Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-71989-6 - An Introduction to the New Testament Manuscripts and their Texts D. C. Parker Index More information Index of manuscripts This index generally excludes manuscripts enumerated in lists and those cited in support of readings. 1 Of Greek manuscripts by Gregory–Aland P4 see P64 04 (Codex Ephraemi Rescriptus) 71, 73À4, P12 19 146, 195, 228, 229, 235, 240, 242, 257, 263, P13 19, 257 287, 288, 290, 292, 294, 307, 319, 339 P18 19, 240 05 (Codex Bezae) 36, 37, 70, 136À7, 144, 146, P20 301 157, 164, 195, 201À2, 286À7, 288À9, 290, P22 19 291À2, 293À4, 295, 296, 326, 338À9, 340, P23 301 346 P24 240 06 (Codex Claromontanus) 37, 256, 259À60, P38 288, 293À4, 296 265, 272, 281 1 P45 287À8, 312, 320, 325 06 abs 260, 265 2 P46 250, 252À4, 257, 263, 272, 281 06 abs 260, 265 P47 231, 234, 235, 240, 242 07 26 P52 324 08 (Codex Laudianus) 70, 285, 287, 289À90, P64 (þP4,P67) 34, 313, 317 291 P66 21À3, 23, 24À5, 71, 141À2, 153, 163, 313, 010 (Codex Sangermanensis) 260, 265, 281 320, 321, 324, 325, 344 012 (Codex Augiensis) 260, 265, 272, 281 P72 42, 286, 301À2 014 285 P74 24, 288, 294, 307 015 (Codex Coislianus) 258, 270 P75 44, 153, 313, 320À3, 324À5 016 259 P98 234 018 285 P99 41 020 285 P100 301, 307 022 43À4, 146, 194 P115 232, 234À5, 240, 242 025 235, 239, 240, 285, 307 01 (Codex Sinaiticus) 4, 23À5, 36, 37, 38, 42, 028 146 48, 71À2, 74, 104, 129, 144, 146, 155, 163, 032 146, 163, 201À2, 317, 341 197, 201À2, 218, 229, 235, 240, 242, 254À5, 037 146 256, 257, 263, 267, 269, 286, 287, 288, 290, 038 144, 201À2 292, 294, 295, 301, 307, 319, 321, 325 040 316, 330 02 (Codex Alexandrinus) 36, 71, 72, 74, 81, 045 146, 192, 338À9 163, 195, 201À2, 228, 229, 235, 240, 242, 046 235 257, 263, 267, 287, 288, 290, 292, 294, 048 263, 285 303, 316, 319 049 285 03 (Codex Vaticanus) 4, 36, 71, 72À3, 74, 054 146 195, 201À2, 234, 254À5, 256, 257, 263, 267, 057 146 269, 281, 286À7, 288, 289, 290, 292, 294, 070 68, 323 295, 301, 303, 307, 316, 319, 321À3, 324À5, 091 146 338À9 0109 53, 146 355 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-71989-6 - An Introduction to the New Testament Manuscripts and their Texts D. C. Parker Index More information 356 Index of manuscripts 0121 262À3 892 319 0144À0147 43 911 241 0152 40, 126; see also talismans 915 275 0153 40, 126; see also ostraca 945 290 0154À0159 43 956 83 0163 240 963 83 0166 285 973 39, 40 0169 240 1006 241 0171 23 1086 83 0189 290 1140 77 0207 240 1175 290, 307 0209 285 1243 307 0212 19, 331À2 1424 78 0220 259 1505 306 0230 261, 265 1506 263 0243 262À3, 277À8 1582 54, 137À40, 157, 192, 318À19, 323, 325 0250 194 1611 241, 306 0290 29 1629 83 1 137À40, 157, 319, 323, 325 1668 78 6 262À3 1739 54, 81, 261À3, 272, 277À8, 281, 286, 287, 33 78 290, 307, 318 35 188, 200, 306 1802 41 57 48 1807 43 64 22 1808 43 81 288, 290, 306À7 1819 330 88 275À6 1820 330 104 241 1841 241 180 77 1852 263, 307 181 269 1854 241 205 78, 138À40 1857 77 205abs 78, 138À40 1884 287, 290 209 78, 138À40 1891 290 218 78 1908 262À3 296 41, 83 1918 261 307 307 1957 234 424 262À3, 307 2020 230 461 27 2030 241 480 29 2039 43 525 83 2050 233, 241 565 325 2053 240, 241 574 (Four Gospels of Karahissar) 34 2062 240 582 78 2090 41 611 43 2114 239 613 43 2129 330 614 290 2138 306 617 307 2329 233, 241 628 261 2337 43 629 261 2344 241 664 78 2351 241 679 22 2377 241 681 44 2402 239 682 44 2427 44 701 44 2449 41 713 334 2450 41 724 