E~200 v4 . Environment and Social safeguard--~---~·, ~~-~. Public Disclosure Authorized Assessment Report of The Second Phase Four-lane Highway Widening prJject Route 331: Route 36 Intersection - A.Sattahip Public Disclosure Authorized February 2009 Public Disclosure Authorized By Environment Group Public Disclosure Authorized Bureau of Planning Department of Highways Table of Content Page 1 Introduction 1 2 Project DescriRtion 3 3 Environment and Social Background 7 4 Social Safeguard Screening 12 5 Impact Assessment and Mitigation Measure 16 6 The Environmental Management Plan 22 7 The Monitoring Plan 32 8 Public Involvement 39 9 Conclusion 41 ANNEX I: Resettlement Impacts Data 42 ANNEX II: Picture of the Public I,nvolvement Process 43 1. INTRODUCTION The Ministry of Transport by the Department of Highways planned to. widen the pri~ary routes linking the Bangkok Metropolitan Area to each region in order to cope with:the rapid increase of the need for transportation. The plan included a total distance of 1,891 kilom~.ters and wa~ completed in 1999. The second phase of widening for further primary routes were proposed and ~pproved in principle to enhance provincial link within the region in 1995. This plan included a tot~1 length of 4,366 kilome.ters. As shown in Figure 1, this projecf is a part of the seco~. d phase of v;'idening for further primary routes. The proposed project is to widen Route 331 from the existi1g two-lane configuration to four-lane highway. This project would take place on Route 331 a~ Route 36 Intersection, Tambon Pong, Amphoe Banglamung, Kilometer (KM) 10~+000.000 to ~Section at Tambon Phlu Ta Luang, Amphoe Sattahip KM 134+923.537. Both the beginning and the end of project are in Chonburi Province. The project objective is to enhance the eXisting networ, highways capacity, which consequently results in road safety improvement and econfmic growth srmulation. ! • Currently, DOH is seeking a World Bank loan for the implementation ~f the hi9hW~i-Widening project of route 331 from Route NO.36 Intersection (KM 109+000.000) to Amphoe S ahip (KM 134+923.537). The widening would be undertaken mostly along one sides; of the Curren route that is 25.923 kilometers of a two-lane asphaltic concrete highway. The purpose of the environment and social safeguard assessment report is to identify environment.al issues associated with the project required for a World Ban~ loan. The e~vironment and social safeguard assessment report presents key information on the project and b4ck ground data on location, including findings during field visit, identification of potential impacts aqd required mitigations, and a proposed action plan to be executed by DOH during th~ imPlement,· ion of the project. I , . 2 .....,;,- -~, F¢EtW'f,j~':~; Figure 1: The second phase four-lane highway widening project 3 2. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2.1 Type of Project According to World Bank's project classification, this project has been cat€lgorized as a Category B project since: i . I • The project activities will be carried out wit~in the existing right~of-way; I • The project would not involve resettlement and land acquisition; • The project related impacts are site specific, and the mitigatio;n can be dev~loped and implemented. i I i ' The project comprises widening and strengthening of National Highway, Rbute 331, fro~ Route 36 Intersection to Amphoe Sattahip, Chonburi Province, over a length of 25.923 kilometers. i . I • • I I • I 2.2 Need for the Project i The widening will facilitate the traffic along the existing two-lane highway; ~rOViding addi~iOnl'll road capacity to cope with the rapid increase of traffic across the region. In addition, it is antiqlpated that the hig. hway-widening project would stimulate, economic activity, growth, o~ the eastem fegion and support eastern seaboard industrial estate. i . I 2.3 Location ': I The highway widening is proposed for Route 331, beginning on Route 331, KM 109+900.000 at Route 36 Intersection, T~mbon Pong, Amphoe Banglamung, Chonburi Pr6vince. The project is in the southerly direction to the end on Route 331, KM 134+923.537, at Tambon Phlu ira I...uang, Amphoe Sattahip, Chonburi Province as shown in Figure 2: Project Locatiof I 2.4 Description of the Project I The project objective is to enhance the existing network highway capacity, which consequently .results in road safety improvement and economic growth stimulation. T~e project prpposed to widen 25.923 kilometers of roadway and bridges along Route 331, startln~ from the exjsting two­ lane configuration to four-lane highw.ay and the a~tivities would tak.ej place. from Route 36 Intersection km 109+000.000 and end at about Amphoe Sattahip km 134 ,923.537. Th~ widening of roadway and bridges within the project section was proposed to bewt"\olly within DOHs existing right-of-way (ROW). The proposed widening schemes are shown in Figure ~. I , i I I I KM. Left (m.) Right (m.) I Total (Pt.) I I 109+000.000 -134+478.000 40.00 I 40.00 I 80.0p I , 134+478.000 -1.34+898.000 30.00 I 30.00 , 60.0p 4 Figure 2: Project Location 5 Figure 3: Beginning of the project Figure 4: End of Project 6 Construct the new road on the right side with depressed median (KM 109+098 - KM 130+531) Construct the new road on the both raised median (KM 130+531 - KM 134+898) Bridge construction at KM 126+667 Figure 5: Proposed Widening Scheme ~ __~ _____________________________ "'- ___--'l_i',ltInil:!lllW!IW d< ..0W± _____\---=.