Reference Project: Rolls-Royce UT 761 CD Scope of Supply Nyborg Position of Equipment Nyborg Fan Louvers Item 010.1,010.2,011.1,011.2.supply/exhaust M.E.PS/SB. MPV1600D1K SSVENT Soundattenator Item 204,suply pump/commisioning room. MPV710A1K Item 307,exhaust pluough/deck Workshop. MSV160B1BG Item 006/025,exh hydr power 1 room SB.exh.hydr.power unit 2 room SB. MPV1000A1K Far Samson Item 107,exh.engine workshop. MSV160B1BG Item 113,supply incinerator room. MPV315A1K Item 201,exh.workshop main deck. MSV200B1BG Item 208.,exh.solarium/gym. MSV200B1BG Item 404,exh.mess room day room 1&2. LSV500B1BG Design: Rolls-Royce UT-Design UT 761 CD Item 002/003,supply steering gear room PS/SB MSV200B1BG Yard: STX Europe Langsten. Item 109,exh.engine and el.store STB. MPV315A1K Year: 2009 MTO 52522, 576.001.15 STEERING GEAR ROOM PS DRS_F Clean Design, Comfort, Naut OSV A, Ice Class 574.021.12, MTO 52724, EXHAUST ENGINE ROOM PS SSV_FS 1B, DP 3, DeIce 574.022.12, MTO 52548, EXHAUST ENGINE ROOM SB SSV_FS L.O.A.: 121,5m 574. 023. 15, MTO 52548, SUPPLY ENGINE ROOM PS DRS_ F 574.023.15, MTO 52726, SUPPLY ENGINE ROOM PS DRS_F Width: 26,0m 574.024.15, MTO 52548, SUPPLY ENGINE ROOM SB DRS_F DW: 8700T / 7,9m 574.024.15. MTO 52727, SUPPLY ENGINE ROOM SB DRS_F Deck area: 2600m2 579.114.15, MTO XXXXX, SUPPLY INCINERATOR ROOM DRSL_F 579.204.15, MTO 52563, PUMP/COMMISIONING ROOM DRS_F Accommodat 100 persons 571.402.15, MTO 52581, SUPPLY GALLEY DRSL_F ion: 574.604.15, MTO 52592, SUPPLY AHU 1/2 DRS_F Subsea 574.804.15, MTO 52601, SUPPLY AHU 5 DRS_F 250T crane: 574.808.15, MTO 52604, SUPPLY AHU6 DRS_F 574.903.15, MTO 52607, SUPPLY EMERGENCY SSV_FS_DRS_ Bollard pull 400T++ GENERATOR ROOM G MPV1600 D1k MPV1000 A1k MSV 200 B1BG LSV 500 B1BG Quality by Experience - Efficiency by technology Reference Project: Ulstein SX 121 Scope of Supply NYBORG LOUVERS / Position of Equipmnet NYBORG FANS DAMPERS E-1, Exhauist fan sanitary spaces MSV315B1BG E-5, Exhaust fan crew lounge. LSV250B1BG E-6, Exhaust fan day room, D-deck. MSV200B1BG E-10, Exhaust fan mess room SKV350_B1O LSS350R E-12, Exhaust fan dayroom, A-deck. SKV250_B1O LSS250R E-13, Exhaust fan laundry. LSV250B1BG E-14, Exhuast fan wardrobes. LSV250B1BG S-20, Supply fan galley. LSV315B1BG E-21, Exhaust fan galley SKV400_B1O LSS400R S-33, Supply fan emergency generator room MPV400A1K S40/41/42/43, Supply fan engine room PS/SB MPV1000A1K SSVENT Island Constructor – Ship Of Year 2008 Silenser for S-40/41/42/43, SILENCER1000 E-49, Exhaust fan engine workshop, MSV160B1BG RLWI (Riserless light well E-52, Exhaust fan deck workshop, MSV160B1BG Type: intervention unit) - DP III E-53, Exhaust fan equipment hold. MSV160B1BG E-54, Exhaust fan incinerator room MSV160B1BG Design: Ulstein SX 121 o E-55, Supply fan incinerator room, MSV200B1BG Yard: Ulstein Verft AS S-56, Supply fan auxiliary generator room MPV400A1K Year: 2008 E-57, Exhaust fan hpu room MPV710A1K DNV + 1A1 with the following E-57,,p Exhaust fan hpu room MPV900A1K class notations: Well