PART _ II go relntteo by the concerned Deputy Conservator of Forest) 7 Location of the project/Scheme Circle: Western Circle, Division: Midnapore, Range: Bhadutala & Pirakata, Beat: Moupal & Bhimsole District: Paschim Medinipur. D State/Union Territory West Bengal. ii) District. Paschim Medinipur. iii) Forest Division Midnapore iv) Area offorest land proposed for diversion (in ha.) 3.7728 ha. v) Legal status offorest Protected Forest. vi) Density of vegetation 0.24. vii) Species-wise (scientific names) and diameter Enclosed class- wise enumeration of trees (to be enclosed. In case of inigation/hydel projects enumeration at FRL,FRL-2 meter & FRL-4 meter also to be enclosed ) viii) Brief note on vulnerability of the forest area to NA erosion. ix) Approximate distance of proposed site for Appx.ave. diversion from boundary offorest. Area of Distance of Forest proposed Land site for Forest Forest Mouza Name proposed diversion Range Beat with JL No. for from Diversion boundary (in Ha.) of forest. (in Km.) Bhadutala Moupal KhasJaneal-513 0.1494 0.35 5 Kalaberia 0.320 Bhadutala Moupal 0.5179 Bhadutala- 515 Bhadutala Mounal Nischintanur - 5l6 0.6516 0.610 ChakSrinath 0.920 Bhadutala Moupal 0.9145 500 Bhadutala Moupal Baemari - 240 0.4602 0.340 Bhadutala Moupal Tarasuli - 225 0.2184 0.400 Bhadutala Moupal Mouoal - 249 0.0663 0.1 70 Bhadutala Moupal Nutandihi - 194 0.0s65 0.350 Bhadutala Moupal Chanesol - 250 0.2722 0.290 Bhadutala Moupal Chaiour - 253 0. I 889 0.3 10 Bhadutala Moupal Murakati - 251 0.0842 0.230 Pirakata Bhimsole Dakshinsole - 189 0.009 0.110 Bhadutala Moupal Panchapara- 219 0. I 837 0.570 x) Whether forms part of National Park, wildlife sanctuary ,biosphere reserve ,tiger reserve ,elephant corridor, etc. (Ifso, the details ofthe area and comments of the Chief Wildlife Warden NA to be annexed ) xi) Wheth; a"y .atel endangered/unique species of flora and fauna found in the area-ifso details NA thereof. xii) Whether any protected archaeological'4reritage establishment or any other important site/defence NA monument is located in the area' If so, the details thereof with NOC from competent authority, if required. as 8. Wh.th". th. Guirement of forest land proposed by the user agency in col'2 ofpart-I is Yes unavoidable and barest minimum for the project' If no. recommended area item-wise with details of alternatives examined. Act has been NO 9. Wh"th.. ,ry w"rk in violation of the carried out (Yes/no).If yes, details of the same including period of work had done, action taken is on eninf ofiicials. Whether work in violation cfill in nroqress s chem e' 10. n.r^ i f* nf affore station Enclosed "r,moensatory Mouza Plot No Area in ha Distance lorest area Range Beat i) Details ofnon forest area.idegraded with Jl No from identified for compensatory afforestation, its adjoining Forest distance from adjoining forest, number of patches' 5.6 Degraded Bhadutola Moupal Mirga-217 604 and size ofeach Patch. forest land. 206 2.0 Degraded Bhadutola Moupal Jara-218 forest land. Total CA Area in ha 7.6 ii) M"p il"*irg r /degraded forest area "rest Enclosed iAentlneO for compensatory afforestation and adj oining forest boundary Enclosed iiD De6iied afforestation scheme "o-pensatory including speiiet to be planted, implementing etc' agency , time schedule , cost sttucfure Rs-30p0p00.00 ( Rupees thirty lakh only) iv) Total financial outlay for compensatory afforestation scheme Enclosed v) C"rtificate" f."", *mpetent authority regarding suitability of area identified for compensatory afforestaiion and from management point of view .(to be signed by the concerned Deputy Conservator Of Forest) ll @eDCF(tobeenclosed) Enclosed especiaily highlighting facts asked in col'7 (IX- vII\QandOohnrre 12. Division,District Profi le : :633UJO rtswrJ 6360.36 Sq KM Ha (exoluolng JItaIBril[r i) @ District emerges from Paschim Medinipur District) Jnargram newry t t:O.ZS Sq Km : 113079.19 Ha (excludtng ii) ffi formed District emerges from Paschim Medinipur District) nos ot cases unoer rasulrutr rvrsurr,Pur since 1980 with cases 66.0758 Ha Over l2 iii) ffiverted plstrict (excluding Jhargram newly formed District emerges from Paschim MediniPur District) 67.4808 Ha iv) @tation stipulated in the district or division since 1980 on a)Forest Land including penal compensatory afforestation Non Forest land 55-32ha v) frogress ofcompensatory afforestation as on i; ha (date) on b)Forest land 6.03 a)Forest land b)Non forest land nd the schedule @oftheDcFfor and uir"ptuo.. or other wise of the proposal with land over 3.2278 Ha under Bhadutola Pirrakata Range of Medinipur Division, Paschim Medinipur District to be diverted in favour of the Project Manager, Paschim Medinipur R.E.Project,W.B.S.E.D.C.L, for construction of new 33 KV incoming line for Pinakata 33lll KV substation which will facilitate power supply to large no of Forest Protection Committees (JFMCs) as well as the nearby villages surrounding this forest. There is no alternative route for the construction of the said substation' The legal status of the proposed site is protected forest, not vulnerable for soil erosion, does not bear any rate, endangered, unique species of flora and fauna, does not cover any archaeological, heritage site, defense establishment or any other important monument and barest minimum. Undersign has selected 7.6 (seven point six) ha degraded forest land at Mouza Mirga-217 and Mouza Jwa-218 under MouPal Beat of Bhadutola Range,Medinipur Division for compensatory afforestation which will enriched green coverage of the Division' The proPosal is recommended bY the *J.*igrr"d m, the diversion as per proposal Signature Date: SAHA Name of Block Letter ATH Place: FOREST OFFICER Designation :IFS, DIVISIONAL Official Seal.
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