This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/us/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA. I • .fT »5 3 ,:s CARABID BEETLES OF THE WEST INDIES (INSECTS: COLEOPTERA): A SYNOPSIS OF THE GENERA AND CHECKLISTS OF TRIBES OF CARABOIDEA, AND OF THE WEST INDIAN SPECIES Terry L. Erwin and Linda L. Sims Department of Entomology Smithsonian Institution Washington, D.C. 20560 U. S. A. Quaestiones Entomologicae 20:351-466 1984 ABSTRACT The fauna of the Greater Antilles was extensively sampled and studied by P.J. Darlington, Jr., beginning with his early field trips there in 1934 and ending with his paper on tropical island carabids in 1970. The Lesser Antilles and Bahamas have had far less attention; most islands have not yet been sampled. The following tribes are recorded within the geographic area covered by the present study, which includes the Greater and Lesser Antilles, Bahamas, and most smaller islands not on the continental shelf: Carabini; Megacephalini; "Cicindelini; Enceladini; Pseudomorphini; Scaritini; "Clivinini; Ozaenini; Brachinini; 'Rhysodini; Trechini; Pogonini; "Bembidiini; Morionini; *Pterostichini; Panagaeini; Callistini; Oodini; Licinini; 'Harpalini; Ctenodactylini; Perigonini; Lachnophorini; Cyclosomini; Masoreini; Pentagonicini; Odacanthini; 'Lebiini; *Zuphiini; Galeritini. The tribes whose names are marked with an asterisk each have more than a dozen species thus far recorded from the West Indies. The tribes which occur in this area are also extensively distributed in the world, and are well represented in the Neotropical Region. In addition, a few African taxa or taxa whose ancestors came from Africa already have been discovered and possibly more will be found. Absence of arboreal Agrina, Eucheila and Inna, and the myrmecophilous Helluonini from the islands is notable. Since the fauna needs much study and new groups are likely to be discovered, a key to carabid adults of the entire Neotropical Region and adjacent areas is provided. Keys are provided to genera of all tribes known to occur on the West Indies and these genera are subsequently annotated. A complete checklist and bibliography are given which cover published accounts and some annecdotal information provided by those now engaged in revisions of the West Indian carabids. SUMMARIO La fauna de las Antillas Mayores ha sido estudiada y muestreada ampliamenta por P.J. Darlington, Jr., desde sus primeros viajes de campo en 1934 hasta su Ultima publicacibn sobre carabidos en las islas tropicales en 1970. Las Antillas Menores y las Bahamas no han sido mayormente tomadas en cuenta, por que gran parte de las islas no han sido aUn muestreadas. Las siguientes tribus estan registradas dentro del area geografica cubierta por este estudio, que incluye las Antillas Mayores y Menores, las Bahamas y la mayor parte de las pequehas islas oceanicas: Carabini; Megacephalini; *Cicindelini; Enceladini; Pseudomorphini; Scaritini; *Clivinini; Ozaenini; Brachinini; * Rhysodini; Trechini; Pogonini; 'Bembidiini; Morionini; "Pterostichini; Panagaeini; Callistini; Oodini; Licinini; "Harpalini; 352 Erwin and Sims Ctenodactylini; Perigonini; Lachnophorini; Cyclosomini; Masoreini; Pentagonicini; Odacanthini; 'Lebiini; 'Zuphiini; Galeritini. Las tribus cuyos nombres estan marcados con un asterisco tienen hasta ahora registradas mas de doce especies cada una. Las tribus que aparecen en esta area tambien estan ampliamente distribuidas en el mundo y muy bien representadas en la regidn Neotropical. Ademas, alguna taxa Africana o taxa cuyos ancestros vienen de Africa han sido ya descubiertos y posiblemente mas seran hayados en el futuro. La ausencia de Agrina, Eucheila e Inna arbbreos y de myrmecophilous Helluonini en las islas es resaltante. Ya que la fauna necesita mas estudios y que nuevos grupos probablemente seran descubiertos, se suministra una tabla dicotbmica para carabidos adultos en toda la regidn neotropical y areas adyacentes. Tambien se proporcionan otras tablas para los gineros de todas las tribus que se conocen en las Jndias Occidentales y que han sido posteriormente anotados. Se incluye ademas un listado, una bibliografta y algunas referencias anecdbticas e informes publicados que han sido proporcionados por aquellos actualmente ocupados en las revisiones de los carabidos de las Jndias Occidentales. Table of Contents Introduction 352 Classification and Tribes of Terrestrial Caraboidea 354 Key to Tribes and Some Genera of Neotropical Carabidae 357 Subfamily Carabinae 364 Subfamily Scaritinae 368 Subfamily Paussinae 373 Subfamily Psydrinae 376 Subfamily Harpalinae 381 Acknowledgements 399 Literature Cited 400 Appendix A: Checklist of the Species of the West Indies 422 