February 2, 1995 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E 257 The HEAP Act would allow parents to de- ``PAID VOLUNTEERISM'': AN OXY- In 1992 candidate Clinton endorsed increas- posit up to $5,000 per child each year in a col- MORONIC IDEA ing the minimum wage. During 1993 and 1994, lege savings account with a maximum allow- when he had a congressional majority that would have done it, he did not ask for it, pri- able deduction of $15,000 per year. When HON. GERALD B.H. SOLOMON marily because some sensible Democrats money is withdrawn from a HEAP account for OF NEW YORK told him it was a dumb idea. Al From, head education purposes, one-tenth of that amount IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of the centrist Democratic Leadership Coun- would be included in the gross income of the Thursday, February 2, 1995 cil, which once advertised Clinton as a New beneficiary for tax purposes over a 10-year Democrat, says of the minimum wage pro- Mr. SOLOMON. Mr. Speaker, I commend posal: ``It's anachronistic, it's a loser, it's period. The legislation also includes a 10-per- George Will's article in the Saturday, January got no bite with the middle class. And it cent penalty for money withdrawn from a 28th edition of the Washington Post for your screams old Democrat.'' HEAP account for purposes other than paying attention: Now that there is a Congress that Clinton for higher education. TWO LIBERAL LOSERS knows will not enact an increase, he calls it Mr. Speaker, this legislation provides a (George F. Will) urgent. However, during Tuesday night's HEAP of relief for middle class families who oration, when he was pitilessly detailed President Clinton's turbid State of the about almost everything, he remained reti- are often not eligible for low-interest student Union address was a metaphor for modern cent about how much the minimum wage loans and other Government aid. By encour- governmentÐsprawling, metastasizing, un- should be increased. Leaving aside the aging these families to save for their children, disciplined, approaching self-parody. It un- unwisdom of government telling employers we help give future generations access to all derscored the fact that his administration what to pay employees, it is generally true now is politically almost harmless,but is aes- that when you increase the cost of some- the advantages of higher education. I urge my thetically excruciating. colleagues to support the HEAP Act and pay thing, people buy less of it. There is evidence The address was heavily lardedÐexactly that is true of labor at the low end of the tribute to those who shaped this worthy legis- the right word, thatÐwith semi-conservative wage scale. lation. words about cutting taxes, spending and reg- The first federal minimum wageÐ25 cents ulations. However, regarding two matters an hourÐwas enacted in 1938. Since then, the f Clinton considers crucialÐthe American longest time between increases was from 1981 Corps ``national service'' program and the to 1990. During that span, teenage unemploy- ISRAEL H. MILTON HONORED minimum wageÐthe address was half-baked ment (teenagers are a third of all minimum and half-hearted liberalism. wage earners) fell from 23.2 percent to 15.5 AmeriCorpos, says Clinton, will revive percent, and black teenage unemployment HON. CARRIE P. MEEK American volunteerism. The approximately fell from 48 percent to 31 percent. Then the 80 million Americans who volunteer their forces of compassion struck, raising the min- OF FLORIDA time to religious and civic organizations imum wage twice, in 1990 and 1991. In 1992 may wonder who needs reviving and how teenage unemployment went up to 20 per- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES much it matters whether AmeriCorps even- cent. tually produces 100,000 more volunteers. Thursday, February 2, 1995 Now, it is problematic establishing causa- Today 2.9 million of America's 80 million tion for any phenomenon as complex and Mrs. MEEK of Florida. Mr. Speaker, next volunteers are ages 18 to 25, the ages of varied as joblessness. And some studies, in- AmeriCorps ``volunteers.'' week Israel H. Milton, the Assistant Dade cluding one by associates of the current sec- To Americans who use the English lan- retary of labor, purport to show that the County Manager responsible for human serv- guage to communicate thoughts rather than ices programs, will retire from our county gov- minimum wage can be increased somewhat parody them, the use of the word ``volun- without increasing unemployment. However, ernment. I want to join with his many friends teer'' in connection with AmeriCorps' re- the question is academic because a former and admirers throughout our entire community cruits must seem like the latest redundant academicÐRep. Dick Armey, the