Aabcnraa (Denmark), 938, 947 Aachen (Germ.), 1045, 1070

Aabcnraa (Denmark), 938, 947 Aachen (Germ.), 1045, 1070

INDEX Aabcnraa (Denmark), 938, 947 Aconcagua (Chile), 876 Aachen (Germ.), 1045, 1070 Acre (Brazil), 842, 847 Aalborg (Denmark), 937-3!l, !l47 Acre (Israel), 1172 Aalst, see Alost Adana (Turkey), 1496, 1506 Aargau (Switz.), 1464, 1466 Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), 968-73 Aarhus (Denmark), 937-39, 947 Adelaide (S. Aust.), 256, 316, 320 Aas (Norway), 1301 Addie Land, 251 Aba (Nigeria), 469 Aden (S. Yemen), 1423-24 Abaco Is. (Bahamas), 141 Adilabad (India), 387 Abadan (Iran), 1136 Adiyaman (Turkey), 1496 Abaiang Is. (Gilh. & Ellice Is.), 173 Adizhan (USSR), 11)27 Abajo (Cuba), fl23 Adjara Rep. (USSR), ),)55-56 Abakan (USSR), )532, 1545 Admiralty Is., 285-86 Abancay (Peru), 1335 Adola (Ethiopia), !l71-i2 Abdal Magid (Sudan), 1443 Adrar (Mauritania), 1033 A bemama Is. (Gil b. & Ellice Is.), 173 Adrianople (Turkey), 1496 Abeokuta (Nigeda), 469, 472 Adygei Aut. Region (USSR), 1536, Abercorn, see Mbala 1544 Aberdeen (S.D.), 745 A<:gean Is. (Greece), 1084, 1087 Aberdeen (UK), 73, 77, 82-83 A<:tolia (Greece), 1083 Aberystwyth (UK), 82-83 Afars and Issas, Terr. of, 983, 1014-15 Ahhazia Rep. (USSR), 1555 Afghanistan, 9, II, 787-92 Abidjan (Ivory Coast), 1029-30 Afyon (Turkey), 1496 Abilene (Tex.), 750-51 Afyonkarahisar (Turkey), 1501 Abo, see Turku Agadez (Niger), 1035 Abo.Bjorneborg (Finland), 9i5 Agadir (Morocco), 1259, 1261 Ahomey (Dahomey), 1031-32 Agalega Is. (Mauritius), 553 Abqaiq (Saudi Arabia), 13!lO Agana (Guam), 777 Abruzzi and Molise (Italy), 1180 Aghios Nikolaos (Greece), 1084 Abu Dhabi rfrncial St.), 1327, 1331- Aginsky (USSR), 1536 33 Agona, see Swooru Abu Hamad (Sudan), 1445 Agordat (Ethiopia), !l72 Abu Kodis (UAR), 1584 Agra (India), 365, 414 Abu Taluka (India), 4)2 Agri (Turkey), 1496 Abu Zabad (Sudan), 1445 Aguadulce (Pan.), 1313 Abyssinia, see Ethiopia Aguascalientes (Mex.), 1245--46 Acajutla (EI Salv.), 964-65 Ahmadi (Kuwait), 1215, 1217 Acarnania (Greece), 1083 Ahmedabad (India), 365, 386, 392-93 Accra (Ghana), 446--48, 450 Ahmednagar (India), 365, 402 Accra Beach (Ghana), 450 Ahtme (USSR), 1560 Accra, Greater (Ghana), 445--46 Ahuachapan (EI Salv.), 962 Achiasi (Ghana), 41)0 Ahvenanmaa (Finland), !175 Achimota (Ghana), 450 Ahwaz (Iran), II34, II36, II41-42 Acholi (Uganda), 504 Aidin, see Aydin Acklin's Is. (Bahamas), 141 Ain (France), 986 1631 1632 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-DOOK, 1968 Ain Dar (Saudi Arabia), 1300 Alberta (Canada), 189-00, 194-08, Ain Zalah (Iraq), II40 204-08,217,241-44 AIr (Niger), 1035 - agriculture, 