Plants that deer will pass by! Deer keep eating all of my plants! What can I do? One of the most difficult landscape problems to address is damage from wildlife. The white- tailed deer herd in Mississippi, and the southeastern US, has grown dramatically since the early 1990’s and is continuing to expand. Deer damage is especially difficult because they can consume most of the ‘desirable’ plants in a single night. Repellents are not very effective and require frequent application. Exclusion requires the installation of expensive and unsightly fencing. Plant selection is usually the best option for preventing white-tailed deer damage. There are no plants that deer will not eat if they get hungry enough! But, there are lots of options that they will avoid most of the time. This program helps you pick out great plants that deer won’t damage. Just look for the Deer Proof logo on plants at your local garden center. The list of plants that can carry the Deer Proof label was based on University recommendations from across the country and experience from nursery and landscape professionals! It’s as easy as 1-2-3! Just go to the plants with the logo!!! Support Local Growers! Benefits One of the best things about the Deer Proof Beautiful landscapes Plant Program is that it helps you support Less damage from deer your community by identifying plants that Confidence in choosing are locally grown! Only growers in Mississip- plants for problem areas Easy to pick out the pi can receive the Deer Proof Plant tags for plants that will work for labeling their product. you while you’re at the garden center If you see one of these tags, you know the Save money on repellants plant was Mississippi grown!!! and fencing Deer Proof Plant Lists Table of Contents (Click on Sections) Annuals & Herbaceous Perennials Trees & Shrubs Vines, Groundcovers & Ferns Grasses, Sedges & Rushes Any plant on this list can be labeled with a Deer Proof Program tag or label. Remember that deer will eat any plant if they are hungry enough. This is just a list of plants they avoid eating. Just because a plant is on this list does not mean it will grow in your environment. Make sure the plants you select are also adapted to the site where you want to use them. Developed in partnership between the Mississippi Nursery & Landscape Association and the Mississippi State University Extension Service by the Mississippi State Trial Gardens with financialsupport from the Mississippi Department of Agriculture & Commerce and the USDA Deer Proof Plant List: Annuals and Herbaceous Perennials BOTANICAL NAME Common Names Acalypha radians Cardinal's feather, Cardinal feather Achillea spp. Yarrow Aconitum spp. Monkshood Actaea simplex Autumn Snakeroot, Black Cohosh, Bugbane Adenophora bulleyana Lady Bells Aegopodium podagaria Bishop's Weed Agapanthus spp. African Lily, Lily-of-the-Nile Agastache spp. Hummingbird Mint, Hyssop Agave spp. Century plant Ageratum houstonianum Ageratum Ajuga reptans Bugleweed Alcea rosea Hollyhock Alchemilla spp. Ladys' Mantle Allium spp. Ornamental Onion Alocasia spp. Elephant Ears Amorpha fruticosa Indigo bush, False indigo bush, False indigo, Desert false indigo Amorpha roemeriana Roemer's false indigo Amsonia spp. Blue Milkweed Anchusa spp. Bugloss Andromeda polifolia Bog Rosemary Anemone spp. Windflower Anemonella thalictroides Rue Anemone Anethumus graveolens Dill Angelica spp. Angelica Anthemis spp. Golden Marguerite Antirrhinum majus Snapdragon Aphanostephus riddellii Lazy Daisy, Riddell's dozedaisy Aquilegia spp. Columbine Arabis alpinia Rock-Cress Argemone albiflora Bluestem pricklypoppy, White pricklypoppy Arisaema spp. Jack in the Pulpit, Green dragon, Dragonroot Armeria maritima Sea Thrift Armeria pseudarmeria Pinkball Thrift Armoracia rusticana Horseradish Groovestem Indian plaintain, Indian plantain, Prairie plantain, Prairie Arnoglossum plantagineum Indian plantain Artemesia spp. Wormwood, Silver Mound, Tarragon Arum italicum Lords and Ladies Any plant on this list can be labeled with a Deer Proof Program tag or label. Remember that deer will eat any plant if they are hungry enough. This is just a list of plants they avoid eating. Just because a plant is on this list does not mean it will grow in your environment. Make sure the plants you select are also adapted to the site where you want to use them. Developed in partnership between the Mississippi Nursery & Landscape Association and the Mississippi State University Extension Service with support from the Mississippi Department of Agriculture & Commerce and the USDA Deer Proof Plant List: Annuals and Herbaceous Perennials Aruncus spp. Goatsbeard Asarum spp. Wild Ginger, European Ginger Asclepias spp. Butterfly Weed, Milkweed Aster spp. Aster Astilbe spp. Astilbe Aubrieta deltoidea Purple Rock-Cress Aurinia