Hillsborough County City-County Planning Commission 601 E Kennedy Blvd., 18th floor, Tampa, Florida, 33601 ·813-272-5940·theplanningcommission.org EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Meeting Date: September 9, 2013 Public Hearing Agenda Item: Tampa: Comprehensive Plan Amendment TA/CPA 13-04 Presenter: David Hey, Jr., AICP (extension 375) Action Necessary: Yes SUMMARY: The Tampa Comprehensive Plan is the official document guiding the long-term development of the City of Tampa. The Planning Commission is required to make recommendations to the Tampa City Council on all proposed changes to the Tampa Comprehensive Plan pursuant to Chapter 163, Part II, Florida Statutes and Chapter 97-351, Laws of Florida, as amended. Plan Amendment TA/CPA 13-04 is a privately-initiated request to amend the Tampa Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Plan Map. The subject site is an approximate 148 acre portion of a larger 171 acre parcel located in the New Tampa area of the City, south of County Line Road and west of Bruce B. Downs Boulevard. The request is to amend the Future Land Use Map designation from Neighborhood Mixed Use-4 (3) (Unincorporated Hillsborough County) to Suburban Mixed Use-3. The effect of the map amendment, if approved, will allow for low density, mixed use development at a suburban scale. The subject site also contains a number of wetlands (Environmentally Sensitive Areas) that will have to be delineated during any future rezoning of the subject site. The subject site is adjacent to other land areas within the City of Tampa that have the Suburban Mixed Use-3 future land use designation. This land area is the subject of a voluntary annexation. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Planning Commission APPROVE the attached resolution finding the amendment TA/CPA 13-04 CONSISTENT with the Tampa Comprehensive Plan and forward this recommendation to the Tampa City Council for consideration of adoption of the amendment. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution and Staff Report <THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK> Tampa Comprehensive Plan Building Our Legacy: A Livable City Plan Amendment Report TA/CPA 13-04 A Future Land Use map amendment located in the vicinity of Bruce B. Downs Boulevard and East County Line Road, west of Trout Creek (Busch Junction property) from Neighborhood Mixed Use-4 (3) (unincorporated Hillsborough County) to Suburban Mixed Use-3 (City of Tampa). Parcel Description This is a privately-initiated plan amendment involving a portion of an existing parcel that is currently within the process of being annexed into the City of Tampa. The subject site, located south of East County Line Road, west of Trout Creek and Bruce B. Downs Boulevard is located within the New Tampa area. The applicant is requesting a plan amendment to the City of Tampa Future Land Use Map for the subject site, totaling 148± acres, from Neighborhood Mixed Use-4 (3) (NMU-4(3)) to Suburban Mixed Use- 3 (SMU-3), once the annexation has been completed. The site, currently vacant, was a former cattle ranch. Area Description The subject parcel is located within the northeast corner of the City of Tampa. The City of Tampa is adjacent to the subject site on the north, west and south sides of the subject site. Unincorporated Hillsborough County is located The character of the surrounding area is predominantly residential. Single and multi- family residential, located within the City of Tampa, is found to the west, north and south of the subject site. Directly to the east is Trout Creek and the Wharton High School campus, all located within unincorporated Hillsborough County. This portion of New Tampa has developed over the past 20 years with a low density, suburban development pattern. Though the subject site is adjacent to multi-family residential uses, the predominant development pattern within this portion of the City is single family detached residential. The development pattern found to the east of the subject site, within unincorporated Hillsborough County, is primarily commercial in character along Bruce B. Downs Boulevard with a mixture of single family and multi- family residential. TA/CPA 13-04 – Future Land Use Map Amendment Staff Report 1 Area Wide Map The subject site is highlighted in pink, as depicted on the featured aerial. The Tampa City limits, represented by the light blue line, and are located to the south, west and north of the subject site. One can observe from the aerial, the suburban style development that has occurred over the past 20 years. To the east of the subject site is unincorporated Hillsborough County and the campus of Wharton High School. TA/CPA 13-04 – Future Land Use Map Amendment Staff Report 2 Future Land Use Categories EXISTING FUTURE LAND USE REQUESTED FUTURE LAND USE Neighborhood Mixed Use-4 (3) (NMU-4(3)) Suburban Mixed Use-3 (SMU-3) (Unincorporated Hillsborough County) (City of Tampa) Residential Example Residential Example Commercial Example Commercial Example Primary Use Primary Use Suburban