Notes New and Noteworthy Records of Orthoptera and Allies in the Maritimes and the Îles-de-la-Madeleine, Quebec PAUL M. C ATLING 1, * , D ONALD F. M CALPINE 2, C HRISTOPHER I. G. A DAM 3, † , G ILLES BELLIVEAU 4, D ENIS DOUCET 5,AARON D. F AIRWEATHER 2, D AVID MALLOCH 2,DWAYNE L. S ABINE 2, and A. W. T HOMAS 6 1Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Environmental Health, Biodiversity, Saunders Building, Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0C6 Canada 2New Brunswick Museum, 277 Douglas Avenue, Saint John, New Brunswick E2K 1E5 Canada 365 Nottingham Street, Fredericton, New Brunswick E3B 4W8 Canada 435 Snowflake Drive, Noonan, New Brunswick E3A9J6 Canada 5186 Route 117, Kouchibouguac National Park of Canada, New Brunswick E4X 2P1 Canada 6595 Douglas Street, Fredericton, New Brunswick E3E 5T1 Canada *Corresponding author; email: [email protected] †Authors 3–9 listed alphabetically Catling, Paul M., Donald F. McAlpine, Christopher I. G. Adam, Gilles Belliveau, Denis Doucet, Aaron D. Fairweather, David Malloch, Dwayne L. Sabine, and A. W. Thomas. 2013. New and noteworthy records of Orthoptera and allies in the Maritimes and the Îles-de-la-Madeleine, Quebec. Canadian Field-Naturalist 127(4): 332–337. Chortophaga viridifasciata, Forficula auricularia, Melanoplus stonei, Scudderia furcata furcata, Scudderia pistillata , and Trimerotropis verruculata from Prince Edward Island and Doru taeniatum, Melanoplus punctulatus, Orchelimum gladiator, and Spharagemon bolli from New Brunswick are new provincial records. Other records of interest include the endemic Melanoplus madeleineae from Île d’Entrée in the Îles-de-la-Madeleine, Quebec; Trimerotropis verruculata from the Îles-de-la-Madeleine, Quebec; and Chortophaga viridifasciata, Stethophyma lineatum, and Tetrix subulata, new for Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia. The ranges of Conocephalus brevipennis , Tetrix arenosa angusta , Tetrix ornata, and Tetrix subulata are significantly extended in New Brunswick. A previously unpublished record from 2003 of Roeseliana roeselii (Metrioptera roeselii ) is the earliest report of this European introduction to the Maritimes. Key Words: Chortophaga viridifasciata ; Conocephalus brevipennis ; Doru taeniatum ; Forficula auricularia ; Melanoplus madeleineae ; Melanoplus punctulatus ; Melanoplus stonei ; Metrioptera roeselii ; Orchelimum gladiator ; Roeseliana roeselii ; Scudderia furcata ; Scudderia pistillata ; Spharagemon bolli ; Stethophyma lineatum ; Tetrix arenosa ; Tetrix ornata ; Tetrix subulata ; Trimerotropis verruculata ; new records; Île d’Entrée; Îles-de-la-Madeleine; Quebec; Maritimes; New Brunswick; Prince Edward Island; Nova Scotia; Cape Breton Island Since the classic works of Vickery et al. (1974), der) new to New Brunswick and the Maritimes, Orche - Kevan and Vickery (1977), Vickery and Kevan (1985), limum gladiator Bruner new to Prince Edward Island and Vickery and Scudder (1987), there have been a and the Maritimes, Neonemobius palustris (Blatchley) number of new records of Orthoptera and allies in vari - new to New Brunswick, Oecanthus nigricornis F. ous parts of the Maritimes (New Brunswick, Nova Sco - Walker new to Nova Scotia, and Stethophyma linea - tia, and Prince Edward Island) and Quebec, including tum (Scudder) new to New Brunswick. Metrioptera roeselii (Hagenbach), reported by Mc - During 2008–2012, additional new provincial occur - Alpine (2009) from New Brunswick, and Neocono - rences and other notable range extensions for Orthop - cephalus retusus, reported by Catling et al . (2009) from tera and allies were recorded, either in the course of Sable Island, Nova Scotia. Newly reported by Scudder field work in the Maritimes and the Îles-de-la-Made - and Vickery (2010) are Periplenata brunnea Burmeis - leine, Quebec, or during the examination of collections. ter established in Nova Scotia; Supella longipalpa New provincial occurrences or other notable range ex - (Fabricius), established in Nova Scotia; and Oecanthus tensions within provinces, including particularly Cape nigricornis F. Walker, in New Brunswick. The report of Breton Island (Nova Scotia) and the Îles-de-la-Made - Allonemobius maculatus (Blatchley) by Scudder and leine (Quebec), are listed alphabetically by species Vickery (2010) is thought to be an error, since we know below. The nomenclature follows Orthoptera Species of no records for this species from the Maritimes or Online (Eades et al . 