Jane Tearle er Newslett A steam engine in Cerne Abbas marking the sale of the century. The Buckland Newton, Cerne Abbas, Godmanstone and Minterne Magna and Minterne Godmanstone Abbas, Cerne Newton, Buckland November 2019 £1 Benefi ce CA Theatre Club Artsreach NOW Cerne Benefi ce Services CA Village Cinema CA CE VC First School Short Mat Bowls From the Vicarage CA Village Hall CA Surgery Godmanstone Buckland Newton Coff ee, cake, chat CV Business Group Minterne Cerne Abbas Other village news CV Cricket Club Snippets CA Historical Society St Mary’s Church CV Parish Council CA Soc for Hor culture Cerne Valley Li le Giants Preschool 2 Services in the Benefi ce ν November Ephesians λ:λλ-μν; Luke π:μκ-νλ All Saints Godmanstone .am Ma ns BCP Minterne Magna .am Holy Communion BCP Cerne Abbas am Holy Communion CW Buckland Newton pm All Saints and All Souls λκ November Job λσ:μν-μρa; Luke μκ:μρ-νς rd before Advent Cerne Abbas .am Remembrance Sunday Buckland Newton .am R’nce & Holy Comm CW λρ November Malachi ξ:λ-μa; Luke μλ:ο-λσ nd before Advent Minterne Magna .am Ma ns BCP Buckland Newton .am Family Service Cerne Abbas am Holy Communion CW μξ November Colossians λ:λλ-μκ; Luke μν:νν-ξν Christ the King Godmanstone .am Holy Communion CW Cerne Abbas am Ma ns BCP Buckland Newton am Holy Communion CW λ December Isaiah μ:λ-ο; MaƩ hew μξ:νπ-ξξ Advent Godmanstone .am Ma ns BCP Minterne Magna .am Holy Communion BCP Cerne Abbas am Holy Communion CW Buckland Newton am Ma ns BCP Cerne Abbas pm Taizé Service Minterne Magna .pm Advent Carols ς December Isaiah λλ:λ-λκ; MaƩ hew ν:λ-λμ Advent Godmanstone .am Ma ns BCP Cerne Abbas .am Come Celebrate Buckland Newton am Holy Communion CW Weekday Services. Morning Prayer. Jane Tearle am Cerne Abbas (Tues); am Minterne Magna (Weds). Right: A pet service took place in Cerne Abbas on λνth October. Lamby was a star member of the congregaƟ on! 3 4 From The Vicarage Dear Friends Cheryl Spray Some mes clergy are seized by the th century spirit of John Wesley, the Church of England parish Vicar who founded Methodism, with the thought ‘The world is my parish!’. In other words, he decided that his ‘calling’ extended beyond the boundaries of his parishes to embrace issues of wider concern. This happened to me during the non-violent demonstra ons against Climate Chaos organised in London by ‘Ex nc on Rebellion’. I last a ended a rally in London when I was a student, and realised then how diff erent the actual experience could be from the impression given by television cameras Jonathan looked the part and media reports. as the Vicar of Cerne So I went, wearing a clerical suit and collar, to see Abbas, λσλσ, in the Village and to hear and to talk to people. I spoke to a police Sale re-enactment. offi cer who is part of a specially-trained task force based in the provincial forces who can be summoned na onally in such situa ons. He was glad of the over me but missed his kids. I listened to a distressed barrister who was late for her St Thomas’ hospital appointment because she could not drive over the blocked Westminster Bridge. She wanted me to report this consequence to the ‘authori es’ and sort it out. I spoke to a grandmother who had glued herself to the road and now the muscle cramps were se ng in. It hurts to demonstrate non-violently when your joints are old and s ff , but she was there for her grandchildren’s futures. The campaigners o en asked ‘Are you with us?’ They were red, cold and slightly forlorn. They were ordinary people doing this extraordinary thing; people from the provinces a bit lost in the city. I replied to one on a grey Tuesday morning: ‘Be encouraged, death stalks the Earth and you are Conscious Life in rebellion.’ And he burst into tears. A crying violinist in Westminster Bridge looked up at my collar and said: ‘I was asking for God to help us and here you are!’ Extraordinary. They are under such strain, all of them. The police, the city workers trying to get about their business, the grandmothers and the odd ‘crusty’ student. I was impressed by their sense of common humanity and refusal to demonise each other. As I walked to the sta on to return, I passed four ac vists glued to a bollard surrounded by police and gave the assembly a cheery ‘Good morning everyone!’ and they all looked up, smiled and said ‘Good Morning’ back! Caught them by surprise! 