mmM VOL LVII. MASON. MICH.. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 9. 1915 NO. 49 MASON M.\ltKETS. NOTICE. No. 2 red wheat $1.08. No. 1 white In order that the merchants and CHURCH ANI> SOCIETY. [EVEEVERETTR S wheat 11,05, No, 2 rye 87c, oats their clerks may more fully enjoy DAINTY GIFTS FOR CHRISTMAS 35c, good dry corn 65c, clover seed Christmas the grocery stores will $8 to 110.50, beans $3,35, new pota­ close Saturday, December 25, at The W, M. S. of the Presbyterian Cash Grocery toes 85c, eggs 30c, butter 17c to 24c noon. No deliverlcN on Satiinlay. church will meet at the home of Mrs. Can be Found Yeast Foam 4c Cattle: Prime steers 7c, light butch­ Grocery stores will be opened Tues­ M. A. Bement Friday afternoon of Macaroni Oc ers 5c, best fat cows 4i/6c, common day, Thursday and Friday evenings this week at 2:30.. All are Invited. in Great Variety at Mince Meat 9c cows 2c to 4%c, veal calves 4c to 8%. during Christmas week. The Baptist Aid society will meet Leader Milk ^ Be choice spring lambs 8c, sheep 2c with Mrs. S. R. Coulston Dec. 15. Lemon Extract "c to 4 c, hogs 5%c. Mrs. C. J. Hartenburg is recovering Rev. H, C. Wilson, pastor of the Vanilla Exeract 14c nicely from a operation, which she First Presbyterian church of Lansing 9 bars Soap 28c NEWS IN BRIEF. underwent at McCullough's hospital will preach in the Mason Presbyterian Jewelry Calumet Baking Powder, lb... .20c last Friday. church next Sunday at 10 a. m. Santa Claus headquarters at . Store Large Lamp Chimney .9c Fresh, pure and clean Christmas The Ladies Aid of Wllklns Memor­ Aseltine^s Young's store, Dansvllle. * Molasses, quart »c candies, new crop salted peanuts. ial church will meet with Mr. and Cream of Wheat 14c The brick yard pond Is the scene Large assortment of candles at 10c Mrs. F. L. Bradman Dec. 15 for din­ 10c can Cocoa 8c of nightly skating parties now. and 20c a lb. Mason Bazaar. * ner. Annual meeting and election of Rings for the Sweetheart % lb. Cocoa 240 officers. 2Gc can Crlsco a4c John Samann, the tailor, offers Tuesday was the flrst day for pay­ The W. C. T. U. will meet with Rings for the Daughter 10c can Potted Ham »c some great bargains for the holidays. ing taxes In Mason, and City Treas­ Mrs. James Blakely today (Thurs­ 15c can Beans 14c Mrs. Lewis Courtrlght of this city urer Deuel reports receiving |1857.- day) at 2 o'clock p. m. Election of Rings for the Wife 25c Coffee 24c has been granted a widow's pension, 28. Mrs. L. E. Jewett of the second officer.'?. All members are urged to Prepared Buckwheat 9c ward was the lirst to receive a re­ be present. Rings for the Baby JCetcbup 9c Mrs, Carlton Hunter Is clerking In ceipt. The I. O. 0. F. and their families 1 can Dill Pickles 9c Cortright's store during the holiday will have a good time at the hall De­ season. Ralph Stropc was hurt while play­ 10c Salad Dressing Sc ing football in Washington, D. C, cember 17. Don't forget! 10c can Apple Butter 9c Mrs. E. n, French Is dangerously where he has been attending the The Ladies Aid of Eden will serve I want your butter and eggs. Will ill with tumor, at her home on east Bliss Electrical school, and returned dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Silverware, Handsome Designs pay you the highest market price. Ash street, home last Friday. He expects to be Edson Rolfe Wednesday, Dee. 15. Call me by phone and get my price. able to return to school in a month. This will be a free-will offering, pro­ Mrs. Felix McDaniels entertained ceeds to go toward sending the little • Engraved if you wish a number of ladies at a pedro party W. A. Cheney, Roy Robb and wife, daughter of Rev. Kendall away for GEO.IH. LEVERETT Monday evening. Alfred Allen and wife, L. H. Ives and treatments. Everyone come with full 'A W. H. Taylor attended the meetings baskets and prepare to give as liber­ BOTH We this week publish the proceed­ PHONES ings of the board of supervisors, June of the state association of Farmers ally as possible. Call and see and October sessions. clubs at Lansing Tuesday and Wed­ Mason Camp No. 3220 M. W. of A. the Sparklers nesday. Mr. Robb is president of the will hold Its regular meeting on Tues­ Suj|ham(!!iouirtn§inciSi I have the Ball Band cold weath­ association and Alfred Allen one of day evening, Dec. 14. This is the at • • - - Ford Aseltine *s er foot wear, coon tall felts and Rus­ the directors. Mr, Cheney attended time for the election of officers for Cntorcd at the Poat Office, Maaon, sian, etc. J. A. Cortright. * «B wcond-clnsB mutter. as a delegate from the local club. tlie ensuing year. Other matters of A delegation of Odd Fellows from Mrs. Allen read a paper at one of the importance will come before the L''ubll»h<!