81À7 2495 306 792 241 2735 44 849 330 2814 227À8 850 330 2857À2877 45 882 41 2879 45 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-71989-6 - An Introduction to the New Testament Manuscripts and their Texts D. C. Parker Index More information Index of manuscripts 357 2 Of all other manuscripts Lichfield, Cathedral Library, s.n. (Chad Gospels) 194 Note that bilingual manuscripts of the New London, British Library, Add. 7157 78À9, 265 Testament, of which one language is Greek, will London, British Library, Add. 14470 78À9, be found above under their Gregory–Aland 264 number. London, British Library, Add. 14448 78 14451 2 60 London, British Library, Add. (Curetonian Aberdeen, University Library, Papyrus a Syriac) 325À6 Athos, Iviron, 605 239 24142 556 239 London, British Library, Add. (Codex Athos, Panteleimon, Hubertanus) 77 Barcelona, San Cugat del Valle´s, Seminario de London, British Library, Add. 45025 (Middleton Papirologı´a de la Facultad teolo´gica, PPalau Leaves) 75À6 Rib. 182 329 37777 408 238 London, British Library, Add. (Greenwell Berlin, Stadtsbibliothek, Ms. Or. Leaf ) 75À6 Berlin, Stadtsbibliothek, Ms. Or. Oct. 1019 327 London, British Library, Cotton Nero D.iv (Lindisfarne Gospels) 3, 70 Berlin, Stadtsbibliothek Preußischer 81 5 London, British Library, Loan (Bankes Kulturbesitz Depot Breslau, (Codex Leaf ) 75À6 Rehdigeranus) 154 3518 238 2576 London, British Library, Or. Braunsberg, Lyceum Hosianum, London, British Library, Pap. 136 155 Brescia, Biblioteca civica Queriniana, s.n. London and Oslo, Schøyen Collection, 193 (Codex Brixianus) 125 304 Budapest, Hungarian National Museum, London and Oslo, Schøyen Collection, 2650 Clmae 164, 265 328À9 Cairo, Museum of Egyptian Antiquities, ` 431 136À7 88746 253 Lyons, Bibliotheque Municipale, , 154, 157 Cambridge, University Library, Add. Manchester, John Rylands University Library 1700 79, 291 1 77 Rylands Syriac Z (Crawford Apocalypse) Cava, Badia (Codex Cavensis) 78, 237À8 Dresden, Sa¨chsiche Landesbibliothek, 304 82 39 709 Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, C. inf Dublin, Chester Beatty Library, a and 135À6, 137, 154, 157 709b 332 36 125 3 327 Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, S. sup Dublin, Chester Beatty Library, Syr. Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, S.45 sup 125 Dublin, Trinity College, 52 (Book of Armagh) 1 77 237 Milan, Istituto di Papirologia, Pap. Mil. Cop. , 253, 267 Dublin, Trinity College, 58 (A. I. 6) (Book of 271 237 3 Monte Cassino, Arch. della Badia, K Kells) Monza, Biblioteca Capitolare, i-2/981 Florence, Biblioteca Laurenziana, Amiatino I 6436 75À6 237 269 271 Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Clm (Codex Amiatinus) , , , (Freising Fragments) 265 Florence, Biblioteca Laurenziana, Plut. I, Syr. Nag Hammadi, Codex 1 253 56 25À6 67 724 238 New York, Pierpont Morgan Library, G. Florence, Biblioteca Laurenziana, (Glazier Codex) 292, 293 Fulda, Landesbibliothek Bonifatianus, I (Codex New York, Pierpont Morgan Library, Ilias Fuldensis) 76, 166À7, 237, 256, 269, 271, 202 155 276 332À3 Papyrus (G. ) (Morgan Iliad) , New York, Pierpont Morgan Library, M.569 Hereford, Cathedral Library, P.I.2 (Hereford 329 194 Gospels) Oxford, Bodleian Library, Syr. d. 778 Jerusalem, Orthodox Patriarchate, St Mark Oxford, Bodleian Library, Huntington 17 329 37 264 333 78 291 31 Oxford, New College , Kassel, Landesbibliothek, MS Theol. (Codex P. Oxy. 30 17 Cassellanus) 166À7 659 18 18 XIII. Leiden, University Library, Cod. Scalig. LXIII. 