DOCUMENT RESUME ED 104 789 95 SO 008 287 AUTHOR ropney, Donna TITLE Czechoslovakia. Grade Six, Unit Three, 6.3. Comprehensive Social Studies Curriculum for the Inner City. INSTITUTION Youngstown Board of Education, Ohio. SPONS AGENCY Office of Education (DREW), Washington, D.C. PUB DATE Jun 11 NOTE 46p..; For related documents see ED 070 693 and SO008 272 through SO 008 300 EDRS PRICE MF-$0.76HC-$1.95 PLUS POSTAGE DESCRIPTORS *Area Studies; Elementary Education; *European History; *Foreign Relations; Grade 6; History Instruction; Instructional Materials; Learning Activities; *Social Studies Units; Totalitarianism; Urban Education; War; World Geography IDENTIFIERS *Czechoslovakia; Elementary Secondary Education Act Title III; FICSS; Focus on Inner City SocialStudies; Soviet Union of Socialist Republics ABSTRACT This sixth grade unit is one of a sequentiallearning series of the Focus on Inner City Social Studies(FICSS) project developed in accordance with the needs and problemsof an urban society. A description of the project is providedin SO 008 271. As part of the sixth grade curriculum focusing onworld power, this six week unit studies the factors involved inCzechoslovakia's political and economic destiny. Specific studentinquiry areas include Czechoslovakian history and geography, the fall ofCzechoslovakia 1938-1948, Czechoslovakia in the Communidt Camp1948-1965, the new spirit of liberalization 1965-1968, and the Russianinvasion 1968. The content of the unit includes teachingstrategies, source materials, learning objectives, specific learningactivities, and teacher and student resources. (Author/DE) p" 00"1287 DUCEDTHISU.S. DOCUMENT NATIONALEDUCATION&.EXACTLY DEPARTMENTEDUCATION INSTITUTE ASHAS WELFARE RECEIVED OF BEEN HEALTH. OF REPRO FROM GRADECZECHOSLOVAKIA SIX, UNIT THREE EDUCATIONSENTSTATEDATINGTHE PERSON OFFICIAL IT DOPOINTS POSITIONNOT OR NATIONAL ORGANIZATIONOFNECESSARILY VIEW OR POLICYINSTITUTEOR OPINIONS ORIGINREPRE OF "Comprehensive Social Studiesaccordingas developed6.3 Curriculum to the by for the Inner City" !,FocusMelvin onKentAssociate Arnoff,Inner ProjectState City Project ProfessorUniversityFICSS Social Director Studies) ShariUnitDonna EditorAuthorPopenPopney MansfieldAkronCantonParticipating School Districts andMr.Dr. SuperintendentsRobertConradHenry Kurdziel E.C. GlassOtt TheHealth, work Education,presented andor reportedWelfare. hereinHowever, Youngstownwas performedthe opinions Diocese pursuant expressed to a hereingrantMsgr.Dr. fromRicharddo Wm. not theA. necessarily VieringHughesU. S. Office reflect of Education, the position Department or policy of of the U. S. Office of Education and no official endorsementProjectJune, by No.1971 the 6090 U. S. Office of Education should be inferred. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND DISCLAIMER The work presented or herein reported was per- formed pursuant to a grant from the U.S. Office of Education through the Ohio. Department of Educa- tion, Division of Planning and Evaluation. However, the opinions or work expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the position or policy of the Ohio Department of Education, and no official endorsement by the Ohio Department of Educa- tion should be inferred. 