243 Aisne (France), 986 - area and pop., 242 Aitutaki Is. (Cook Is.), 354 - education, 243 Aix (France), 991 - govt. and representation, 241-42 Aix·en·Provence (France), 988, 099 Albertville, see Kalemie Ajlun (Jordan), 1202 Albina (Surinam), 1287 Ajman (Trucial St.), 1331-33 Alborz (Iran), 1140 Ajmer (India), 365, 386-87, 412 Albuquerque (N.M.), 581, 717 Akerman (USSR), 1508 Albury (NSW), 293 Akershus (Norway), 1209 AIde-bra Is. (Br. Ind. Ocean Terr.), Akhaia (Greece), 1083 167 Akhalj.Afoni (USSR), 1555 Aldergrove (airpt.) (N. Ireland), 136 Akhal·Senaki (USSR), 1555 Alderney (Channel Is.), 74, 138, 140- Akita (Japan), 1192 41 Akjoujt (iI'Iauritania), 1034 Alegranza (Spain), 1427 Akmolinsk. Bee Tselingrad Aleppo (Syria), 1476-77, 1480 Akola (India), 365, 402 Ales (France), 992 Akposso (Togo), 1040 Alesund (Norway), 1300, 1311 Akrancs (Iceland), 1120 Alexandria (UAR), 1579, 1583-8.l, Akron (Ohio), 1)81, 728 IG87 Aktogai (China), 893 Alexandria (La.), 681 Aktyubinsk (USSR), 1513, 1566, Alexandria (Va.), 758 1568 Alexandroupolis (Greece), 1084 Akw'eyri (Iceland), ll20, ll24 Aley (Lebanon), 1225 Alabama (USA), 571-72, 574, 579, Aigeciras (Spain), 1427, 1436 609,614,621,634-36 Alger, see Algiers - agriculture, 635-36 Algeria, 5, 9, II, 798-803, 984 -c.area and pop., 634-35 Algiers (Algeria), 799-800, 802 - education, 635 Alhambra (Calif.), 645 - govt. and representation, 634 AI·Rassa, see Saudi Arabia Alagoas (Brazil), 842 AI·Romina (Morocco), 1259 Alajuela (Costa Rica), 914-15 Alhucemas (Sp. Afr.), 1427 Alameda (Calif.), 645 Alicante (Spain), 1427, 1433 Alamosa (Colo.), 648 Alice Springs (N. Aust.), 272, 2iG- Aland (Finland), 974-75 78 Alaska (USA), 571-72, 5i5, 576-77, Aligarh (India), 365-66, 414 5i9, 581, 590-91, 609-10, Alipore (India), 369 624,636-39 AI Ittihad, see Madincs al·Shaab - agriculture, 638 Aliveri (Greece), 1089 - area and pop., 637 AI Jadida (Morocco), 1259 - education, 637 AI Khobar (Saudi Arabia), 1391 - govt. and representation, 63G-37 Alkmaar (Neth.), 1274 Alava (Spain), 1427 Allahabad (India), 365, 414-15 Alaverdi (USSR), 1555, 1558 Allenstein (Poland), 1352 Albacete (Spain), 1427 Allentown (Pa), 581, 737 Alba Iulia (Rumania), 1378 Allepey (India), 365 Albania, 9, 11,793-98 Allier (France), 986 Albany (Ga.), 660 Alma·Ata (USSR), 1512-13, 1515, Albany (N.Y.), 581, 719-20 1528, 1532, 1566, 1568 Albany (Ore.), 733 Almada (Portugal), 1361-62 Albany (W. Aust), 323 Almelo (N'eth.), 1274 Albay (Philipp)., 1347 Almeria (Spain), 1427, 1431 INDEX 1633 Almetyevsk (USSR), 1527 Amlekganj (Nepal), 1269 Almirante (Pan.), 1313, 1315-16 Amman (Jordan), 1202-{)4 Alofi (Niue Is.), 355 Amphissa (Greece), 1083 Alofi Is. (Fr. Polyn.), 1018 Amravati (India), 365, 402 Alon (Burma), 865 Amreli (India), 392 Alost (Belgium), 824 Amritsar (India), 365, 410 Alpes, Basses- (France), 986 Amstelveen (Jlleth.), 1274 Alpes, Hautes- (France), 986 Amsterdam (Neth.), 127!