scale residential Single family detached residential Limited suburban scale neighborhood permitted; commercial uses consistent with Limited townhomes and multifamily Locational Criteria for Commercial uses considered; or part of a mixed use building. Limited neighborhood-serving Some areas, such as the subject site, commercial uses consistent with have been further limited in density to 3 Locational Criteria for Neighborhood dwelling units per acre and have been Commercial and Residential Office identified on the FLUM as such. uses. Form Guidelines Form Guidelines Maximum Density of 3 unit per gross Maximum Density of 3 Units/Net Acre; acre; and and Intensity: Intensity: FAR 0.25 . Suburban scale neighborhood commercial - (110,000 sq. ft. or 0.25 FAR, whichever is less intense) . Office uses, research corporate parks and mixed use projects – (0.35 FAR) TA/CPA 13-04 – Future Land Use Map Amendment Staff Report 3 Tampa Comprehensive Plan Context Tampa’s Comprehensive Plan Building Our Legacy: A Livable City was adopted in February, 2009. The Plan articulates a vision for how Tampa will accommodate the growth of the city to include 92,000 additional residents and 132,000 new jobs over the next 20 years, while promoting the values of its citizens: LIVABILITY (Tampa is a place where diverse people find it easy, safe and enjoyable to live.) PROSPERITY (A Tampa that is focused on the quality of life for all its people must be a Tampa that is economically healthy, with a broad mix of good jobs.) RESPECT (The living systems which support us are taken care of and passed on to future generations in better shape.) RESILIENCE (The systems that support our day to day living can deal with uncertainty and cope with the shifts and shocks we face in the future.) The Plan’s vision articulates the growth management strategy by first organizing the city in Planning Districts and encouraging most new growth to locate in places designated as Business Centers, Urban Villages or Mixed Use Corridor Villages. Each Business Center and Urban Village have a secondary plan that indicates the amount of growth the City is planning in the next 20 years. The Plan also includes policies that describe how the City intends to serve this growth with mobility options and other infrastructure. Opportunities The requested land use change is located within the New Tampa Planning District. The New Tampa Planning District consists predominantly of single family detached neighborhoods. Most of these neighborhood areas have one or more of the following characteristics: . Significant character or heritage qualities that limit the capacity for future growth; . Environmental qualities that would be compromised by increased urbanization; . Limited access to transportation facilities, which would be resource inefficient to improve; . Limited opportunities to create more community facilities, open spaces or services to meet increased demand; . Unstable or flood-prone land; or . Existing zoning that allows for higher density and mixed-use living. TA/CPA 13-04 – Future Land Use Map Amendment Staff Report 4 Vision Map TA PA 13-04 TA/CPA 13-04 – Future Land Use Map Amendment Staff Report 5 The New Tampa District offers many opportunities to becoming a more livable and sustainable part of the City, including: . Maintaining Neighborhood Stability. Changing demographics, rising energy costs and environmental concerns will increase the importance of having safe, affordable and convenient mobility and housing options. Aging residents and changes in the number of children per household will change the kinds of public and private goods and facilities required to meet residents’ needs. A more sustainable mix of uses that provide goods and services within walking distance of residents is another way to enhance neighborhood livability and stability. Fostering Compatible Infill to Improve Mobility and Sustainability. An essential part of achieving more sustainable and livable neighborhoods will be providing more convenient access to goods and services. Residents are likely to resist perceived commercial encroachment into the edges of neighborhoods unless they are confident that the scale, design and use of facilities will not erode the quality of life in the neighborhood. Achieving a More Sustainable Mix of Development in New Tampa. This area, which was initially conceived as a complete urban center has become more of a bedroom community that relies on the other districts for employment. Planning for this area should focus on creating a more sustainable mix of land uses and mobility options. Plan Amendment Issues/Impacts Future Land Use Impacts: From: To: Neighborhood Mixed Use-3(4) Suburban Mixed Use-3 (NMU-4(3)) (SMU-3) (unincorporated Hillsborough (City of Tampa) County) Maximum FAR* 0.25 (0.35 – Office, Mixed Use) 0.25 Maximum Density 3 DU/gross acre 3 DU/gross acre Maximum # of Units using density 444 units 444 units calculations based on 7.38± acres Maximum square footage of building 1,289,376 sq.
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