UN Secretariat Item Scan - Barcode - Record Title Page 58 Date 30/05/2006 Time 9:39:28 AM S-0863-0004-18-00001 Expanded Number S-0863-0004-18-00001 Title items-in-Peace-keeping operations - India/Pakistan - United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP) Date Created 12/12/1962 Record Type Archival Item Container s-0863-0004: Peace-Keeping Operations Files of the Secretary-General: U Thant: India/Pakistan Print Name of Person Submit Image Signature of Person Submit 7 PO 2UO I&DIA (2) 13 tf lot 3Rss afole to of t&® OB £re=ia B* M* ©f to tea* m* ee - Registiy Miss Plata UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UN1ES INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM THROUGH: for rolitieal and Seguslty Gcaineii Affairs ^•fedJCLJSsJIS^ ^SiS^S^S^S^^a^^^'f^- 1 s lJ VJi.aafCM'Tc *Ji ? £ii-i Usm&vJH 1 •$r VL?4^-* '"'T*A _yV ^-Ol-»rr>T]*r-fyr" It^Irf" <»' .i> 1J ^J A.» P > ^i0?4WM"VT;Pf i. ili iij1 \i-jj!, W< ^ i,^-»>>vjN"' ^j tii.V.ivflj?fMrr*"1i ;iJ- ..J (J'-f"'* ^'::-Ji ;'-f»TI*— if > '-iR J '-ir.';«•>fS,J •«.«' i i . '.^.~'?vS" '-•• E .* V« ' •-•.-&. 1 letter eo:ataixe3aig his G-ciraants oa tho letter fr-oai t)is Porma^snt Eopraseatativo of Palclatasu 1 im attacMng haa'o>dt?n Gsn?ral ';irn"o33 letter for your iafossatioa® In Ma lottars Gsne^al KinsD has stated that a difficult situatio;;-! has arisen as a rosult of the estahlisfeisnt by India of o. foY^tifl^d poliee post la BfllalvOt/Taisamdi. a?sa ia feis 1961 ow "mi;;h a in,o'I-v.:-io'n was asaMsd against Xjidia^ fedia It&n sot taken any aeti-^r to rectify "fcsSGfc sS.ij'iiti't-iOi'i f GoTiO^sj. I'-Jisf^o t^teii'ol's '<iif;.3'c- th© o-siY s01iri'Aoin t-c "tlist. diffl«sult;/ lies la the S'Saffi^al of th-3 fortified poliee pos-ri^ f-=o"a th-9 1 ailiiafy absarvers soiald carry cat their noi^jal crupe^'ls^ry f\?,ncticas9 Icu might iclsh to asesiftain irsforTnally India's posjiit-.:^n ir ^hat •OB atij aotioR that sight bs considered appj"cp2ilats ir; the li^ht of 1*^ lai« . * /t f *^ UNITED NATIONS IS/HLttARY OBSERVER GROUP IN INDIA AND PAKISTAN 24 1962 Tot Brgonjr », Kiaelsr, Und»r-3«oretary I^t, aen. B.E, Ilnio Chi ®r Kill tary USBOOIP ^v-^Hsfe . In r*jily *c yowp dats<l 14 Auguat th« labour to ay ooo8n«ni« on UNITED NATIONS MILITARY OBSERVER GROUP tN JWDIA Af*jD PAKISTAN 34 August 1963 Dear Mr, Kiaelev, . •2 have read th® latter dated a? July 1^62 addressed to tiut Seoretary-Oeneral fey the PensansBt BeprtseatatiYt of Pakistan witli great oar«« In general I fl»d t&at the position aa atat©d Rspres©ntativ» i@ a ©Isar &n<i factual sa&lysis of the difficult. situation that exists in th® Salads t/fastotadi particular prolslsffi has been the aubjact cf a great of correspondence and it'@s«au) to a» -that nearly everything that ssss b® said aboxtt it has fcoea ®®id« A violation TO® av/ar-ied ag-ainat India for the satablisbasnt -of th®, fortified police po^t in B and Tarkuadi in J\m® !$«&* ^h@ Indian Ooverniaent .anci the Indiaa had failed .to take any aoti.«o (&0ntjfrsSag' tliia -delation. n pftr&gr&3& ? of the p©f@?®n'o®d letter it ©t&tes thst tfea Military OlJser*1®!? i® r»8jpoasitij® for the failure, to oo«>p0yat® with r^speot to the Coase»Fia?@ fJii® is net ti* pwstomassf jaE-s@ to iftfos^ tM@ r»aj)@otiire as^r eoasaands aiid to ^pprisa tba ais prooe'daro ha^ b®0n feijow^d i» th$ 0;iae of Hi® Pakifislsa atet@Kent tfeat « HIf ©itlj,©r party fails to h@ iau0t appKlis^ you of tlia situ® ties ^ «. ad so de scribes what 1>««js doae fey tb« ^i©f Kilitar^ Obs^rwar in tbe situation It i« thaa at tfes dis«i?®tleia of tb« Indian 4ragr has 1>e«sa ^uits adammt. IB its p&@iti©n that Keot Vtglrt"*® ««tabltsb « -fertified psiie^ poet 500 y&p&e ®t tii® 0®as®«Hi?e Mat o entering ^dthisi 5.y<ur40 of the €®©«@»Fir® Z4si« in pursuance of legitiasattt' polio® fusatiosii of isw aa4 ordarj provided they ar® stationed in that so©©* But tlxs eeastructioa of £i«w fortified tioas wMofe air® tsetioailj sdte^, ®is& mituslly supported by nUl'tary poatg ©aly s«9v«« t« iH0rta»® tensioa© ^d inoidsntB'ia area «sd in faet are rtolj&tiozjst «f tiui e©4S^»Hp9 Agr^esaaa evsry oonoeivable apia»0&oh t© this fortified pclis* Boat UNITED NATIONS Ml'lTARBSERVER GROUP IN iNPIA A?S5D,PAKISTAN witti th» Indian asd X'*%«M»' %ft«a tsass.1sX@ to obtain to aay aod^'l^' Is all to Attention wrer tB»® than »v@r tlwt in 'i@3,atot ' a&lt of boife is i&® duly mg to Tit© us® $£ is n»t 'the way "I® sr»»tw* as this ie l» •* "&JM:I D.15/W • * - ti'T' '"r '.TlVfj OF INDIA TO <~:C l.