-75, 1281- Alpes Maritimes (France), 986 83 Alphen a.d. Rijn (Neth.), 1274 Amur (USSR), 1532, 1536 Alphonse Is. (Scychelles), 167 Anaa Wr. Polyn.), lOll Alsace (France), 1001 Anaconda (Mont.), 704 Alta Chicama (Peru), 1339 Anadia (Portugal), 1362 Altai (USSR), 1532, 1536 Anadyr (USSR), 1533 Alta Vcrapaz (Guat.), 1092 Anaheim (Calif.), 581 Alto Adige (Italy), 1179-80, 1182 Anand (India), 393 Alto Beni (Bolivia), 837 Ancash (Peru), 1335 Alton (111.), 668 Anchorage (Alaska), 637 Altoona (Pa.), 737 Anchorage Is. (Cook Is.), 35-1 Alto Parana (Para.), 1320-21 Anc6n (Pan.), 1315 Aluminium, see Bauxite Ancona (Italy), 1181, 118-1 Alvesta (Sweden), 1450 Andaman and Nieobar Is. (India), Alvsborg (Sweden), 1449 359, 363-64, 368, 374, 376, Amadora (Portugal), 1361 386,416,417-18 Amagasaki (Japan), 1192 Anderson (Ind.), 671 Amambay (Para.), 1320-21 Anderson (S.C.), 743 Amami (Pacific), 782 Andes (Calom.), 902 Amapa (Brazil), 842, 847 Andhra Pradesh (India), 357-58, Amapala (lIond.), 1105 364, 366, 368, 370, 374, 376, Amara (Iraq), 1146 379, 386---89 Amarillo (Tex.), 581, 750 - area and pop., 388 Amarkantak (India), 400 - education, 388 Amarpur (India), 423 - govt. and representation, 387-88 Amasya (Turkey), 1496 - production, 388-89 Amazonas (Brazil), 842, 847 Andijan (USSR), 1571, 1573 Amazonas (Colom.), 901 Andina (Argen.), 806 Amazonas (Peru), 1335 Andizhan (USSR), 1513 Amazonas (Venez.), 1600, 1603 Andorra, 803-04 AmblOla (India), 365, 394,410,421 Andorre-Ia-Vieille (Andorm), 80-1 Ambato (Equador), 956 Andover (UK), 108 Ambatondrazaka (Madag.), 1023 Andros Is. (Bahamas), 141 Ambeno (Port. Timor), 1375 Andujur (Spain), 1433 Amboina (Indon.), 1130 Anecho (Togo), 1040-41 Ambon (Indon.), 1126-27 Anegada (Br. Virgin Is.), 182 Ambrym Is. (New. Rebr.), 176 Aneitytlm, Is (New Rebr.), 176-77 Amersfoort (Neth.), 127! Angarsk (USSR), 1513 Ames (Iowa), 674 Angediva Is. (Port. India), 1375 Amherst (Mass.). 6!l1 Angers (France), 988, 992 Amherst (N.S.), 225 Anglesey (UK), 69 Amida (Turkey), 1497 Anglo·French Condominium, 1018 Amiens (France), 988,991 Ango-Ango (Congo). 