HACKINGTON PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD AT TYLER HILL MEMORIAL HALL ON THURSDAY 14th JULY 2016 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Present: Cllr. R Evison (Chairman); Cllr. B Fitter-Harding (Vice-Chairman); Cllr. A Cover; Cllr. N Cronin; Cllr. T Hulks and Mrs D Horswell (Clerk). Also present: County Cllr. John Simmonds and four residents. (1) Apologies for Absence: – Ward Cllr. Amy Baker; Ward Cllr. George Metcalfe – Mayoral Duties. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. (2) Note Declaration of Interest and DPI by Members in Agenda items: No Declarations. (3) To Accept Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 12th May 2016: 3.1 Cllr. Cronin said that 15.1 should read ‘wider funding opportunities’. This being noted the minutes were accepted as a true record and approved as such. Signed by the Chairman. Matters Arising: 3.2 Mr Burns congratulated the Parish Council on the outcome of the recent planning application for 56 Hackington Road. 3.3 Ref: 11.14 – Cllr. Evison said that there had been a surprisingly large response to the survey and spoke of the move to electronic communication by K.A.L.C. (4) Matters Raised by the Public: (Members of the public may speak on any subject/planning application for 3 minutes) 4.1 Mr Burns asked about the cutting of the overgrown verges on Tyler Hill Road. Cllr. Evison pointed out that they were in Blean parish but, also said that the verges are only cut once or twice a year by KCC whereas if devolution comes about the Parish Council will be able to take on the responsibility. The clerk said that most of the verges along Tyler Hill Road were the responsibility of the land owners. She will report it on KCC website. (5) Matters for Discussion and Approval: 5.1 Resilience update: Cllr. Evison reported that a meeting had taken place between Hackington, Blean and Harbledown. Blean had made progress with their plan but had not completed it yet. He suggested that Hackington form a working party which he would chair and suggested some residents to approach. It would be a short-term working party and they would take their findings to the Parish Council and to Blean Parish Council. The Hall committee has not been formally approached about this and it was thought it would be a good idea to approach the pub also. Cllr. Evison said that County Cllr. Simmonds had given some booklets on Emergency plans which will be put in the pub and in the box in the village hall entrance. 5.2 Concurrent Function Funding update: Cllr. Evison explained that the Concurrent Funding Function that is to be completed by the end of September is for a four year term for 2017 – 2021 which will be paid annually. He, the clerk and the treasurer of the village hall had met with Stacey Wells, CCC Project co-ordinator, to discuss the new four year application. 493 HACKINGTON PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD AT TYLER HILL MEMORIAL HALL ON THURSDAY 14th JULY 2016 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.3 Interactive speed indication device in Tyler Hill: Cllr. Evison had met with the KCC Highways Engineer to look for possible sites at the southern end of the village. None had been found as suitable as there were either power lines which would affect the radar or no spaces as the footpath was too narrow. The engineer had suggested a different scheme where a mobile device can be moved between three sites. The sites identified as suitable are: 1. Summer Lane/ Hackington Road junction. 2. Village Green close to the post box, this will record traffic from both directions. 3. Tyler Hill Road, further down from Link Road. The approximate cost of the device will be £6,000. County Cllr. John Simmonds had indicated that he may be able to help with the cost with his Member’s Grant. Thanks were given to him for all his help and support. (6) Correspondence: All correspondence and emails previously circulated to all Members including: 6.1 KALC - cost saving proposals 6.2 NALC Newsletter - 16 May 2016 6.3 Opportunity To Complete & Locally Promote NALC Policy Cttee. 6.4 NALC'S - star councils 2016 awards – Too late for this year but the same awards will be offered next year. 6.5 Planning application 56 Hackington Road – copy of comments from Mr Fellowes 6.6 Brief on the bills announced in yesterday’s Queen’s Speech. 6.7 NALC/SLCC briefing on the National Salary Award for 2016-2018. 6.8 KALC - Template Training and Development Policy and Plan 6.9 KCC Consultation - Active Travel Strategy - KCC deadline 13 July 6.10 Free courses on Parish Trees in June 6.11 KCC - Inside Track 237 - produced by Kent County Council which contains the latest information on national, regional and local sources of funding. 