ex-profes- in extending to him our thanks for his out- evidence that Washington is stark raving sor of economics who now is majority lead- mad. To plain-speaking Americans, a volun- erÐsays he will oppose an increase ``with standing service and our congratulations for a teer is someone who contributes his or her job well done. every fiber of my being,'' and he will have unpaid labor. Clinton's ``volunteers'' will be much company. Israel Milton is a public servant in the very paid a $7,400 annual stipend, plus $9,450 worth But this is of more than academic interest: highest and best sense of the word. He is a of college expenses over two years. And this The minimum wage is now $4.25 an hour. veteran of more than three decades hard work is not all that Clinton's little puddle of gov- Clinton is said to be thinking about seeking and achievement in the area of social serv- ernment-manufactured ``volunteers''Ðlittle $5 an hour. The New Citizenship Project cal- relative to the 80 million true volunteers ices. culates that AmeriCorps ``volunteers'' earn who need neither financial incentives from, more than $7 an hour. Never one to shy away from difficult assign- nor organization by, governmentÐwill cost ments, Israel Milton began his career in Dade taxpayers. f County in 1967 as a social services adminis- In addition to the health and childcare en- titlements for AmeriCorps members, and SALUTE TO CHICAGO ATTORNEY trator at the Kendall Children's Home. He also AND FORMER ALDERMAN LEON served as director of the Office of Neighbor- AmeriCorps' Washington bureaucracy, money is spent to locate ``volunteers'' to DESPRES, ON THE OCCASION OF hood Service Centers and director of the take AmeriCorps money. The Omaha World- HIS 87TH BIRTHDAY Model Cities Program; became director of the Herald says that AmeriCorps gave Nebras- Department of Human Resources in 1982; and ka's state government a $457,622 grant to re- rose to assistant county manager in 1992. cruit 23 AmeriCorps members. That $19,896.60 HON. BOBBY L. RUSH The talents and judgment he brought to per recruit calls into question the effective- OF ILLINOIS ness of the $1.7 million AmeriCorps paid a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES these jobs and the breadth and depth of his Washington PR firm for national advertis- experience will be sorely missed; people of his ing. Thursday, February 2, 1995 calibre are not easily replaced. He has always According to the New Citizenship Project, Mr. RUSH. Mr. Speaker, I rise this afternoon been accessible to the people of our commu- a conservative advocacy group, of to salute a gentleman who is a Chicago insti- nity, constantly working to provide quality serv- AmeriCorps' first 20,000 ``volunteers,'' 1,200 tution and a lifelong friend of the underdog ices and a better life for all our citizens. are working for agencies of the federal gov- ernment. The New Citizenship Project warns and of the working Chicagoan. Leon Despres, Israel Milton is a graduate of Dorsey High that AmeriCorps is ripe for politicization, who turns 87 years young today, played a cru- School in Miami and Bethune-Cookman Col- citing a Washington Monthly report that a cial role in the Chicago City Council during the lege. He received his Master's Degree in so- 1993 pilot project became an exercise in iden- senior Richard Daley's tenure as major of Chi- cial work from Atlanta University. tity politics and political correctness, devel- cago. This role, that of the loyal and principled Mr. Speaker, I want to extend my best wish- oping ethnic and homosexual caucuses. And opposition, is one that my Democratic col- es to Israel Milton and to his wife, Thelma Mil- the Los Angeles Times reported that a 1994 leagues and I are growing to appreciate more pilot project in San Francisco used its ``vol- and more as we settle into our new roles in ton. Our community thanks you for your serv- unteers'' to protest ``three-strikes-and- ice and for the contribution you have made to you're-out'' crime legislation.'' the 104th Congress. Unfortunately, I did not the lives of so many people. Clinton calls AmeriCorps the achievement have the honor of serving in the Chicago City ``I would say I was most proud of.'' No mini- Council during the 20 years that Mr. Despres mum wage increase will be rival for that served there. However, he served as Par- title. liamentarian of that body under the late, great E 258 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks February 2, 1995 Mayor Harold Washington during my first few Daley has been dead since 1976 and the ma- Steeltown ties go back a long wayÐto the years in the Council. Len Despres is well chine long since has lost firepower, but days when there really was a Steeltown.
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