912 Amindivi Is., see Laccadivc Is. Angola (Port. W. Afr.), 1359, 1363, Amirantes Is. (Seychelles), 167 1370, 1372-73 Amlai (India), 400 Angouleme (rrancc), 98G 30 1634 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1968 Angra do Heroismo (Azores), 1360- Arak (Iran), 1134-35, 1138 62 Aran Pradet (Thai!.), 1486 Anguilla (W. Indies), 178-81 Aranuka (Gilb. & Ellice Is.), 173 Angul (India), 408 Ararat (Vic.), 303 Angus (UK), 73 Arauca (Colom.), 901 Anhwei (China), 886, 890 Arauco (Chile), 876 Anin (Burma), 864 Araya (Venez.), 1604 Anjero·Sudjensk (USSR), 1513 Arbil (Iraq), 1146, 1149, 1151 Anjouan Is. (Comoro Is.), 101 5·-16 Arcadia (Greecc), 1083 Ankara (Turkey), 1494, 1496-98, Archangel, see Arkhangelsk 1504 Archnan (USSR), 1533 Ankeleshwar (India), 394 Arctic Dist. (Canada), 250 Ankole (Uganda), 50-1 Ardabil (Iran), 1135 Annaba (Algeria), 799 Ardeche (France), 986, 1000 Annai (Guyana), 540 Arden.Arcade,645 Annapolis (Md.), 686-87 Ardennes (France), 986 Ann Arbor (Mich.), 693 Arecibo (Puerto Rico), 773 Annobon Is. (Sp. Guinea), 1438-39 Arequipa (Peru), 1335-36, 1338, Anshan (China), 891 1342 Antalya (Turkey), 1496, 1504 Arezzo (Italy), 1185 Antarctic territories Arganda (Spain), 1435 - Argentina, 806 Argenteuil (France), 988 - Australia, 251, 289 Argentina, 6, 9, 11, 14, 804-15 - British, 151 Arges (Rumania), 1378, 1381 - Chile, 875-76 Argolis (Greece), 1083 - New Zealand. 355-56 Argostolion (Greece), 1083 Antigua (Guat.), 1092 Argovie, see Aargau Antigua (W. Indies), 178-80 Argyll (UK), 73 Antilles (S. Amer.), 1599 Argyrocastro, see Gjirokaster Antioquia (Colom.), 900, 904 Mica (Chile), 876, 882 Antipodes Is. (NZ), 353 Ariege (France), 986 Antofagasta (Chile), 876-77, 881-82 Arima (Trinidad), 501 Antrim (N. Ireland), 128, 130 Arizona (USA), 572-74, 579, 609-10, Antsirabe (Madag.), 1023-24 621,639-41 Antwerp (Belgium), 824-25, 829 - agriculture, 641 Anzoategui (Venez.), 1600, 1604 - area and pop., 639-40 Aoba Is. (New Hebr.), 176, 178 - education, 640 Aomori (Japan), 1192 - govt. and representation, 639 Aosta (Italy), 1179 Arkansas (USA), 571-72, 575, 579, Aotearoa (NZ), 339 591, 609,621,641-44 Apeldoorn (Neth.), 1274 - agriculture, 643 Apia (Samoa, USA), 355, 494-95 - area and pop., 642 Apolima Is. (W. Samoa), 494-95 - education, 642-43 Apostles Is. (Fr. Ant.), 1018 - govt. and representation, 641-42 Appenzell (Switz.), 1464-66 Arkhangelsk (USSR), 1513, 1533, Appleton (Wisc.), 766 1536 Apulia (Italy), 1180 Arlington (Tex.), 750 Apure (Venez.), 1600 ArIon (Belgium), 824 Apurimac (Peru), 1335 Armagh (N. Ireland), 128, 130 Aqaba (Jordan), 1202-04 Al'mavir (USSR), 1513, 1527 Arab League, 51-52 Armenia (Colomb.), 900 Aracajti (Brazil), 843 Armenian Rep. (USSR), 1507, 1512, Arad (Rumania), 1378 1527, 1556-58 Aragua (Venez.), 1600, 1604 Armidale (NSW), 293-9-1 INDEX IG35 Arnhem (Neth.), 1274-75 Asl (UAR), 1584 Arorae Is.

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