KV * ^,M REFERENCE CENTKt goooo03 Government of India Government of Andhra Pradesh Ministr Panchayatf yo Rurad an j l DevelopmenRa i t Governmen Netherlande th f o t s Ministry of Foreign Affairs Directorate General of International Cooperation RURAL WATER SUPPLY ANDHRA PRADESH WATER RESOURCES STUDY AP-IH VOLUME H - MAIN REPORT IWACO Consultants for Water & Environment Head Office: P.O. Box 8520 3009AM Rotterdam The Netherlands Rotterdam July m2 ______________ __________8000003 Government of India Government of Andhra Fradesh Ministr Panchayatf yo Rurad an j l DevelopmeniRa t Governmen Netherlande th f o t s Ministr Foreigf yo n Affairs Directorate Generaf o l International Cooperation ' WATEK SUPPLY I RURAL WATER SUPPLY ANDHRA PRADESH WATER RESOURCES STUDY AP-IH VOLUME H - MAIN REPORT IWACO Consultant Water sfo Environmenr& t Head Office: P.O. Box 8520 3009 AM Rotterdam The Netherlands Rotterdam July 1992 AP-ra Water Resources Study (80.00003/001) page TABLE OF CONTENTS . 1 INTRODUCTION ..........................................1 . 1.1 Background ............................................ 1 projece Th 1.t2 ..........................................1 . 1.3 Objective watee th f rso resources study .........................2 . 1.4 Executio stude th yf n o ...................................2 . repore Th 1.t 5........................................... 3 . 2 STUDY AREA ............................................4 . 2.1 Description of the area .................................... 4 2.2 Population and water demand ................................ 4 3 2. Rural water supply ......................................4 . 2.4 Irrigation ............................................. 11 3. GROUNDWATER RESOURCES ................................. 13 1 3. Physical background .....................................3 1 . 3.2 Hydrogeology .........................................6 1 . 3.3 Groundwater resource evaluation .............................. 20 3.4 Groundwater development for public water supply ................... 24 4. GROUNDWATER QUALITY ................................... 29 4.1 Introduction ........................................... 29 4.2 Occurrence of fluoride rich groundwater ......................... 29 3 4. Previous studies .......................................2 3 . 4 4. Available datanalysisd aan ................................2 3 . 4.5 Correlation of fluoride content in groundwater with various aspects of land- and water resources ............................ 39 4.6 Variation of fluoride content - summary ......................... 42 . 5 SURFACE WATER RESOURCES ...............................3 4 . 5.1 Main rivers and catchment areas .............................. 43 5.2 Water balance .......................................... 43 3 5. Surface water projects under contemplation ......................5 4 . 4 5. Water quality aspects ....................................6 4 . 5.5 Summary and conclusions .................................. 47 FWACO B.V., Department of Overseas Operations DRAFT I AP-m Water Resources Study (80.00003/001) I In the third phase Mr van der Sommen visited India again (26-3-1992 to 15-4-1992) and • detailed field work was carried out, including chemical measurements, geophysical | measurements and field checks for satellite interpretation. The necessary data for the analysis to generate and select water supply alternatives were collected concernet I . d mainly economical • data that are prepared by the PRED. The methodology to be followed in the final fourth phase | was discussed with the parties involved. In the last and fourth phase in the Netherlands the data collected and prepared into a data base | were analyzed and processed by means of a geographical information system. Village wise groundwater alternatives were defined and combined to regional supply alternatives. An « economical model to calculate investments of groundwater supply options was prepared. The I results of the first three phases of the study were incorporated in a multi criteria analyses. Final reporting followed hereafter. _ By the end of each visit in India the most important findings were reported to the Engineer in Chief of the Panchayati Raj Engineering Department and representatives of the Royal Netherlands Embassy. • 1.5 THE REPORT This is the second volume of a two volume report. The first volume contains the findings of the study in short and the main conclusions and recommendations. The present volume presents the background information, the data base and details on the models that have been uses. The second chapter contains a description of the study area and presents the existing water supply systems and water resource developments with emphasizes on the water supply systems of the PRED. Chapter concer4 d groundwatean e s3 nth r resource