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NY 914-9376760 ArtScroll presents Holocaust heroes- the brilliant planner of rescue and those who faced slaughter with heads and hearts held high SPARKSOFGLORY 18£ UNHU:DlD CRY Reb ··Moshe•. Pr~~e.r, llrael'f ~~bbLWeissrnandl nearly foremost.chrl>l'lider of the succeeded •in saving over a Jiolo~aust, lived \ with million Jevvish lives . 1.1nder death~<i~f1lP syn1iy0r:s. after the nose of the Gestapo. the War .. was.over; The Unlikely though it may result ··is this true collection seem, this uncomprornis' of inspmng, he'a.rt­ ingly Orthodox rabbi and wrenchingtales()fspiritllal rosh }'eshivah was the. most courage.and resistance .. In courageous, . innovative, this new expanded edition audacious, imaginative and of ····~.··•'.·!11()dern >dassi<i, .. a charismatic rescue activist rnast.c:ir ·.·•• s~o~>:·teU.er:~. pen. fr0m 1941-1945 .. He negoti· •· ins.~~ibes;0~r;.hea~s ••with.[, ... • . i• ated . with >Eichmann's ap~ the.. ·g;rai:c:teur: of tlJ.efev.t ·~~()0 ~u.zyi.Xed.•.•. and paratus, appealed.· .to .an .anti•semitic ·bishop, the ll'la~st;swh?·~i~~·t: •·•·• < •.••.. escapeclJrom anA!Jschwitz.death train, sent the Tt!l\JSe a~ th~ ste~i~ gf Sillll!Jlik:; ,a c.~ildwith fir;st.map of ~uschwitztothe West, pleaded that th~ •. .C?~rage ...• gf<~n a<tult;<a.···pageJ~om···· a the crematoria and .rail line to death . be pray~r~~()kf()Uj1~.·~y·.a Je~i.t'! ~i~eri~; a·r>roud bombed, il'litia~e<tthe nego1i<1tions that led to Je~· ~hd ~ev(!r•·rnissecd ~v~n ()fl(!.•da~.0fpµttl.ng ·· Eichffiann's off~pto spare atl~ast one million ·· on Te~illini1'1lhE!.co~f~ntr<1tir.>1'1••.c~r11Ps·•·.·.. Jews ··.··•for a•prise thatw~sneverpaid. Thi~ is a st()ry th<1tt0ok f()r:tY years to be told Holoi::a.us~,Th··.·.·.s···..·.•·.·•.•.• .. s.··.... ·.·•· •.a.· ..·· ..'.b ...·.. ·•.. ..• ·.oo···.··.·.··· ······•···•..·.·· k.•· .•··.··.·.·.·.a.• •.. b >·.·..· .. o.· .. IJ <••··.·;.• t ...•.·.·.J· .. ·.. ··h···.··.· ..· •...·.·e··.· •.· ..·.•• ... ·•. ·.·.··t··.· ...···.r··.···u.· .•..•.•·.•.e ..• •.••. ·•.. ··•.···.· •.·.·.h···.·· .. ··.e······ .. r•.. oe·• ..• .. ·.. ·•..... ·.s....... · .. ··.o ...·······.·f·· the -·a boo~that f1llJ~f~e ~ead. hard c:over $ti ,95 .paperback$8•9.5 hard cover $12<95 paperback $9.95 NEW IN THE ARTSCROLL TANACH SERIES The Book of Ezra The story of Jewish return from exile and the building of the Second Temple It was one of the darkest, most confusing periods in Jewish history. And just then, when the mists were thickest and the prospects bleakest - came the royal edict that Israel could return to its land and rebuild its Temple. The Book of Ezra begins the story of the Second Commonwealth. It tells the tale of the laborious, frustrating struggle to break free from the shackles of exile, set up defenses against deceitful and dangerous enemies, root out the new scourge of intermarriage. Most important, the leaders of the nation - Ezra, Nehemiah, Zerubabel, Joshua, and their comrades - formed the Anshei Knesses Hagedolah, the Men of the Great Assembly, who laid the foundations of nationhood: the Mishnah and Talmud, the order of prayers, the regulation of daily life. This new ArtScroll book is penetrating and panoramic. It makes the difficult verses live with the millennia of Rabbinic 'commentary and blends in the history of the period as it is found in classic Jewish sources. Translation and Commentary by Rabbi Yosef Rabinowitz, Overview by Rabbi Nasson Scherman hardcover $11.95 paperback $8.95 A~ililabl~ ilt-~9(ai Hebrew bOokstor'es'or (Jirec~--l(C>lfl)>u_~liSher: ··W~fil>. .• )969 Coney Jslalld•All¢./Bio(iklyn;NY1faz3/(('18))3~17~ biretfMail:,..