Appendix B: Current Revisors of West Indian Genera 448 Index to Names of Taxa 451 INTRODUCTION The fauna of the Greater Antilles was extensively sampled and studied by Darlington (1934, 1935a and b, 1937a and b, 1939, 1941, 1947, 1953, and 1970) although many of the higher mountains remain untouched by carabid collectors. The Lesser Antilles and Bahamas have had far less attention; most islands have not yet been adequately sampled and some not even visited. The following 29 tribes are recorded within the geographic area covered by the study, which includes the Greater and Lesser Antilles, Bahamas, and most smaller islands not on the continental shelf (see Fig. 1): Carabini; Megacephalini; 'Cicindelini; Enceladini; Pseudomorphini; Scaritini; 'Clivinini; Ozaenini; Brachinini; 'Rhysodini; Trechini; Pogonini; *Bembidiini; Morionini; *Pterostichini; Panagaeini; Callistini; Oodini; Licinini; "Harpalini; Ctenodactylini; Perigonini; Lachnophorini; Cyclosomini; Masoreini; Pentagonicini; Odacanthini; 'Lebiini; *Zuphiini; Galeritini. The tribes whose names are marked with an asterisk each have more than a dozen species thus far recorded from the West Indies. The tribes which occur in this area are also extensively distributed in the world, and are well represented in the Neotropical Region. In addition, a few African lineages already have been discovered and possibly more will be found. Absence of arboreal Agrina, Eucheila and Inna, other arboreal lebiines, and the myrmecophilous Helluonini from the islands is notable. The purpose of the present paper is to provide a foundation, that is keys, up-to-date checklist, and bibliography for those engaged in generic revisions of the West Indies fauna. Carabid Beetles of the West Indies Geographic area covered by this paper and the West Indies Carabid Beetle Project; includes all the Greater and Lesser Antilles, Bahamas, and most smaller islands of the Caribbean not on the continental shelf. Quaest.Ent., 1984,20(4) 354 Erwin and Sims These combined revisions will then provide the basis for a handbook of the fauna that will be dedicated to Philip J. Darlington Jr., who in 1934, stated that someday he wished to revise the West Indian carabid fauna when enough material became available. We hope that the present literature condensation will result in enhancing existing collections of West Indian ground beetles and that these will find their way to the generic revisors listed in Appendix B. Since the fauna needs much study and new groups are likely to be discovered, a key to carabid adults of the entire Neotropical Region and adjacent areas is provided. Keys are provided to genera of all tribes known to occur on the West Indies and these genera are subsequently annotated. A complete checklist and bibliography are given which cover all published accounts and we provide some anecdotal information provided by those now engaged in revisions of the West Indian carabids. The classification of terrestrial Caraboidea provided herein is based on that given by Erwin (1984). Keys and generic annotations benefited greatly from Reichardt (1977). CLASSIFICATION AND TRIBES OF TERRESTRIAL CARABOIDEA Names in bold face are those of tribes represented in the West Indies SUPERFAMILY CARABOIDEA I. Family Trachypachidae 01. Tribe Trachypachini 02. Tribe Systolosomini II. Family Carabidae Division Nebriiformes A. Subfamily Carabinae a. Supertribe Nebriitae 01. Tribe Nebriini 02. Tribe Notiokasini 03. Tribe Opisthiini 04. Tribe Cicindisini 05. Tribe Notiophilini b. Supertribe Loriceritae 06. Tribe Loricerini c. Supertribe Carabitae 07. Tribe Carabmi 08. Tribe Ceroglossini 09. Tribe Pamborini 10. Tribe Cychrini d. Supertribe Cicindelitae 11. Tribe Collyrini 12. Tribe Megacephalini 13. Tribe Ctenostomatini 14. Tribe Mantichorini 15. Tribe Cicindelini e. Supertribe Omophronitae 16. Tribe Omophronini Carabid Beetles of the West Indies Division Loxomeriformes B. Subfamily Scaritinae f. Supertribe Migadopitae 17. Tribe Amarotypini 18. Tribe Migadopini g. Supertribe Elaphritae 19. Tribe Elaphrini h. Supertribe Promecognathitae 20. Tribe Promecognathini i. Supertribe Siagonitae 21. Tribe Enceladini 22. Tribe Siagonini j. Supertribe Hiletitae 23. Tribe Hiletini k. Supertribe Pseudomorphitae 24. Tribe Pseudomorphini 1. Supertribe Scarititae 25. Tribe Cnemacanthini 26. Tribe Scaritini 27. Tribe Clivinini C. Subfamily Paussinae m. Supertribe Metriitae 28. Tribe Metriini n. Supertribe Paussitae 29. Tribe Nototylini 30. Tribe Mystropomini 31. Tribe Ozaenini 32. Tribe Protopaussini 33. Tribe Paussini o. Supertribe Brachinitae 34. Tribe Crepidogastrini 35. Tribe Brachinini Division Melaneiformes D. Subfamily
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