5449 Papers laid [ 5 APR. 1966 ] on the Table 5450 tN.C.C. IN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS principles of personal conduct. In national 713. DR. SHRIMATI PHULRENU affairs, he held firm to an uncompromising GUHA: Will the Minister of DEFENCE be faith in the unity and integrity of the country. pleased to state the number of schools and This House will remember him as a man colleges in the country which have N.C.C. who expressed himself vigorously, but training programme? without bitterness, and whose sincerity and earnestness were beyond question. Friendly THE MINISTER OF DEFENCE PRO- DUCTION IN THE MINISTRY OF and courteous, he was a gentleman to the DEFENCE (SHRI A. M. THOMAS): core. His infectious charm won him friends Information as on 31-12-65 is as follows:— wherever he went and in whatever company he moved. In his passing away, the country Schools . ... 4,802 loses a devoted and loyal fighter in the cause Colleges . ... 2,566 of freedom and national unity. I would request the Members to rise in tLARGEST RADIO TELESCOPE their seats and observe one minute's silence 723. SHRI M. C. SHAH: Will the as a mark of respect to the memory of the PRIME MINISTER be pleased to state: deceased. (a) whether it is a fact that the Tata (Hon. Members then stood in silence for Institute of Fundamental Research has one minute.) decided to instal one of the largest radio I shall ask the Secretary to convey to the telescopes in the world, at Ootacamund early members of the bereaved family the sense next year; and of grief and profound sympathy of this (b) if so, what special service will be House. rendered by this telescope? THE PRIME MINISTER AND THE MINISTER OF ATOMIC ENERGY PAPERS LAID ON THE TABLE (SHRIMATI INDIRA GANDHI): (a) Yes, APPROPRIATION ACCOUNTS (POSTS AND Sir. A large radio telescope consisting of a TELEGRAPHS), 1964-65 AND AUDIT RE- parabolic cylinder, 1700 feet long and 100 PORT (POSTS AND TELEGRAPHS), 1966 feet wide, is proposed to be set up at Oota- camund and will be commissioned by about THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE the end of 1967. Its collecting power will be MINISTRY OF LABOUR, EMPLOY- equivalent to a parabolic dish of 500 feet MENT AND REHABILITATION (SHRI diameter. SHAH NAWAZ KHAN): Sir, on behalf of (b) The radio telescope will be used Shri Sachindra Chaudhuri, I beg to lay on mainly for studies of distant radio galaxies the Table, under clause (1) of article 151 of in our universe by the method of moon the Constitution, a copy each of the occulation. following papers:— (i) Appropriation Accounts (Post and Telegraphs), 1964-65. [Placed in OBITUARY REFERENCE Library. See No. LT-5972/66.] MR. CHAIRMAN: Members would have (ii) Audit Report (Posts and Tele- heard with a sense of profound sorrow the graphs), 1966. [Placed in Library. news of the passing away of one of our See No. LT-5971/66.] colleagues, Shri Faridul Haq Ansari. Though many of us knew that he had not been keeping good health recently, his death was NOTIFICATIONS UNDER THE as unexpected as it was sudden. An early CINEMATOGRAPH ACT, 1952 fighter in the freedom movement, he became THE MINISTER OF INFORMATION prominent in the public life of the country by AND BROADCASTING (SHRI RAJ unswerving adherence to high BAHADUR): Sir, I beg to lay on the Table a copy each of the following Notifications †Transferred from (he 1st April, 1966. 5451 Reference W call for [RAJYA SABHA] hartal in West Bengal 5452 of the Ministry of Information and Broad- [ motion regarding the Annual Reports of the casting:— I University Grants Commission for the years 1963-64 and 1964-65. (i) Notification G.S.R. No. 235, dated the 25th January, 1966, publishing the Cinematograph (Censorship) Fifth Amendment Rules, 1966, REFERENCE TO CALL FOR HARTAL under sub-section (3) of section 8 of IN WEST BENGAL ON THE 6TH the Cinematograph Act, 1952. APRIL. 1966 (ii) Notification G.S.R. No. 236, dated the 25th January, 1966. SHRI CHITTA BASU (West Bengal): Sir, 1 beg to call the attention of the Minister of (Placed in Library. See No. LT-6018/66 Food and Agriculture to the imminent hartal for (i) and (ii)] and "Bengal Bandh" call which is scheduled to take place tomorrow on the issue of the THE REGISTRATION OF NEWS PAPERS demand of food, protesting against the (CENTRAL) AMENDMENT RULES, 1966 atrocities perpetrated in West Bengal during SHRI RAJ BAHAUR: Sir, I also beg, to the last few weeks, and on the demand for lay on the Table a copy of Notification removal of Shri P. C. Sen from the Chief G.S.R. No. 304, dated the 26th February, Ministership of West Bengal. Sir, the