E-58, Exhaust fan hpu room, forepeak MSV160B1BG Intervention Unit, SF, E0, E-61/62, Exhaust fan pump room I PS/SB MSV160B1BG DYNPOS-AUTRO, NAUT-OSV S-63/64, Supply fan pump room III PS/SB MSV160B1BG Class: (LOC), CLEAN DESIGN, OPP- E-65, Exhaust fan equipment hold fwd. MPV400A1K F, CRANE, COMF-V(3), E-66, Exhaust fan equipment hold aft. MPV400A1K COMF-C(3), LFL*, DK(+), E-67, Exhaust fan lower cargo pump room MPV400A1K HL(+), HELIDK. PS. E-68, Exhaust fan lower cargo pump room MPV400A1K PS. LOA:L.O.A.: 120, 2m S‐74, Supply fan tower control room. MSV125B1BG Width: 25,0m Pos: 116, 340, 341,342, 467,482A/B, Pos SR_FI DW: 8700T / 7,9m 483 A/B, 484, 485 Pos: 130,160, 161, 467,500, 501,520, 521, Deck area: 1.470m2 SRL_F 525, 526, 531,532,533,534 Accommodation: 90 persons Pos: 100, 445,446, DRS_F Subsea crane: 150T Pos: 105, 210, 447a/b, 448a/b DRSL_F Moonpool: 8x8m Tower with guide wire winches Skidding system 2xWork ROV w/heavy weather LARS SKV350 MSV125 MPV100 A1k LSV315 Quality by Experience - Efficiency by technology Reference project: Gas Driven Ferries M/F MasterfjordM/F Fanafjord M/F Raunefjord M/F Stavangerfjord M/F Bergenfjord Scope of Supply ShipOwner Fjord1 Fylkesbaatane Position of Equipment NYBORG FAN NYBORG Louvers/Dampers Build 2006 Pos. 01 a/b. Exhaust Gas Engine Room LSV 800 B1 LP Centr. Fan Gas Proof SR_FI Pos.01 a/b. Exhaust Gas Engine Room 1. Backup Fan LSV 500 B1 LP Centr. Fan Gas Proof SR_FI Aker Yards, Søviknes/Brattvåg Norge (Hull build Pos. 02a/b. Exhaust Gas Engine Room 2. LSV 800 B1 LP Centr. Fan Gas Proof SR_FI Yard Pos.02a/b. Exhaust Gas Engine Room 2. Backup Fan. LSV 500 B1 LP Centr. Fan Gas Proof SR_FI by Aker Tulcea i Romania) Pos. 03a/b. Exhaust Gas Engine Room 3. LSV 800 B1 LP Centr. Fan Gas Proof SR_FI M/F Bergensfjord, M/F Fanafjord, M/F Raunefjord, Pos.03a/b. Exhaust Gas Engine Room 3. Backup Fan LSV 500 B1 LP Centr. Fan Gas Proof SR_FI Shipname Pos.04a/b. Exhaust Gas Engine Room 4. LSV 800 B1 LP Centr. Fan Gas Proof SR_FI M/F Stavangerfjord, M/F Mastrafjord Pos.04a/b. Exhaust Gas Engine Room 4. Backup Fan LSV 500 B1 LP Centr. Fan Gas Proof SR_FI Pos.05 Supply Gas Engine Room 1 SSV_FS_DRS_G Lengt 129,8 m Pos.06 Supply Gas Engine Room 2 SSV_FS_DRS_G Width 18,7 m Pos.07 Supply Gas Engine Room 3 SSV_FS_DRS_G Pos.08 Supply Gas Engine Room 4 SSV_FS_DRS_G Depth 4,75 m Pos.09 Supply Thruster Room AFT MPV 355 A1E Axial Fan DRSL_F Pos.10 Supply Thruster Room FORE MPV 355 A1E Axial Fan DRSL_F Tonnage 4325 bt Pos.11 Supply Switchboard Room AFT MPV 315 A1K Axial Fan DRSL_F Pos.12 Supply Switchboard Room Fore MPV 315 A1K Axial Fan DRSL_F Pos.13 Supply Techn. Room SB/PSNO. 1 LSV 500 B1 LP Centr. Fan DRS_F / SSVENT_FS To Bergen KVGS -16G4 gasengine and 2 Bergen Main Engine Pos. 14 Supply Techn. Room SB/POSN. 2 LSV 500 B1 LP Centr. Fan DRS_F / SSVENT_FS KVGS-12G4 gasengine Pos. 15 Supply Techn. Room SB/PS No. LSV 500 B1 LP Centr. Fan DRS_F / SSVENT_FS Pos.16 Supply Techn. Room SB/PS No. 4 LSV 500 B1 LP Centr. Fan DRS_F / SSVENT_FS Machineffect 