5 6 Cerne Abbas NEWS St Mary’s Church DORCHESTER FOOD BANK There will be a village collec on for the Food Bank at Dorford Bap st Church during November. Look out for the collec on boxes in the church and village shop. As well as the basic items listed below some special Christmas treats would be very welcome to be added to the planned Christmas hampers. Thank you very much. Items required: Milk (UHT or powdered); cereal; pasta/rice; pasta sauce; tea bags; instant coff ee; instant mashed potato; sugar; biscuits and snack bars; toilet rolls and toiletries; jam; and ns of meat, fi sh, vegetables, soup, baked beans, fruit, rice pudding, sponge pudding, custard. Small sizes are par cularly welcome. REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY As there is now no Bri sh Legion in Cerne Abbas, the Annual Remembrance Service on th November is being organised by St Mary’s Church. Meet at the war memorial at .am for the tradi onal two minutes silence at am and wreath-laying ceremony during which there will be an opportunity for individuals and groups to place marks of remembrance. A church service will follow this ceremony. ARMISTICE DAY on Monday th November there will be a two-minute silence at the War Memorial in Cerne Abbas, the st Anniversary of the end of the First World War. Please could people assemble at .am in Abbey Street opposite the War Memorial for the ceremony which should not last for more than minutes to join the Na on in the Act of Remembrance. ADVENT TAIZÉ SERVICE AT ST MARY’S on Sunday st December at pm. There will be an Advent Taizé candlelit service in St Mary’s Church with songs and prayers in the style of the Brothers of the ecumenical community of Taizé in France. Come and rejoice in the worship of Taizé by singing the songs, saying the prayers, hearing the music and deepening the value of silence together. Cerne Abbas Village Hall BOOKINGS , [email protected]) David Evans, having been our Chair since the new hall was opened in May , has announced that he must now re re. The hall, consequently, needs someone to come forward as our next Chair as a ma er of urgency. A rewarding role, it will appeal to anyone with an interest in leading this vital local community asset, much used by any number of village clubs and socie es and many outside users as well. The hall has seen some signifi cant changes since its build, not least in the last year. It is now almost certainly the best of its kind in West Dorset for the modern facili es it provides, and its ‘green’ creden als are unrivalled. The Chair will be supported by a strong team who manage the hall on a daily basis and an ac ve hall commi ee. We need to improve our income and therefore marke ng 7 8 will be a key policy for the incoming Chair. David Evans, John Lee or George Mor mer are available at any me if you want to know more about the role – one that is vital to the con nued success of a community hall we all use and enjoy. Coff ee, cake and chat CONTACT Moira Pinder ) The next two coff ee mornings will be held on th November and th December – as always the fi rst Wednesday in the month – .am to noon in St Mary’s Church. If you have not a ended one of these coff ee mornings before or if you are new to the village, do come along and join in an informal get together and be assured of a warm welcome. There is always a very friendly atmosphere and delicious cake and coff ee on off er. For further informa on or to arrange transport please contact Moira (as above). Cerne Abbas Society for Hor culture CONTACT Gill Ringrose ) The CASH mee ng on Tuesday th November is in the Village Hall and our celebrity speaker this year is Ma James, speaking on ‘Maximising your plan ng poten al’. Ma James is an author, and lecturer at Falmouth University on Garden Design and has had his own television programme, The City Gardener. Ma has also appeared on TV in Eco Eden and The Great BriƟ sh Garden, so we are very pleased to welcome him and we hope you will join us and bring your friends. Doors open at pm for a .pm start. Refreshments will be available and there will be a raffl e and sales table, so please bring along any items to donate to the raffl e or for sale. This will be our last mee ng for and our AGM is on Tuesday th January , so please put this date in your diary. Cerne Abbas Village Cinema (Moviola) CONTACT Julia Wildin ; cket enquiries ; [email protected]) CAVC apologies for the abandonment of September’s fi lm, caused by technical diffi cul es with the projec on equipment.
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