Where You Partly Cloudy Read It First 32/15 THE TUFTS DAILY Est. 1980 VOLUME LVII, NUMBER 19 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2009 TUFTSDAILY.COM Popular site Juicy Trustee group Campus squeezed provides feedback off of the Internet to task force BY NINA FORD BY ROB SILVERBLA tt Daily Editorial Board Daily Editorial Board The Web site JuicyCampus.com, a popu- Over two years after The Primary Source lar yet controversial forum for anonymous published its now-infamous Christmas college gossip, shut down last Thursday carol about affirmative action, a committee due to financial difficulties. A similar blog is still working to finalize university-wide called the College Anonymous Confession speech regulations. Board (ACB) has replaced Juicy Campus, Members of the Task Force on Freedom providing unrestricted message boards for of Expression met with a special ad hoc students nationwide. committee of trustees during last week- Since its inception in 2007, opponents end’s board meeting and are now revamp- have faulted Juicy Campus for spreading ing their recommendations. targeted and damaging rumors. Criticism The task force was originally scheduled to did not diminish the Web site’s popularity produce a completed report by November, among college students though; instead, but its members decided to push the deadline Juicy Campus grew to reach over one million back to get trustee input. They now hope to readers on more than 500 campuses nation- wrap up their work in time to present their wide before its discontinuation. final recommendations to the full Board of Juicy Campus, while it was online, pro- Cupid’s arrow strikes the Hill Trustees in May. vided a forum for anonymous postings on a Those involved in last weekend’s meeting variety of campus-related topics. said it was productive, but declined to com- Despite the site’s wide viewership, it expe- MEREDITH KLEIN/TUFTS DAILY ment on how the task force’s proposals will rienced a decrease in revenue from online Legend has it that St. Valentine, a young priest in third-century Rome, once defied an impe- change as a result of trustee suggestions. advertisers and a dearth of venture capital. rial order prohibiting marriage for potential soldiers. Against the word of Emperor Claudius II, “We had an engaging discussion,” Trustee “Juicy Campus’ exponential growth out- Valentine secretly married young lovers, the story goes. During his resulting imprisonment, he Joanne Gowa (J ’72), a political science profes- paced our ability to muster the resources sent a letter to a young female visitor from his cell. The rest is history. sor at Princeton, told the Daily. needed to survive this economic downturn,” In September, the task force released a Juicy Campus Founder and CEO Matt Ivester Today, the Daily takes a look at the more modern side of the holiday of love in a series of draft report that seeks to balance freedom of said in a statement. articles across three sections: expression with freedom from harassment. Ivester called Juicy Campus “a place for the “The achievement of our educational mission fun, lighthearted gossip of college life.” Features – An experiment in speed dating, pictured above, anti-love potions and the requires an environment of respect, tolerance “It’s clear that we have provided a platform color red as an aphrodisiac. See page 3; and civil dialogue,” the draft, the task force’s that students have found interesting, enter- Arts – A book review of “Sex Whisperer” and a look at a film series at the Brattle most recent public document, reads. taining, and fun,” he said. Theatre. See page 5; While Task Force Chair Jeswald Salacuse, Still, Ivester admitted that the site had Sports – A preview of tomorrow’s Valentine Invitational, a track meet at MIT. See a professor of commercial law at the Fletcher back page. see JUICY, page 2 see TASK FORCE, page 2 Freshman senators join together for BY TESSA GELLERSON While the TCU Constitution requires all BY SAN G I T A KESHAVAN we offer, but people don’t connect the dots.” Daily Editorial Board senators to make themselves available to Tufts DailyStudent Editorial Board Resources Along withundergoes the re-branding campaign, the student body for at least two hours a Dugoni said, TSR is also trying to spread weeklyFreshman Tufts office Community hours Union inweek, the many campus members of the center TCU’s legisla- restructuring,Tufts Student Resources (TSR), re-branding a large awareness about campaign their services to students (TCU) senators will begin holding weekly tive body feel that student participation at employer of Tufts students, will expand and who may not possess a full understanding office hours this semester on Monday in an those designated times has been minimal improve its services as part of a re-branding of everything thatTSR does. effort to increase student involvement with at best. campaign, with the goal of creating