12380 kW Pos.17a/b. Supply LNG-Tankroom PS/SB LSV 400 B1 LP Centr. Fan DRS_F / SR_FI Pos. 18 Supply Tankroom SB-Centre LSV 400 B1 LP Centr. Fan DRS_F / SR_FI Speed 21 kn Pos 18a/b Supply Tankroom SB-AFT, SB-Fore LSV 400 B1 LP Centr. Fan DRS_F / SR_FI Pos 19 a/b, Exhaust Cold box Ps MSV 200 B1 MP Centr. Fan DRS_F / SR_FI Passanger 587 pcs Pos 20 a/b Exhaust Cold-Box SB MSV 200 B1 MP Centr. Fan DRS_F Pos. 21 a/b Exhaust LNG-Filling Shaft/Pipe Trunk MSV 160 B1 MP Centr. Fan DRS_F / SR_FI Cars 198 pcs Pos 22a/b/c/d Exhaust/Supply Lower Car Deck MPV 800 A1E Axial Fan SSV_FS_DRS_G Pos 22a/b/c/d Exhaust/Supply Lower Car Deck SILENCER Ø800 SSV_FS_DRS_G Pos 23 Supply Dieselengine/Emergencygen. Room MPV 500 A1E Axial Fan SSV_FS_DRS_G Pos 23 Supply Dieselengine/Emergencygen. Room SILENCER Ø500 SSVENT_FS Pos 34 Supply/Exhaust to AHU-1 Air Condition Unit DRS_F Pos 42 AHU-2 Air Handling Unit Crew, ECR, Bridge Deck DRS_F Pos 82, Exhaust from Elevator machineroom SR_FI LSV800 LSV500 MSV200 DRSL_F SR_F SSVENT_FS MPV800 A1E MPV355 A1K Quality by Experience - Efficiency by technology Reference Project: Rebuild for ConRo vessels forWilh. Wilhelmsen group M/V TAIKO M/V TAMPA M/V TEXAS Scope of Supply Technical Specifications Position of Equipment Nyborg Fans TEU: 1,649 Pos 01. Fan 306.01 Supply/Exhaust MPV1120A1M Engine: Pos 02. Fan 306.02 Supply MPV1120D1M Basic complement: Pos 03. Fan 306.03 Supply/Exhaust MPV1120A1M Built: HHI, Korea Pos 04. Fan 306.04 Supply MPV1120D1M Bu ild year: 1984 Pos 05. Fan 306.05 Supply/Exhaust MPV1120A1M Owner: Wilhelmsen Lines Pos 06. Fan 306.06 Supply Shipowning, MPV1120D1M Norway Pos 07. Fan 306.07 Supply Exhaust MPV1120A1M Pos 08. Fan 306.08 Supply Flag: NIS MPV1120D1M Pos 09. Fan 306.09 Supply/Exhaust Length over all: 262.3 MPV1120A1M Pos 1o. Fan 306.10 Supply MPV1120D1M Beam: 32.26 Pos 11. Fan 306.11 Supply/Exhaust MPV1120A1M Air Draft: 59.43 o Pos 12. Fan 306.12 Supply Depth to Upperdeck: 21 MPV1120D1M Pos 13. Fan 306.13 Supply Exhaust MPV1120A1M Draft, design/max: 9.78/11.73 Pos 14. Fan 306.14 Supply MPV1120D1M Deadweight at maximum draft: 39,900 Pos 15. Fan 306.15 Supply/Exhaust MPV1120A1M Pos 16. Fan 306.16 Supply MPV1120D1M Gross tonnage: 66,532 Pos 17. Fan 306.17 Supply MPV1120D1M Pos 18. Fan 306.18 Supply/Exhaust MPV1250A1M Net tonnage: 26,072 Pos 19. Fan 306.19 Supply/Exhaust Stern ramp height: MPV1250A1M Pos 20. Fan 306.20 Supply MPV1120D1M Stern ramp width: 12.5 Pos 21. Shut Off damper 1 Stern ramp capacity: 420 Pos 22. Silencer 1 Pos 23. Shut Off Damper Number of decks: 12 (of which 2 are 1 hoistable) Pos 24. Silencer 1 MPV1250A1M MPV1120 D1M/Ssvent/Silencer MPV1120 D1M/Ssvent/Silencer Quality by Experience - Efficiency by technology Reference project: Deepsea Rig Scope of Supply, Cooling Fans for Drawworks Deepsea Atlantic/Stavanger Produkt Note before Orderline note semi submersible drilling rig * Blower Skid in acc.to GA Drawing: 3-10703 * Blower Skid in acc.to Purch.
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