4394 18 Syr. 238 219 15 76 81 P. Petra I. Le´on, Archivio Catedralicio , ` 1 127 28 Paris, Bibliotheque Nationale, Coislin. Le Puy, Tre´sor de la Cathe´drale Paris, Bibliothe`que Nationale, Gr. 14 78 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-71989-6 - An Introduction to the New Testament Manuscripts and their Texts D. C. Parker Index More information 358 Index of manuscripts 2 Paris, Bibliothe`que Nationale, Lat. 4 and 4 Stockholm, Kungliga Biblioteket, A.148 (Codex (Codex Aniciensis) 77 Gigas) 81, 236, 237, 291 Paris, Bibliothe`que Nationale, Lat. 254 (Codex Trent, Museo Nazionale (Castello del Buon Colbertinus) 81 Consiglio), s.n. (Codex Palatinus) 202, 328 Paris, Bibliothe`que Nationale, Lat. 321 236 Turin, Biblioteca Nazionale (Codex Paris, Bibliothe`que Nationale, Lat. 6400 G fol. Boniensis) 328, 341 113À30 (Fleury Palimpsest) 58, 236, 291 Turin, Biblioteca Nazionale, F.IV.1 Fasc. 10 125 Paris, Bibliothe`que Nationale, Lat. 9380 (Codex Uppsala, University Library (Codex Argenteus) Theodulphianus) 28, 77 69À70, 125 Paris, Bibliothe`que Nationale, Lat. 9427 Vatican, Bibl. Apost. Vaticana, Gr. 178 (Luxeuil Lectionary) 236 Vatican, Bibl. Apost. Vaticana, Gr. 2106 78 Paris, Bibliothe`que Nationale, Lat. 11553 (Codex Vatican, Bibl. Apost. Vaticana, Syr. 16 78 Sangermanensis) 81, 277 Venice, Biblioteca Marciana, Gr. Z.178 Paris, Bibliothe`que Nationale, Nouv. Acq. Vercelli, Archivio Capitolare Eusebiano, s.n. Lat. 1063 76 (Codex Vercellensis) 25, 194, 328 Prague, Komenske´ho Evangelicka´ Bohoslovecka´ Verona, Biblioteca Capitolare, VI (6) (Codex Fakulta, s.n. 236 Veronensis) 202, 328 Princeton, University Library, M144 (Codex Vienna, Austrian National Library, K 2658 þ Scheide) 328, 329 9723 þ 9724 238 Rome, Bibliotheca Vallicelliana, B.6 (Codex Vienna, O¨ sterreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vallicellanus) 77 K 8706 78 St. Gall, Stiftsbibliothek, 1395 327 Von Soden’s Greek Gospel manuscript Sinai, St Catherine’s Monastery, Syr. 30 (Sinaitic e800 83, 83 Syriac) 325À6 Zittau, Stadtbibliothek, A178 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-71989-6 - An Introduction to the New Testament Manuscripts and their Texts D. C. Parker Index More information Index of biblical citations SEPTUAGINT Acts 1 Samuel 2.6 300 5.11 300 8.36À8 287 4 Kingdoms 12.25 298À9 19.14 14 15.19À20 286 18.27 293À4, 298 NEW TESTAMENT 19.1À2 294 Matthew 19.3 294 3.15À16 334 19.14 294 5.22 336À7 19.29 300 5.44 149À50 21.30À1 300 6.9À13 339 Romans 9.5 338 1.7 270, 273, 281 17.26 334 1.15 270, 273, 281 19.24 309 5.12 185 26.39 339 7.25 281 27.35 339 11.6 150 Mark 13.13 129 1.41 336 14.10 271 2.9 338 14.23À16.27 270À4 2.23À8 339 15.1À13 273 12.17 339 15.14À16.23 272 16.9À20 93, 336, 341À2 16.7 277 Luke 16.21À3 249 2.25 128À9 16.22 247 3.22 152 16.24 270À4 4.17 14 16.25À793, 270À4 6.1À11 338À9 1 Corinthians 6.4 336 1.2 270, 281 17.21 110 1.16 281 22.43À4 336, 339 1.27 265 23.17 149 2.4 150 John 6.5 280 1.18 336 8.8 150 5.4 336 10.29À30 281 7.53À8.11 93, 192À3, 336, 342À3 14.34À5 275À7, 281 11.1À57 163À4 15.2 280 18.1À40 147À8, 329 15.27 278 19.24 339 16.12 298 19.29 309 16.22 247 359 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-71989-6 - An Introduction to the New Testament Manuscripts and their Texts D.
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