situation 1966, publishing the Registration of News- in West Bengal is very grave today. Rice is papers (Central) Amendment Rules, 1966, selling at Rs. 3 per kilogram in different under sub-section (2) of section 20-A of the places of the State. There are famine Press and Registration of Books Act, 1867. conditions in the rural parts of the State. [Placed in library. See No. LT-6017/66]. People started a movement there and the West Bengal Government perpetrated police excesses and military excesses. There is ANNUAL REPORT (1964-65) AND ACCOUNTS anger and wrath on the part of the people and OF THE BHARAT EARTHMOVERS LTD., they have given a call for hartal tomorrow. I BANGALORE AND RELATED PAPERS beg to call the attention of the Food and Agriculture Minister to make a statement here as a last minute effort and to state in this THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE House what concrete steps he proposes to MINISTRY OF COMMERCE (SHRI M. take to ease the situation in West Bengal and SHAFI QURESHI): Sir, on behalf of Shri to bring back normalcy there. (Interruption) A. M. Thomas, I beg to lay on the Table, It is a movement led by the people of West under sub-section (1) of section 619-A of Bengal on the demand of food. There has the Companies Act, 1956, a copy of the been a consistent attempt on the part of the Annual Report and Accounts of the Bharat Government and some leaders of the Central Earthmovers Limited, Bangalore, for the Government to prove that this movement thas year 1964-65, together with the Auditors' been engineered by political parties No, Sir, it Report on the Accounts. [Placed in Library. is not a movement sponsored or engineered See No. LT-5965/66.] or designed by the political parties. It is a genuine upheaval of the people on the demand of food. This I say with all the emphasis at my command. ALLOTMENT OF TIME FOR CONSI- DERATION OF MOTION RE RE- PORTS OF THE UNIVERSITY MR. CHAIRMAN: That should be GRANTS COMMISSION FOR 1963-64 enough. You have called attention. and 1964-65 SHRI CHITTA BASU: Sir, my request is MR. CHAIRMAN: I have to inform to ask the Food and Agriculture Minister to Members that under rule 172 of the Rules of make a statement here and now so that the Procedure and Conduct of Business in the call for "Bengal Bandh" may be averted even Rajya Sabha, I have allotted three hours for at this late hour. Thank you. the consideration of Government's 5453 Reference to call for [ 5 APR. 1966 ] hartal in West Bengal 5454 MR. CHAIRMAN: "Here and now" declaration with regard to increase in the is rather drastic. ration, revocation of repression and release of people, and an enquiry into police and military firing. These declarations would go SHRI BHUPESH GUPTA (West Bengal): a long way in settling the problem. Sir, I gave notice of a calling attention motion with regard to the same subject. It has been MR. CHAIRMAN: You have amply with the Home Minister for the last two weeks or so. Now, we are on the eve of a reminded me and the Government of your general strike and hartal which of course will notice. be peaceful, I know. Government, however, is trying to give provocation, and the SHRI BHUPESH GUPTA: I know, Sir, Congress Party there isolated from the people you are helpless in this matter, perhaps, but is organising what they call a resistance all the same I still implore the Government group in order to create provocation so that and the Prime Minister who has come back the West Bengal people are driven to this kind and the Home Minister who was dealing of violent activities. While they will steer with this matter to come if possible and clear of all provocation in West Bengal, I make a statement. would like to know from the Central' Government what it is doing in (his matter. MR. CHAIRMAN: Please, Mr. Bhupesh MR. CHAIRMAN: What are you driving Gupta. That will do. at ? SHRI BHUPESH GUPTA: What I am REQUEST FOR ALLOTMENT OF driving at is TIME TO DISCUSS POLICE FIRING IN BASTAR MR. CHAIRMAN: Have you sent notice? SHRI ATAL BIHARI VAJPAYEE SHRI BHUPESH GUPTA: It has been (Uttar Pradesh): Sir, we had requested you pending before you, Sir. You must have the other day to allot some time for dis- forgotten it. It is about the police excesses cussing the Bastar episode. and the way they are handling the situation. Except for the statement we got from Mr. MR. CHAIRMAN: I think that would be Subramaniam with regard to the quantity done before we dispersed. I think it will be that will be supplied to West Bengal, other tomorrow though I am not quite sure.
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