AIRPOST JOURNAL NOVEMBER 19 4 8 VOLUME XX - NO. 2 U.S. AIR MAIL =---=--=----::.. - --=----=: P. A A :-- -_ ==-==---::.=::..-=_ ~-=--=- F.A.M. j B n·£W YORK. n. Y.. U.S.~. Jo B~RC£L()n~. SP~ln e PAA FLIES TO BARCELONA, SPAIN. COLORFUL ACTION IS FOUND IN THE U. S. POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT'S I OFFICIAL CACHET FOR THIS SERVICE. What Should You ·Do? hen one of the largut or· ed Kessler Airmail Auctions. W ganintions of its kind There are always Big things in in the world is spec:ially organ­ the wind and unle111 your in· ised lo serve airmail enthuli· quiry tells us of your interest. asls. you might well ask, "How there is always the possibility can I reap the benefits?" that the good things may pass ycu by. The answer is easy. "BET· TER WRITE TO KESSLER.'' BETTER WRITE TO KESS· If you wam the new iuues a1 LER. We cannot offer a more they appear. including the ,ari· helpful suggestion because we lies at the new issue pric~ are sincerely desirous of serv· BETTER WRITE TO KESS· ing your wants completely, LER. comprehensively and sailsfac· Should you have any special lorily. wams. ii is likely that you will turn lo a proven source for th• finest in mini airmails. so why not WRITE TO KESSLER? Better Write to Kessler Best and most imporllllli of all. you should follow the fam· NOW! : • " -· ~ '". • 'l- ·.·~ ..... '·~. \,"'~ ~-~-~} ........ C7:'e-/.tfr ~ , , /)_ . 500 FIFTH AVENUE t.7(· f F. t.. ~ NEW YORK 18, N. Y. Many New Varieties For Air Letter Sheet Collectors • • Latest Air Letter Fcr~n from South Africa is for Internal Use Only by MAJOR IAN C. MORGAN possibly more. The Montreal printing and the Toronto printing are definitely known • at least for the lOc. It also appears that ~UI[ ore and more po.stal admin~tra- the method of production by the two 1\"' J tions are adoptmg the light contractors is not the same. The Mont­ weight air letter sheet thereby providing real printing appears to be done in one a cheap and fast means of communica­ operation and the Toronto printing in tion between the distant outposts of the two. Evidence of the double operation is earth. the fact that a sheet has recently been The past several months have discovered with the stamp completely brought many new items not only from uninked (known as an albino print) but countries which heretofore have had no the rest of the form is regular in every air letter service but design changes and way. other modifications in the sheets of those Mr. C. G. B. Stuart of Toronto reports countries which have had this type of the discovery of ninety-nine sheets of the service for several years. 15c value small size in so-called inverted The following notes arranged by position. A word of explanation is neces­ country serve as a chronicle of new is­ sary about this - the stamp is not printed sues and additionally are a channel for upside down in relation to the rest of the recording certain observations about the sheet but the die cutting has been done air letter services and the postal station­ incorrectly, the printed sheet being fed ery of the various coun~ies involved: into the die cutting machine - the re­ CANADA · verse of normal As a consequence the Both the lOc sheet and the 15c sheet finished sheet is cut in such shape that in the smaller format are now generally it cannot be folded or used as an air let­ available; as a consequence the original ter sheet. We are shown the albino print larger form, which was unsatisfactory, is through the courtesy of Aeriel Stamp now disappearing from post offices. Dur­ Company, Montreal. ing a recent trip we visited over a hundred post offices but managed to pick CHINA up but forty-seven forms in all in the old \Ve illustrate this month a new and type. It is evident that the new types are attractive form from China. The stamp the product of at least two printers, or is in the upper left-hand corner instead OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE AIR POST JOURNAL AMERICAN AIR MAIL SOCIETY Entered as second-class matter, February 10, 1932, a~ the post office at Albion. Pa.