SSustainableustainable IInfrastructurenfrastructure andand AAssetsset MManagementanagement KiyoshiKiyoshi KOBAYASHIKOBAYASHI WhatWhat isis AssetAsset Management?Management? TheThe optimaloptimal allocationallocation ofof thethe scarescare budgetbudget betweenbetween thethe newnew arrangearrange--mentment ofof infrastructureinfrastructure andand rehabilitation/maintenancerehabilitation/maintenance ofof thethe existingexisting infrastructureinfrastructure toto maximizemaximize thethe valuevalue ofof thethe stockstock ofof infrastructureinfrastructure andand toto realizerealize thethe maximummaximum outcomesoutcomes forfor thethe citizenscitizens AssetAsset managementmanagement Pavement management (highway, runway) Railway management Bridge management Facility management Tunnel management Water supply system management Port facility management Embankment management Slope management River facility/Dam facility management Forest management DamDam FacilityFacility ManagementManagement LongLong--termterm SustainableSustainable InfrastructureInfrastructure ComprehensiveComprehensive managementmanagement ofof sedimentationsedimentation systemssystems (( environmental change, ecological impacts, riverbed degradation, river morphology change, and coastal erosion ) LargeLarge--scalescale risksrisks (( socio-economic change, volatility in sedimentation, green house effects ) DamDam facilitiesfacilities basedbased onon renewalrenewal durationduration andand managementmanagement pointspoints Renewal Facilities Management Others duration points Short Mechanical Reduction of total Improvement of service Several yrs - Electrical cost of Inspection, level Several 10 yrs Architectural Maintenance, Technical Innovation Repair and Long Reservoir LongRenewal Life Renewal duration will be Several 10 yrs - (Sedimentatio Reduction of Life expanded by proper Several 100 yrs n) Cycle cost countermeasures Extra long Dam body Reduction of No Renewal will be Inspection and necessary for extra long Maintenance cost duration and present value Risk assessment of the renewal can not be Occasional Reservoir slope Inspection Respondevaluated up to certain level Land slide Immediate action during construction period Earthquake HierarchicalHierarchical assetasset managementmanagement cyclescycles Plan Do Budget allocation Plan benchmarking innovation Do R/M See strategies Plan See R/M activities See Do ProbabilisticProbabilistic analysisanalysis ofof reservoirreservoir sedimentationsedimentation 99.9 4500 4000 99 3500 (%) 3000 F /year) 2 2500 90 2000 /km 3 80 1500 70 1000 60 Specific Specific sediment yield(m 50 500 40 0 30 20 1967 1969 1971 1973 1975 1977 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 Year 10 KAWAMATA dam (Tone River) 1 0.1 Annual record of specific Non-exceeding probability sediment yield can be plotted on 0.01 110102 103 104 105 log-normal probability paper Specific sediment yield using Weibull plot. (m3/km2/year) F(xi)=i/(N+1) ExpectedExpected grossgross storagestorage capacitycapacity changechange withoutwithout sedimentationsedimentation managementmanagement All new proposal and under Existing storage construction projects included capacity 350 18 m ) Total storage ) 3 300 3 16 Total st orage capacity Wit hout new dams 14 c apac it y 250 Total Total Without new dams sediment at ion 12 200 sedimentation 100million 10 Sediment at i on r at e Sediment at ion rat e 100millionm 150y( 0.24%/ yr 8 0.42%/yr acit 100p 6 Ca 50 4 Capacity( 2 0 Year Year 0 1900 1950 2000 2050 2100 1900 1950 2000 2050 2100 JapanJapan ChubuChubu ReRegiongion ReservoirReservoir sedimentationsedimentation inin SakumaSakuma damdam J-Power (EPDC) 1956 Power generation Gravity concrete Height=155.5 m FutureFuture estimationestimation ofof reservoirreservoir sedimentationsedimentation inin SakumaSakuma damdam 320 平岡ダム 300 標高(ELm) 新豊根発電所放水口 280 201yr 260 クレスト敷高 101yr EL246.5m 240 豊川用水 取水口 220 佐久間ダム建設前の河床高 200 佐久間発電所 予備放流水位 180 取水口 常時満水位 堆砂101年後 160 堆砂201年後 建設前河床勾配の1/ 2勾配で堆砂(泰阜ダムの実績値) 140 昭和55年度最深河床高 建設前河床勾配の1/ 3.2勾配で堆砂(平岡ダムの実績値) 平岡地区護岸高 120 天竜中学校構内 平岡PS放水位 100 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 