COLLECTION^ OF C0RREvSP0NDI3JCT? AKD -UNtJSCRIPT DOCUMENTS N. rB OF COLLECTIONJ C^niel A. del Rio - Bolivarian Collection of Documents SOURCE: Gift • Daniel A. del Rio - 1967 . ., Q8O •SUBJECT: Independence of the Vice-royalty of Pen' DATES COVERED; 1558-1955 MJT-ftER OF ITEMSi 157 f 1 STATUS: (check appropriate description) Cataloged? x Listed: Arranged: Not organized: OTDITION: (give number of vols.. boxos, or shelves) Bound: Boxod: 'L x .Stored: LOCATIONi (Library) Stack y;3 ^ CiLL-TCP*;R ^ KiQ RESTRICTIONS OV 'WSE (VAULT) DESCRIPTION: A collection of autographs of Latin American Patriots and Hispanic Loyalists living in the Viceroyalty of Peru during the 19th century. The collection provides a valuable look into daily life in the viceroyalty. Documents to and from Military leaders on both sides ofthe I'ar for Independence describe day to day events of the war(reouests for supplies, mess, prisoner and hospital lists, etc.) Among the items by patriots represented in the collection are: a decree by Simon Bolivar, dated 1825, setting up a school system that "la debe igualmente a todos ...individuos."; a decree by Toraas de Heres creating the coat-of-arms of Pen'., and the heraldry and wording for silver and, gold coins of the new government: a list by Jose Medina of the survivors of the "Vendedores" squadron after'the battle <£ Ayachucho- a letter of Jose de San "Martin to Rrancisco de Paula Otero: a letter by Antonio Jose de Sucre to Manuel Martinez de Aparicio; and a letter by Jose de La Mar to Joaquin de la Pezuela. Amonp; the loyalists represented are: Jose Fernando de Abascal y Sauza, Fernando VII, Jose Antonio de Areche, Geronimo de Marron y Lorabera, Jose de Mendizabal e Imaz, Joaquin de la Pezuela, Jose Manuel Goyeneche, Manuel Quimper. Also in the collection are two letters by Secretary of State •viliiam P. Se7-7ard, and two 16th century documents signed by the "conquistadores" Francisco Pizarro and Juan de la Torre. A second box, added in 1980, contains printed and miscellaneous materials from the 1950s. ,For list of Collection see foP-owing pages, / ft i± I i f-\ <- UJ' / u /- rxiv f \ 4 //i^^/ TE e -* 0***1*1* A. DiiL rttO - BOLIVAKIAN COLL iOf ION OP DOQUHlfllT n „ ~ ~IN The cMP c/? rAtof x P ii H U / 1.- Francisco Pizarro-* Conqueror of Peru and Pounder of Lima. (Ploture) Pouor of Attorney given by Frimoiaco Pisarro to Bernardino de San Pedro, to colloct 620 Gold Pesos 153B Auto^ra^n of Dornardinod o Sari Podro (also a uoiiibor of Pizarrofs entouru^o that oonquorud Peru, Ho attest the Power of Attorney, as Royal Notary 2,- Auto.-^aph of Don Juan de la Torre, Conquiatudor of Peru, ona of Uio 13 Spaniards incladlnp, Pizarra9 that against iinauri.ioimtable calaiiitios, dooided at the lala del Gallo to conquer Peru. 3.- ploture of Ferdinuiid VII, Kia^ of Spain and liuporor of ttie Indies, 1611 Aivpolnti;ient by i-'ordinuid V£I, of Jqso I^naoio Sanchez y Santa Cruz aa llotary in Lii.ia Cadiz, lflll l\.m- Autograph of Kaiuiundo Je Abu seal, Peruvian Vlc'b/roy Lima, I8o8 11 Bri^udiur (io;ioi*al Simon de ftuva^o, Ilia Secretary Liiaaf liiO8 Bond iiiuue by the Viceroyalty of Poni for Peaos 500, * SI:^riod by the Viceroy Marque a de la Conaordia M lBl5 M Autot-^ruph of Joaquln lionet9tllniutur oi* tlie Hoyal iroasury l0l5 11 of Antonio de la i'\ionte,IJi*oai !ant of the Royal Tribunal of the Gouaulata, ( oth ui&\ the bond) Lima9 1815 5m" Autotp:»aph of brigadier vieiioral Po-lro Aiitonio de I!olina9 in charge of the Oufuiiue .of the City, Lima, i8l2 Autograph of Brigadier Joaquin ^e Zubillagaf Oenerul in chief of the Uoyal hllltiae Liiaat 1Q02 6#«» Royal Coiiiaiaaioner Joaa Antonio. ite Areclxe. Bloodthirsty and cruel, he stamped out the revolt of Inca Tupac Amaru, oi'flerinfs his boln^ quartered Liiaat 1782 Autograph of brij^adiur lluriano Coiiiporo0 participant in the Cuzco conspiracy i/lth Af^.