• under the Act of March 3, 1879. Published monthly. NOVEMBER, 1948 - VOL. XX, NO. 2 - ISSUE 223 - 25c PER COPY 40 THE AIRPOST JOURNAL • China's' Newest Air Letter Form Has Stamp at the Left of upper right-hand corner and the cently been reduced from 100 Pf. to 60 Chinese characters read from bottom to Pf. Although none of these revised value top of the sheet. The sheet is on good sheets have been seen, we understand quality paper and is printed in blue. that the current sheets have been given Thanks to. Albert N. Brown of San Fran- · a hand-stamped overprint reducing them cisco for showing us this. to 60 Pf. and, further, that an entirely EGYPT new sheet imprinted properly with the From Judge Magham Bey of Alexandra, new rate has also been issued. We await Egypt, comes a new and attractive air confirmation of both of these statements. letter sheet. The sheet is in the same for­ GOLD COAST mat as heretofore and, as before, it is An attractive new sheet in the British printed in purple brown on white. How­ Empire format is at hand imprinted in ever, the new sheet bears a twenty-five yellow with a 6d stamp in the same de­ mills stamp in the current airpost stamp sign as the adhesive of that value of the design. current series. We illustrate this sheet. GERMANY GREAT BRITAIN The air letter sheet in use in this It appears that the 6d Olympic Games countrv is modeled after that in use in sheets are no longer available at most the Ui:iited States except that the lozenges post offices. There was apparently but around the edge are completely blue one distribution and the quantity printed · rather than alternating red and blue. was only sufficient to last until the There is no stamp in the upper right­ Games were over. hand comer but each sheet bears a print­ INDIA ed inscription "Taxe percue 100 Pf - Completelr unannounced and unex­ Deutsche Post" in two lines contained pected is a new air letter sheet for this within a box. The sll;eets are printed in country restricted for inland use. It is blue on a mottled stipple or overlay the same style and shape as the previous which includes once on the front of each air letter but is executed in salmon on sheet the posthorn which is the present gray paper stock of the usual quality. symbol of the German Postal Depart­ Instead of being inscribed "Air Letter" ment. The value label described above at left, it is inscribed "Inland Air Letter". is printed in red. While not visible to the The stamp is also an innovation in that naked eye, but particularly noticeable it is a completely new design showing when two sheets are carefully· compared, · plane in flight and the inscription "India there appears to be two separate types of postage". The sheet has a valu~ of two these sheets, depending upon whether annas as compared with the six annas they originate in the British Zone or the value of the ·sheet to be used for inter­ American Zone. The printing on those national air letter correspondence. Also from the Birtish Zone is noticeablv at hand from India is a four anna post­ smaller than on the sheets dispatched card, a two and one-half anna inland air­ from the American Zone. Word is at · mail envelope and a twelve anna sur­ hand to the effect that the rate has re- charged on fourteen annas airmail en- NOVEMBER, 1948 41 • An AUractive Sheet from Gold Coast is in :the U. K. Standard Type velope for international use. These latter Our own feeling is that it is, unfortunate­ do not presently come within the scope ly, less attractive than the earlier sheet, of this column but at a later date we although it cannot be denied that the hope to include all items of aero postal sheet is striking and will certainly re­ stationery. ceive prompt handling because it liVOuld LIBERIA be difficult for any postal clerk tQ miss Paul N ewm.an of Miami, Florida shows seeing it! us the new Liberian sheet which consists UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA :n of the stamp hand-stamped in purple on Also intended for internal use only, a blank British Colonial type form. This we illustrate the new type sheet which is said to be the second issued by this is very attractive, printed in reddish country, an earlier sheet being similar purple on gray paper, the reverse of but on ordinary white paper. which is imprinted with a green overlay MOZAMBIQUE reading "Union of South Africa - Letter It is increasingly evident that there are Card" repeated - alternating in both many various photos included in the English and Afrikaans. As with all the sheets for this country. With each mail, sheets of this Dominion, it is issued in our correspondent in Mozambique, Sr. two forms alternating in the precedence Virgilio Netto, manages to send us a few which is given the two official languages, new ones. We hope to have full details i. e. one. form is foscribed "Letter Card­ on the available varieties at an early date. Brief Kaart" while the other form is in­ NETHERLANDS scribed "Brief Kaart - Letter Card".
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