-.-~ 7 3. ENVIRONMENT & SOCIAL BACKGR UND 3.1 Environment Background ..: : . The road passes through generally flat terrain with most area of eucalyptus, cassava,pineapple, and rubber plantation. The soil along the project alignment il'? sandy loam. ;The CBR val! e is about 4%. The land along the proposed highway widening is flat. No significant sedimentation problems associated with this project would be anticipated. Climatic data at Chonburi meteorological station are available for year 2007. the averge highest . temperature is 36.9 °C in March 2007. The average lowest temperature is 17.5 °C in December ~ I ",' 2002. The climate is tropical monsoonal, with a pronounced wet season from May to OCtober. The , I mean annual rainfall in this region is 1,254.3 mm. The proposed project is not within: a seismic zone. No data available on ambient noise level in the project area. However, when comparing with other 4-lane roads in adjacent areas, there is no impact of noise on communitiesiand sensitive receptors. : I • The impact of noise may be considered to be negligible. There are no data of ambient ,air quality of the areas around the projeCt:highway.'Ho}vever, the . ,~,_-' I ,- . _ . I areas are, open: and could enhance the dispersion, -- and dilution of air pollutantsI. if any.- In_ addition,' . the sensitive receptors, e.g. schools, and hospital are not immediately adjacent to the ROW. Asa I ". result, the impact on air pollution may not be significant. :' There are 15 water bodies crossed by the project highway, such as Khlpng Bang P ai, Khlong Chang Tai, Nhong Chak Ngaeo, Huai Map Khoen. and Huai Nam PHang. There are 0 data of water quality of the areas around the project highway. I I . i : The widening of the project road will be within the existing right-of-way.l1he land adjacent to the right-of-way of the project is mostly cassava and eucalyptus plantation. No~e of forest c : servation . I areas are found close to the project alignment. The project does not pa~ through the atershed . : class 1 and 2. There are some teaks within the existing ROW on the both sides at K 116+000 and KM 132+000 - 134+000, as shown in Figure 6. There are no ecological resourc fisheries, aquatic biology, wildlife, or forests. I The project alignment crosses route no~ 332 and railway. Moreover, therr are many Ifcal roads along both sides of the project. !. I . , 8 Figure 6: Teaks within DOH's ROW Figure 7: Railway Crossing at KM 129+667 As shown i(1 Figure 8, two shrines are found within ROWan the left side at KM 110+000 and 119+ 700. However. this may not be a significant impact as the widening at this location will be carried out within the ROWan the right side. Figure 8: Shrines within DOH's.ROW 9 3.2 Social Background There are large communities at Kasem Phon Intersection and Ban KM. 10 Inter".... ,,"'''' roadway. This area supports many commercial buildings and small enterprises. site visit, this area is highly developed and populated. (See Figure 9 and 10) Figure 9: Communities at Kasem Phon Intersection Figure 10: Communities at Ban KM 10 Intersection Major income generated locally is from plantation and small business {e.g.: restaurant, and market}. I : The impacts on the quality of life of the local people would be minor in nC\ture but positlive overall. During construction, labor would be sought locally, consequently providingiemployment to the local people leading to increased economic activity. There would be an i improvement in traffic management through improved traffic signaling thereby reducing the potential for traffic ~ccidents The road inventory is summarized in Figure 11. 10 Coconut Plantation Coconut Plantation Cassava Plantation Pineapple Plantation Jack-fruit & Coconut Plantation 122+000 Cassava Plantation 121+000 Cassava Plantation Cassava Plantation Cashew Nut Plantation 120+000 11,9+000 118+000 ", "."i'· ,,:", Cassava PlantatiQ~rr:i 'Casl;ew Nut' Plantatio~ ,:~, 117+000 Cassava Plantation . ' 116+000 cashew Nut Plantation ;:::( :',;:." Eucalyptus Plantation Eucalyptus Plantation Orchard 115+000 Phleapple Plantation Cassava Plantation Rubber Plantation 114+000 Pineapple Plantation Cassava Plantation Jack·fruit Plantation Eucalyptus Plantation Cassava Plantation Rubber Plantation ",E~(:aIYPtus Plantation Shrine within ROW 110+000 Pineapple Plantation Eucalyptus Plantation Cassava Plantation .
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