(l every Tliur»(l«r liT this city expect to attend a party giv­ sessions. Camp, Every Woodman is urged to A. L. ROSE en by the order at Holt this evening, Phil McKernan W, R. C, No. 131, on be present. Tuesday afternoon elected the follow­ TKKMS. Albert Whitney was called to Lin­ AUCTION SALK. One Ycnr, |1.00; lix moiitha, 60 cenia; den Saturday to attend the funeral of ing odicers for the ensuing year: tkree President, Emelio A. Barnaby; senior o you want moiitlia. 3S ceiita. his sister. He has buried two In less Having decided to quit farming tliun a week, vice president, Eliza Jewett; junior vice president, Alice Chapman; treas­ Harnien Womple & Son will sell their ADVBKTISING KATES. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Burke have pur­ P Our iidvertlHliig ratca made known nt office. urer, Eva Haskell; chaplain, Mary personal property at auction at the HuBincHS cardB $1 ii line per your, chased a farm near Clare and have Stiiliuiui; conductor, Cora Linden; farm, 2i^ miles east of Dansvllle, on riuHlncsH locnlB five ccnta per lino ench and moved their goods from Mason to guard, Ella Dean; delegate to depart­ Wednesday, Dec. 15, commencing at every Insertion. their new home. 9 o'clock a, m. Lunch at noon. C. MiirrliiKo, birth nnd deiith notices free. ment convention at Bay City in June, Itebiilutlona of respect, cnrd of tlmnka, etc, Rev. Mr. Brown of Owosso will Eva Haskell; alternate, Carrie Morse. W. Clark, auctioneer. See full advt five centa n line. speak at the Baptist church next Sun­ The appointive oflicers will be named on page G. day morning in the interest of the later Business Cards. anti-saloon ieagiio. HOUSE FOR SALE or rent. In­ The monthly report of State Fire quire of B. Sitts, Maple street, west. Several stores were entered Satur­ ATTORNEYS Marshal John T, Winship, just issued day niglit at Stockbridge by burglars, tor October shows that flros, bon- FOR SALE—20 tons of hay, ?10 a but reports lo tlie sheriff's ofllce state tires, explosions and the careless use ton at the barn, 200 shocks of corn in L. K. McAKTIIUK, Attorney nt Law, Mason, that not much plunder was taken. MlclilKan. of gasoline and kerosene caused ten the Held, 40 acres of bean fodder. C. Bruce Ball has accepted a position deaths in Michigan, while nineteen C. Rolfe. A. A. nERCMAN, Attorney and Counselor persons were seriously burned or in­ nt Law, Mnflon, MicliiKan. in McDonald's furniture store, and lilmseU and wife will become resi­ jured. The careless use of gasoline FOR SALE—Good Galloway robe, E. S. AVEIIV, Attorney nt Law, Uoom 494-5-0, dents of Mason again. We are pleas^ was responsible for tour deaths and lined. H. J. Wardeld. Hollistcr Blk., LnnainK. Micliigan. cd to receive them. six injuries. Of the dead and injur­ ed nine were women, and five were FOR RENT—Sunnyside farm of KELLEV & KELLEY, LawyerB. 500-2 Onk- This is doll week at the Bazaar children under fourteen years of age. 150 acres. Good chance for the right Innd Ilulldinic, LnnsinK. MichlKan. .19-13 store, ^ Come in and see them. Dolls From January 1st to October 31st man. References required. L. H. from Ic to lf5. Doll cabs, beds, 100' persons have lost their lives and Ives, CIt. phone. DR. .lOS. S. HAWLEY cradles, furniture, jewelry, toilet and 165 have been seriously burned or In­ nursing setc. Mason Ba/.aar, * DENTIST jured In this state from the above FOR SALE — Portland cutter, lexi Christmas? .Successor to Dr. Spnulding and Dr. Ltnaley. The Mathlas Spang farm of 70 causes, according to the report. • single harness and covered carriage, Lawrence Block. acres on section 3, Alaledon township, $25. Chas. Price, Cit. phone 11 IL PUT ONLY SCENTS IN OUR BANK will be sold at administrator's sale on 3S. 49-2-p IF your money doea not net you five per cent; FARMERS' CLU«. see II. C. FKEELAND. Saturday, Dec. 11, at one o'clock, at AND INCREASE IT 5 CENTS EACH WEEK; the premises, H. R. Taylor, adminis­ The Farmers', club will meet with FOR RENT—Barn, cement floor, PHYSICIANS trator. ""2 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lett of Delhi Sat­ box stalls. Inquire of Wra. H. Gra­ YOU'LL HAVE$63gfe NEXT XMAS ham, county clerk. 46-tf According to word received from urday, Dec.
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