Introduction will trytostopyou,aswelltheweaponsyouuse tokillthem,isgivenatthebeginningofeachsection. in thatepisode,includingwheretofindthesavegemsandsecrets. Greece!) thisstrategyguideissetupbyepisode. Due tothevastdifferencesinweaponryanditemsthroughoutgame(therewerenoGlocksAncient items thatwillincreaseyourchancesofsurvival. save gemstoyourprogress. progress toyourfinalconfrontationwithMishima. "Episodes" astheyaredubbed. The single-playerversionofthegamewilltakeyouonajourneythroughfourdifferenttimeperiods, or tremendous replayvalue. in severalmulti-playerfeaturessuchas"CapturetheFlag"and"DeathTag"youhaveagame with and acreative"sidekick"feature,helpthisgametostandoutfromthecrowd. scenery andsoundsofthefourtimeperiodsyoujourneyto,combinedwithahealthydosepuzzlesolving Daikatana, byEidoswithIonStorm,isafirst-personshooterunlikeanyother.Therichdetail inthe the Daikatana. is toolatefortheoldman.Followingrichtraditionofhisclan,HirovowstorescueMikikoand retake attempts atretakingthesword. Hiro isbeggedtohelpsavetheman'sdaughter,MikikoEbihara,whohasbeencapturedduringherown and usedbytheever-controllingEmperorofJapan,KageMishima,totravelbackintimealterhistory. weapon, forgedbyoneofHiro'sownancestors,UsagiMiyamoto,hasbeenstolenfromitsrightfulowners caller thisparticularstormyeveningtellshimastoryofmightyswordnamedDaikatana. Far inthefutureayoungJapanesemannamedHiroMiyamoto,whilealonehisdojo,ispaidvisit.His Kyoto, Japan,2455AD San Francisco,USA,2030AD Medieval Norway,560AD Ancient Greece,1200BC Kyoto, Japan,2455AD Sewer System Crematorium The Marsh Processing The V Solitary Icelab Introduction ault Items Ancient Greece,1200BC Shortly,Kage'sminionsmoveinandalthoughHiroisquicktoslaythem,it Lair ofMedusa Alsooneachmissionare Lemnos Isle Daikatana Catacombs EachepisodeinDaikatanahasanumberofmissionsthatlogically Acropolis Athens Eachsectionwillprovideawalkthroughofeachmission Thosewhoexploremostthoroughlywillberewarded. Throughoutyouradventureyouwillneedtolocate Medieval Norway,560AD Gharroth’ Crypt ofNharre numerous"secrets"that,whenfound,reveal Wyndrax T Plague Village Dungeon Passage s Throne Also,abriefdescriptionofthosewho ower Ifthatwasn'tenough,throw San Francisco,USA,2030AD SEAL T Mishima’s Hideout Beneath theRock Thislegendary Mishima Labs The T Alcatraz raining Center ower By: DougW this guide downloaded from ignguides.com alsh Skill Boosts- Wraith Orb- Mana Skull- Mega Shield- Goldensoul - Save Gem usually kepthiddeninthegame'smany"Secrets". game. Before launchingintothefirstepisode,itshouldbenotedthatseveralitemswillpopupthroughoutentire Items forAllT San Francisco,USA,2030AD Medieval Norway,560AD Ancient Greece,1200BC Kyoto, Japan,2455AD These"boosts"andpower-upsareaninstrumentalpartofyoursuccess. Introduction Items - ime Vitality purple: Acro -blue: Speed Attack Power 5 for30seconds. using theDaikatana),theseitemswillinstantlybringcorrespondingskilltolevel Although increasingyourfragcountwillhelpbooststats(providedyouarenot a glimpseifHiroismoving. This itemmakesHiropartlyinvisiblefor30seconds. This itemmakesHiroinvinciblefor30seconds. Brings character'sarmortotalupto400points. Adds 100healthpointstocharacter'stotal. in thegame. your progressissavedateachmapchange,SaveGemsallowyoutosaveanypoint V arying numbersofSaveGemsarescatteredthroughouteachmission.Although yellow: green: red: Daikatana Y ou mayonlycarryupto3atatime. Increases maximumhealthlimit Increases jumpingability Increases speedofcharacter Increases firingrateofweapon Increases destructiveforceofweapons. Averygoodfindindeed! Asharp-eyedenemymaycatch Andforthatreason,theyare this guide downloaded from ignguides.com Episode 1:Kyoto,Japan-2455AD Disruptor Glove landscape. facsimile. majority ofcarbon-basedlifeformshavegonethewaydinosaurandbeenreplacedwitharobotic The playerwillnoticefromtheirfirstencounterinthemarshthatfutureisverydifferentindeed. C4 Vizatergo- Ion Blaster Shotcycler - Shockwave - Sidewinder - Chromatic Armor- Plasteel Armor- Berry Bush- Health Packs - W Special Items Armor San Francisco,USA,2030AD eaponry Medieval Norway,560AD Ancient Greece,1200BC Kyoto, Japan,2455AD Introduction Items Whetherit'stheRobocroxorBattleBoaryou'refacing,don'texpecttoseealotofgoreinthis Here,it'satrailofscrapmetalandsparepartsthatyou'llleave. - This istheweaponyoubeginyourjourneywithanddefaulttowheneveroutofammo. your hands. keep thisoneoutofthewaterasitwilldischargerightin The blastfromthisgunricochetsoffofobjectssoitsbesttoshootatanangle.Also, It packsquiteapunchinthewaterandexcelswithclosetargets. detonate wheneveranythingcomesincloseproximity. This gunsendsC4plasticexplosivearcingthroughtheair.Theexplosivesthen The firstsemi-automaticintroducedinthegame. but takesawhiletoreload. The gangkiller.Firethisexplosivesphereintoa crowdandrunlikehell. distant enemies. A