2013) as well as Vickery and Kevan Quebec. Chandler (1992) reported the Dusky Cock - (1985). Most identifications were made using the latter. roach, Ectobius lapponicus (L.), for the first time in Voucher specimens are deposited in the Canadian Na - Canada from Prince Edward Island. McAlpine and Og - tional Collection of Insects at Agriculture and Agri-Food den (2012) reported Conocephalus brevipennis (Scud - Canada in Ottawa; the University of Prince Edward 332 2013 NOTES 333 Island in Charlottetown; the Charlottetown Research Sep tember 1979, M.M. Smith (Agriculture and Agri- Station, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Charlot - Food Canada, Charlottetown); Charlottetown, Queens tetown; and the New Brunswick Museum in Saint Co., 46.2333, −63.1333, 12 August 1981, L. S. Thomp - John. son (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Charlotte - town); Holiday Haven, Cornwall, Queens Co., 46.2277 , New provincial records −63.2182, 15 July 1982, L. S. Thompson (Agriculture DERMAPTERA and Agri-Food Canada, Charlottetown); Marshfield, New Brunswick Queens Co., 46.3, −63.0833, 9 September 1983, L. S. Doru taeniatum (Dohrn) Thompson (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Char - Prince Edward Island lottetown); Marshfield, Queens Co., dry slope beside Forficula auricularia Linnaeus graveyard, 46.3086, −63.0503, 19 September 2008, P. M. Catling and B. Kostiuk (Canadian National Col - ORTHOPTERA lection of Insects); Covehead Road, Route 25, 1 km N New Brunswick of Route 220 junction, under building refuse, 46.35344, Melanoplus punctulatus punctulatus (Scudder) −63.11322, 4 October 2010, D. F. McAlpine (New Orchelimum gladiator Bruner Brunswick Museum); Charlottetown, Queens Co., Spharagemon bolli Scudder under rotted wood, 46.240, −63.135, 5 October 2010, D. F. McAlpine (New Brunswick Museum); Bonshaw, Prince Edward Island Queens Co., 7 May 2011, P. M. Catling (Canadian Chortophaga viridifasciata De Geer National Collection of Insects); Kensington, Prince Co., Melanoplus stonei Rehn under rotted wood, 46.42916, −63.65323, 12 August Scudderia furcata furcata Brunner von Wattenwyl 2011, D. F. McAlpine (New Brunswick Museum). Scudderia pistillata Brunner von Wattenwyl Based on specimens cited above (which are at the Charlot - Trimerotropis verruculata (Kirby) tetown Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Research Station and the New Brunswick Museum), this species was introduced Other noteworthy records onto Prince Edward Island in the late 1970s and is now well established. New Brunswick Conocephalus brevipennis (Scudder) ORTHOPTERA Roeseliana roeselii (Hagenbach) Tetrix arenosa angusta Hancock Chortophaga viridifasciata De Geer —PRINCE EDWARD Tetrix ornata (Say) ISLAND : 2.7 km NNE of Caledonia, Kings Co., nymph Tetrix subulata (Linnaeus) 1.2 cm long in open sandy area surrounded by shrubby thickets, 46.0819, −62.6953, 20 August 2008, P. M. Îles-de-la-Madeleine, Quebec Catling and B. Kostiuk (Canadian National Collection Melanoplus madeleineae Vickery and Kevan of Insects); Shaw Road and Dundas Road, 1.7 km east Trimerotropis verruculata (Kirby) of Albion, Kings Co., nymph 1.2 cm long, dry open Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia Danthonia spicata at edge of blueberry field, 46.34037 , Chortophaga viridifasciata De Geer −62.46646, 7 May 2011, P. M. Catling and B. Kostiuk Stethophyma lineatum (Scudder) (Canadian National Collection of Insects). Tetrix subulata (Linnaeus) NOVA SCOTIA , C APE BRETON ISLAND : Ingonish Centre New provincial records ball field, Ingonish, Victoria Co., 46.66598, −60.40795, 2 September 2009, P. M. Catling and B. Kostiuk DERMAPTERA (Canadian National Collection of Insects). This species overwinters as a nymph. The adults are devel - Doru taeniatum (Dohrn)— NEW BRUNSWICK : Saint oped by late May, making it the first grasshopper of the year John, Saint John Co., 45.2509, −66.1012, 13 Novem - to appear as an adult. Sometimes during a winter thaw, the ber 2010, vegetable produce originating in Mexico, nymphs will become active and hop around over melting D. Malloch (New Brunswick Museum). snow. All new records above are of late summer or spring Two live specimens were retrieved from bagged celery nymphs. originating in Mexico in a local grocery chain. The species is not known to be established in the Maritimes but it is estab - Melanoplus punctulatus punctulatus (Scudder) —NEW lished in southern Michigan, where it occurs in Carex lacustris BRUNSWICK : New Brunswick−Quebec border along marshes (Vickery and Kevan 1985). Doru taeniatum has a Route 2, 16. 7 km NNW of Edmundston, Madawaska widespread distribution in the Americas and is easily recog - Co., Picea mariana forest with scattered Pinus strobus, nized by the yellowish stripes on the wing covers (Brindle 47.48691, −68.48336, 22 July 2011, P. M. Catling and 1971). B. Kostiuk (Canadian National Collection of Insects); Forficula auricularia L.— PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND : Fredericton (Nashwaaksis), York Co., sidewalk adja - Charlottetown, Queens Co., 46.2333, −63.1333, 13 cent to small area of mixed woods including Pinus 334 THE CANADIAN FIELD -N ATURALIST Vol. 127 resinosa and Pinus strobus , 45.98550 −66.64663, 14 Co., tall grasses
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