00003 t INTRODUCTIONScope of the TO CurriculumTHE CURRICULUM of Grade OF GRADE Six SIX THEThe STATEunits ANDof gradeNATION. six naturallyGrade six, growtherefore. out of isthose concerned of grade with five WORLD which POWER. had asIntheir grade theme five POWER students IN otherEducation.Inlearned grade nations about six,In livetwothe addition, majorunitsas a resultsystemsare they geared learnedof in the whichto exerciseabouthelp are students someinvolved of ofmilitary, theinvestigate some elements large economic thedegreeof social conditionsand of political power,power. under Government,powerwhichin people their and in Theofcountries.lives powerexistence of issixth anThe of important grade extentpower pupils; isto issue factual.which it which isthe no UnitedHowis less considered.it trueStatesshould of beisthe exercisedinvolved world. inisThus, guidingmoral. pupils orThis controllingmust is consider true eventhe the inexercise moral the Specificallyuse of world thepower units for inonly the in sixth this6.1 Vietgradeway willNam sequence they progressare: toward becoming informed, oral agents. 6.56.46,36.26.6 CzechoslovakiaNaziBiafraMiddleThe MoonGermany andEast South (1968) Africa thisusedofTo theirsome, gradeand onresourcesthe level. what last priorities. unitin space may appearexploration.Thus outthe of6.7 place, Moneyunit appearsisbutit power is most andnot. appropriateoneNational must consider aspowers a concluding howinvest it isa studylargeto be forpart CZECHOSLOVAKIAIntroduction6.3 Thisand asunit a Soviet-controlleddeals with the country puppet ofstate. Czechoslovakia and its history bothas an independent nation politicalareAnupCzechoslovakia's attempttopresented the thought Sovietis tomade politicalshowinvasionand to onwhereanalyze the ofand ever people 1968, andeconomic possible study bothaffected the thedestiny. factorsactionsby cause this andinvolvedofBeginningthought. invadingeffect in withof majorcountries social the events German and and militarywhich Slovakinvasion controlled citizensevents in 1938 on ii BibliographyRESOURCES PupilRoucek,Lerner Joseph Publications S. The Czechs Co., 1967.and Slovaks(5 copies in America. $2.95 each)Minneapolis, Minnesota:201 Park McSwigon,Hall,Avenue, Lippincott,Elvajean, M. S.All New The Co.,Aboard York,Land 1966. forandNew Freedom.People(5York, copies, 10003.of New Czechoslovakia. $3.25 York:(3 each) copiesE.P. Dutton,$4.95Philadelphia: each) 1954. J.B. Czechoslovakia: "Communism and Nationalism" Color (Filmstrip) CurrentAffairs 1 Teacher Films through Social Studies School Series.Avon(3 Books copies The $7.50 Hearst each) Corp., James,Littell,959Ltd., Robert Robert.Eigth 1969 Thodes: Avenue, (1(ed.) copy NewTheThe'4.80) York,CzechoslovakCzech N.Y.Black 1969. Book. Crisis,(1 1968.copy - London:paperback Cox$1.25) and Wyman Weisskopf,Ello, Co.,Paul (1Kurt.Ph.D. copy TheCzechoslovakia's$3.95 Agony each) Czechoslovakia Blueprint '38-'68. for "Freedom".New York:Washington,J.B. Lippincott D.C. Braddick,Acropolis$3.95the May Hendersoneach) Crisis, Books, B. 1938.1968. Germany,Denver,(1 Czechoslovakia,copy Colorado: $5.95iii each)University and the Grant of Denver,Alliance 1969 in(1 copy RESOURCES (Continued) JournalistKorbel,DoubledayNew Jersey:Joseph. M. andA yearPrincetonCommunistCompany, is Eight Inc.,University,Subversion Months: 1971. of1959. Czechoslovakia(1Czechoslovakia copy(1 $1.95 copy $5.95-1968. 