'- C'-K. -V &< m By JESSICA COSDB'i •: •":••.' bec.i •. rcp'.rt o'" a. .nariucc feu iJ defd," s; ir o Page des;gncr/g?-aphic anist Sic^ha^ie Suiis n-as c-r "c _"":".'<: cnxv ice >-<:^ ".i^ircn.ty !',cer, hit f.y a o ! I Breeze Newspapers crrnca 29 ;rv""c*s :r, the 20C7 cc for her work on die Cape COT ^'"••I'< ':,--V ^••'">~ «-- 1 J Pine Island Bagie guide. ctS Commiinity Paper; o!'i !o,*ide awa-x's co^pctitioi. "It very fikciy is the "ros; we've t'.'kei) away fron1 a.iy She is part of the tourism \v: '.'•'••::• "o"1- •-. : -. .- S? one awards eonipeiiiion'" saio Publisher .'oc,\ Giarrow lean, vvhicn also includes photcg" • •: • ••• •. ••_. • Friday. photo production specialist Lonr'. .'":-?, -. '. • •" He cites three driving fjrecs hchiau ihc coirpanyV suc- responsible for the page composi :r- ".;. '- i'-"r. cess tnis year: conient, grapiics, and " ncv c:rphas's c>i trie lourisin hooks. 3 tourism pubiicaiions. "It'snice io be recognised for '":-• a-... - - ;-.•"' "We've worked haro tU i-nproving lhc content :r cur said. "But it aiso takes a ^ot of tc " -."• ." pub'icriions For the past low yeai-s," Gtarrow saiJ. "We The ! 0-ycar Breeze employee '"•'--or : • " . •- focus c:i local news, and ii 's "vliat we do bcsl." and grow, with a different identit' cc '_ ;•;• Graphics have ir.kcn a iicv look wilh ir.iprovcmcnls in in Sreczc publications. advertising, page design, rod covers. "It seems ihalorr products ha-c ..".:.•: v - The tourism publication Js'vision is rclaiivciy new ("or Butts said. Breeze Newspapers, Glarrov,- said, but you'd never guess: Storm Harwin is the manager "" " vc c r • • . publications such as the Soatliwcsi Florida island Guide cations, which include a dining g-'t-e. and Caoe Coral Visitors Guide brought in !3 of the 2C> CFF Two editions of "Wining and }V.~.' -J'.~ •-.--'• awards. cover design category, both firs' :•-.;;. •. • Most of those were wiuiin the Spccia1 Sections category, mention. fro ill which Breeze Newspapers claimed ha-f of ail av/ards On the news side, reporter F''..". '•:•• ~ •?•. place iv the photography category. e I (• :; . OliStifVilUOH 1'OullUailUll ill t/i- --. P3CA >-/CCii icc lirg iibo.' fie j"'V'. x ^1 .r> roi.ac;.". o "'orli! I" ihci" cri>^ oor\ Tris -.'CCv 'nc t'tjclc wf, n.vl 'oc ,s ~ 'C, " :-";;, ^? cr,v'-"o^nic,i. C.IOP^ i'c r.aure * ?i~t ".':, o~\ Jic \ r "c^c "'c rctV)-- l-c s "cci v 55 "V';' II^C sc we:. "i'cr:rt F. •• 'icr, 1 ;> i f-k iic^;.' /"1' oTC . ct t "•c s.udcr is on a r-w.-'"rJ'r.j. f^-ssio i e" 1. Joo' c,ns-i>i\vo "•". T'x sii'.'c.i.t- I'cc^'t'co 'ic CK C To., n. akvj I'IC i ";i'i a ; > •• c'?iC'"cp;rc w "", u 1' v'"! n",:5"; "' c \ •'> !'.IPI 1 c L c :• vJ /'.ic x Jic ,">V "«! r1 -,^ tcri 'vex " "T;CC :i.]i-i.'" ' 1 vjch "cy a:' c J.>> i.hou. .-'cy-Lcrc ' icy »,x>scJ t:br« .ac ,u'"L n^r^ !•<«{;"isR^I,".T re <o >s It" i "><• tic ' : \ CI1C da cc'J *es^c ..IK c:ur. prcs cci . JC C - ' iS / Vi"/. ic ',- cruise q i :ly <s its M . i 3,;cr Cr.-.ii'Jc o!' L : * c, c " K ~ ^JCS- on / p"I 27. i o"' 'in . ': '"i ^r'gci 'Z " si' i '.;(" ien< r J".c lovcj/ i .".;C ^i i v;go "l-'o g r p f.jccct-s'\ . ic •„ ^..",, "/c:sc c^ i aa iJ vs:i,e •,. 1? " ; "c.ni"":' \'J'~C'~" ~'X'f:i cj ny f-c('•':„ '-mi [' o I f t- I ! ' •' .;• '•%'"?. /••^i-: c;0 1 ' li I J iOife,1 <ldtt'V~)]Si-.)~ "• T. yng 'ssnsr.g o it ~x :i.'"',vrs, '•psri go;rg to y/ashirgtor., O.C., : goirg to Ocean CKy ;w gohg '.-•< Tirsc 'jamn. "/Jc ^".y *, \c •1 'ou ;;.::i ..'.r./s pretiy rruc: i.." -" g1.-" ^g c V "•• •:. o *,"!-)(,'•". I'J' a; -.Li I., • ••£- ":'/<T3i 'Sri I, gsuv" -iD-nc,' -j v.'.M):;pc D-ivo ."i "1 .'Srit-Cl •A XJ c-<t>brce/.- K\ ;-'|x-rs.c;vr J j \ . ^)\ \^ ,. t , ', •« ^ $ ,-^ki ill n,\o/citi ^,i;n.-s.c°,(" S ; lit kt'."-t*iC; /\'Z Jrricc'^r -cr Hay tB,?mim ^gc:;5 r^ f2 t> ::v xv r'. :; . o r Z) ^ J-' .- „. -. .' 'x- 'V <"- <-' ;;; "i. i v! -: ? s; 0..-.H ^'K •; /' ' 'Z • • » 1 U; «? y:- -i J ; ..A -,-.• ^,' ^ ';•. '.-; ° ;; p " -;: / '" :; o J^ -^ , §aS* "%•-->- T'~ *= J ^ il ^ o o c •. r- '- •)-_./':} ,f; ."" M^f.5^ S :'' 'A :•'--'- - - • ''' i -• '"- o " ;> o .- - : ~¥\ - . ffi (r. *fJ fit r <•• «£ «=»; | f?