powerfulovertheshouldermissilelauncher.Perfectformakingquickworkof its reach. initial explosion,aripplingshockwaveexpandsoutward, bringingdownanythingin damage and90%ofduetohitswiththeIon Blaster. Despite providingamere100pointsofarmor protection,itabsorbs50%ofall Provides 200pointsofarmorprotectionandreduces damageby75%. Nature's energybar.Eata fruittogain10healthpoints. The smallpacks giveyou25healthpoints. Daikatana Bewaretheexplosionatcloserange! Devastatingwithclosetargets. Thelargeones give50. Thisgunwillfire6shotsataclick Afterits The this guide downloaded from ignguides.com W Enemies E1M1: Marsh Ebihara's lifeinthebalance, Hiromustnotwastetime. fortress bywayofthebone collector'swagon,youfindyourselfstuckoutside intherain. The oldman'splanalmost worked. Thunderskeet - Cambot - Rockgat - Robocrox - Protopod - Froginator - Roboskeet - Hosportal - San Francisco,USA,2030AD alkthrough Medieval Norway,560AD Ancient Greece,1200BC Kyoto, Japan,2455AD Introduction Items Mikiko neednotapply. are greentogetalargehealthboost.Unfortunately,thisbonusisonlyforHiro. Step uptotheHosportalforabigdoseofmedicine. a specialitemcanbefoundinitscarnage. at youduringbattleandcauseseveryProtopodtohatch atthetimeofitsdeath. The "QueenBee"oftheRoboskeetclan. within itssearchlightsitautomaticallysignalsenemy forcestoconvergeonyou. This hoveringsentryposesnooffensivethreat,yet isbestletalone.Ifyouhappen Approach slowlyanddestroytheRockgat'spowersupplyfromasafedistance. encountered, theRockgatwillriseupandfiresteadilyatanythingwithinrange. A wellcamouflagedautomaticgunhiddenamongtheMarsh'sboulders. Ion Blasterorgetinthewaterwiththemandrun,run. A roboticcrocodilewithspeedandferocity.Destroythemfromadistancethe swarm fromattackinglater. This istheeggfromwhichRoboskeetshatch. Disruptor Glove. their poisonedspitandfatallickstakethemoutwitheithertheIonBlasteror A deadlyroboticfrogthatdelightsinpoisoningitsvictims. distance withtheIonBlasterisyourbestbet. buzzing noiseitproducescanbeheardwellbeforeattacks. A mechanizedversionofthemosquito. Daikatana Almost. Now,insteadofsuccessfully makingitintotheMishima Althoughitsstingcanbedeadly,theloud Thisbird-sizebugfirespoisonousstreams Placeyourhandsonthepadswhenthey Smashthemtopreventamassive Pickingthemofffroma Movearoundtoavoid WithMikiko Superflyand When Often this guide downloaded from ignguides.com Introduction Items Kyoto, Japan, 2455 AD Ancient Greece, 1200 BC Medieval Norway, 560 AD San Francisco, USA, 2030 AD Daikatana Walk ahead and pick up the Ion Blaster. With it as your weapon wade cautiously through the stream to your right. A couple of Froginators and Roboskeets will attack as you make your way to the pond ahead. This is a good place to practice luring enemies into your sights one at a time. Keep them at bay with the Ion Blaster, m m o but if they get in close be sure and switch to the Glove. Once free of attackers and o c c . able to enter the open area, head to the waterfall on the right. Behind the cascading . s water, against the rock is a ladder. Climb this ladder and proceed down the path to s e the door on the left. Enter the small room to pick up the Goldensoul. You found your first secret. e d d i i u u g Leave the secret room and proceed back to the ladder. Leave the fruit where it is in case you need it later. g n Descend the ladder and cross the pond to the Ion Blaster ammo. Grab the ammo and head up the stone steps n g g i i near the Mishima Industries sign. Take a left at the top and grab the Save Gem and berries from on top of the m rocks. Head out the way you came and continue straight ahead to the other cave. m o Shoot the Froginator that approaches with your Ion Blaster and walk towards the o r r f f puddle on your right. Dive in and swim to the bottom to grab the red Attack Boost. d Quickly swim to the surface and continue on your path. d e e d d a As you approach the ledge two Roboskeets and several Froginators will attack. a o o l Shoot down the 'Skeets and then pick off the Froginators one by one as they try to l n climb up the slippery rocks. Grab some fruit from the tree behind you and then drop down into the water. n w Make your way across this larger pond towards the stepped waterfalls on your right. Leap onto the lower w o o d ledge of the waterfalls and take a close look behind the water. Similar to the earlier secret, climb the ladders d e behind the water to the top of the falls and enter the alcove. Grab the Chromatic Armor and descend back to e d d i the pond. Continue on through the cave to the left of the falls. i u u g g Here you will encounter your first Rockgat. Approach the far wall slowly s s i and begin to shoot at the control box with the red light to the right. If you get i h h t too close and get detected, simply run backwards
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