1938-1948.paperback, each)Garden Anchor Princeton,City: Books) iv - LIN L.0r-. csi ..1- -1' CO %.0 r- c.1 or crL cet cr) cvN .&J tn 10 C -.Y C3 7 CO C fa E > 113 E 0 0 .- >. CO C-3 tn 3-. >. o 0 0 _c 4-J _c (..) in tn .1.1 (I) 0 N S .0 C C.) U .- tn 1 0 a 0. ,.... N CO .- CO C.) .- . 4.1 to .- _le 4., - CV -.Y 4- (U .- > . CU 113 0 L. tn 44 > 4., . 0 IO 44 0 .- C 1..) til -- C - .- .-.- tA 1/) 0 < 0 . 4-i OEr00 r0 Ol .- . ._..- E > _c.L.L. _c 1.. 3.tn cm..-./., . > 4-1 0 0 0 . .- inin (..-- 0 0O0 a)Z cuc> -> . 4., c co L. N -C N Lt1 4., .... 00704-1(..)I- (..)0< s- .414., < .- Oi .1-P 0 ON 0 ....0 U .L., CL1 1 1.-1 .1 0.1-8.< >. in Cn tr) I 0 - >- 0 tn1-.(1) C C C :::C>. CO CO C.) CO CI CO ILLS re 44 01.0 cn 0) 0 07 - 0 0 -C --1" --1" %.0 113 C O. 0 'V -0 4-, CYN.- - 0 C. 0ONa)ON0ON0 '0 N- 113 > 0 t n7 U - 4-1 44 0 CO 0 .- 0 .- 0 .- Q)(1)-3'. - 4.11- . 4.1 7 01 1- 0ro4-J1-4.1 I 4.1 4-1 1 4.14.1 0 ro 0) 4., .- -0 c o 0 E .11cn 4-I op .&Ja. .&J L.I1 4-Iin .- al co o0 .- 4.1 0 cnI-I- 0 .- cr) .-E.- ..o .- 0 > 1.- .- - 4.) c .. .1.1 1-1/1 0 4-; 0 E 0E ON E ro E aN E cn 1- (I) E -)Vc/)< 44 . 44tn 14-u...c.7 E E(..)E E cn0c.13 _o croraCcO 0 0 0 00>a)0.- 0 - cc r ) - - C.) C.) C.) L.) C.) Cl) 0 CO L./ CO - - - 00008 OBJECTIVES A. KnowledgeThe1. pupilCzechoslovakia will know hasthat common borders with West Germany, Austria, Hungary, 4.3.2. Polandthe major and riverresourcesregionsthe Soviet of ofCzechoslovakia of CzechoslovakiaUnion. Czechoslovakia is arethe are Boehmia,Danube. timber, Moravia,grapes, ironand Slovakia.ore, sugar, A 6.5. CzechoslovakiaThesethetextiles, major also cattle,nationalityrepresent was coal, once the groups andpart two glass. ofmajor theCzechoslovakia areasAustro-Hungarian of the arecountry. the Empire. Czechs and Slovaks. C:C: 9.8. Czechoslovakia'snorthCzechoslovakiaboth Germanyof Austria. and is independence Russialocated have in centraloccupiedwas destroyed Europe and controlled into 1939the eastwhen Czechoslovakia. ofit Germanybecame aand German the 11.10. Poland,alliedGermanyPuppet State. nationsandinvaded Hungary of Czechoslovakia Great for someBritain of intheand 1938 landsFrance and belonging agreedclaimed to borderto the Czechoslovakia. demands areas. of Germany, 13.14.12. 'Czechoslovakia'sCzechoslovakiaafterBritain. Czechoslovakia's believed ideals division, thatof democracy under President the were Communist destroyedEduard Party Benes by Germanthey resigned had occupation. a.greater and fled to Great 15.16. ofoverPresidentpeoplesecurity Hitler. Bohemia of than HachaCzechoslovakia andever ofMoravia before.Czechoslovakia andwere placed deeply signed the impressed destiny a document byof thethe which CommunityCzech created people party. a inprotectorate the hands 18.17. protectionGermanyofGerman Prague, troopsset toand up Czechoslovakia. violatedareasan independent of theBoehmia, Munich state and Agreement ofMoravia. Slovakia by theirfor the occupation purpose of givingthe city Objectives (Continued)Democratic
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