£i P] if?: .jj aim ^ j VOTED 2 Bone health in a nutshell -4 Enough about the generalities ging, or stair stepping. Do weight of good bones. Let's talk bearing exercises several times specifics. What is specifically per week. I required to build healthy bones? Sleep at least eight hours per 9T Because good food is. the night in a pitch-dark room. © foundation piece of good health, Bones are remodeled at night dur- we must start with a bone-healthy ing deep sleep. If you sleep long diet. Fortunately, eating well is enough and deeply enough, your not difficult. body has the opportunity to pull 85 1. Enjoy six to seven servings nutrients into the bones. of minimally prepared, fresh veg- Minimize stress as much as k etables each day, along with one possible. Stress can help de-min- or two servings of fresh fruit. Carol eralize bones. 83 Choose brightly colored vegeta- Simontacchi Here is another interesting and bles (greens, reds, purples, important tip: maintain a slightly ©00 oranges, and so on) because the colors are alkaline balance by checking your first © rich in bioflavonoids that confer health to morning urine pH. Maintain a range of 6.5 4 the whole body (and they taste wonderful, to 7.5 each day. If the urine is frequently too). Insist on organic. acidic, include more alkalinizing vegetables 2. Drink water and herbal teas only. An in the diet, "especially hams, lentils, miso, occasional glass of wine is permitted. In and fresh salads. fact, a small glass of organic red wine is recommended for the bones and the heart. Supplementary nutrition for the 3. Enjoy from 45 to 65 grams of protein v bones per day, balanced between animal protein 85 and vegetable proteins like nuts, seeds, and 1. Use a multivitamin/mineral supple- legumes, balanced between three meals. ment that provides a base of all essential 5? Restrict red meat to no more than once per vitamins and minerals, including boron, sil- n ica, and other trace minerals. 83 week or less, and no more than three ounces Home of the T3 at any given meal. Make it organic when 2. Use a bone-building calcium supple- possible. ment at the evening meal, comprised of 4. Include several teaspoons of fresh, hydroxyapatite, alpha-ketoglutarate, citrate, raw oils in the daily diet, including olive oil, or other Kreb cycle metabolites (500 - 800 Sanibel Steamer 63 flax oil, and fish oil. Butter is terrific as mg/day). & 3. Magnesium is important for bone well. Raw nuts and seeds and avocados are Almost Too Good a strength. Take 200 - 300mg of magnesium excellent sources of beneficial oils. © That is the basis of a healthy diet that citrate, glycinate or other Kreb cycle helps maintain a healthy weight, keep your metabolites with your morning meal. To Be True! heart healthy, reduce inflammation... Well, 4. Use three to five grams offish oil per a healthy diet benefits the entire body! day. Use a quality product that is tested for PCB, mercury, and other contaminants. 5. Up to 2000IU of cholecalciferol form 83 Lifestyle is important too of vitamin D, taken with the evening meal. Specials: We've all learned of the benefits of exer- cr th 1 2- cise, especially for preventing or treating For more information, contact Carol ™ May 18 thru May 23" • osteoporosis. The types of exercise that O Simontacchi at the Island Nutrition Center 63 most benefit the bones are aerobic, bone- (472-4499). Macadamia Nut Encrusted jarring activities like walking, dancing, jog- Nahi Nahi with a banana 95 as £/- rum cream sauce - *22 &T Orchid Society meeting to Grilled 11 ex Ribeye with 1-crab stuffed shrimp and a be held Monday, May 21 horseradish cream sauce - *1395 "Central American Species" will be the topic of the last meeting of the Shrimp Encrusted Yellowtail season for the Sanibel-Captiva Orchid Society on Monday, May 21. Snapper with a lemon herb Bob and Anna Busch, co-owners of 95 Marilyn's Orchids in Fort Myers will discuss various orchid species butter sauce - *1I in Central America at the Sanibel Library at 1:30 p.m. They will also Shrimp Basil Pomodori bring orchids for sale. 95 Anyone with orchid questions or over linguini -* 19 an "ill orchid" that needs diagnosis are invited to bring their plants to the meeting during Show and Tell. Shrimp Served 21 Different Ways Orchid Society members are invited to participate in a monthly show. Don't Forget About Our Ribbons are awarded for best Hybrid and best Species Orchids. Members STAFF PHOTO and guests are also invited to partic- The Sanibel-Captiva Orchid Society will dis- All You Can Eat Shrimp ipate in the monthly raffle. cuss Central American Orchids as well as Members are free, guests $2.50.
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