\dd $t95 i>e'r o'rdt•r postage & _handllfigi Ny_S ft-sld~nis '3dd sales fail:. Jn lsr-a~J: ). Grossmt\n~Mesotah Mdtzlm J Rechov Hara\'- Uziel i17 lJeru~lem THE JEWISH OBSERVER (ISSN 0021-6615) is published monthly, in this issue . except July and August, by the Agudath Israel of America, 5 Beek­ man Street, New York, N.Y. 10038. Second class postage paid at New York, N.Y. Subscription $15 .00 per year; two years, $27 .00; three years, $36.00. Outside of the United States (US funds only) $20.00 in Europe and Israel. $25.00 in So. Africa and Australia. Single copy: $2.00; foreign: $2.50. send address changes to The Jewish Observer, 5 Beekman St., N.Y., N .Y. 10038. Printed in the U.S.A. "Vehigad'ta ... And You Shall Tell Your Children," RABBI NISSON WOLP!N Editor Remembering Europe in its Glory and its Destruction, a symposium based on presentations by Rabbi Dovid Cohen, Mr. Joseph Friedenson, Rabbi Avrohom Chaim Levine, Editorial Board Rabbi Yisroel Isaac Piekarski, Rabbi Shimon Schwab, DR. ERNST BODENHEIMER Chairman Rabbi Chaim Segal and Rabbi Shmuel Unsdorfer. • • . 9 RABBI JOSEPH ELIAS JOSEPH FR!EDENSON Heroic Efforts, fatal failings, Rabbi Joseph Elias. ....•......... 21 RABBI NOSSON SCHERMAN RABBI MOSHE SHERER Shabbos in Siberia, Mrs. Sorah Mermelstein. • . • • . 28 Management Board fighting City Hall, Chaim Dovid Zwiebel. • . • . • . • 32 NAFTOLI HIRSCH ISAAC KIRZNER Please Take, Note, Tovia Meister . ...........................• 37 RABBI SHLOMO LESIN NACHUM STEIN Second Looks on the Jewish Scene And Now ... Rabbi Amy .............................. 41 Business Manager RABBI YOSEF C. GOLDING A Jewish Child, All Alone .....................•........ 45 THE JEWISH OBSERVER does not Letters to the Editor . 49 assume responsibility for the Kashrus of any product or service advertised in its pages. @ Copyright 1985 MAR. 85, VOL. XVIII, NO. 4 f,i\ KOSHER The Pride of Israel ~ FOR PASSOVER To send a gift of Kedem, call l·BOO·L'C·H·A·Y·I-111 (524-2946). In l'lew Jersey call 1·201·370·8877. Ask for a free catalog. Vold where prohibited. -----·· _.... ,._.~_ll'/li< __ .~ Vehigad'ta levincha bayom hahu leimor .... 11 And you shall tell your son on that day saying ... '' Our forefathers' sojourn in Egypt represents the prototype Galus-Geulah cycle, where the nadir of suffering gives way to redemption, and an eternity of lessons are learned on the way. The Pesach Seder, wherein the older generation passes on some of these lessons to their children, also serves as a model for sharing experiences, transmitting wisdom, and inspiring a commitment in the successor generation. The events of the past 50 years surely fit into this pattern. The suffering and destruc­ j tion of millions of Europe's Jews in World War II, and the subsequent rebuilding- to some degree - of that which was lost, gives us much to ponder, much to remember, ' much to learn. The theme of the recent (62nd) national convention of Agudath Israel of America - ' '40 Years Since the Liberation of Europe: an Orphaned Generation Strives to Restore a Shattered Legacy" - was addressed by rabbis and scholars. Essays based on three addresses discussing this generaton' s mission were presented in last month's JEWISH OBSERVER. We are presenting here a compendium of insights, comments, and anec­ dotes on the theme based on excerpts from speeches by Rabbi David Cohen (Congre­ gation G'vul Yavetz, Brooklyn), Mr. Joseph Friedenson (editor, Dos Yiddishe Vort), Rabbi Avrohom Chaim Levine (Telshe, Chicago), Rabbi Yisrael Isaac Piekarski (Con­ gregation Beth Jacob, Rego Park, N .Y ., Yeshiva Tomchei Temimim), Rabbi Shimon Schwab (Congregation K'hal Adath Jeshurun, New York City) Rabbi Chaim Segal (Mesivta Chaim Berlin), and Rabbi Shmuel Unsdorfer (Yeshiva Reishis Chochma, Mon­ treal).
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