-illar and Ubalde in I8o5» Protiiotad to .Genoral during the Ropublio* In I836 \/as u Ilinistor of the Interior of the lustodo Sud-Peruano#Cuzoot I836 Autograph of Bri.^adiar Oenarul Juan Raioirez, xAio put down the Cuzco Revolt of An^ulo and Pusiacahua in I81I4., defeating them at the Battle of Humuchirl,l8lS# Oruro, 1820 Rai.ilroz In 1G20 uas Clonoi-al in Chief of the Army of Upper Peru* Autograph of Brigadier Gonoral Dartolome de Salamanca* He defeatod the reovolutlonist Zela at Tncaa in l8ll*Aroquipa*lQll #^ AutOi'.ra, h of liri^adi^r Gral.Ju.ap. Alltel Bujan4a*.. one . cniof participants in the Piuaacaliua Revolt* Cuzoo* 1822 In lO^2,liujanda uaa Political Ohiof of Cuzco» Auto, ruL h of Spanish i">ri:^adior Genoral Joae Gabriel lioucoso, iihot uy order of Puuiacaliua In 16*15, Araquipa* 1812 9»* Autograph of Colonel Pedro Gonzalez I-undero, follower of puiiiacahua and hia A^ont at Uuamanga, Ayaouoho, I833 10, Auto ;ra h of Hoy alia t Colonel, Podro Joiie LazuntViod«Govornor of Huaura, He helped to defeat tlie revolt of Angulo and Puiaacahua at Huaiian^a in 1815* lluauraf 1820 COLLECTION 0? POQIIMiftlTa R Xi - (Continued) ,- Autograph of Captain General Joaquin de la Pe^uela, General in Chief of the Royal Armies of Upper Peru fighting agalna the Rebel Buenos Aires Junta,l8ll~l8l8# Pozuola \/as Viceroy of Peru in 1819. Lima# 1818 Autograph of General Jose Manuel de Goyoneohe, Chief of Army at lotosi, who dofeated the Argentine Anny at ro3 . Iluaqui in 1311, and was :'°tt3il^$i£$gnJ(]£e continuance of tho Span!till domination for 16/yoara. Potoai, 1812 12#- Coloi1 lito^raph of the Hapublic of Peru by the Peruvian Artiat Tedfilo Castillo, Lima, 1921 Sample of fltaupod Hoyal ilovonudi Paper.Id20/1821, and reutaiapod by tho Gonoral San Martin Govertimont, Ltiaa, 1822 13^«» Copy of picture of Genurul Sun Hartfn,at Goverxuaent Palace, Lima Letter of Gonorul iian ilaitln to General b'rmioisoo da Paula Otero, i/lth inatruction on tlia MOP at tho Sierras Lima, 1021 U|«- Autograph of i-Vanciaco Aluirall, chiloan patriot and A^ent of General San Mm-tin t t Lima, 1822 Autograph on ijeuiio dooiuunt, of Juan Joae de Larratea, * 3an Hart in Advisor 0 who donated his wealth to the cauao of indopondonco* 15#- Letter of Joae de Hi^loa,(San Martin's Agentjto hJja Lliiia# 1821 Autograph of Goaural Juan de Podornera, Vice President of the Argentina Corifoderation,and follower of S.Martin. Copacabanaffl838 16#- Letter of General Rudeoindo Alvarado,Argentlnet General in Chief of the Liberating Army in 1021 Piaoo# 1823 Autograph of General i*.Antonio Pinto, Chief of Staff of the Liberating Anny 1821 17«* Autograph of Bernardo itonteagudo, \/ar Minister of General San Martin,182-1822. Assassinated in Lima in Idwa# 1822 Autograph of Argentine General Tomas Guido, War Minister of San ilartln , Lixua, 1822 Letter of Granfl Marshall Don Bernardo de Taglet Marques do Torre Taglo, First Ad-Intoriti Proaidant of Peru, during the absence of San Martin in l022t Trujin.0* 1820 l8#* Auto^rar-h of Doctor