-.'-i'TED NATIONS /..:;-1' o-' Ti-i STREET ,EW VOWK 21, N. Y. December 20. dear This ie Jtst to acknowlsdgs receipt of yoisr l of December regardiag a letter from General MKIKO, Chisf UT^EX3IPr addreseefi to l^ 1 hav® T-eialiiiJftd ay Goveramaatj, and I shall 1st yon have their eoszasnts aa 'aooa a0 I r®C9i-v® thsme I regret ths delay, but it must faav* been due to the preoccupation of ay with tha ssrlowi troulQ^ on the Si no- Indian frontier. Tours s!ueer<3dy3 B.H.Ghakravariy of to United Nation His U ffcant; IMt«d Hatioas, Sew Terk. C & 11 May The Secretary-General Report to the Secretary-General by Ralph J. Eunche on Visit to the United nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan, (UNMOGIP), April, 196*1-. 1. My visit to IMMOQIP covered the period Ik to 20 April 1964. 2. The purpose of the visit was to see the operation at work for the first time, to appraise its efficiency and to explore possible means of increasing its effectiveness. General Nimmo, the Chief Military Observer of the Mission, and the Governments of India and Pakistan urged that the visit "be made at about this time. It was, in my estimation, decidedly worthwhile. In the course of ib I received full cooperation from General Nimmo and his staff and from both Governments. 3» UNMOGIP came into being as an indirect result of the Security Council resolution of 21 April 19^8, which established the United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan. This Commission, on 15 August 19^8, adopted a resolution appointing military observers who under the authority of the Commission and with the co-operation of both Commands were to supervise the observance of the cease-fire order. The same resolution submitted proposals to the Governments for a cease-fire and a truce agreement. The sole purpose of UNMOGIP is to supervise the observance of the cease-fire agreement between India and Pakistan. Preceding the United Nations Truce Supervision Operation (UNTSO) in Palestine, it is the oldest of the United Nations peace-keeping operations. Like UNTSO, it receives and investigates complaints from either side about violations of the Cease-Fire Agreement along the Cease-Fire line (CFL) and prepares findings on the basis of the investigations. The findings in each case are given to both parties. The incidents about which complaints are made usually concern firing across the Cease-Fire Line, crossing of it, and strengthening military positions. The Military Observers are unarmed. 4. UNMOGIP is not a peace-force, although at times it has been called upon to perform functions, such as patrolling, which are those of a peace- force and not of Observers. Supervision of the Kashmir CFL, incidentally, is a responsibility that would seem to be made to order for a UN peace-force, with the function of interposition, as in UNEF. The CFL is about 500 miles long, and the terrain is largely mountainous, but I believe that a UN force of moderate size with a mandate to maintain quiet along the CFL could have - 2 - even "better success than UNEF has had, if only because of a desire that I "believe to be earnest on "both sides to avoid serious trouble along the line. It is realized, of course, that at this time there is no prospect of a, move toward a UN peace force for Kashmir. If, however, the situation along the CFL should deteriorate and fighting increase, there will almost surely be suggestions that a peace force be instituted. I heard casual references to the possibility of a peace force on both sides of the Line. 5. UNMOGIP, the oldest of the UN peace-keeping operations, is also the least known to members of the United Nations; its work has been least appreciated; and it has received least attention from UN Headquarters. This is in part due to the fact that during the sixteen years in which the Kashmir issue has been before the United nations and the UN observation operation has been functioning, the preoccupation of the Security Council has been with the basic political issues and their solution, rather than with specific instances of armed clashes in violation of the Cease-Pire Line Agreement which are the concern of UNMOGIP. Indeed, UNMOG-IP is rarely mentioned in the course of the Security Council debates on the Kashmir question.
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