saxatilis Basket of Gold Bacopa monnieri Coastal Water-hyssop, Herb-of-grace, Water hyssop Baptisia spp. False indigo, Wild Indigo Begonia spp. Begonia Belamcanda chinensis Blackberry Lily Bergenia spp. Heartleaf Bergenia, Pigsqueek Berlandiera betonicifolia Texas greeneyes, Broochflower Chocolate daisy, Chocolate flower, Lyreleaf greeneyes, Green-Eyed Berlandiera lyrata lyre leaf Bletilla striata Chinese Ground Orchid, Hyacinth Orchid Boltonia spp. Boltonia Borage officinalis Borage Bouchea linifolia Flaxleaf bouchea, Groovestem bouchea Bouchetia erecta Erect Bouchetia, Painted-tongue, Paintedtongue, Painted Tongue Bracteantha bracteata Strawflower Brickellia cylindracea Brickell-Bush, Brickellbush, Gravelbar brickellbush Brimeura amethystina Spanish Hyacinth Brugmansia spp. Angel's Trumpet Brunnera macrophylla Variegated Siberian Bugloss, False Forget-Me-Not Calamintha spp. Calamint Calendula spp. Calendula, Pot Marigold Callirhoe spp. Winecup, Poppy Mallow Calliuna spp. Heather Calylophus berlandieri Berlandier's sundrops, Square-bud primrose, Sundrops Camassia leichtlinii Camassia Campanula spp. Bellflower Canna spp. Canna Lily Chile pequin, Chile petin, Bird pepper, Turkey pepper , Cayenne Capsicum annuum pepper Catananche caerulea Cupid's Dart Catharanthus roseus Periwinkles, Annual Vinca Celosia spp. Cock's Comb, Celosia Centaurea cyanus Bachelor's Buttons Any plant on this list can be labeled with a Deer Proof Program tag or label. Remember that deer will eat any plant if they are hungry enough. This is just a list of plants they avoid eating. Just because a plant is on this list does not mean it will grow in your environment. Make sure the plants you select are also adapted to the site where you want to use them. Developed in partnership between the Mississippi Nursery & Landscape Association and the Mississippi State University Extension Service with support from the Mississippi Department of Agriculture & Commerce and the USDA Deer Proof Plant List: Annuals and Herbaceous Perennials Cerastium spp. Snow-in-Summer Ceratostigma plumbaginoides Plumbago Chaerophyllum tainturieri Chervil False Nightshade, Gray five eyes, Ground Saracha, Prostrate Ground- Chamaesaracha coniodes cherry Chelone spp. Turtlehead Chionodoxa spp. Glory-of-the-snow Chrysactinia mexicana Damianita Chrysanthemum frutescens Marguerite Chrysanthemum Oxeye Daisy leucanthemum Chrysanthemum parthenium Feverfew Cimicifuga spp. Snakeroot, Bugbane Cleome spp. Spider Flower Colchicum spp. Autumn Crocus Colocasia esculenta Elephant Ear Consolida ambigua Larkspur Convallaria majalis Lily of the Valley Cooperia pedunculata Prairie lily, Rain lily, Hill Country rain lily Coreopsis spp. Coreopsis, Tickseed Corydalis spp. Corydalis Cosmos spp. Cosmos Crinum spp. Crinum Lily Crocosmia spp. Crocosmia Crocus spp. Crocus Croton spp. Croton Cryptotaenia canadensis Honewort Cryptotaenia japonica Japanese Parsley Cyclamen spp. Cyclamen Dahlia spp. Dahlia Dalea spp. Dalea, Prairie Clover Datura spp. Devil's Trumpet, Angel Trumpet Delphinium spp. Larkspurs, Delphinium Illinois bundleflower, Bundleflower, Prairie bundle flower, Desmanthus illinoensis Prickleweed, Illinois Desmanthus, Prairie mimosa Dianthus spp. Carnation, Pinks, Sweet William Dicentra spp. Bleeding Heart Dictamnus albus Gas Plant Digitalis spp. Foxglove Any plant on this list can be labeled with a Deer Proof Program tag or label. Remember that deer will eat any plant if they are hungry enough. This is just a list of plants they avoid eating. Just because a plant is on this list does not mean it will grow in your environment. Make sure the plants you select are also adapted to the site where you want to use them. Developed in partnership between the Mississippi Nursery & Landscape Association and the Mississippi State University Extension Service with support from the Mississippi Department of Agriculture & Commerce and the USDA Deer Proof Plant List: Annuals and Herbaceous Perennials Dracunculus vulgaris Dragon Flower, Dragon Arum, Voodoo Lily Dyschoriste linearis Snake herb, Polkadots, Narrowleaf dyschoriste Echinacea spp. Coneflower Echinops spp. Globe Thistle Endymion spp. Bluebell Epimedium spp. Fairy Wings, Bishop's Mitre, Barrenwort Epipactis gigantea Chatterbox Orchid, Giant Hellebore, Stream orchid Eranthis spp. Winter Aconite Erica spp. Heath Erigeron spp. Fleabane Eryngium leavenworthii Leavenworth's eryngo, Eryngo Eryngium variifolium Moroccan Sea Holly Erysimum spp. Wallflower Erythronium spp. Trout Lily Eschscholzia californica California Poppy Eupatorium spp. Joe Pye Weed, Mist Flower, Snakeroot, Boneset Euphorbia spp. Euphorbia, Spurge, Snow-on-the-Mountain Eustoma exaltatum Bluebell, Prairie gentian Farfuguim japonicum Ligularia, Leopard Plant,
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