6.12 Email - hedge at number 58 growing out over the path restricting the view of traffic. 6.13 ENF/16/00112/LP - 30 Calais Hill – response from Vicky Taylor CCC Planning and Regeneration – The property wasn’t found to be being used commercially by the Officer. 6.14 CCC - consultation on pspos – drop-in session – 6th June 6.15 KALC - Community Resilience/Emergency Planning Questionnaire - response deadline 7th July 6.16 KALC - Lower Thames Crossing consultation 6.17 CCC - Programme of meetings 2016/17 6.18 KCC - highways and tranportation tracker survey report 6.19 Introducing EiS Website Service Charges EiS:0084869 – On reflection EIS are now not imposing charges. 6.20 NALC Newsletter - 8 June 2016 6.21 Lord Mayor's Award 2016 - Launch June 1st 2016 6.22 Parish News June 2016 494 HACKINGTON PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD AT TYLER HILL MEMORIAL HALL ON THURSDAY 14th JULY 2016 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.23 Highways England route strategies 2020-2025 6.24 KALC - Councillors' Conference at East Malling Research Centre, 7 July 2016 – This was chaired by Cllr. Evison – paper being published in Parish News 6.25 KALC - Legal Topic Notes 41 and 60: LTN 41 – Responsibilities of Councils as Landowners It has been simplified and has been updated to take account of audit changes. LTN 60 – Copies of Planning Documents The changes identify the interaction of Planning Law and Copyright by setting out the circumstances in which a local council can copy and make publicly available plans submitted as part of a planning application. The LTN now also gives the wording which must be attached by a local council to any copies of plans provided to the public or made available on its website. 6.26 EN020017 - Richborough Connection Project 6.27 NALC Newsletter - 20 June 2016 6.28 Inside Track 238 6.29 KALC Canterbury Area Committee AGM 12th July Agenda 6.30 KALC - Good Employer Guide 2016 6.31 NALC Newsletter - 5 July 2016 6.32 CCC - External support consultation 6.33 CCC - Consultation on proposed changes to our Council Tax Support Scheme 6.34 Canterbury District Local Plan – Publication Draft 2014 Examination: Stage 2 Next stage of public examination is scheduled as follows: Tuesday 19 July to Thursday 21 July 2016 The Hearings will take place at: Franciscan International Study Centre Giles Lane Canterbury CT2 7NA Further sessions are due to be held starting Tuesday 13 September (dates are yet to be set by Inspector but you are advised to check CCC website nearer the time for details). 6.35 KALC - Bulletins on national developments and meetings 6.36 CCC – Notification of all Council meetings (7) Reports by County Cllr and Ward Cllrs: County Cllr. Simmonds said that the budget had been put together which included over £4million for potholes and £120,000 for weed clearance with one more grass cut than usual. This was the 7th budget that Cllr. Simmonds had put together for KCC and he reported that they have lost £230million of government grant but KCC have made savings of £1/2 billion in the last six months and are striving to keep most frontline services. Cllr. Simmonds left the meeting at 8.20pm and was thanked for his contribution. (8) Reports and Matters Relating to: 8.1 Highways and Speedwatch (Cllr. Fitter-Harding) Cllr. Fitter-Harding had nothing to report on highways. A speedwatch session is to be arranged. Cllr. Fitter-Harding will circulate times, dates and location. 495 HACKINGTON PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD AT TYLER HILL MEMORIAL HALL ON THURSDAY 14th JULY 2016 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.2 Footpaths (Cllr. Evison) Cllr. Evison reported that he has walked all the footpaths to the East which are in a surprisingly good state. There are some puddles but these can be deviated around. It is planned to do a thorough cut of the Meadow this year and we will have a volunteer for cutting the area in future after the thorough cut. It was suggested that Cllr. Evison have a word with the village hall committee about the use of a strimmer. 8.3 Street Lighting (Cllr. Cronin) No reports of any streetlight issues. It was noted that a resident had requested a shade over the light at the end of the footpath in Summer Lane. Clerk to investigate. 8.4 NHW (Cllr. Cronin) Cllr. Cronin had nothing to report except that fines had been imposed by CCC Enforcement Team to people fly-tipping 8.5 KALC (Cllr. Cover) We had our A.G.M. on Tuesday of this week. Guest speaker was Mathew Balfour who is the portfolio holder for K.C.C. Highways. He also spoke on devolution which proved to be a very interesting topic for us all.
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