ダムからの距離(km) SedimentationSedimentation managementmanagement damsdams inin JapanJapan Classification Place Details of sediment control measures Examples in Japan Reduction of sediment production by hillside and valley works Upstream Regulation of reservoirs and sediment by erosion control dams Sabo area, Changing from sediment check dams to reservoirs and slit dams sediment control dams (slit dams) Reducing sediment Reduction of discharged sediment and river course stabilization flowing into by channel works reservoirs Regurally excavating and recycling for End of Sediment check Miwa Dam, Koshibu Dam, Nagashima Dam, aggregate or sediment supply to reservoirs dam Matsukawa Dam, Yokoyama Dam 57dams downstream river End of Asahi Dam, Miwa Dam, Koshibu Dam, Matsukawa Sediment bypass reservoirs Dam, Yokoyama Dam Sediment Sabaishigawa Dam Sediment routing sluicing Dashidaira Dam-Unazuki Dam (Coordinated sluicing ) Sediment Inside Non-gate botom outlets Masudagawa Dam management reservoirs (natural flushing) Density current Botom outlets for flood control Koshibu Dam, Futase Dam, Kigawa Dam venting Non-gate conduits with curtain wall Katagiri Dam Selective withdrawal works Yahagi Dam Drawdown Sediment flushing outlet Dashidaira Dam-Unazuki Dam (Coordinated flushing) flushing Partial flushing Inside Sediment flushing without Sediment scoring gate Senzu Dam, Yasuoka Dam reservoirs drawdown Sediment scoring pipe Ikawa Dam Excavating & Miwa Dam, Koshibu Dam, Sakuma Dam, Hiraoka Dam, Recycling for concrete aggregate Dreging Yasuoka Dam Soil improving material, Farm Land Miwa Dam, Yanase Dam filling, Banking material Sediment replacing inside reservoir Sakuma Dam Akiba Dam, Futase Dam, Miharu Dam, Nagayasuguchi Sediment supplying to downstream rivers Dam, Nagashima Dam ReservoirReservoir sedimentationsedimentation Upstream→ Coarse sediment Fine sediment ←Dam body Excavated and utilized for Kobe Airport DevelopmentDevelopment ofof efficientefficient andand environmentallyenvironmentally compatiblecompatible sedimentsediment managementmanagement techniquestechniques "Take","Take", "Transport""Transport" andand "Discharge""Discharge" - Sediment flushing/sluicing and sediment bypassing should be introduced more. - The sediment trucking and supply, and the Hydro-suction Sediment Removal System (HSRS) are needs to be improved furthermore and introduced as supplementary measures. AssetAsset managementmanagement LifeLife cyclecycle costcost (LCC)(LCC) minimizationminimization RehabilitationRehabilitation andand MaintenanceMaintenance fromfrom proactiveproactive maintenancemaintenance toto preventivepreventive maintenancemaintenance Operation,Operation, Replacement,Replacement, Expansion,Expansion, Removal,Removal, RealReal OptionOption AssetAsset managementmanagement technologytechnology 11 InspectionInspection technologytechnology InventoryInventory DatabaseDatabase ToolTool boxbox PerformancePerformance curvecurve (Markov(Markov matrix)matrix) LCCLCC evaluationevaluation (Markov(Markov decisiondecision model)model) ComputerComputer systemssystems AssetAsset managementmanagement technologytechnology 22 ProcessProcess evaluation/reengineeringevaluation/reengineering PolicyPolicy evaluationevaluation (outcome/output/input)(outcome/output/input) PPerformanceerformance--basedbased assetasset managementmanagement contractcontract CitizenCitizen participationparticipation TwoTwo--stagedstaged projectproject t 0 t1 t2 30 70 Cost 30 billion JPY 100 billion JPY 70 billion JPY Benefit three scenarios 1/3 18 billion JPY 1/3 90 billion JPY 1/ 3 0 billion JPY CostCost--benefitbenefit analysisanalysis B = (1/3) 180 + (1/3) 90 + (1/3) 0 = 90 C = 100 B - C = 90 -100 = - 10 decline Real Option Additional cost 70 billion JPY B – C = 180-70 = 110 Scenario 1 B – C = 90 – 70 = 20 Scenario 2 B – C = 0 - 70 = - 70 Scenario 3 decline (1/3) 110+ (1/3) 20 + (1/30) 0 =43.3 Real Option = 43.3- 30 = 13.3 > 0 investment LifeLife cyclecycle coursecourse decisiondecision makingmaking asas aa realreal optionoption university occupation spouse ・・・・・ ・・ integrity responsibility accountability.
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