Iiipolito Unanua, a Member of the Cabinet of ban Martin and Bolivar's Crovormoonta, 1822-1826. In August 1026, ho acted aa Minister of Juatice and iloli£ion Lima, 1826 Auto^raph of Mariano Vidal, Minister of Pinonoe under President liiva AiCu«»r»n Lima, 1823 AUtoirrai n or ^Tancisco Valdlvieao, a Hero of the Independence and lliniater of finance, Lima, 1823 Auto^ruph in the saiaa doouiaent of Don Jose do Boq\ii, Director of the Mint appointed by San Martin. In I823 Boqui fled uith the funds of the Mint. He was never apprehended. 19«- Autograph of Diego de Allaga,3ub*Dlrector of the Mint, A lloro of the Wars of Independence of Peru Lima, 1823 20,^ Autograph of Bricadier Manuel iiuiwper, Royal Commanding General of tho Southern Coastal Region* who defended the Port of Piaco against the San Martin Ariulos* He uai dfd by Colonel Manuel Rosas. Piso>tl82O • 3 - f~3 n U - (Continued) 21 •- Auto&ruph or Argentine Colonel Manuel Rosas, who defeated Spanish Colonol Qulraper at I loco 1821 »- Autograph of Brigadier General (Spanish) Antonio Vaoaro Coixaanding Qonoral of tho Navy at Callao* Lima* 1819 Autograpgp h in tho came document of tVty Brigadier Don foribio do Aoebal,3ocy to Viceroy Pezuela -1819-22 Autograph of Brl^udior Condo do ilonte Mar y de 2-lonta Blanco, Huad of the Armies of the Coastal Region,Pisao,l8l6 23«- Brigadier General Manuel Gonzalez, Sub-Inspector General of the Vicoroyulty of Portul8l5-l820 Lima,l8l5 Autograph of Spanish Gonoral Fernando Camunes, Navy ; Coi iiiiaiidor at the i ort of Callao Callao9l6l8 2l^#- Autograph of Spanish Odnural Jono de la Mar# who served later in the Arriioa of tiie Patriot a, aiid defeated the Spaniards at the battlo of Ayacucho« Chorrillos,l6l9 of Adiiiiul Joud i ascual e Vivero La Plata, Iol7 -» Autograph of Doctor Franciaoo Juviur Mnriategul, liiniater of GovuriViont and Foreign Affairs Lima, 1827 #« Autograph of Dootor Higuel de Aranibar, Priest of Ouzco and a Hero of the Wars of Independence of Peru Cusco, Autograph of Colonel Juan Valdivieso, defeated at Macacona by the Koyallsta Piura, 1829 -' 27«* Auto-s-ruph of Colonol Jose Maria Pasoio, Army Coxamander at J Puno, Puno, 1825 Autograph of Colonol Juan Haoobodo,Hussars of Junfn,Punot 1825 Autograph of Colonol Ha;i6xi iuchoniquo, CJoimnandlng the guerrillas dui'ing the wara of independonoe, Cajatmabo, l82l| 28#» Autocaraph of Argentine Colonel Manuel Munozf Head of guerrillas, Santa In©a, l8<?3 29«- Autograph of Grand Marshall Juan Antonio Alvarez de Arenales Argentine, uho defeated in the Sierras, Brigadier General Ricafort, Trujillo, 1821 Autograph of S])aniah General Mariano Ricafort, cruel and bloodtiilr3ty, who aet fire to Cangallo, Recalled to Spain, he was appointed Governor of Cuba* Arequipa, 1818 30*-» Autograph of Spanish General Manuel de Araiaburu, Governor of Huancavello a, 1819-18^1 Huancavelic a# 1821 AufeOi-raph of Gonor-al Joae da IloiiUnegru, last Oovornor of Iluancavelica under the Viceroyalty and defeated by the patriot Colonel Otero (Argentine)in 1820 1819 31#«» Autograph of Patriot Col.iSduardo Lucar, Mayor of Huanuoo, 1823 32#» Autofp*aph of Royali3t Col.l'ranciaoo Zapatfn, defeated by tho Arenalea forces, Huamanga, 1820 33.- Autograph of Dr* Joad Agust£n Larrea, Priest of Huamanga, 1820 3k •" Autograph of Col« Pedro Zorraquin, lie ad of the Royal Arxuy at Iluaroanga, 1820 f""g ft U * (Continued) 35 •- Hoyalist Col.
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