termn si quantitf so qualityd yan . Chapte5 r describes the surface water resources in and near the study area. Chapte describe6 r methode sth resultd generatioe th an s f o s f groundwateno r alternativesA . village based approac bees hha n adopted finae Th .l section f chapterfors4 o maie d mth an n s3 e identificatioth inpu r fo t f locao n l village water supply systems. Chapte 6 includer e th s explanation and application of the economical model that has been developed to estimate the cost groundwatee oth f r alternative. Alternative water supply sourceAP-IIe th r Isfo projec presentee ar t chapten di includin7 r ga preliminary financial analysis. In chapte multa 8 r i criteria analyse s beesha n applied. The work that has been done by APSRAC and CGWB is the subject of the separate reports: • "Water resources study in part of Nalgonda District using Remote Sensing Techniques (prepare NAP-APIr dfo U phase II) APSRAy "b C (includin volump ma ga e wit themati2 h1 c map t 1:100,00sa 0 scale)d an ; • "Preliminary Geophysical Surveys for groundwater in Nalgonda District by CGWB; A.N. Bhowmic a.o. The most important parts of these reports are integrated in the present report and appendices. IWACO B.V., Departmen f Overseato s Operations DRAFT I I AP-m Water Resources Study (80.00003/001) page I LIST OF FIGURES 2.1 Administrativ stude th f y o arep ae ma ..............................4 3/ . I 2 2. Village wated san r demand ....................................5 4/ . 2.3 Frequency diagram of village population and water demand in 1991, 200 202d 7an 2 .......................................5 . I 4 2. Dept dischargd han PREf eo D wells ...............................7 . 5 2. Dept dischargd han IDf eo C wells .................................0 1 . I 1 3. Tren f annuado l rainfall over Nalgonda District (CGWB, 1991) ..............2 1 . 3.2 Geological map ........................................... 12/13 3.3 Fracture frequency diagrams ..................................... 14 I 3.4 Water table fluctuations in Narketpally, Deverakonda and Choutuppal ........... 19 5 3. Pla groundwater nfo r development (CGWB, 1991) ..................... 21/22 I 6 3. Exampl f calculatioeo n groundwater model showin influence gth f neighbourineo g well6 2 s 4.1 Genesis of fluoride rich groundwater ................................ 31 4.2 Process of formation of fluoride groundwater ........................... 31 I 4.3 Minimum fluoride content in PRED wells ........................... 34/35 4.4 Medium fluoride content in PRED wells ............................ 34/35 4.5 Maximum fluoride content in PRED wells ........................... 34/35 I 6 4. Histogram (minimumF f so , median, maximum PREn i ) D wells ..............4 3 . 4.7 Histogram of F in IDC- and PRED wells ............................. 36 chloridd an C PREn eE i D wel 8 l4. waters ..............................8 3 . I 4.9 Fluoride distribution in groundwater near Appadjipat .................... 40/41 4.10 Fluoride distribution in groundwater near Waipally and Jangoan ............. 41/42 I 4.11 General appraisal of groundwater quality ............................ 41/42 6.1 Number of wells per village .................................... 51/52 6.2 Input sheet groundwater economic model ............................. 56 6.3 Present values of a system based on boreholes (80 mVd) with and without I defluoridation plant ........................................... 57 6.4 Present values of a system based on dug wells (40 m/d3 ) with and without defluoridation plant ..........................................7 5 . I 6.5 Influence of land acquisition, length of power lines and distance from supply area of a system with one borehole of 80 m3/d .......................... 58 6 6. Break points between borehol village m0 th 3 e(8 /d n i )e witC versuhDF s I dug well (40 mVd) at distance .................................... 59 7.1 Prioritization of water need (stress on quality) ........................ 61/62 I 2 7. Alternative water supply options ................................. 62/63 8.1 Reliabilit surfacf yo e water supply ................................ 71/72 I 2 8. Reliabilit groundwatef yo r supply ................................ 72/73 I I I I IWACO B.V., Departmen f Overseato s Operations DRAFT AP-m Water Resources Study (80.00003/001) page LIS TABLEF TO S 1.1 Main characteristics of the water supply component of the AP-M proposal ......... 1 2.1 Discharg IDC-wellf eo Nalgonde th n si a District ......................... 11 3.1 Normal monthly rainfall and temperatures in the Nalgonda District ............. 13 3.2 Yields of wells per meter of saturated aquifer in the Nalgonda District ........... 17 3 are3. P awellYieldg NA Phas du n si f s o eI ............................
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