a stron- And a part of TSR’s shifted focus includes Senate activities. “We’ve tried two things: sitting in the Senate ger, more unified voice on campus. offering newer and better student services, Citing a lack of communication between office and sitting in the dorms, actually going The student-run organization is Osman said. representatives and those they represent, to where people live,” freshman Senator Joel responsible for running several student “There are a lot of things that we’re zoning the senators will now meet every Monday Greenberg said. “It would be nice to be able services, including the Rez, a café in into right now and working on right now,” he night in the campus center. They hope to to have more open communication with our the campus center; an aerobics pro- said. “A lot of our services have changed, and make participation in student government gram; and laundry, dry-cleaning and they’ve become more reliable.” more accessible for the Class of 2012. see OFFICE HOURS, page 2 MicroFridge services. The group also TSR is working on partnering with dif- runs the Collegeboxes storage program ferent groups at Tufts to renovate the Rez, and a service that allows students and and they also hope to make the laundry parents to order goodies for students’ service more professional. birthdays and other special occasions. Next year, students will have the TSR is organized into five divisions, each concentrating on running a particular ser- see TSR, page 2 vice. According to TSR President Ali Osman, TSR executives are in the process of expand- ing these sections and changing the overall way in which the organization is portrayed. “We are now able to start getting our divi- sions together,” Osman, a junior, said. “We went through a whole re-branding process; we have new marketing products, a new logo [and] a new business identity,” he said. TSR Vice President of Finances Patrick Dugoni said that it is important for TSR to establish itself with a stronger, more well- known brand. “We’ve created a new logo and a new business identity that we can promote, DILYS ONG/TUFTS DAILY STUART STRONG/TUFTS DAILY instead of promoting [our services] sepa- Tufts Student Resources hopes to re-brand itself Tufts Community Union senators at a recent meeting. The seven freshman senators are plan- rately,” Dugoni, a freshman, said. “A lot of and expand its services, with the aim of work- ning on holding weekly office hours together, starting this Monday. people are aware of a lot of the services that ing as a more cohesive organization. Inside this issue Today’s Sections “Gentlemen of Suzhou,” Tomorrow, Middlebury on display at the MFA, and Amherst will fight News 1 Comics 8 paints a picture of a for NESCAC men’s bas- Features 3 Classifieds 9 serene city in Ming ketball supremacy. Arts | Living 5Sports Back Dynasty. see ARTS, page 5 see SPORTS, back page 2 THE TUF T S DAILY NEWS Friday, February 13, 2009 THE TUFTS DAILY Trustees give EVANS R. CLIN C HY feedback on Editor-in-Chief EDItoRIAL campus speech Sarah Butrymowicz Managing Editors Michael Adams TASK FORCE continued from page 1 Ben Gittleson Executive News Editor School of Law and Diplomacy, would not Alexandra Bogus News Editors discuss the specifics of the trustees’ views, Nina Ford he said that they supported the core ideas Gillian Javetski Michael Del Moro expressed in the draft. Rob Silverblatt “There was nobody who condemned Tessa Gellerson Assistant News Editors our work. Nobody criticized the whole Leslie Ogden Matt Repka process,” he said of the trustees’ input. Carter Rogers “Individuals had suggestions as to how to Dave Stern maybe sharpen some words or expres- Kerianne Okie Executive Features Editor sions … It was that kind of discussion that we had.” Jessica Bidgood Features Editor In creating the seven-member ad hoc Julie Kalt Assistant Features Editors Alison Lisnow committee to meet with the task force, the Emily Maretsky WEB.ARCHIVE.ORG administration called almost exclusively Romy Oltuski on trustees who work in academia. As Christina Pappas The College ACB serves a similar purpose to that which Juicy Campus did. Julia Zinberg such, many had previous experiences with campus speech policies. Naomi Bryant Executive Arts Editor Economic downturn forces contro- “We agreed that academics on the board Emma Bushnell Arts Editors were in the best position to provide feed- Matt DiGirolamo versial site Juicy Campus to close back because they have the best appre- Catherine Scott ciation and understanding of academic Mitchell Geller Assistant Arts Editors Adam Kulewicz JUICY tions. “It is the campus center, the dorm culture,” University President Lawrence Josh Zeidel continued from page 1 room, the cafeteria, and the lecture hall, Bacow said in an e-mail. included “mean-spirited posts and per- all combined into a single, easily acces- Salacuse agreed.
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