the “the lost generation”. for the newcomers. for four months. Other measures in the Youth on the Move initiative The economic crisis has triggered There is an urgent need to act. We include a call for better regulation of a sudden and dramatic increase in need to find solutions that not only apprenticeships and internships and unemployment, particularly amongst provide more jobs for young people, EU funding for young entrepreneurs. the young. More than one in five but which also ensure that those young Europeans are unemployed, jobs are secure and long–term. The EU has shown willing in coming creating tremendous pressure on together to combat youth unemploy- wages and working conditions. In A report adopted by the European ment. What we need now is for Spain, for example, young people Parliament in July 2010 proposed governments to take action. Member often end up in temporary positions a number of suggestions on how to States must make youth unemploy- ¹ ‘On promoting youth access to the labour with little protection, while millions tackle youth unemployment.¹ Fortu- ment a political priority. Austerity market, strengthening trainee, internship and of young graduates in Italy, France, nately, it seems that the work of alone cannot save Europe alone apprenticeship status’ Emilie Turunen MEP, 14th June 2010: Germany and the UK are working the Parliament has had an impact. — it is time to stand up for Europe’s for free as interns. young people. The Commission has included a http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc. number of the Parliament’s sugg- do?pubRef=–//EP//TEXT+REPORT+A7–2010– It is also a fact that young people estions in its flagship initiative 0197+0+DOC+XML+V0//EN&language=EN don’t tend to join trade unions, ‘Youth on the Move’,² which aims ²‘Youth on the Move: An initiative to unleash which is not only a crisis for the at equipping Europe’s youth for the potential of young people to achieve unions but a crisis for the new the future. smart, sustainable and inclusive growth in generation in the labour market, the European Union’ too. Without organisation, young European Commission, 15th September 2010: Most notably, the scheme includes people are left alone with no strong the European Youth Guarantee, http://ec.europa.eu/education/yom/com_en.pdf A minimum income for all Jean Lambert MEP Green Party, UK [email protected] 6 Currently, 24 out of 27 countries in The European Greens want to see people into poverty, not least when Human dignity is inviolable.
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